Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Laura S FDK: Fan Mail - 05/21/07 07:35 PM
Psh, run in the other direction? Are you crazy? This little story made my day! I loved the letters Superman recieved. The one from that little boy was so cute and the one from "boots girl" cracked me up too. Especially since he stared for a moment before flipping it over. Guess Clark's a little more normal than he thinks, huh? goofy Thanks for posting it, it really made me smile.

Posted By: FoLC-4eva Re: FDK: Fan Mail - 05/21/07 07:38 PM
lol i agree!!!!
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Fan Mail - 05/21/07 07:47 PM
Cute he came over for coffee but where is the cake or couch? I like coffee and couch personally. Does he like whipped cream in his coffee? whipped cream could be fun. Sometimes I wish Clark would exploit her crush a little more and shock her pants off. Laura
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: Fan Mail - 05/21/07 08:20 PM
<DJ cringes as she watches everyone running in terror>
Goddd, we tried to sneak out quietly.


Anyway, doesn't this feel like the start of a little series to anyone else? laugh

Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Fan Mail - 05/21/07 08:21 PM
Ha-ha! That's cute! I'm still smiling from ear to ear. I can just see Lois asking Superman to pick out a CD for them to listen to and it turns out that it's one she knows Clark likes, too.

This really was sweet without being cloying or drowning in syrup. And Superman sharing coffee with Lois is brilliant. The only commitment is to enjoy each other's company, and the only pressure is to get the sweetener right. A wonderful, easy, gentle time for each individually and together. Brilliant idea, brilliantly executed.
Posted By: C Noetal Re: FDK: Fan Mail - 05/21/07 09:06 PM
Sometimes I wish Clark would exploit her crush a little more and shock her pants off.

Anyway, doesn't this feel like the start of a little series to anyone else?
And Ditto!

I can see this turning into a nice gentle revelation down the way as Lois realizes that Superman is a lot more normal than she thought. Quite a bit like Clark actually. In fact, they seem to have suspiciously similar tastes in coffee... wink

Thanks for the nice waffy read right before bed. It hit the spot!

C Noetal
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Fan Mail - 05/21/07 10:41 PM
Very, very nice, DJ. It reminds me of an old comic book classic, where Lois and Clark reads Superman's mail together. Well, this was a Christmas issue, and after going through sacks of mail Clark flwe away as Superman to deliver his own Super Santa presents: bringing a Christmas tree to a village somewhere where the people could not afford to get one on their own, reuniting a poor family for Christmas (well, the father worked far away and could not afford to travel home by plane or train), visiting a sick child whose only wish was to get to meet Superman etcetera.

It was a lot of fun to see you take on the same theme, more or less, even though it didn't have a Christmas twist. (Well, that hat-and-boot lady wore red, admittedly...)

He could picture getting letters from kids, telling him how they wanted to be like Superman when they grew up. It could be a nice boost after a hard day of writing about the criminal element in Metropolis... and apprehending them. And on those days, like today, when Lois was particularly insightful with her criticisms.
I love this - Clark could use a little pick-me-up on a day when Lois had been particularly insightful with her criticisms! Brilliant!

By this time, the woman had made such a fuss over him that everyone had begun to turn around in line to see what was going on. Now everyone was stepping back graciously and offering to let him go ahead of them. People were asking to shake his hand or ‘oooh, would you please sign my...’ several things were offered – everything from a boy’s cast on his arm, to a woman’s expensive Gucci purse, to... Clark did his best not to blush when a young teenage girl pulled down the neck of her t-shirt and asked him to sign her chest.
Did he sign it? Did he sign her, I mean?

Soon the woman came back carrying a small box that contained a handful of letters. “Here you go, Superman. I’m sure when word gets around that you’ll have a lot more than this.
I bet there will be more letters than just the small box!

I think my little sister Susie’s gotta crush on you.
Ah, but you can tell her that when she's grown up, she's going to have Clark in her closet.

‘P.S. – I have red boots too.’
Ah, DJ, you've been peeking at one of Sue's latest offerings - what was it called? The Cape? The Boots? Only If I Get To Wear the Boots, Too?

He bent over and retrieved the picture, staring at it one last time before flipping it over and stuffing it into the envelope it had come from.
Hmmmm. He didn't exactly get rid of it.

Something smelled really good. Clark fanned the envelope in front of his nose and realized it was the piece of mail. It smelled like perfume.

Oh, no. Some woman had sprayed the letter with her perfume.

But the smell was intoxicating. In fact, it smelled really familiar. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths of it. It surprised him a little bit when a liquid pool of heat flared inside him.

He knew this smell.

Clark opened his eyes and glanced down at the handwriting on the outside of the envelope. No... no it couldn’t be, could it? There was no return address to tell him, so he opened the envelope and pulled out the letter.

As he carefully unfolded it, confirmation of his answer stared him in the face.

It was from Lois.
Ahh, that's so sweet. I love it.

He was almost afraid to read it – like he felt guilty about reading her private thoughts to Superman. He shook his head and snorted – but he *was* Superman!
I love this, too. So typical of Clark. But he really ought to have a good long talk with Martha so she give him a proper scolding for thinking that he himself isn't Superman.

Since I am a writer for one of the most prestigious newspapers in the world I thought perhaps I could better express myself on paper. Or at least you’d think so. I’m not sure I’m doing too well so far. This letter may end up in the trash with the rest.
Like the rest? I wonder how many she wrote before this one?

Anyway, thank you. And if you ever need anything, someone just to talk to or share a cup of coffee with – I don’t even know if you like coffee – please know that you can call on me... anytime.


Lois Lane

P.S. – I think this is the one that might make it in the mail.’
Ah, so sweet. And sufficiently formal. "Yours, Lois Lane" sounds just right. And I like the P.S. too.

Clark couldn’t quit smiling and he re-read the letter again. If only Lois knew that she really was there for him every day. He drew strength from her without her even knowing it.

Suddenly Clark couldn’t wait to see her the next morning and share a cup of coffee with her. In fact, why wait? Why not see her right now?
Good idea, but should you go as Clark or Superman?

Oh, he enjoyed her adulations of Superman, but that wasn’t really what rejuvenated him and helped him to keep going. What he really loved was spending time with her as Clark - the times she would let her guard down, engage him in some playful banter, or just let him see her softer side.

But there was no way she’d feel comfortable with Clark dropping by her apartment just to shoot the breeze with her. And somehow he doubted she would be willing to come over to his apartment. Maybe she would some day, but not yet.
That's a dilemma. But I feel pretty strongly that he shouldn't go as Clark. Not today. Not when she has written a letter to Superman.

He had been so ready to escape from Lois earlier and now he didn’t want to spend one more minute away from her. It was amazing how one little piece of mail could change your attitude.
How sweet.

And then, if that hadn’t made her day horrible enough, Clark had decided he was going to be in a bad mood today. No matter what they talked about he seemed to provoke her. It was like he was spoiling for a fight.

Or maybe, in retrospect, it had just been her. After getting off the phone with Lucy, she had been in a pretty bad mood.

And there was Clark.

Chipper old Clark. Did he really have to be in such a good mood all the time?
I just love this! Clark had decided he was going to be in a bad mood today...did he really have to be in such a good mood all the time? clap

Her eyes widened and she felt a little dizzy as she recalled the letter she had written to him a few days ago. Oh my god. Had he read it?

“Um, Superman. It’s so, uh, good to see you,” she stammered. “Is that coffee?”

“Yes, Lois, it is,” he said, flashing her a smile. “Is this a bad time? You said I could call on you anytime and we could share a cup of coffee.” He held one of the cups out to her.

“Um, yeah... I mean no, it’s not a bad time. Do you like coffee?” she jabbered, accepting the cup.

He grinned and nodded. “Yes, I do.”

Wow. Who knew? Superman liked coffee. What else did he like? She realized that she knew very little about the ‘Man of Steel’ – what he liked or disliked, what food he ate, what kind of music he listened to. Well, maybe this was her chance to find out.
And like a few smart people have already pointed out, Lois is probably going to realize that Superman likes his coffee just the way Clark wants his, and he likes just the kind of music that Clark is fond of, too, and... and wouldn't it be fun if he shared Clark's taste in ties? Wonder what he'd look like in one of Clark's ties? And glasses and hairstyle? laugh

It was amazing how one little piece of mail could change your day.
Perfect last sentence, DJ.

Lovely story!

Posted By: woody Re: FDK: Fan Mail - 05/21/07 10:47 PM
Yes. This has the feeling of the beginning of a series a little like Sue's Proof Series.
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: FDK: Fan Mail - 05/21/07 11:25 PM
So cute, DJ!
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: FDK: Fan Mail - 05/22/07 12:42 AM
I think everything has been said by now. Only one piece missing: When will the next part of the Fan Mail Series be posted? *g*
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Fan Mail - 05/22/07 05:27 AM
Hello everyone!!! <whew - no tomatoes> <bg> I'm glad you all liked it. I sure had fun writing it. And I'm just blown away by all the requests for this to turn into a series. WOW! Holy cow! I mean, really... how sweet of you.

Okay, but fdk... I'm here to answer fdk...

Hi Laura S! I'm so glad you enjoyed the letters. The little boy letter turned out like it did because Sue said "write it like you were a 12 yr old - if you need help, I can apply my son's lingo to it". LOLS! I almost took her up on that. But I did my best to remember what it felt like to be a 12-yr-old... boy??? goofy We'll see...

Jen! <sigh> I know... you just can't get away from me, can you? lol And here's the first mention of "series". Hmmm, I had left it open in case I wanted to continue it, but I hadn't thought about a series. I see I'll have to think about that now. smile Thanks for the fdk!!!

Hi Terry! I'm so glad it put a smile on your face. That was the total intention. I'm glad I pulled off "sweet" without it being too syrupy and difficult to swallow. I wouldn't want to give anyone sugar shock. smile Thank you for the 'brilliants' - I'm blushing. Glad you enjoyed it.

Hi C Noetal. LOL - yes, I was thinking about those "similar" tastes in coffee too. However, this is early in season 1 - has Lois really noticed how Clark takes his coffee yet? Hmmm.... I'm glad you enjoyed the waffy read. Thanks!

Hi Ann! Oh, my, word!!!! Look at all that delicious fdk! <DJ looks at watch - eeek, I've run out of time....>

Okay, there's no way I have enough time to respond to the rest of this delightful fdk right now - gotta get ready for work... But I'll be back - I promise!!!

C-ya you all shortly to finish responses! Thanks so much everyone!!!!!!!!!!!

-- DJ
Posted By: Sue S. Re: FDK: Fan Mail - 05/22/07 07:54 AM
Sequel? /me perks up

Did someone say sequel? laugh I'm all for a sequel, but you really ought to read what she's currently working on before you divert her attention completely. It's long, it's angsty, it's WAFFy, it's... mmmm.

I absolutely adored this story. So, if you're looking for a break from your epic, I certainly wouldn't mind seeing Laura's suggestion where he caves, just once, to the temptation of using Superman to get closer to Lois. I can see it now "Fan Mail 2: Wine with Dinner". "Fan Mail 3: Desert at 2000 Feet" and, my favorite of the series, "Fan Mail 4: Spit Out Your Gum, I Have Something To Tell You".
Posted By: Mrs. McLeod Re: FDK: Fan Mail - 05/22/07 08:53 AM
ooh I'm so loving this story!!
When I read Murray Brown it just made me smile wink

ooh some letters are just so sweet, others are just to funny!! And Lois' letter was so cute, if she only knew Clark was superman...

You know ... a serie would not be a bad idea at all!! wink
Posted By: jojo_da_crow Re: FDK: Fan Mail - 05/22/07 09:57 AM
DJ! I loved this story. Very cute and I think it was a wonderful idea. ^_^ I'd also love to see a series of these. If not a sequel then I would love to see more little vignettes like this from you. smile They are just to much fun.

What's this I hear about another story? *perks up* It has angst and is waffy?? You do know my middle name is angsty-WAFF right? clap

"Fan Mail 4: Spit Out Your Gum, I Have Something To Tell You".
I'm glad i'm still sitting in my PJ's at home and not at work so I could fully laugh out loud at this with out anyone thinking I was a dork. laugh
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Fan Mail - 05/22/07 10:44 AM
Okay, I'm back now - finally. <g> On my lunch break.

Again, wow, Ann! Thanks for all that fdk! Yippee!

I love this - Clark could use a little pick-me-up on a day when Lois had been particularly insightful with her criticisms! Brilliant!
I must give that "brilliant" to Sue, that little gem was a fdk comment that she had made in her beta... I liked it so well I stole it. <g>

Did he sign it? Did he sign her, I mean?
LOL - I'll let you decide. <g>

Ah, but you can tell her that when she's grown up, she's going to have Clark in her closet.
I completely had to laugh out loud at that (and snort a little <g>)

Ah, so sweet. And sufficiently formal. "Yours, Lois Lane" sounds just right. And I like the P.S. too.
Thanks. I thought hard about how to end the letter. Lois would have wanted to say "Love" but she would have felt that was a little forward and a little needy sounding. But yet, sincerely, well that is just too business like and formal, isn't it? So "yours" was settled on. <g>

Good idea, but should you go as Clark or Superman?
You know I dithered and dithered over that. I wrote him going as Superman, and then I changed it to him going as Clark... not wanting to encourage romantic overtures as Superman... but then I sent it to Sue and told her the ending wasn't done yet and I wasn't happy with it (but I hadn't told her that I had written another ending with Superman). And Sue, being the mind reader that she is, knew what the problem was and suggested that she liked the Clark ending but it might be better as Superman. THANK YOU SUE!

Perfect last sentence, DJ.
Awww, thanks Ann!

Hi Woody! One just never knows about me... Thanks.

Hi Lisa. Awww, thank you.

Hi Mellie! Thank you! I will definitely think about it... <g>

Sue! LOL at the perking up. Awwww, I'm so happy to hear you use those adjectives about the other story. <happy sigh> Now I suppose I have to live up to them. <g>

LOLS! Laura's suggestion was tempting.... hmmm... And OMG <dying laughing> at the title suggestions for future sequels -- those are hilarious!!! Especially the spit out your gum one. Ha ha! Thanks Sue... I'm glad I did it justice.

Hi Camy! I'm glad Murray could make you smile... I must have captured him then. <g> Thanks. And I'm glad you liked the letters. Thanks for the vote of confidence on the series. smile

Hi Jojo! I'm so glad you liked it. Vignettes are very fun to write... but also very hard for me to write... My muse's name is Babbles you know... oftentimes once I get her talking, I just can't shut her up and she goes on and on and... *ahem*

LOLS! jojo_da_angsty-WAFF_crow! Hee hee.

I'm glad i'm still sitting in my PJ's at home and not at work so I could fully laugh out loud at this with out anyone thinking I was a dork. [Big Grin]
Hmph. I unfortunately wasn't at home in my PJ's... so I got to sit here and endure strange stares at my ridiculous case of the giggles. <g>

Thanks everyone! I'm so glad you all enjoyed it and there is such an overwhelming request to make it a series! I will definitely give it some thought. <g>

-- DJ
Posted By: woody Re: FDK: Fan Mail - 05/22/07 11:43 AM
You do know my middle name is angsty-WAFF right?
Does it ever get difficult introducing yourself, jojo?

Again, great story, DJ, and hilarious titles, Sue.
Posted By: lcfan4ever Re: FDK: Fan Mail - 05/22/07 01:02 PM
There's already so much feedback that I really don't know what to write more confused , so I just say: great story clap i loved it clap
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Fan Mail - 05/23/07 11:08 AM
Awwww! Thanks again Woody!

Hi lcfan4ever! Never think I would ever take any fdk for granted... even if it's something repeated. <g> But I'm so glad you enjoyed that part. laugh I did too. <g>

Thanks again everyone! My muse has been inspired and is anxious to begin posting the other story now. I think I just might post part one this afternoon. <bites fingernails nervously>


-- DJ
Posted By: jojo_da_crow Re: FDK: Fan Mail - 05/23/07 11:18 AM
I think I just might post part one this afternoon. <bites fingernails nervously>
Wooohoo! clap party
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: Fan Mail - 05/23/07 04:58 PM
DJ, this was such a light, fresh story. I loved it. I was as surprised as Clark was when he received Lois's letter... particularly since she seemed so real. She always seems to be trying so hard to impress Superman.

I would have voted for him to visit Lois as Clark, but I still enjoyed your story. thumbsup thumbsup

Posted By: Rhea Re: FDK: Fan Mail - 05/25/07 06:56 AM
I liked how sweet this was. I could believe his reception at the Post Office. It seemed so real. And the letters . . . I cracked up when I read "I have red boots too" HA! I almost feared that it was going to end up being from Lois.

Great story. I think a sequel would be in order. Maybe Lois could suggest that Clark write a letter to Superman too, you know, to try to get over his inferiority complex? wink
Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: Fan Mail - 05/25/07 07:19 AM
I can think of a sequel a couple of months along the line when the post office is shoveling letters by the ton, all addressed to Superman wink

And maybe Lois gets assigned by Perry to do a feature on the story where she accidentally finds out about certain "things" that Superman receives in the mail. Or maybe she finds some of those "items" at Clark's place ...

Yes, I think some kind of sequel is definitely in order.

Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Fan Mail - 05/27/07 07:57 AM
Ooooh! Lookie! More fdk!

Hi Elisabeth! I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was really hard for me to decide on the Clark/Superman thing, but this was really early in Season 1 and I don't think Lois would have taken kindly to Clark just showing up at her apartment to shoot the breeze. He had a better chance of spending time with her as Superman. I was also using that as a chance to explain how it got started that Superman would show up at her window from time to time to say hello and check on her. smile Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Rhea! Thanks for the fdk. I'm so glad it felt "real". I could just see Superman's reception at the post office in my head. <g> And I'm glad you liked the letters. When my muse whispered that line about the "red boots too" it completely cracked me up and I was hoping everyone else would enjoy it too. smile Thanks!

Everyone seems to want a sequel or series, so I'm definitely going to give it some serious thought. smile Next time I need a break from House of Cards, I'll know just what to write. <g>

Hah! Thanks Nan! And I loved your idea. That's too funny. Thanks for the fdk and I'll see what I can conjure up out of my hat. <g>

-- DJ
Posted By: jackiek Re: FDK: Fan Mail - 06/07/07 06:46 PM
Aww cute and totally sweet!

Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Fan Mail - 06/10/07 06:57 PM
Awww, thanks, Jackie!

-- DJ
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