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Posted By: mariadferdez. FDK:No, In Any Language-Part 18 - 02/18/07 05:43 PM

Great part! hyper
Posted By: woody Re: FDK:No, In Any Language-Part 18 - 02/18/07 05:45 PM
I don't know Maria, maybe to get some ideas of how to deal with Lois, being a guy?
Posted By: QueenOfAces Re: FDK:No, In Any Language-Part 18 - 02/18/07 06:27 PM
Poor Clark! He's so in love with Lois, and he can't do anything about it because he knows that she's not in control of her choices. It must be even harder in this universe because she's been SO tough on him throughout the entire story.

“Well, I guess you and Lois have hit the naughty stage of your relationship. Huh?”
LOL! I just LOVE Martha! Of course, if my mom said something like that to me, I'd die of embarrassment. Then again, my mom wouldn't, so I'm completely safe! Clark, however, will never live this down!

I look forward to seeing what happens when the hormone wears off!
Posted By: Sheila Re: FDK:No, In Any Language-Part 18 - 02/18/07 06:50 PM
Loved it! Clark has to keep Lois there until the pheramones wear off, after all a lot could happen to her in the dorm...or on the way to the dorm! evil
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: FDK:No, In Any Language-Part 18 - 02/18/07 08:25 PM
I think this was my favourite part. It was tied with the Martha phone call.

Selecting the least romantic ingredients in his pantry, he started the process of making chili with beans and hardtack cornbread.

As for the Martha phone call. I'd die if my Mum talked to me that way...but if I was a Mum I'd totally do that to my kid. That's awesome.
Most parents suffer through seeing their children do incredibly stupid things. Clark's parents were spared the bulk of that experience, so they never had to 'mend the fences' with him. Because of that, they can be more frank and open with him concerning personal subjects like his sex life. Or lack thereof.

This is a very interesting twist to the pheremone episode, and I wonder how much angrier this Lois is going to be when she crashes. Somehow I doubt it will be pretty, but I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that Clark's going to bear the brunt of it no matter what happens. It would be way too easy for Lois to retain her passion for him. Besides, she still has several dozen languages to go.
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK:No, In Any Language-Part 18 - 02/18/07 08:53 PM
“Clark, if you haven’t got answers to the questions I think you’re asking about—Son, I think it’s a little late now.”

Loved, LOVED the conversation with Martha!

Looking forward to more,
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK:No, In Any Language-Part 18 - 02/18/07 11:48 PM
Oh, it was so much fun. Like everybody said, the conversation with Martha was hilarious.

But I, too, wonder what will happen when Lois finally snaps out of her romantic haze. Oh, boy. Please let her come to her senses suffciently to realize that it wasn't Clark who drugged her, at least.

Gaaahh! Is there hope for this Lois yet? Let's hope.

Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK:No, In Any Language-Part 18 - 02/19/07 02:50 AM
Selecting the least romantic ingredients in his pantry, he started the process of making chili with beans and hardtack cornbread.
Yep, that’s pretty unromantic.

More soon, please, Elisabeth.
Posted By: DSDragon Re: FDK:No, In Any Language-Part 18 - 02/21/07 08:52 AM
Posted By: Mister Data Re: FDK:No, In Any Language-Part 18 - 02/24/07 08:28 PM
She had wanted to wait for her lover in this place that fully his. She could see his intellect in the way he kept things organized, his compassion in the story ideas she found neatly filed, his strength in the way he didn’t keep any sweets tucked away here or there, his…
Oh thumbsup

While he was gone, Ralph came over with a small, poofy teddy bear. “I won this for you in a challenge of strength.” He proudly presented his trophy to her. “I hope you like it, Chloe.”

“Lois,” she corrected him.

“Right. Lois.”
Nice, unintentional, knock on Smallville, even though I know you have never really watched the show.

And the scene with Martha and Clark.
rotflol jawdrop thud

Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK:No, In Any Language-Part 18 - 02/25/07 02:23 PM
Poor Clark! He's so in love with Lois, and he can't do anything about it because he knows that she's not in control of her choices. It must be even harder in this universe because she's been SO tough on him throughout the entire story.
What can I say? I'm evil. devil

Loved it! Clark has to keep Lois there until the pheramones wear off, after all a lot could happen to her in the dorm...or on the way to the dorm!
Yup. Therein lies the trouble. He's danged if she stays and danged if she goes.

As for the Martha phone call. I'd die if my Mum talked to me that way...but if I was a Mum I'd totally do that to my kid. That's awesome.
That's why I like you so much. You're as mean as I am. wink

When I was sixteen, my own mom decided to talk to me about sex. She waited until I was driving to the music shop, and then said, "So you and Mr. X seem to have a healthy sex life." All I could think was, "Mo-o-om, I'm making a left hand turn across the highway!" (I wasn't sleeping with him, btw. Saved that for the wedding night with no regrets.)

Martha's kind of like that, in the way she speaks so frankly. But I love how the character, in general, keeps an even keel and a sense of humor. So much kinder than my mom's approach.

Most parents suffer through seeing their children do incredibly stupid things. Clark's parents were spared the bulk of that experience, so they never had to 'mend the fences' with him.
I think burning down the back fence with his heat vision must have led to quite a few frank conversations. But yeah, I tend to agree with you.

Besides, she still has several dozen languages to go.
You know that's right.

Oh, boy. Please let her come to her senses suffciently to realize that it wasn't Clark who drugged her, at least.
Oh, Ann. I never thought of that. Let's just hope that she realizes he didn't drug Rahelia and Cat, as well.

Selecting the least romantic ingredients in his pantry, he started the process of making chili with beans and hardtack cornbread.

Yep, that’s pretty unromantic.
It was also pretty close to our Friday night dinner the week I was writing.

If she was concentrating any harder, this would need to be posted on the N-Fic forum...
I love that you're as innocent as you are. That's so totally far from N-Fic that Ann would never be fooled. Right, Ann?

And you're right. I forgot about Smallville's Chloe. I was looking for a name that sounded similar to Lois. There aren't that many.

Glad you all appreciated a more humorous than sensual take on PML. And happy that you enjoyed reading Clark's phone call as much as I enjoyed writing it. (I didn't write it, but I also enjoyed imagining how Martha would tell Jonathon about it when he got home.)

Posted By: DSDragon Re: FDK:No, In Any Language-Part 18 - 03/02/07 08:35 AM
I was looking for a name that sounded similar to Lois. There aren't that many.
Well, there's Eloise, but that's even more old-fashioned-sounding than Lois.
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