Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Laurach FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/27/05 10:32 PM
Wow well that is so hopeful! So why do I feel you aren't done torturing us yet? Why do I feel traditional meds won't help her? If you have 9 more parts to the story I get the feeling that it won't be as easy as this. But I am at least feeling positive right now<g> and I am looking forward to more soon. Laura
Posted By: Karen Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/27/05 10:38 PM
I have a HUGE feeling of dread here. It can't be quite that simple, can it? Though, of course, Lois does need to get better to find that bad guy and kick his rear from Metropolis to Krypton and back. But still... things are never easy.

And yeah, I know. "Simple? This isn't simple! She was sick for hours and hours, getting worse!" But there is still almost half a story left...

*goes back into nail-biting mode*

edit: I forgot! I absolutely love Lois's thoughts here. I'm so glad that she's seen the light!
Posted By: Sheila Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/27/05 10:50 PM
I let out a sigh of relief that this segment ended in "happy tears". However, I get this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I thought trouble would find Clark at the rescue...Kryptonite...or that...anyway... cat

But as previously stated:

So why do I feel you aren't done torturing us yet?
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/27/05 11:21 PM

I just caught up on the last two parts. My computer's reliablility is questionable at the moment frown

WOW, I was nervously ... mildly shaking/shivering with fear for LnC. This is freaking me so much! That is so cool. It's tearing me up inside and I'm happy there are at a somewhat good place at the moment, but I am so not letting my guard down.

I'm lovin' the angst! MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted By: SuperGEM Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/27/05 11:39 PM
Wow Wendy, this is great! clap , but I was only left with a terrible feeling of dread while reading this part. Even though this was probably the most optimistic part you've posted so far, I still am reading it all with tears in my eyes! dizzy
Posted By: Julie S Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/27/05 11:40 PM
There was no time to waste. He glanced around. There was no-one in the vicinity. He ducked behind the Jeep and changed his clothes then, winking at Lois through the window, picked up the car and flew it, with its precious passenger, to the hospital.
So Superman picked up a Jeep from the middle of the parking lot, flew it across the city, and no one noticed? <g> I keep imagining Lois's expression when he picked her up... she must've had a rush. wink

A strong arm - not the right one, though - was around her shoulders. A gentle voice - not the right one -
*Sigh* I love this. She wants Clark. It's so sweet. smile

If she wanted a special man to share her life with... she had to stop ignoring the best thing that had ever happened to her.

In that second, he’d felt as if he’d stepped into a shower of iced water. He’d thought it was all over, that Lois was going to be fine. But of course the bastard would try again!

And then he’d heard the emergency broadcast.
Omigod, something happened while he was away, didn't it? Omigod. You're... you're... heartless. /me suddenly feels that dread Karen was talking about...

And... she's out of it because someone drugged her again, didn't they? Omigod, the villain is Dr Sutton, isn't it?? Or one of his assistants? It makes such perfect sense... He saw her being loaded into the ambulance because he was there. And he poisoned her again while Clark was gone. And he has knowledge of chemistry and access to a lab. Har. Am I right? Am I? <g>

Wendy, this is fantastic, but this is torture!! I think this might be just what I needed to stop reading fics in parts forever. It's the archive for me from now on. Is this what you wanted? <g>

Julie mecry
Posted By: groobie Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/27/05 11:45 PM
It was him. Clark.

... the scales had fallen and she’d admitted it. Clark wasn’t just any other guy. He wasn’t just her friend.

And now they had time to do something about that.
How beautiful! I'm so happy that Lois has finally admitted this to herself. But like the other readers who have commented, I had a feeling of dread while reading the whole section. I'm sure that something bad is still on its way.

I hope they have time for their talk in a later part. thumbsup Susan
Posted By: minimunch3 Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/28/05 12:49 AM
All this apparent false hope! It's torture! I just caught up on the last 3 parts. I can't believe how much emotion you are able to put in so few words! I actually, physically, deep-down felt the warm and fuzzy's reading these parts. I've been on the verge of melting into a puddle of goo for the past hour or so. Everything Clark says to her brings it on.

I was also thinking that it might be someone on the inside. I was really afraid that the first nurse, Abby I think it was, was going to be a bad guy. Clark had finally left her side so that nurse had the perfect opportunity to try something. There's loads of people walking around the hospital. Clark better just keep his promise and stay put. She's safer that way.

Although I'm dreading what bad stuff is sure to come in the next 9 parts, I'm eagerly awaiting them nonetheless. This is absolutely wonderful, Wendy! thumbsup

Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/28/05 02:17 AM
That's it. There's what, 9 more parts to go? There's still a minefield of torture down the road. I can feel it. (Can't wait!)

Posted By: lovetvfan Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/28/05 04:53 AM
You truly are evil, aren't you? I just *know* all is not OK...

I read this whole part going *she's gonna break the toys again.....*

It was fantastic as usual! I love warm fuzzies!

Why do I have the feeling there is more pain to come????

MORE!!! smile notworthy
Posted By: TriciaW Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/28/05 06:54 AM

I've just read the last three parts. smile1

WOW! mecry

I too, believe you have given us false hope. spider Has Lois been drugged by someone at the hospital? Has Dr Sutton overlooked something in his diagnosis? eek

I can't wait to see what happens next. Please post more soon.

Tricia cool
Posted By: IreneD Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/28/05 07:16 AM
Ditto what everyone else has said.

Excellent installment. Even though the news is guardedly good, there was still a lot of tension in this installment. Well done!

Posted By: ChiefPam Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/28/05 08:35 AM
Yeah, what they said.

Y'know, Wendy, it's a tribute to your reputation that you write a section where everything seems to be going well (at last) and the main reaction you get is dread goofy

Yay, Dr. Sutton. Yay, Clark, realizing his priorities. It's just like in DTOSC -- when forced to make a choice between the world and Lois, Clark is going to choose Lois.

And double yay, Lois, for realizing what a great guy she's got there! Yeah, Lois, you should do something about that; I have a feeling he might be interested...

Can't wait for the next WHAM evil

Posted By: gerry Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/28/05 10:58 AM
Well, all my thoughts have been written already, so I'll just say..."Ohmygoodness. When does the other shoe drop?"

Posted By: daneel Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/28/05 11:57 AM
I'm with people before me... you like to torture us!!! wink

9 more parts to go... I wonder if it's going to be that easy... :p

Jose hyper
Posted By: lovesuper97 Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/28/05 01:12 PM
it's jawdrop and scary no more please.
i'm a sucker for happy endings
Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/28/05 01:37 PM
They had all the time in the world for other things.
Why don't I believe you, Wendy? thumbsup
Posted By: Nicole S Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/28/05 01:55 PM
I don't buy it for a second! Until the guy is behind bars and Lois is behind her desk at the Daily Planet babbling about complete nonsense to her boyfriend, ahem, Clark Kent, I am not releasing this breath I've been holding for... what, a month now?? goofy

As much as I don't buy this section that read as "all is right in the world, and the next nine parts will have just lots of kissing and sharing and the attacker will turn him/herself in and everyone can rest easy", it was nice to have a break from the angst! This was very WAFFY and I for one reallllly appreciated it!!!! laugh

It was filled with lots of good things too! Like...

It was so tempting just to dip his head and drop a kiss on her forehead. Or, better still, to brush his lips across hers. But something was making him hesitate. What if she didn’t want it? Okay, they’d kissed a couple of times today, but those had been in moments of heightened emotion. Now that she knew she wasn’t going to die after all, she’d revert to seeing him as just good old Clark.

Though, of course, with the added extra that she knew he was Superman. Oddly, though, her Superman crush seemed to have disappeared. He should feel glad about that. He really should...
It's so cute that he is forever in doubt that he is good enough for Lois Lane. I love how he acknowledges in this section that her crush on Superman seems to be gone, and she knows he's him, and swears it doesn't bother him. He is so heartbrakingly human and so completely unsure in the ways that read so clear to the rest of us (I'm sure that is also because we get Lois's POV and he, alas, does not). I love how you show that even after the kissing and all those ways that she's shown him her feelings, he still feels he comes up short as Clark Kent. It is simply not the way it is; but he doesn't know that. He's just so sweet and he clearly needs her feelings spelt out for him. There better not be a death (anyone's) without him knowing for sure her feelings! grumble

Yes! He just managed to restrain himself from saying it aloud. He grasped Lois’s hand. “Is it ricin?”
You can feel his relief in only a few short words! Nice!! thumbsup

“Ghee-what?” Lois just managed to say it first.
Yeah, my thoughts exactly!!!

As I mentioned, I wouldn’t even have thought to test for this, given that it’s far from the kind of disorder which can cause death within a 24-hour period."

Two to three weeks... So what was all that about twenty-four hours? Some sick joke?
Here is where my "all is not okay for them yet" feelings kick into high gear. This can't be the right diagnosis. Right???? I mean, the attacker said 24 hours! I don't think he/she was messing around. These symptoms are the same, yes. But this can't be the right thing if it would have taken much longer than 24 hours to kill her. I am with Clark. It's ricin isn't it? Hm... this all just feels like it was tied up so quickly, and then with a diagnosis that is so far from what they had thought?? Is it someone at the hospital????? Wendy???? Tell me frown .... pleaase???

“What?” Fear gripped him again. “Are you saying you can’t do anything?”
Clark!! whinging

Before Clark had left, the detective had actually asked him to tell Lois that he was happy she was going to live.
Henderson is so great! A big softy at heart! smile

I, too, worried about Clark leaving Lois's side, even though it was 3 kids trapped in a collapsing building. I realize the choice involved and hate that he had to make it, but I also hate to think what could have happened while he was gone. Wendy... what did happen while he was gone?? confused

As his fingers folded around hers, she stirred and blinked. The dark eyes he knew so well focused on him. “Clark? You came back...”

“Of course I came back.” A goofy smile that he just couldn’t help spread over his face. “You couldn’t keep me away if you tried.”

“Missed you...”

She still sounded as if she was having trouble concentrating. Or perhaps it was just that she wasn’t properly awake yet. That didn’t matter. The important thing was that she was going to get better.

“I missed you too.” Sudden impulse took over, and he leaned across and brushed his lips across her cheek.
Sigh smile This is so sweet. This moment followed by him watching her sleep. Her taking comfort in his presence. So long as she isn't about to flatline, this is a really WONDERFUL, well-deserved moment for those two. Yay them!!!

Okay, so I do sense dread as well, after this section. When will the next part be up?? I am not sure how long I can wait!

Wendy, this part was wonderful! Honestly! How you can go from complete emotional anguish and angst to this more mellow and happy part and still maintain that beat of the story and underlying angst is beyond me, but you do it so well! This section is so different from all the others, but it's laced with the anxiety that this whole story is based around and that is quite the feat! Some might say super! clap So well done! There are so many great moments here (Clark's musing on choices, and Lois being his world, Lois deciding to come clean to Clark as soon as she could, Clark still doubting her feelings is his sweet, uncertain way, hand holding, remembering kisses, promises of possible cures, leads on the attacker from Henderson and co.)... wow.

MORE!!!! smile


ps- thanks for the sedatives. I've been assured the nightmares will stop funnily enough around the exact time as the posting of Part 21. Hmm...
Posted By: Cristina Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/28/05 01:58 PM
Well, gotta ditto the others... This part was just awesome; I really liked Lois's introspection, and the attitude she's decided to have where Clark's concerned. I like that she's not going back to safe friendship just because the danger is over, and is instead realising that life can be short, and she has to really make the most out of each moment.

but, like I said, I feel like everyone else... Somehow, I doubt you're done torturing us... And I'm not sure Luthor's as good as it seemed earlier on, so... Dying to read what you got in store for us!!!

Posted By: minimunch3 Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/28/05 02:12 PM
Yeah! I forgot about Luthor! I wonder how he'll feel to have done so much to save her only to have her go running into another man's arms??? He's got to have some kind of reaction to that...maybe something like splat


Great part. grumble This is start of a long journey.

thumbsup At least was not Luthor's lab.

So Dr Leek and I believe that the person who did this to Ms Lane must have somehow produced an antibody to target the myelin in the nervous system - so we’re obviously looking at someone with advanced chemistry training or very good contacts with a medical or laboratory facility.”
:rolleyes: It can be hard to find someone with a lot of titles.

He picked up a hospital gown and handed it to her. “And then I’ll come back and set up the IV. We’ll need to admit you and keep you at least overnight to observe your progress. But I think you’re going to be fine.”
eek I'm in shock!

He’d also said something else. He’d warned Clark to keep a close eye on Lois, that having failed once someone as determined as that would try again.

In that second, he’d felt as if he’d stepped into a shower of iced water. He’d thought it was all over, that Lois was going to be fine. But of course the bastard would try again!
eek That guy is not going to stop.

Actually, when it came down to it, the choice was simple. There was a saying he’d heard during his travels.

To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world.

And that was it. Whatever way he looked at it, Lois was his world. And if it came down to a choice between saving the rest of the world or saving Lois... There was no choice.
Beautiful! thumbsup

Cradling her hand in both of his, Clark sat, happy just to watch her sleep. They had all the time in the world for other things.
Get back here! hyper

More ASAP, please.

MAF hyper
Posted By: shells Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/28/05 07:14 PM
Wendy -

What does it say that we get one of the most hopeful parts of the story and everyone's convinced that there's more angst on the way? I had this awful feeling while reading this that you weren't done torturing us, and clearly I wasn't the only one! You do it so well, though - please don't ever stop!

This story continues to be at the top of my list every time I check the boards - the tension and emotion that you evoke is absolutely amazing. I feel like I'm riding along with L&C on this harrowing day. Please keep the posts coming! Maybe once a day until the story's finished? Please? grovel grovel grovel

Posted By: MissyG Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/28/05 08:24 PM

Wendy's not done torturing us!! I'm waiting for the other two shoes to drop!!!

Great part, Wendy!!!

Will you prove us wrong?

Here's hoping that you do!!!!

Missy [Linked Image]
Posted By: traceylynn Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/28/05 09:35 PM
Not that I don't trust you, Wendy, cause I do. Really, I do. Absolutely. Kinda. I think. But I will admit that this worries me:
He’d also said something else. He’d warned Clark to keep a close eye on Lois, that having failed once someone as determined as that would try again.

In that second, he’d felt as if he’d stepped into a shower of iced water. He’d thought it was all over, that Lois was going to be fine. But of course the bastard would try again!
Iced water, that's a good description... cause I got the same feeling, Clark! I'm glad Lois is okay (for now), but I'm wondering what you have up your sleeve, W. But right now, I'm going to hope she gets better and that the next 10 or so posts are devoted to them declaring their love, planning a wedding, buying a white picket fence and figuring out what to name their 2.5 children. love

Great installment - can't wait for the next part!

Tracey smile
Posted By: Tank Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/28/05 10:00 PM
It's called a masking agent. Our scienticfically, and medically adept wannbe killer would know that Lois would have the best of medical help. So, in order for them NOT to find the real agent of Lois' impending demise he also administers a masking agent which gives the doctors something to grasp onto and to treat, thinking they have stumbled upon the real problem.

Of course, by the time they realize the error of their ways... it will be too late.

Alas, poor Lois, we knew her well.

Tank (who is only extrapolating from his knowledge that Wendy is indeed quite evil when it comes to fanfiction)
Posted By: Capes Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/28/05 10:44 PM
Lois was going to be okay.
Fat chance, buddy. This is only part 12 of at least 21. Can't you read?

Guillain-Barré syndrome
Let me guess, Jill strikes again? smile

Was she still going to die anyway?
Hard to say. Wendy may just pick this as her day to kill her off and shock the readers.

Putting things off sometimes meant you never got to do them at all.
Stop procrastinating and out with it!

To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world.
Always have liked that quote.

Nice part! For once I wasn't gripped by anguish throughout and left hanging desperately at the end. For this, my constitution thanks you.

I am still not sure you aren't going to kill her off just to freak me out. razz
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/28/05 10:48 PM
I'm being very impatient.

Please torture me some more!
Posted By: Wendymr Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/29/05 09:30 PM
I don't know. I give you a bit of hope. I give you what several people assured me on IRC is actually a WAFFy section... and still you're not satisfied. I mean, look at this:

I have a HUGE feeling of dread here.
was only left with a terrible feeling of dread while reading this part.
Omigod, something happened while he was away, didn't it? Omigod. You're... you're... heartless. /me suddenly feels that dread Karen was talking about...
I had a feeling of dread while reading the whole section. I'm sure that something bad is still on its way.
All this apparent false hope! It's torture!
There's still a minefield of torture down the road. I can feel it.
You truly are evil, aren't you? I just *know* all is not OK...

I read this whole part going *she's gonna break the toys again.....*
"Ohmygoodness. When does the other shoe drop?"
I don't buy it for a second!
I had this awful feeling while reading this that you weren't done torturing us, and clearly I wasn't the only one!
Not that I don't trust you, Wendy, cause I do. Really, I do. Absolutely. Kinda. I think. But I will admit that this worries me
I am still not sure you aren't going to kill her off just to freak me out.
It's called a masking agent. Our scienticfically, and medically adept wannbe killer would know that Lois would have the best of medical help. So, in order for them NOT to find the real agent of Lois' impending demise he also administers a masking agent which gives the doctors something to grasp onto and to treat, thinking they have stumbled upon the real problem.

Of course, by the time they realize the error of their ways... it will be too late.
Does nobody trust me? goofy

Thank you so much, Nicole, for commenting on one particular line:
great moments here (Clark's musing on choices, and Lois being his world
The credit for that is entirely David's. When BRing an earlier section, he mentioned the saying about 'to one person, you may be the whole world'. I'd never heard it before and I loved it. So I had to work it into a later section. David... goofy

Wendy smile
Posted By: eminMN Re: FDK 24 Hours Part 12/probably 21 - 11/29/05 09:33 PM
Completely agree with other posts. I know there is more angst coming, so I'm not breaking out the champagne quite yet. However, it is on ice. So post the next parts soon! goofy

The feeling of dread about this latest development is not all that surprising. I don't think you would let our favorite characters off that easy. Note that "easy" is a relative term.

Loved this section. The thoughts that Lois has:
If she wanted things out of life, she had to fight for them. Not dream and sigh and hope that some day they would come along. If she wanted to explore the world’s most beautiful places, she had to get off her butt and do it.

If she wanted a special man to share her life with... she had to stop ignoring the best thing that had ever happened to her. She had to take a leap of faith and grasp what - or rather, who - was right under her nose and had been all along.
That is such a great sentiment. Not only in the story, but for people in general.

Eagerly awaiting more posts.

ok so I know that this is an old story and an old thread and all but wow. Talk about a TOTAL sucker punch. This story has been totally awesome. a complete nailbiter. and I almost kicked myself once you revealed what the syndrome was. My grandfather had it. and I can say flat out that it really can manifest in less than 24 hours. I should have caught it. Good story!
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