Lois & Clark Forums
Story part is here.

Poor Lois has gone for years without coffee.
I just went back and read the whole tale so far. Looks like your muse(s) is/are as fickle as mine. ("Here's a great idea! What? You want more? Nah! Let's look at that shiny idea over there!")

I wonder how much of this you'll let Lois remember when she finally goes home. A lot? A little? None of it? Maybe it will haunt her dreams for years to come, an ethereal wisp of memory that kicks her in the Deja vu every once in a while.
Interessting how she just "bumped" into Zor-Xu and (not clarified but I suspect) he's the one who (along with his daughter's doc) requested the exhumation. I know it's only two jumps here, but my guess is that she's jumping from location where she is needed to "midwife" change to another. If she is able to convince Jordan to allow his child's exhumation and they are able to make heads and tails of the virus/bacteria/fungus/etc in a way they weren't when the hospital was formed, it might smooth over the cold war between New Krypton and Earth.

Interestingly, the idea of the virus jumping species might not be amiss. Have they been able to isolate the virus/bacteria? I don't know much else about germs, but current events feel like the perfect moment to think about those things and how normal things don't affect humans that might jump to pure Kryptonians and cause mayhem (I'm reminded of the K Virus that Mindy Church made).
Hi guys. smile

Terry, it's true. In fact, I had intended to sit down and work on OBWAT when this happened instead. >_< It's why I've resolved not to post anymore new, unfinished WIPs.

Christina, there's not much I can say without giving away spoilers, but I'm glad you're reading. smile
Hi Mary,

So great to see the drama continue hyper

“Grams! I thought I said for you to stay put!”
/cocks eyebrow/

“So,” she said once he'd pushed the call button, “are things always this exciting, here?”
Well, they *are* in Metropolis, aren’t they?

There’s certainly ‘drama’ and ‘hospital’ in this part. The only thing missing is part #12 laugh

wave Michael
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