Lois & Clark Forums
Plese Leave feedback for my first story: Gone Too Soon

I hope you enjoy it

First off, welcome to the boards and congrats on posting your first story!

What a doozy of a story it is too - in a heartbreaking, but good, way. You handled a sensitive issue well. Poor Lois and Clark. I can't imagine the kind of grief it is to lose a child. It makes me want to go and hug my (currently sound asleep) daughters right now. I love that you gave Lois and Clark a second chance to be parents. I'll admit, you had me fooled at first. I really thought you were going to go down the road of "Kryptonian and Human DNA is completely non-viable." I'm glad you didn't. As horrible as the circumstances surrounding their loss was, it was comforting (for serious lack of better wording) to see it as something Lois and Clark could work to change - to help get the law changed to hopefully prevent, or at least punish, these kinds of crimes in the future.

Thank you for sharing with us.
Originally Posted by Deadly Chakram
First off, welcome to the boards and congrats on posting your first story!

What a doozy of a story it is too - in a heartbreaking, but good, way. You handled a sensitive issue well. Poor Lois and Clark. I can't imagine the kind of grief it is to lose a child. It makes me want to go and hug my (currently sound asleep) daughters right now. I love that you gave Lois and Clark a second chance to be parents. I'll admit, you had me fooled at first. I really thought you were going to go down the road of "Kryptonian and Human DNA is completely non-viable." I'm glad you didn't. As horrible as the circumstances surrounding their loss was, it was comforting (for serious lack of better wording) to see it as something Lois and Clark could work to change - to help get the law changed to hopefully prevent, or at least punish, these kinds of crimes in the future.

Thank you for sharing with us.

Thank you for the kind words.

I actually did think about the whole Kryptonian/Human incompatibility road, but I wanted it to be something besides infertility being the cause of their loss.
Welcome to the boards! Congratulations on posting your first story. wave

Wow, what a challenging story right off the bat! You handled a difficult subject with sensitivity, and found a great way to make Lara's short life meaningful. I can just picture Lois and Clark investigating and lobbying to change the law. Writing editorials in addition to news stories highlighting the deficiency in the law and giving voice to the unborn victims.

I'm also glad you didn't have the human-Kryptonian incompatiblility issue. Clark's memories of the incident had me hooked, wondering if there were one or two deaths.

Hope to read more from you!
Welcome! wave

Fantastic story. Your debut to the boards started with a BANG!

Hopefully we will hear more from you very soon.
Thanks for the warm welcome.

I hope to start posting my first multi-part LnC story soon. But right now this story seems to want to continue to play with my mind, so it might spawn a longer fic that dives deeper into the plotline.
Decided to check this story out before reading A Dangerous Mind.

While this loss is so sad and heartbreaking, I appreciate how Lois & Clark were able to give purpose and meaning to the life of their daughter. And to learn they are now blessed with another child to love and cherish.

Good job at skillfully dealing with this very difficult topic in a way that doesn’t leave the reader despondent with such an enormous loss.

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