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Posted By: JellyS2 FDK: Unforgettable - 21/35 - 06/26/19 11:49 AM
Chapter 21 Early post this morning. I have to turn my laptop in for an undisclosed but hopefully short amount of time.

Lana’s song was very important when I wrote all scenes that Lana was in but especially in this one. If you haven’t listened to it, now would be a great time. Here it is once again: Rachmaninoff's Prelude Op 23 No 5 in G Major. Like I described before, it’s wistful and dreamlike, sad and happy at the same time. It makes me think of someone looking longingly at their lost love from a distance. I fretted over whether to write anything from her POV, but the scene didn’t work right and Clark wasn’t paying any attention to her anyway. I couldn’t handle having only this scene be her POV so I rewrote a few others from her POV as well.

And of course, songs Clark listens to: (My reason for liking Nat King Cole songs was given to Hightower (the only the we share, I promise): my grandfather was always listening to him and the rest of the rat pack.)
Paper Moon (Lois's key wink didn't work on Clark huh)
Straighten Up and Fly Right (The original first song Lois sang to Clark, it got demoted to just being on the CD)
For Sentimental Reasons
Nature Boy
Too Young
Walking My Baby Back Home
Orange Colored Sky (Another of my favorite NKC songs)
Smile (I'll tell you why I chose this song to unlock this particular memory some other time wink)
Posted By: LadyTpower Re: FDK: Unforgettable - 21/35 - 06/26/19 05:11 PM
A nice way to bring his memory back
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK: Unforgettable - 21/35 - 07/05/19 01:26 PM
“I don’t know what happened, but something did. You have to find her and put everything back to the way it was.” She shrugged, opened the door to leave and said, “And I’m not a part of it.” She turned to look over her shoulder at him. “Goodbye, Clark.”

The door closed, and his mind reeled. Not only had he ruined Lois’s life, now he’d ruined Lana’s life as well.

Poor Lana!

Honestly, I never thought of writing those two word in the context of Lois and Clark! In this story she is a very sympathetic character who truly wants the very best for Clark, but knows she is not the one for him.
Posted By: JellyS2 Re: FDK: Unforgettable - 21/35 - 07/05/19 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Morgana
Poor Lana!

Honestly, I never thought of writing those two word in the context of Lois and Clark! In this story she is a very sympathetic character who truly wants the very best for Clark, but knows she is not the one for him.
Any woman that doesn't get Clark deserves some sympathy wink.
It's kind of selfish of her, in my opinion. I see her as wanting to be first in his life and reaching the conclusion she can't be, more so than wanting what's best for him. She certainly didn't want to give him up, but this stuff with Lois, from Lana's perspective, has been going on for weeks. From the only episode she appears in, in the alt universe, I got the impression she would never settle for being second. But the fact that she's not whining and saying things like "Me, me! Look at me!" is definitely different than the way some fics portray her.
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