Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: folc4evernaday Rules of War 16/16 - 05/04/19 08:55 PM
Rules of War
Chapter 16


Clark checked his watch, seeing the minute hand tick closer and closer to eleven o’clock. After being spotted by the local police, Clark had made a quick exit, agreeing to meet up with Dianna and Flash in a few hours. He’d been given a beacon to call the duo if he needed help before their planned meeting. He was still in shock that not only one, but two other super-powered beings were here—not to take over the world or to try and destroy the city, but to help. That wasn’t something he came across very often.

He looked at his watch again, growing impatient by the second as he paced in front of the lobby doors of the Planet. He had so much he wanted to tell Lois. His last message from her had been a few hours ago, indicating she would catch up with him in front of the Planet after her meeting with Bobby. The minute hand moved past the one on his watch and he let out a frustrated growl.

It was hard to remain patient given the current climate in the world. It wasn’t just a broken traffic light or car wreck he had to worry about but an entire population that was being fed this propaganda that suddenly turned his wife into a second-class citizen. He had endured enough ridicule growing up to know what someone with that mindset was capable of. Just when he was about to make a quick exit to check the city for her he heard Ralph Simms approach with a loud cackle.

“Ha, ha!” Ralph cheered happily as he walked toward the Planet entrance with Jimmy a few paces behind. “You all told me I was crazy, but I finally got it!”

“Got what?” Clark asked as Ralph moved closer.

“Only the biggest story of the year,” Ralph boasted confidently. “Proof that the Savior Woman exists! This is gonna be bigger than Superman’s arrival – hands down. She’s hot too!”

“Uh-huh,” Jimmy patted Ralph on the shoulder. “Let’s just see how the pictures come out, Ralph.”

“I can’t wait to tell Perry!” Ralph cheered as he moved past Clark and disappeared behind the rotating glass doors.

Jimmy looked at Clark with a raised eyebrow, “So, should I accidentally spill some acetic acid on some of these, or is it okay to develop photos of Superman with this…Wonder Woman and Lightning Man?”

“Flash,” Clark corrected with a light chuckle. “He goes by Flash.”

“Flash? Like the red streak from Central City That Flash?” Jimmy inquired curiously.

“I don’t know. Maybe?” Clark shrugged his shoulders. He looked at his watch once more, checking the street behind where Jimmy was standing.

“Everything okay, CK?” Jimmy asked.

“I honestly don’t know,” Clark admitted, shaking his head. “I haven’t heard from Lois since this morning.”

“Could she have gotten pulled into that protest at City Hall?” Jimmy asked, shrugging his shoulders. “Lucy was going to the demonstration with some of her friends from school. Maybe Lois went with her?”

“No, she was following a lead from Bobby Bigmouth.” Clark said, pulling out his mobile phone for the umpteenth time to check for a missed call.

Jimmy frowned, pulling out his phone. “Hang on, I’ve got a missed call from Luce.” He put the phone on speaker after typing in the code to his voicemail.

“Jimmy, you won’t believe it. The Governor’s going to push for a review of the acting Congress. If this goes through the whole thing could be reversed. This is so….” Lucy’s voice dropped and a low mutter could be heard. Clark made out a distinct name that he was sure his friend didn’t hear.


There was only one Johnny he knew of that Lucy had come across. Johnny Corbin.

The murmur of the crowd around Lucy filled the line before the line went dead. Clark looked at Jimmy with a frown, “Where was that protest at?”

“City Hall,” Jimmy answered with a frown. “You don’t think…”

“I don’t know,” Clark said hurriedly, backing away and heading toward the alley behind the Planet. Before he could make it around the corner, he heard a cry for help that made his heart lurch in his chest.


“Help, Superman!”

In a blur of red and blue, Clark disappeared into the blue lit sky, whispering to himself, “I’m coming, Lois.”


Cisco stepped outside the laboratory at STAR Labs, turning to his friend, Barry Allen. Barry towered well over Cisco at six foot. His light brown hair moved from side to side as they walked toward the corner of the corridor where the vent to the AC unit was blowing.

“We’ve got a few more hits on the DNA samples, Bruce Wayne’s team was able to retrieve last month.” Cisco responded, burying his hands in his pocket.

“Nobody from our neck of the woods?” Barry asked curiously.

“Thankfully I believe all the metas we’ve rounded up are incompatible for this experiment what with the black matter they have in their DNA.” Cisco shrugged.

“And them being trapped in the pipeline.” Barry reminded him. “Just as long as they don’t try cloning criminals like the Thinker or Savitar.” Barry shuddered.

“Amen to that,” Cisco agreed.

“Anything new on that data we pulled from the house of clone horrors?” Barry asked.

“Dr. Klein is making some headway on those files though. He said it’s about 70 percent decrypted.”

“That’s great news,” Barry replied excitedly. “How soon until we can get the full list over to the feds?”

“Easy there, cowboy. Just because you move at lightning speed doesn’t mean everyone else does. I said we’re close, but figuring out who was in charge of the cloning experiments is still in the works. Speaking of experiments…” Cisco tapped him on the shoulder. “Nice work on that forest fire. In and out in under sixty seconds and not even a singe on the suit.”

“It helps when it’s flame-retardant.” Barry smirked as he added with a hushed whisper. “Plus, it was /i]really[/i] cool to finally meet him.”

“I still can’t believe you didn’t get at least a photo op or something,” Cisco admonished with a teasing grin. “I mean, this is definitely pretty high on the bucket list of celebs to meet.”

“Well, it’s kinda hard when you’re trying to be taken seriously as a superhero when you’re taking ”

“And has their own shelf in your comic book collection,” Cisco teased.

“It was pretty awesome,” Barry acknowledged as his face fell. “It’ll be even cooler when this looming threat is gone.”

“We sure this threat isn’t already here? I mean, look around…” Cisco motioned around him. “The whole country is in an uproar.”

“The message we got from Jay Garrick indicated this threat would be something that would be bigger than all of the world wars combined. Political games might play a part in it, but we’re not at war.” Barry said.

“How are you liking the new suit?” Cisco asked, motioning for Barry to bring his wrist to him.

Barry shrugged his shoulders, “We’re getting there.” He tapped at the screen of Barry’s watch and a micro computer screen opened up, showing three different bars. “Well, given we’re expecting a war I’ve equipped you with a way to detect the biggest threats. Nuclear energy. Radiation. Black matter.” Cisco let out a heavy breath. “Just press this button here and it’ll check the city’s radius like this and…” The first bar began beeping insistently and blinking red.

“Is it supposed to do that?” Barry asked.

“It is if there’s a nuclear weapon nearby,” Cisco said with a worried expression.

“I’ll do a check around the city,” Barry instructed, “Can you see if someone can try and get ahold of Superman?”

“How am I supposed to do that?” Cisco asked.

“I’ve heard ‘Help Superman’ works.” Barry shrugged before disappearing in a lightning bolt of red pigments.

“Always a comedian,” Cisco muttered, moving off.


Dr. Klein looked up from his computer, surprised to see a dark brunette a few feet away from him. He felt a blush fill his cheeks as he stared back at the mysterious woman. He straightened up in his seat, clearing his throat. “Y-yes, Miss can I help you?”

“You’re Dr. Bernard Klein.” the statement came out and he wasn’t sure if he was supposed to confirm or not. She paced in front of him, looking around his laboratory. “You are an ally of Superman, correct?”

“Uh, yes,” Dr. Klein said hurriedly, “but I don’t know where I am.”

“I am not here to shake you down, Dr. Klein.” She responded, pointing to the screen in front of him. “I hear you’re researching this cloning project.”

Dr. Klein eyed the woman suspiciously, “Decrypting the files, yes.”

“Time is of the essence, Dr. Klein,” she said warningly. “Your country and the world is in grave danger from this man.”

Dr. Klein blinked and the decryption program moved from seventy-five percent to one-hundred percent complete. He stared at the name on the file and felt a course of anger run through him as he recognized the name.

Dr. Gretchen Kelly.

She had been linked to the kidnapping of Metallo and later the resurrection of Lex Luthor. If she was involved then he had no doubt her boss, Lex Luthor was neck deep in this as well. He looked back at the woman in surprise, “How did you do that?”

She smiled back at him, “If I told you I’d have to harm you. I don’t want to have to do that.”

He nodded, unsure how to respond. “Lex Luthor. That’s who you’re talking about?”

“He is a dangerous man.” She whispered, looking away with a saddened expression. “I have seen many dark hearts in my time but his is the darkest I have ever seen. His greed will destroy the world unless we can stop him.”

“We?” Dr. Klein asked nervously.

“What is the most dangerous weapon man has that could fill the skies with fire?” She asked, moving closer to him.

“Any type of weapon with nuclear or atomic energy could easily cause the destruction you’re describing.” He stopped looking up at her in confusion, “That’s a very accurate description though. Who are you?”

She smiled back at him, “You can call me Dianna.” She pointed to his monitor, “Can you find where these nuclear or atomic energy weapons might be?”

Dr. Klein chuckled, “Of course I can.”


The fan in the small interrogation room rattled with each spin, creating a soft whine from above. Roger Templeton paced around the table where John Denetto was seated. In his hand he held the list of charges along with the information they’d gathered on the cases against Denetto. Roger Templeton read off the list of charges, “Let’s see, Johnny ‘Stitches’ Denetto. What do we have here?”

“I’ve already asked for my attorney,” Denetto harrumphed, ignoring the FBI agent as he circled around him..

“I’m just talking here, Johnny. You don’t have to respond,” Templeton let out a low whistle. “Murder of the mob boss’ son, huh? Boy, they must have a whole army looking for you.”

Stitches shifted uncomfortably under Templeton’s gaze, “Is that a question?”

“Just making conversation,” Templeton shrugged. “So sensitive. Does Billy know you have such a delicate side?”

“You’re going to have to do a lot more than empty threats to get me to talk!”

“Who says I need you to give me anything?” Templeton asked. “Seems to me you’re set up nice and pretty…Classic fall guy.”

“What are you muttering about?” Stitches spat irritably.

“Sorry, did I stutter?” Templeton asked. “Fall guy. You know, the one that takes the blame for everything while the big guns disappear and continue about their merry way.”

“I’m not a fall guy!” Denetto growled angrily. “People hear my name and they shudder. I’m what nightmares are made of!”

“Nightmares, huh?” Templeton chuckled to himself. “That must be why Church set you up to take the rap for the double homicide and the child smuggling ring we recently busted up. Must have given him too many nightmares.”

“Child smuggling?” Denetto sniffed, “I have my limits. I don’t hurt women and I don’t hurt kids. Anyone that tells you differently is a lying sack of bologna.”

“Is that so?” Templeton prodded, taking a seat in front of him, “Well, right now there’s a whole bunch of transactions leading to CF Incorporated and according to the Federal Reserve the owner of that account is none other than John Denetto.” Templeton laid the printouts in his hand in front of Denetto.

“I haven’t done squat!” Denetto growled out angrily. “I’m no one’s fall guy but I ain’t responsible for that dirtbag’s mess.”

“Does this mean you want to make a deal, Denetto?” Templeton asked, leaning in closer.

“You think I’m an idiot? I want immunity!”

“I want a seven-bedroom estate with a waterfront view but we can’t all have what we want, can we?” Templeton responded snidely. “Here’s how this is going to work. You tell me what you know about Church, who he’s working with and I take it to the Attorney General then maybe you don’t spend the rest of your life in the Federal prison’s solitary. You don’t tell me what you know then I throw you into prison for the double homicide and child smuggling. Let you into the general population where a lot of very big and very vicious criminals will all know you like to hurt children.”

“You backstabbing piece of…”

“Ah, ah, ah, now is that anyway to talk to someone willing to go out on a limb for you?” Templeton asked, pushing a statement form toward Denetto. He held his hands up, giving the impression of teetering a see-saw. “A or B. A or B. Tick tock.”

“Fine!” Denetto shouted, grabbing the pen from Templeton. He looked at the clock, “You might want to put a rush on getting the Attorney General down here though.”

“Why is that?” Templeton asked.

“Because your Vice President is about to nuke his cloned President and declare war on the U.N.” A chuckle escaped Denetto’s lips and he added with a sinister growl. “If I’m going down I’m taking every sorry piece of garbage with me.”


Jimmy tapped at his keyboard, not looking up as he finished typing up his account of what he had seen at the fire. It would need some polishing for sure, but it had to be better than Ralph’s take – which ignored the whole reason they’d been there to begin with. He’d have to have Clark take a look at it before handing it to Perry.

“Take a leap of faith,” he told himself. If this last year had taught him anything it was that anything is possible.

“Hey, Jimmy?” He looked up and spotted one of the new interns waving a printout in his hand.

“What’s up?” Jimmy asked.

“You got a fax,” he handed the printout to Jimmy.

Jimmy nodded, scanning the printout. It was the request from the Federal Reserve Bureau on the owner of CF Incorporated’s bank account. A smile crossed his face as he muttered, “Well, well, well, Stitches it is, huh?”

There at the bottom of the printout was the name: John Denetto.



That was the only way to describe the way Clark felt as he soared over Hobb’s Bay searching for anything that would lead him to Lois. ‘Come on, Lois, where are you?’ he thought to himself as he circled the block where he’d heard the cry for help come from once more.

Where was she?

A million thoughts raced through his mind at once as every worst-case scenario pushed their way to the forefront of his mind. There had to be something he was missing. She couldn’t just disappear into thin air. He landed on the dirt covered street just behind the pier where he’d heard the call for help come from moments ago. He scanned the area with his x-ray vision, hoping to find some clue that would lead him to Lois.

“If you would like to try your call again please…”

Clark turned, zeroing in on the machine operator’s voice and quickly scanned the alleyway until he found it. There right outside the door that had seen better days was a black mobile phone that looked like Lois’. He knelt down to grab it and hit end to stop the operator’s voice. He quickly scanned the phone and grimaced when he realized it was indeed Lois’.

He scanned the recently called list and noted the last call was to the Metropolis P.D. He was just about to hit the redial button when he heard a groan from a few feet away. He turned around and spotted a very disoriented Bobby Bigmouth sitting up with his head in his hands.


“Superman?” the snitch looked at him with a dazed expression, nursing an open wound on the side of his head.

“You’re bleeding.” Clark pointed to Bobby’s head.

“Yeah, that agent came out of nowhere and clobbered me.” Bobby said, rubbing his head. “Hey, how’d you know my name?”

“Uh….” Clark wasn’t sure how to respond to Bobby’s question and opted to focus on his first statement. “What agent? What happened?”

“Secret Service agents. Big guys. Knocked me out –or thought they did anyway.” Bobby rubbed the back of his head. “Oh, I really should have asked for a double order for all this hassle.”

“Secret Service?” Clark asked, feeling a sense of dread fill him. “Did they say anything.”

“Something about making someone pay. Wayne…no, that’s not it. Wade.” Bobby snapped his fingers. “It was definitely Wade.”

“Are you sure?” Clark asked, unsure how reliable Bobby’s account was.

“Superman, I may have taken a few hits but my sense of hearing is impeccable. It was definitely Wade.” Bobby said, rubbing the back of his head once more. “They took them.”

“Them?” Clark asked.

“Lois Lane and her sister.” Bobby shook his head. “Poor kid got mixed up in something big that’s for sure.”

“When was this?”

“I dunno,” Bobby shrugged. “I was in and out for a bit.” He tapped his head.

Clark frowned. Pushing Bobby any further wouldn’t do him any good. He had to find Governor Wade and warn him. He still couldn’t get a read on Lois, but this was the only lead he had. He turned to leave and found himself blocked by a red blur.

“I don’t have time for games,” Clark called out. “I’ve got to get to City Hall to warn the Governor.” A lightning crackled in the sky and there where the red blur had been was Dianna and the Flash.

“Oh, I gotta lay off the energy drinks.” Bobby muttered from behind Clark.

“We know, Kal-El,” Dianna spoke up, taking a step forward. “But the Governor isn’t our only obstacle.”

“The nuclear energy levels throughout the city are going haywire,” Flash advised, holding up the device on his wrist for him to read.

“The only nuclear plant in Metropolis was shutdown a year ago,” Clark’s brow furrowed, confused by the information.

“There is a threat of war, Kal-El,” Dianna insisted, crossing her arms across her chest as she stared back at him pleadingly. “Flash is correct. STAR Labs has picked up on the same energy.”

Clark’s brow furrowed as the pieces began to fit. “He’s going to declare war.”

“Who?” Flash asked.

“Luthor,” Clark shook his head in dismay, “I can’t believe I didn’t see it before. I’ve got to stop him.”

“We need to stop him,” Flash corrected, taking a step forward. “This is our fight too.”

“You’re not fighting this alone, Kal-El.” Dianna said boldly. “It’s not just Metropolis that is in danger.”

Clark sighed, looking between the duo. It appeared arguing with them was futile. “Luthor’s got Governor Wade and Lois at City Hall.”

“Then he’s probably got the controls for whatever he’s about to launch with him.” Flash reasoned. “Let’s go.”

Without a second thought the trio disappeared into a blur of red and blue, leaving a bewildered Bobby Bigmouth muttering to himself, “They’re never gonna believe this one…”


It hurt. Lois tried to move but felt like a weight was on her chest. She felt a breath of cold air enter her lungs and gasped in surprise producing a coughing frenzy from her lungs as she desperately sought to catch her breath. Her eyes fluttered open, and she gasped in surprise, seeing the dark wood-paneled walls around her. She sat up slowly, taking in her surroundings. She was in a brightly lit room – an office.

She looked to her left and saw her sister groggily coming to. To the other side of her was the President, Will Garner and his Vice President, Morgan Johnson. Across from her she saw the Governor tied to his chair with a tight cloth wrapped around his mouth, preventing him from speaking. The words ‘traitor’ were etched into the cloth with red ink.

“Wh-where?” Lois looked around, craning her neck to look up until she found herself eye-level with her kidnapper. “Lex.”

The venom dripping from her tone did nothing but amuse him as he let out a soft chuckle. “Now is that anyway to address your President?”

“You will never be President you vindictive sociopath!” President Garner shouted out.

“Oh, won’t I?” Lex pointed to the television monitor airing President Garner’s address to the United Nations.

Garner’s address began, turning to those that stood around him to thank them. “Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, honored guests, and distinguished delegates, thank you for
the honor of permitting me to speak on this anniversary for the United Nations. The world awoke after enduring the war to end all wars when we dared to believe hatred's unyielding grip had finally been broken, daring to believe the torch of peace would be protected in liberty's firm grasp.”

“He’s got the speech memorized at least,” Garner grumbled from a few feet away. “You’re a disgrace.”

“Such a shame about those horrible laws you passed, President Garner. The American people will welcome me with open arms when I save them from your dictatorship of an administration. Right after witnessing your assassination of course...I’ll of course have to save the country from nuclear war, but that’s a price I’m willing to make.”

“You’re out of your mind!” Lucy shouted. “You really think it’s that easy? People will riot in the street to overthrow you. You are a disgrace to everything this country stands for.”

“Killing your clone won’t make you President.” Lois snapped, shaking her head in disbelief. “There are people out there that believe in justice and truth and they will stop you and—”

“Or maybe not,” Lex pointed to a ring with a bright glowing red rock in the middle of it. “I believe Superman’s days of meddling in my affairs are over.”


“It stirs our soul and warms our hearts, but it also demands of us a realism that is
rock-hard, clear-eyed, steady, and sure. The differences between some of us must not be permitted to degenerate into open conflict, and I come offering for my own country a new commitment, a fresh start.”

As President Garner’s speech played in the background, Rollie Vale was hard at work ensuring the nuclear warheads had all been armed, waiting for Lex Luthor’s authorization code to take off. All four warheads had been programmed to target the General Assembly Hall at the United Nations where the clone of President Garner was speaking at. A smile spread across his face as Rollie typed in the last keystroke on the coordinates and the screen blinked back, ‘Armed.’


General Reynolds and his Commander stood outside City Hall with a large crowd of officers, assessing the hostage situation. Jimmy bobbed his head up where he could, shouting for someone, anyone to take pity on him and tell him what was going on. He’d tried to remain patient waiting to hear from Clark but when LNN had played the coverage of Governor Wade being taken hostage along with two unknown female pedestrians he couldn’t wait any longer.

“We’ve got four other hostages along with the Governor, we can’t just sit on our hands, General!”

“This is an FBI matter, not a military matter!” Jimmy scanned the crowd and saw one of the FBI agents getting in the General’s face.

“Nuclear war is a military operation, Agent Templeton!” the General shouted back.

Before either of them could react, a dark figure landed between them and Jimmy gasped out in shock, staring at the black cowl and emblem that he’d only seen in what Perry called supermarket trash. “No way!”

Jimmy quickly pulled his camera from his bag and began taking shot after shot, hoping at least one of the images would capture what was unfolding before him.


Lex pointed to a ring with a bright glowing red rock in the middle of it. “I believe Superman’s days of meddling in my affairs are over.”

“Don’t be so sure of that, Luthor!” a booming voice came from the now opened doors to the Governor’s office.

Lois turned her head, surprised to see her husband standing in the doorway. “Superman, stay back!” Lois warned, “He’s got Kryptonite.”

Clark’s face tensed as Lex moved closer. Lois bit her lower-lip, unsure what to expect from this red variation. The last time he’d been exposed to it it had made him angry and blasé but Clark’s facial expression remained calm this time.

“Yes, stay back, Superman,” Lex moved closer, tauntingly moving his hand closer to closer to Clark.

Lex let out a chuckle, reaching in his pocket to set a metal box on the table. “Yes, stay back! You might get that nasty temper again!” He opened the box, revealing the red glowing meteorite inside. He set a small black handheld device that appeared to be some sort of radio and typed on it before letting out a sinister chuckle.

“Superman?” Lois called out to him, “Please, you have to fight it!”

“What’s going on?” Lucy asked as Clark stumbled backward, shaking his head as Lex taunted him with the red glowing meteorite.

“Stop it!” Lois shouted as Clark fell back, knocking the bookcase behind him down.

A growl escaped Clark’s throat and Lois saw a red glow come from his eyes, “Superman, don’t!” she yelled, desperate to get his attention.

“Kal, no!” a blur of red and blue filled the room and a woman with dark hair appeared, blocking Clark’s viewpoint of Lex. She had long black hair and a golden band across her forehead. Her clothing looked like some sort of armor. She held a golden lasso in one hand as she held her other hand out to Clark, “This is not your way, Superman.”

Behind the woman was a man in red with a lightning bolt across his chest. She stared in shock as he knelt over her husband at what looked like super-speed as lightning lit up the room.

“It’s the meteorite,” the woman pointed to Lex. “He has it on him.”

Lex was already making his way to the exit when the man in red turned to Clark and winked at him, “How about a race?”

The red glow that had been in Clark’s eyes had disappeared and in its place was the mocha brown eyes she had looked into countless times. A thousand thoughts ran through her mind as she watched Lex race to the exit. A blur of red and blue filled the room.

Lois let out a sigh of relief when she felt her binds unfasten. She looked to her left and saw Lucy’s had been as well as the other hostages. The man in red came to a stop next to the Governor’s desk next to Clark where the Governor had been untied from his binds and in his place Lex had been tied up.

The ring and meteorite were nowhere to be found as he smirked back at Clark, “They do call me the Fastest Man Alive.”

Clark held his head, shaking it as he looked at the man in red, “What happened to the Kryptonite?”

“Flash put it in the Speed Force for now.” The woman responded, looking at the man in red. She turned to Lex, “Safe from the hands of this one.”

“What are friends for?” Flash shrugged then pointed to Lex. “Now, about those nuclear warheads that went missing from the pentagon.”

Lex let out a cackle, “You idiots. You’re too late.”

“It’s headed for the UN.” Lois said, standing to her feet as she stretched her arms over her head. “He’s going to try and start a war and assassinate the President’s clone so he can take office.”

“And there’s nothing you can do about it.” Lex shot back angrily. “Each warhead is littered with Kryptonite and will sear itself into everything it touches once it blows. Let it blow and litter the world with Kryptonite or try and stop it and die. Either way, I win.”

Clark looked back at Lois, meeting her gaze for a moment before disappearing into a blur of red and blue, crashing through the glass ceiling from above. Lois let out a labored breath, unable to keep up the pretense of bravado any longer.

A loud bang filled the room and she looked up, seeing Bill Henderson surrounded by both FBI agents and military officers. She let out a raspy cry as she muttered, “He’s not here. You can put your guns away! Superman is trying to stop us from being plummeted into a nuclear war!”

“We’re not here for Superman, Lois,” Henderson said, pointing to Luthor.

The man behind him wearing an FBI vest approached, “Aww, I love it when he giftwraps them for us.”

Henderson chuckled, “It makes the cleanup easier that’s for sure.

The agent looked to Will Garner, “Mr. President, are you all right?”

Will Garner nodded, “Ill be fine as soon as we put things back where they belong.” He pointed to Luthor. “Starting with this treasonous rat.”

“Lex Luthor, you’re under arrest for more crimes too numerous to mention. Including the kidnapping of fellow officers, the President of the Unites States, unlawful possession of office.” The agent read off as he handcuffed Lex through the binds that held him in the chair.

Lois looked to the woman who had helped Clark and the man who had identified himself as the Fastest Man Alive. “Thank you,” she said unsure how to respond to their presence. “So, you’re the Flash – the one from Central City.”

“That’s me,” the Flash acknowledged. “And you’re Lois Lane. The famous reporter.”

Lois turned to the mysterious woman who had saved her husband. The woman smiled and extended her hand. “I am Dianna. Princess Dianna of the Amazons.”

“We call her Wonder Woman,” Flash added in a less than discreet whisper.

The burning question remained in the forefront of Lois’ mind and she cleared her throat, speaking up finally. “He said there was Kryptonite in those warheads.”

Flash typed in his wristwatch, loading a 3-Dimensional map of the world. “Looks like he’s within range of all four. He’s making serious speed and altitude.” Flash remarked, staring at the digital image showing the nuclear energy moving further and further up into the sky.

“We interrupt this broadcast with a Special Report.” The newscaster interrupted from the television. The image of Superman flying through the sky showed on the screen as the news anchor narrated his progress. “Moments ago, Superman intercepted four nuclear war heads that were reportedly set on a trajectory for the United Nations General Assembly Hall.”

Footage of Rollie Vale being taken into custody from the nuclear plant played as the screen split between the multiple scenes of arrests taking place along with Superman’s attempt to stop four nuclear war heads from making impact.

“What is he doing?” Lois shook her head in confusion as she watched Clark fly further and further up with a hard grasp on the warheads in his reach.

The anchor continued to narrate, “It appears Superman is not taking any chances with these warheads and is attempting to dispose of them outside the Earth’s atmosphere.” There was a side conversation between the anchor and the cameraman that was picked up. “Is that right?”

Lois bit her lip, feeling the hard lump in her throat double in size as she whispered numbly. “He can’t breathe in space.”


Clark flew higher and higher in order to slow down the countdown of the impending explosion from the warheads in his grasp. One wrong move and he would be caught in the impending explosion, not only exposing Earth’s inhabitants to toxic nuclear energy but also exposing them and himself to Kryptonite radiation.

As he pushed past the gravitational pull of the Earth’s atmosphere, he could feel himself growing weaker and weaker by the second. He looked down and saw the shell from one of the warheads had loosened, exposing the toxic radiation to him. He wouldn’t be able to make it out of the Earth’s atmosphere with both of the warheads. Not with his strength depleting by the second. He had to do something.

He could feel himself losing altitude as he steadied himself to give a mighty toss of both warheads into outer space. He moved further up, stretching his arms up before releasing the warheads into the sky above him. As he let go he fell back into the Earth’s atmosphere. A smile spread across his face as he saw the white light fill the air. He could have sworn he saw a crackle of red lightning behind it.


“Moments before the arrest of Alexander Luthor took place four nuclear warheads were seen on a trajectory path to the United Nations. Witness accounts have relayed Lex Luthor’s intention to assassinate his clone of President Garner. Yes, that’s right folks, clone.” The newscaster’s tone went solemn as he continued. “Superman appears to be flying the warheads into outer space.”

Footage of Superman leaving to save the Earth from the Nightfall asteroid and the anchor continued, “If you all remember, Superman had to have oxygen in order to breathe in space during his mission to destroy the Nightfall asteroid. This is truly a mission that could cost our beloved hero his life.”


A loud crash of water filled the air as a loud boom filled the air, lighting the sky with a white light. The boats at sea tossled from the motion and passersby pointed toward the red blur moving toward the object that had just crashed into the ocean.

“Did you see that?”

“Hey, isn’t that…?”

“No, it couldn’t be!”


Before anyone else could question the witness further the blur of red stopped over where the crash had occurred and reappeared with an ocean soaked Superman over the shoulder of a man in red. He gave a friendly wave and disappeared in a blur of red.

“Way cool!”


Garner Clone Arrested: Peace and Order Restored!

Equal Rights Again!

Stryker’s Island New Home to Wrongfully Pardoned Criminals!

Denetto Takes Stand!

Fall of Churches!

Falcone Family Falls!

Superman Hero Status Restored: Presidential Decree!

Superman Missing: Where is He?


Lois let out a long breath, resting her head on her husband’s chest as she listened to him breathe. After two days of him being in what Caitlin Snow referred to as a continuous unconscious state her anxiety was through the roof. The longer he remained unconscious the more worried she became. The theory was the combination of the Kryptonite and the over exertion of his last bit of strength is what his body needed to recover from. They had tried sunlamps and moving him to a window with plenty of sun.

She’d spent the last few days side-stepping Perry and other well-meaning friends and family that just wanted to help. The stress of wondering when Clark would awaken continued to weigh on her.

The last two days had felt so surreal.

There were debates going back and forth on what to do with the President’s clone. Due to his involvement in the treason Lex Luthor had been charged with he was being listed as a defendant for the Congressional hearings to hear evidence on President Garner’s petition to strip Lex and the other co-conspirators of their citizenship in the United States. Hearings were set to begin next week.

The FBI and the Metropolis P.D. had worked tirelessly over the last few days, but as of this morning all inmates that had been pardoned were located and re-arrested with the exception of the Arkham Asylum inmates that had cut a deal with the FBI. The deal had been changed once the information had been evaluated, but the FBI kept their end of the bargain. Harley Quinn and Whisper A’Daire would be required to keep a monitoring device on so they could be tracked and barring any further arrests or indictments they would remain free to live their lives outside the asylums walls once the testimony had been given.

It still amazed her how big of a reach this story had. To not only stop Lex Luthor and potentially have him facing treason and exiled but to also shut down one of the largest mob operations in Metropolis and Gotham City. Bruce Wayne said the city felt different with Falcone and his family gone. Perry had been shocked to discover Bill Church Jr’s involvement in Intergang but had been supportive in making sure the story hit the front page without hesitation.

The warheads that were set off reportedly had done some damage to the EPRAD Satellite and one of the Russian weather satellites. A team had been deployed to begin repairs. The President had addressed the nation in regards to the laws that had been passed and the Congress that had been put in place due to pressure from the clone on the former congress members to resign. It had been deemed unconstitutional as had all the other laws that had been passed during Garner’s kidnapping. The streets had been filled with celebration at the news. Along with the reversal of the laws, President Garner had issued a much-needed apology to Superman.

If only Clark were awake to see how different things were. She felt a tear escape the corner of her eyes as she swallowed the hard lump in her throat.

She placed a hand across his cheek, hoping for something—anything to stir him out of his unconscious state. She sniffed, wiping her eyes as she looked back at him. “You know, I think you’re taking this in sickness and health stuff a little too literal. I get it. You get worried and I drive you crazy when I jump in without looking….sometimes it’s necessary though. I can’t just sit back and do nothing and neither can you and…”

“…you babble too much.”

Lois stopped, letting out a startled laugh as she saw his eyes flutter open, biting her lower lip. “I don’t babble.”

“Ramble,” he corrected, squinting his eyes open.

“Hey,” She smiled weakly at him leaning into him, resting her hand on his cheek.

Clark turned toward her, “Hey,”

“You have no idea how badly you scared me,” she whispered hoarsely.

“You’re not getting rid of me that easily.” He promised, leaning toward her as he reached out to cup her cheek.

“I swear to God if you ever scare me like that again…” she whispered tearfully.

He leaned forward, capturing her mouth with his and silencing her threat as he held her close. She pulled back after indulging herself in one last kiss. “Don’t ever scare me like that again.”

“I’ll try not to cross paths with Kryptonite nuclear warheads,” he promised. His hands moved to cup her cheek and she whimpered in protest when he pulled away, “Everything’s fine.” He whispered, resting his head against her cheek.

“You could have died,” She breathed. “You didn’t even talk to me before you went and…” her throat tightened as the fears from the last few days pushed their way to the forefront of her mind. “You don’t get to do that. You don’t get to jump into dangerous situations like that and put everything at risk without me. You jump, I jump.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I honestly didn’t know that I’d have enough time.” He whispered, nuzzling her ear. “Everything’s okay.” He grinned at her, running his hands up her ribcage, tracing the outline of her cotton tank top.

She fingered the gold band on his hand as he moved closer. “You’re supposed to be resting.”


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