Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: folc4evernaday Rules of War 15b/16 - 05/02/19 10:49 PM
Rules of War
Chapter 15b

Six Weeks Later…

Congress Demands Testimony From Superman!

United Nations Peace Talks Commence!

Riots Continue: Equal Rights Demanded!

White House Correspondents' Dinner Cancelled!

Child Labor Linked to Intergang!

Stitches Still At Large: Double Homicide = Double Trouble!

John Radford with WGBS news walked the streets of Metropolis, New Troy, guiding his cameraman with him as he pointed to the picketing lines outside the businesses they passed by. “Metropolis is just one of the numerous cities around the world that has been gripped with protest after protest over the President’s new law, stripping women of their rights to be treated equally in this country.”

He pointed to the hospital they passed by, “Hospitals are turning patients away because they don’t have enough staff. Many businesses are struggling to remain afloat. The country is in turmoil and yet President Garner and his right-hand man, Lex Luthor remain silent. No scheduled public outings, press conferences or events for our President. The visit to the UN is the first public appearance the President has made in weeks. Negotiating other nations problems are clearly more important than fixing the issues at home for our president. Our country is in peril yet our leader is nowhere to be found.” He pulled the microphone up and spoke to the camera, “Where are you, Mr. President?”


Trapped. That was the only way to describe the emotions running through Will Garner as he buried his face into his jacket, making his way past the crowd of protesters lining the streets. He looked over his shoulder as he reached the end of the street, turning down the alley that would lead him to the safe house they had found shelter in. It had been six weeks and true to his word, the man -- cyborg-- that had rescued them had kept them safe. He never would have imagined his life like this. Living on the run with the likes of Johnny Corbin, scrounging for food while an imposter sat in the White House, ruining his hard work and good name.

Who was this stranger?

Corbin claimed not to know anything more than the fact that he was an experiment but it seemed there was more to the story than that. There was a lot about Corbin that he wasn’t sure of. How had he become mixed up with the people responsible for this coup on the White House and why was he helping them?


Lex fumed angrily as he stared at the headline of the Daily Planet. Child Labor Linked to Intergang! He knew it would be only a matter of time before Bill Church came looking for the culprit who had double crossed him. Nigel and Gretchen both had been unsuccessful in apprehending Whisper for her treachery. He had given specific orders and Whisper had taken it upon herself to plant the explosives on the wrong ship, drawing Superman to the ship Bill Church had been using to smuggle in the labor that was keeping his partners’ businesses running at low cost.

Over the last few weeks since the misstep Lex found himself being shunned by the Congress he had once controlled. He was sure Carmine had something to do with that. What did he expect him to do? Go against Intergang and risk everything?

He was in too deep to go back now. Church knew far too much. A problem he planned to handle once he took office. He’d left Garner to wither under his own ego, suffering from the policies and laws he had put in place. It would be a few short hours before the President would find himself permanently removed from office. Not only were Garner’s approval ratings dropping like flies but now his image was being tarnished. There was just one last thing he needed Garner to do as President before he snuffed him out like the useless bug he was.

He reached over to the briefcase in his office, setting it on his desk and examining the contents once more. The nuclear arms codes he’d been gifted would come in handy with his plan to permanently terminate any memory of the Garner administration.


<<“You’re hurting me!”>>

<<“What am I?!”

“Well, actually you're a... robot...”


Johnny Corbin’s eyes flickered open and he sat up with a start, looking around the rundown apartment he was currently squatting in. What better place to hide than on the worst street in town, right?

He still wasn’t sure what to do. His memories were jagged, filled with times from before he had been changed forever --converted into a robot that would be doomed to walk the Earth as a half man and half machine forever. If that was his destiny he would make sure it was a life he wanted. Not some life dictated by others.

He looked around the room, noting where Garner was huddled in the corner of the room by the oven, trying to take up what heat he could. The cold breath that escaped the President’s lips told him it was a bitter cold out.

They couldn’t hide here forever.

‘Lucy might know what to do,’ he thought to himself.

A smile crossed his face as the memory of his former girlfriend pushed its way to the present. Lucy was smart. Surely she could help him find a way out of this mess.

He stood up and walked toward the door. Garner called after him, “Where are you going?”

“Out.” Corbin responded curtly. “I’ll be back.”


Congressman Riley held the glass of bourbon in his hand, allowing the liquid to swirl around in the crystal glass before bringing it up to his lips to drink. The liquid stung against his taste buds as he leaned back in his favorite leather recliner. He looked to the sofa where his guest was seated,

“Mr. Wayne, I’m not sure I can help you.” Congressman Riley tapped his hand against his chin. “That night is completely blank.”

Bruce Wayne nodded and set a folder on the table in front of him, “It doesn’t surprise me, Congressman.”

“It doesn’t?” Riley asked, looking at Bruce Wayne in surprise. Anyone he mentioned this to before had laughed him off. Denial was what they had called it. No matter how many times he told his story it didn’t resonate as truth with anyone.

He had lost his good standing in his church. His wife would barely speak to him. His children called him a hypocrite. His so-called friends treated him like an outcast. But this man sitting in his living room knew nothing about him and yet believed him.

“That surprises you, doesn’t it?” Bruce observed.

“No one believes me,” Riley said with a grunt. “I swear I have no memory of those girls or anything that happened that night. I was setup.”

“Why didn’t you fight it?” Bruce asked.

“I couldn’t.” Riley shook his head in dismay. “I probably should have, but no one believed me. I thought it would be better to resign rather than waste the taxpayer’s money on hearings to force me to resign.”

Bruce pushed the folder to him. “I had a lab go through the images that were released to the press and I think we found something that could help you.”

Congressman Riley looked back at him suspiciously, “Why would you want to do that?”

“Because I don’t think it was an accident that just before a new Vice President had to be named you and your fellow congressmen and women were caught in such a public scandal.” Bruce explained calmly.

Congressman Riley opened the folder and looked inside. The first photo was of him unconscious with a young blonde wearing hardly anything but a small blue dress—if you could call it that. Beneath it was the same image at what appeared to be a closeup of the table next to him. On it was a needle with a small bottle next to it with clear liquid inside it. “What is this?”

“I take it you don’t recognize those?” Bruce asked.

“Despite what the local supermarket rags say I’m unfamiliar with recreational drugs, Mr. Wayne.” Riley snorted, running a weary hand across his face.

“From what my scientists have been able to tell from the pictures it looks like it was some sort of hallucinogen.” Bruce cleared his throat and pointed to the report behind the photos. “As you can see memory loss is just one of the side effects.”

“Can we prove it?” Riley asked.

“Can we get more than just your statement, Congressman?”

“I’ll make some calls.”


“Hospitals are turning patients away because they don’t have enough staff. The country is in turmoil and yet President Garner and his right-hand man, Lex Luthor remain silent. No scheduled public outings, press conferences or events for our President. The visit to the UN is the first public appearance the President has made in weeks. Negotiating other nations problems are clearly more important than fixing the issues at home for our president. Our country is in peril yet our leader is nowhere to be found.” The anchor, John Radford pulled the microphone up and spoke to the camera, “Where are you, Mr. President?”

Lois Lane tightened her arms around her chest as she looked at the television coverage of the growing uprising that had begun across the country. It was hard to believe it had only been a week since the entire country had been turned upside down. The bomb on their doorstep had been just the beginning. The stronghold the government now held over everyone was growing and people were beginning to revolt. Namely, her sister, Lucy.

Lucy had been one among many that she had known to join what was beginning to be called Resurge Ex Cineribus – Latin for Rise From the Ashes. Many of the members were once prominent members in society. Congresswomen. Attorneys. Lawyers. Councilwoman. All working together toward one goal.


The less than reserved members of society had begun to band together but instead of seeking justice they sought something else. Revenge. Many of the members were instigators for riots, looting and arson attacks throughout the city.

The news that Bruce Wayne not only was Batman but also knew Clark’s identity had been shocking to say the least, but the silver lining had been the newfound friendship Clark had found with Bruce Wayne. Wayne Enterprises’ resources were a godsend along with his team from STAR Labs.

Cisco and Caitlin had been working tirelessly to trace the money trail on Officer Sahid while Henderson worked within the department to correct his clone’s handiwork. The clone had been handed over to STAR Labs. Dr. Klein was leading the research into the clones that had been found in the fallout shelter where Henderson and Zymack had been trapped with the SWAT Team. So far, the DNA of at least four prominent officials had been found. Nothing yet had been found to prove the President had been cloned.

Discovering who was behind the cloning experiments was currently the main focus for Caitlin and Cisco. She and Clark had put the word out on the street that they were looking for information on the STAR Labs break-in. So far there hadn’t been much but she was certain given enough time someone would come forward.

Since teaming up with Bruce and his team they had been able to answer some of the burning questions she and Clark had had regarding their investigations and the events that had taken place over the last few months. The current angle Bruce was pursuing was with Congressman Riley and the massive resignation that had allowed the President to name his own Congress. The images they had found had been identified by Dr. Caitlin Snow as a hallucinogen called ketamine capable of causing memory lapse, hallucinations and disassociation. Under the influence of this drug it would be easy to put the Congressman in a compromising situation and leave him with no memory of it.

If the Congressman agreed to work with them then that would be the first step for them to reveal the corruption that had been plaguing the White House and Washington. She still had the burning questions about the President’s behavior and of course her and Clark’s unsolved case that she was afraid might have died along with Hugo Strange.

Since Hugo Strange and Alberto Falcone’s murder there had been no sign of Denetto and the missing Kryptonite. A shudder ran through her as she recalled not only the green eerie glow that had rendered her husband helpless to take action during the gunfire but a mysterious red glow that looked just like the green Kryptonite they had come up against over the last few years.

Bruce said Denetto was running Intergang from Gotham City. She and Clark had had their suspicions about the sincerity of Darryl’s confession as the leader of Intergang a few months ago. If Denetto was running things from Gotham City that meant whoever was over Intergang was still out there.

Lois turned to the large board she had relocated to WayneTech, glancing over the red marks where they had indicated the questions that had remained. Why was the President going against everything he campaigned on? How was Luthor controlling him?

The mobile phone in her pocket chirped and she reached in and pulled it out to answer it, “Hello?”

“Hey, girl, I wasn’t sure if this number still worked.” Bobby Bigmouth’s loud slurping filled the line.

“Bobby, it’s been a long time…” Lois commented softly as she felt a smile cross her face.

“I been in and out of jams. Had to keep my head down, but I see that was a mistake.” Bobby chomped down on whatever he was eating. “Word on the street is you’re working on the downlow to reverse this stinkin’ new law? Any truth to that?”

“I’m looking for the truth,” Lois responded carefully before adding, “What have you got?”

“Hobb’s Bay. Bring the usual from Phil’s Butcher Shop.” Bobby said hurriedly. “I’ll be on the pier.” Before she could respond he hung up, leaving the long dial tone on the line to fill her ears.

“Time to get to work,” Lois mumbled to herself.


“All right, people, we’ve got an hour till deadline, what have we got on the President’s visit to the U.N?” Perry barked around the conference room as he led the staff meeting. The last few weeks had left him weary, struggling to keep the Planet afloat amid the loss of some of his top journalists. He looked around the room in dismay hoping for something, anything they could lead with that didn’t sound like the same regurgitated spin they had been pandering for the last three days.

“President is trying to act like the big man while ignoring what he’s done to his own country,” Jimmy offered up, not looking up from his notepad.

“The White House has been silent on the border closure,” Ron Troupe offered with a defeated sigh. “No one’s talking.”

“Of course not,” Perry muttered in dismay, “Come on, people, you’re news people! Where’s your nose for news?”

“I’m covering sections, and I’ve got no sources,” Ralph grumbled.

“Same,” Jimmy held his hands up in defeat.

“Everyone’s just stressed out, Chief,” Clark offered, looking up from his notepad. “It’s the same story because nothing’s changed. No headway on challenging Garner’s position on reversing the Nineteenth Amendment. No leads on the cyber-attacks. No leads on Hugo Strange and Alberto Falcone’s murder. Nothing. It’s the same depressing spiel because that’s what it is.”

“Now, look, I know it’s been a rough few weeks, but this is what we do. When times are tough, we hit the pavement, knock on doors and demand answers.” Perry lectured. “We can’t just roll over because someone with a bigger title tells us to. We have an obligation to the American People to tell the stories that no one wants to tell. Are you with me?”

A grumble of agreement filled the room, and Perry sighed, “Just get me what you’ve got in the next twenty minutes. We’ll try to pull off a miracle with it.”

The room began to disperse, and Perry waited by the door until the only one left in the room was Clark, “Clark, hang tight for a second, would you?”

“What’s up, Chief?” Clark asked, reaching for his notebook.

“A little bit of doom and gloom, don’t you think, Kent?” Perry asked, cocking an eyebrow at him.

“Just keeping up appearances,” Clark said with a frown.

“Well, it’s one thing not to let anyone in on the investigation into Luthor and Garner, but you don’t have anything to funnel?” Perry asked, with a frown. “I mean, the blackout story of Henderson’s and the cloning research you and Lois uncovered…”

“We can’t afford to leak anything just yet,” Clark said with a sigh. “Don’t worry, the Planet will have the exclusive on everything when we get them.”

“Until then we just have to pander filler for…how long?” Perry asked.

“I’ll check with Bruce and see if I can get a timeline on when everyone will be ready to move in,” Clark said with a reassuring smile. “We’re going to get him, Chief.”

“I know, but it’s the waiting that’s killing me,” Perry grumbled.

“You and me both.” Clark said. Jimmy tapped at the conference room door and Clark and Perry both looked to him, “What is it, Jimmy?”

“Hey, CK, sorry to interrupt but your friend from the FBI, Roger Templeton is on line one.” Jimmy said, pointing to the phone.

“We’ll talk about this later,” Perry said, patting his shoulder as he moved off.

Clark nodded, reaching over to answer the phone, “Roger, this is a surprise.” He hadn’t heard from the FBI Agent since the fiasco with Ryan Wiley and the Resurrection pill that was used to smuggle criminals out of prison.

“Hey, Clark, I wish I could say this was a social call,” Roger responded on the other line. “I stumbled into something big. I could really use your expertise on this though.”

“Expertise?” Clark asked, taken aback.

“Intergang.” Roger responded with a hushed whisper as if he were trying to keep someone on the other line from hearing him. “I got an inside source willing to make a deal.”

“What kind of source?” Clark asked.


Rollie Vale sat in the middle of the nuclear laboratory wearing a lead-lined hazmat suit to protect him from the radiation. He looked at the green cylinders resting in the cooling tray in front of him. After weeks of trial and error he had perfected the science of melting down the radioactive meteorite. The timer dinged and he turned to his left He pulled out a tray of newly cut green and red gems cut into perfectly cut round crystals and set them on the table in front of him.

Vale picked up one of the green gems with a pair of tweezers and brought it under the microscope, checking for any change to the molecular structure. “Perfect.” He smiled to himself and set the crystalized meteorite back on the tray.

Rollie Vale moved to the otherside of the room, opening the door that read ‘Radioactive Caution’ and entered the Containment building with the tray of crystalized meteorites with him. He typed in the keypad to open the nuclear core. A light emitted from the center and a metal shaft lifted up showing a bright yellow cylinder in the center.

A smirk crossed Vale’s face as he placed the crystalized meteorite gems around the nuclear warhead’s case. As he placed each one in its home, grinning to himself as each green gem fit snugly into place. When the nuclear warheads were fired off this afternoon the Kryptonite and nuclear radiation would fill the atmosphere, ensuring even Superman wouldn’t stop them from ending Garner’s presidency once and for all.


Governor Wade looked down at the lab report in front of him. There in black and white from both STAR Labs and WayneTech Labs was the writeup identifying the substance Congressman Riley had denied ever using for the last few months.

“Ketamine.” Bruce Wayne read the lab report aloud. “A hallucinogen used for starting anesthesia known to induce a trance-like state.” Bruce tossed the other half of the report to him. “I have over a hundred signatures from the former members of congress that have agreed to come forward. All of them report to have no memory of the night in question.”

“You were the first one to throw the first stone during the scandal.” Bruce glared him down. “Do the right thing, Governor.”

“It’s too late,” Wade retorted. “What good is it going to do?”

“What good is staying silent going to do?” Bruce challenged. “Congressman Riley and his fellow guests were setup. Doesn’t that bother you in the slightest?”

It more than bothered him. It was the turning point that haunted him. He had made the protest against Riley at the request of his friend, Will Garner. Seeing how things had spiraled from there had been a humbling experience. His part in the corruption that had taken over the country. Will Garner played his part as did others, but the guilt that weighed on Wade remained.

He picked up the report once more, scanning it again and looked up at Bruce. “Riley was a good man. He had a lot of great ideas and values that this country desperately needed.”

“And you helped take that chance away,” Bruce remarked, sinking down in the chair across from him. “But you do have a chance to right that wrong. The country is in turmoil and continuing to spiral.”

“I’m not without fault, Mr. Wayne, but if I do this it could cripple everything.” Wade was quiet for a moment and he added. “And I would ruin any chance I have at a political career.”

“If you don’t there may not be a future left.” Bruce said cautiously.


After wrapping up his conversation with Roger Templeton Clark caught Jimmy coming out of the darkroom, “Hey, Jimmy, you got a sec?”

Jimmy nodded and looked over at him, “What’s up, CK?”

“CF Incorporated?” Jimmy scrunched up his nose at the mention of the name. “Like the mob boss, Carmine Falcone’s shipping company?”

“That’s the one,” Clark said as he walked toward Jimmy’s desk with him. “The name keeps coming up and I’m not sure if it’s because someone is trying to point us in the wrong direction…”

“…or if it’s really Carmine Falcone rolling the bank.” Jimmy finished for him. “I’ll take a look and see what I can find out, but I’m going to need a much more powerful computer than the stuff we’ve got here at the Planet.”

Clark nodded, motioning for him to follow him. “I think that can be arranged.”

“Jimmy!” Perry bellowed across the newsroom.

They both turned to see Perry standing outside his office, “Metropolis National Preserve reported an arson to their campgrounds. Get down there!” He pointed to Ralph, “And take Simms with you!”

“Me, really?” Ralph’s ears perked up.

Jimmy cringed, looking back at Clark, “Sorry, CK.”

“We’ll catch up later,” Clark nodded, heading toward the stairwell. Arson in the middle of a national park was unusual, but in the middle of winter it was unheard of. Careful to stay out of sight, he disappeared up the stairwell at super-speed and changed into a blur of red and blue as he shot himself up into the sky to investigate.


‘Women’s Rights!

‘Eviction Time’


The signs swirled around in the air as Lucy found herself on the frontline, shouting at the closed doors of City Hall, through the megaphone. “Equal rights!”

“He’s coming!” one of the protesters by the door shouted hurriedly.

She watched with bated breath as the Governor made his way out to the podium. The crowd behind her continued to shout their protests. There was something different about the governor’s expression that told her not to join in. “Wait!” she turned behind her. “Let’s hear what he has to say.”

The microphone chirped as the governor cleared his throat. “This country was founded on the men that fought for the right to protest their government and encourages the right to protest. You have every right to be angry and if I had the power to reverse the President’s bill I would.” Governor Wade cleared his throat, “I can’t do that but I can call into question the legitimacy of the current Congress.”

There was a murmur among the crowd and Lucy looked around her, uncertain what to say or think as the Governor relayed the latest news that the congressmembers that had been forced to resign had done so under duress and while still under the effects of the drug they had been given. Then came the shocker.

“With this new information coming to light I ask that the DOJ review the legitimacy of the Congress currently seated and review all laws voted into effect during their tenure. Including the confirmation of our Vice President and the reversal of the nineteenth amendment.”

The crowd erupted in cheers and Lucy stepped away, pulling her phone out to call Jimmy. She had barely heard the first ring when she saw a familiar figure approaching her from behind the crowd blocker that was positioned at the end of the City Hall steps.

The phone fell from her hands as she stared at the figure in surprise. “Johnny?”


“Metropolis National Preserve reported an arson attempt that was later found to be started just outside the campgrounds in a private cabin owned by Bill Church. Mr. Church has yet to comment and …”

The signal left the television as Bill Church Jr. sat seething at his desk, swiveling in his chair to set the remote down. He reached for the phone and began to dial, “Safehouse. Line 34821.”

A moment later a voice came on the line. “Denetto? They’re closing in. You need to move.”

Unseen from the corner of the room was a Siamese cat, watching in rapt attention as she listened in on the conversation. Her eyes glowed golden yellow as she watched and waited for more information.


Lois took a deep breath, looking up and down both sides of the street, catching sight of the pier Bobby had asked her to meet him at. On the edge of the dock, leading to the pier was a bench where Bobby was seated, slurping from probably the largest size Slurpee he could find.

Lois cracked a smile as she approached him, looking over her shoulder to be sure she hadn’t been followed. “You always do pick the spot with the best view, don’t you, Bobby?”

Bobby looked up with a grin on his face when he saw the bag from Phil’s. Thankfully Lucius had been gracious enough to pickup Bobby’s order for her. She’d have some explaining to do later for the huge bill that was put on the WayneTech credit card but if this panned out it would be well worth it. Right now they needed a break and Bobby always had a way of delivering those.

“You look good, kid,” Bobby said, reaching for the bag in her arms. “Married life agrees with you. I’ll try not to take it personally that I wasn’t invited to the wedding.”

“It was a private ceremony.” Lois said, crossing her arms over her chest. “Very small guest list.”

“I’ll bet,” Bobby nodded, taking a bite out of the sandwich he had pulled out of his bag.

“So, you’ve got me here, Bobby,” Lois looked around the rundown street they were on. “What’s up?”

Bobby motioned for her to come closer, looking over his shoulder before he spoke up. “Come with me, I got something to show you.”

“I’m not in the mood for show and tell, Bobby,” Lois said, slightly agitated. “What is it?”

“Okay, okay,” Bobby waved her protests off. “Don’t come with me. I mean, it’s only the President and the former Vice President alive and well squatting in the old Miller place.”

“What did you just say?” Lois asked, uncertain if she’d heard him correctly.

“Morgan Johnson is alive.” Bobby said in a harsh whisper. “He and the President have been seen coming and going from the local fish market on 3rd.”

Lois shook her head, “The President isn’t even in the country right now.”

“How sure are you of that?” Bobby asked. Before she could respond he waved her toward him. “Come on, it’s just a few blocks from here.”


“With this new information coming to light I ask that the DOJ review the legitimacy of the Congress currently seated and review all laws voted into effect during their tenure. Including the confirmation of our Vice President and the reversal of the nineteenth amendment.”

The governor’s speech played on the twenty-four hour news circuit and Lex growled at the image of his new sworn enemy. He would destroy that traitor if it was the last thing he did.

“I’m afraid there’s more, sir,” Nigel spoke up, setting a polaroid image on his desk. “It seems we’ve found our missing patients.”

“Any sign of Gretchen?” Lex asked, standing up, straightening his tie on instinct as he checked his reflection in the mirror.

“Last I saw she was working on the cyborg project,” Nigel answered with a shrug.

“Let Vale know there’s been a change of plans. I’ll need to initiate the launch in person.” Lex said with a grunt. “Leaving things to be handled by these halfwits and look what happens. Mistake after mistake. I don’t tolerate mistakes.” He turned to his Secret Service Agent waiting a few feet away. “Get the motorcade ready. We’re going to Metropolis.”


The fire was brutal. The flames quickly spread with the strong wind and the dry ground only fueled the spread of the overpowering flames. Clark moved at super-speed, trying to contain the flames before they spread further into the preserve. The water the firefighters used against the giant blaze was continuing to grow as he used blast after blast of cold breath to snuff the flames out. It seemed that once he silenced one flame another one would grow in its place.

“Who are you?!” a commanding female voice shouted from below.

Clark exhaled a long breath, watching as the blaze before him simmered down. He turned to find the source of the voice, shocked to see a man in a flame-retardant suit being hoisted up with a golden lasso and a woman that couldn’t be any taller than Lois glaring him down with fierce disparagement. She looked like something out of a fable book for Greek mythology. A golden band with a double ‘W’ symbol was planted above her brow. Her raven hair waved in the air and the armor she wore was plated in gold and red.

“The lasso of truth forces you to reveal the truth.” She ordered with a sharp glare.

“M-mario Falcone. I’m here to avenge my brother’s death and bring his killer to justice.” The man shouted out in dismay at how much he’d revealed. “Why did I just tell you that?”

A smile spread across the mysterious woman’s face. “The lasso of truth is powerful. The more you resist the more painful it will be.” She pointed to the discarded flame torch and turned to the police chief that was standing a few feet away, “I believe we’ve found the source of your arson.” She turned back to Mario, “The proper authorities will take you into custody and you will face justice.”

The Police Chief seemed to come to, realizing what was going on. He quickly directed the officers on site to take Mario into custody as Clark landed a few feet away, unable to take his eyes away from what he had just seen.

Who was this person?

What was she?

As the smoke began to clear he felt a force moving around him. He looked behind him, surprised to see all the debris neatly cleaned up, ready to be taken away. He turned to his left and called out, “I know you’re there.”

Just like that a man dressed in red and a white crest with a yellow lightning bolt through it appeared before him. He smiled back at Clark, “I guess I got too close this time.”

“You’re the one playing games in the Speed Force. Did you really think you could hide in there forever?” the mysterious woman asked, walking up behind the man in red.

“Hey, can’t blame a guy for trying.” The man shrugged, turning back to Clark. “Not exactly how I envisioned this first meeting. Can we have a do-over? I can go back and—”

A hand struck the man across the shoulder as the woman scolded him, “Do you not remember what happened the last time you tried to change the timeline?”

“Timeline?” Clark finally spoke up, finding his voice. “Who are you people?”

“I am Dianna Temiscira. Princess of the Themyscira.” The woman answered, smiling warmly back at him.

The man in the red suit tightened his jaw and meekly added, “You can call me Flash.”

Clark raised his eyebrows, uncertain how to respond. He was vaguely aware of the small team of firefighters on the otherside of the charred remnants of the cabins that had once been ablaze. Though he was certain they couldn’t hear the conversation taking place he still was apprehensive of these strangers—super-powered strangers – that had appeared.

A man that moved so fast he was invisible, disappearing into what this Dianna had called the Speed Force. A woman with the power to compel the truth from the most nefarious villains – calling herself the princess of Amazons- mythical tales of warriors that fought . Could he really be face to face with a goddess?

“Your world is in peril, Kal-El. We’re here to help.” Dianna said.

Everything around him came to a standstill as Clark stared at Dianna in surprise. The pieces seemed to fit in place. The mysterious woman that referred to him as Kal-El and warned of a war was Dianna.

<<“A war is coming and we are all here to fight.’” >>

<<“She pointed at the President and said he wasn’t the President.”>>

“Where did you hear that name?”

“Oh, we’re giving our real names?” Flash asked, looking between the two of them.

Her lips pursed in a smile as she commented, “No, Kal doesn’t consider that his name. It’s Superman? That’s the name the people have bestowed on you?”

“That’s what I go by, yes,” Clark responded cautiously. “And who might you be, Dianna?”

“Not to kill the party here, but we might want to take this somewhere else.” Flash pointed to the helicopter buzzing from above as a floodlight came over the trio.

“Great,” Clark muttered.

“Superman, we have you surrounded!” the pilot called out from his megaphone.


Lucy Lane made her way through the long alley, unsure where Johnny Corbin was leading her to. She looked around the rundown street, uncertain what to expect when she turned the next corner. She had been too shocked to argue when Johnny had pleaded with her to help him. He said he had something important to show her. Something that would fix things.

What that was he wouldn’t say.

So here she was following him around the worst block in town, wondering if she would get mugged or maimed at any second. She had dropped her phone back at the rally. She was completely isolated with all her trust being put into her former cyborg boyfriend as he led her through Hobb’s Bay, searching for someone that held the answers to her problems.

They reached a door at the end of the alley with peeled red paint. He knocked on the door with three insistent knocks. The door cracked open and Johnny entered, pointing to the two men standing in the doorway.

The two men that looked exactly like the President of the United States and the deceased Vice President, Morgan Johnson. The men were silent, looking between each other until the man that looked like the President spoke up, “You had us worried there, John. I thought you were going to get help.”

“I did,” Johnny said, looking to Lucy. “Lucy’s the smartest gal I know. She’ll help us figure this out.” He gestured between the three of them. “Lucy Lane, Mr. President Garner and Mr. Vice President Johnson.”

She stared at the two men in shock, “I-Is this some sort of joke?”

“No joke,” a voice spoke up from the back corner. “But a problem we plan to rectify immediately.”

Lucy jumped back as the door behind her closed. She turned and saw Lex Luthor standing in the corner of the room with two Secret Service agents behind him. “You’re…”

Lex crooned, taking a step forward and pulling out a small black remote from his pocket. “Metallo, I’m disappointed in you,” With the push of a button Johnny Corbin fell silent, falling to the ground in a heap of steel. “Perhaps a long hibernation will make you rethink your newfound treachery.”

“You’re insane!” Lucy hissed out angrily, fighting back tears as she stared Luthor down.

A creak of the wooden floor pulled Lucy’s attention away from Lex Luthor and she turned to see Johnny Corbin crumbled in a heap on the ground. She fell to the ground, feeling a wave of grief hit her as the flashback of seeing him motionless when he’d been taken into STAR Labs custody hit her. “You didn’t deserve this.” She whispered, feeling the rain of tears run down her cheek.


Johnny Denetto fidgeted with his collar for the umpteenth time as he looked around the semi-empty waiting area in the boarding terminal. So far no one had been the wiser with his new identity and disguise. Church had been quick to provide the paperwork after the debacle with Falcone and Strange.

“Get out and disappear before I change my mind.”

Those had been Bill Church Jr’s parting words for him. Though he wasn’t one to run with his tail between his legs he knew when he’d bitten off more than he could handle. Going against the Falcone family and possibly the other families in Gotham that had an alliance with Falcone wasn’t how he wished to spend his final days.

There was also the complication of Hugo Strange.

He hadn’t meant to kill him.

He hadn’t even felt the trigger when he pulled it.

It was a poor excuse and he knew Falcone and Luthor would be less than sympathetic if they ever got their hands on him. Church had called this a suspension of their plans for Luthor until he called. It wasn’t like he could be smuggled into the White House to assassinate the President and Vice President without help. He’d burned several of the bridges Church had been planning on using.

Now he was left here—uncertain of his future and his destination. He looked down at the boarding pass that read “New Zealand” on the ticket. A smile crossed his face, wondering what the future would hold for him. He patted the briefcase in his hand.

“You know if you stare at that boarding pass for too long it might disappear.” A voice behind him said.

He looked behind him to see a dark-haired man staring at him. “I, uh, guess I got lost in thought.”

“Vacation?” he asked, taking the seat next to him.

“Yeah,” Denetto grinned happily. “A much needed one. Need to recharge and all that.” He said with a deep breath. “You?”

He shrugged his shoulders, “I haven’t done much traveling outside the United States in a long time. I probably need to…. but not today.”

“Not today?” Denetto’s brow furrowed and the hair on the back of his neck stood up, as he looked at him suspiciously. “I don’t understand.”

“Roger Templeton, FBI.” The man introduced himself, pulling out a badge. “Now, unless you want to make a scene that is guaranteed to make its way back to your friends in Gotham, do you?” A confident smirk crossed the agent’s face as he added. “I heard Carmine Falcone but a five-hundred-million-dollar price on your head.” A low whistle escaped Templeton’s lips. “That’s enough to turn….ohhh, just about anyone.”

Denetto gripped his briefcase, staring at the agent uncertainly, “What do you want?”

Before he could ask anything more, three men in dark suits approached him. “You’ll have to come with us, Mr. Denetto.”

“Not till I know where I’m going.” Denetto answered.

“We can’t answer that,” Templeton responded, “but we can guarantee your safety against…everyone.”

“Take it or leave it,” the other agent added.


Lois eyed the dark alleyway suspiciously before looking back at Bobby who was finishing the remnants of his sandwich. She gazed up at the rickety stairs that looked like they were one gust of wind away from collapsing into the street. “So, the President is squatting here, on the worst block in town?”

“Where’s the last place you’d look for him?” Bobby prodded, pointing to the door ahead with peeling paint. “That’s the one.”

Lois nodded, inching closer as she approached the door ahead that had red peeling paint. As she approached she noticed the door was slightly ajar.

“Lucy Lane, Mr. President Garner and Mr. Vice President Johnson.” She heard a familiar voice speak. Her eyes widened in horror as she peeked through the door and spotted a very alive Johnny Corbin standing with her sister. A few feet away was a man that definitely resembled the President. Though his attire and unkept appearance made it hard to connect him with the man whose campaign she’d followed on his way to the presidency. Next to him was his very much alive, Vice President.

“What in the world?” Lois muttered under her breath as her mind tried to process what she was seeing in front of her.

“I-Is this some sort of joke?” Lucy gasped in surprise.

“No joke.”

Lois felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up when she heard the voice. She knew that voice from anywhere. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and began to dial the Metropolis P.D. She whispered over her shoulder to Bobby, “We need to get out of here.”

The operator came on the line, “Metropolis P.D. how can I direct your call?”

“Bill Henderson, please.” She said hurriedly, looking over her shoulder when she didn’t get a response from Bobby.

“He’s out on a case right now, would you like to leave a message?”

Lois felt the prickle of cold metal against her temple and an arm wrangle itself across her throat. A hot whiff of onions and garlic brushed against her nostrils and she let out a short whimper as the pressure against her throat tightened and the phone slipped out of her hand. She caught sight of Bobby slumped in the corner of the alley as her assailant shoved the door in front of them open.

“What do we have here?” the voice sneered in her ear.

She could barely keep up the pace as the assailant shoved her through the now open door, toppling her on top of her sister.

“Ms. Lane!” the President cheered in surprise

“Mr. President,” Lois looked over at where the President and Vice President Morgan were being held at gunpoint by a man she never thought she would see again. “Nigel.”

“Ms. Lane, it appears you’re impeccable timing continues to betray you.” Nigel said as he slapped a pair of cuffs on Morgan Johnson and Will Garner’s wrists, shackling them together.

“You won’ get away with this!” Lois spat out in defiance letting out a raspy cough, trying to catch her breath.

“Lois?” Lucy reached out to help her sit up .

“Luce,” Lois reached over to hug her sister. “What are you doing here?”

“I could ask you the same thing.” Lucy said uneasily. Her gaze shifted to the slumped over body of Johnny Corbin. “Johnny said he needed my help. Not that I was able to do anything.” A tear ran down her sister’s face. “What’s your excuse?”

“Following a lead,” Lois said softly, reaching over to grab her sister’s hand. “Just stay close. We’ll find a way out of here.”

“Mr. Vice President, sorry to intrude but we found this one lurking outside trying to call the police.”

Lois looked up at the tall suit that had manhandled her moments before. “Secret Service,” she muttered under her breath, recognizing the agent from Lex’s unwelcome visit to her apartment a few months ago.

“Well, this certainly is unexpected,” Lex circled around them like a vulture moving in on its prey. A few feet away were two other equally intimidating Secret Service agents.

“The police are on their way,” Lois lied, trying to present a bravado she didn’t feel at that moment. If she screamed for help

“And I’m afraid it’ll be a waste of manpower.” Lex let out a menacing chuckle as he nodded to the agent standing behind the two of them. “Tie them all up. Bring them with us. I don’t need to make the headlines just yet.” Lex looked back at Garner. “I do have a public mourning to tend to this afternoon.”

“Mourning?” Lois grunted out in disbelief. “That would imply you have a soul.”

A menacing chuckle escaped Lex Luthor’s lips as he knelt down and hissed out, “My dear, Lois, always quick with the wit. Tell me, how does the other side feel, hmm? No freedom. No independence. A bleak footnote in the book of life and forever second place. No journalistic accolades to collect or pavement to hit when your beloved Planet can’t employ you, hmm?”

Lois hacked a wad of spit at him, hitting him in the eye with her saliva. Lex let out an insincere chuckle, “You never learn, do you?” He reached over and grabbed her by the back of her hair, “You continue to fight me and it will only get worse. Things can get far worse. How quickly do you think I could make something small like a marriage license disappear? Or even worse a birth certificate? I can erase anyone’s existence with the snap of my fingers.”

“You’re a deranged coward!” Lucy snapped angrily, hoisting her foot up to deliver a hard blow to Lex’s gut, causing him to keel over in pain.

Lois didn’t need to think twice. She quickly grabbed her sister by the wrist and sprung up, bolting for the door as she let out a healthy, “Help, Superman!”

The last thing she remembered hearing was an aggravated Lex shouting, “After them!” as she bolted for the door.

A hard blow came across the back of her head and she fell to the ground, slumping over in pain. The distinct smell of chloroform reached her nostrils and she heard Lex laugh in the background. “You really think that’s all it takes? That overgrown boy scout wouldn’t dare show his face with him being public enemy number one. I am unstoppable!



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