Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: folc4evernaday Rules of War 12/16 - 04/22/19 02:52 AM
Rules of War
Chapter 12


A/N: No, you’re not seeing things. The conclusion to this epic series got a bit long. Thanks for everyone that’s held on. Posting will be weekly now that I’ve had time to recover from the Kerths.

As always, FDK is appreciated. Thanks to Feli and Vicki for looking this over.


Signs reading, ‘Women’s Rights!’ along with ‘Eviction Time’ and ‘Impeach’ filled the screen as the camera panned the crowd of protesters outside the White House. Images of women, young and old, banded together arm in arm as they circled the gates of the capital.

“The country is at a standstill as news of the President’s latest executive order has hit everyone like a firestorm. Never in our nation’s history has an amendment been removed from the Constitution. Every business, home, and family found themselves struggling to adapt to this new world.”

The screen filled with images from local colleges now mostly empty and restaurants, offices, and more understaffed. The news anchor spoke as the images told the story, “No longer do we see any women in schools, places of business, or even behind the wheel of an automobile. The laws that our ancestors fought diligently for have now been reversed, forcing our country back into a time where equal rights were not considered an inherited part of life that just was but rather something everyone sought to fight for.” The anchor’s face grew grim, “The reasoning behind President Garner’s latest actions remains unknown as the Press Secretary and many of the White House staff have been replaced in light of this new law.”

Unable to take any more, Bruce clicked the remote, turning the television off and ran his other hand across his face to wipe the weariness from it. He glanced down at the blueprints on his desk, reminded of the task at hand. Someone had trapped Metropolis’ Finest underground for what purpose; he still wasn’t sure. He had sent a small team to the location where Henderson and Zymack were trapped at, hoping to find some clue as to what was to be gained by trapping the officers underground. He had left messages for the Chief of Police, but so far no calls had been returned. His next call was going to be to the DA.

He stood up, walking across the spacious office to where Caitlin Snow was sitting with Henderson and Zymack. He wasn’t sure how long he could keep Caitlin here without raising questions from authorities, but given his investment in security, he hoped by the time anyone with the means to do something about it figured him out he’d have more answers.

“It’s everywhere,” Caitlin remarked solemnly.

“It’s illegal,” Bruce shot back, shaking his head defiantly. “It’s a violation of…”

“Civil rights that were granted with the Nineteenth Amendment.” Henderson cut him off with a look of disgust. “It’s despicable and disgusting and a gross misuse of power, but it is legal.”

Zymack shrugged his shoulders, “We’re in a state of emergency. The President could overturn every single law on the books without Congress’ approval, and it would be legal.”

“So, how do we stop him?” Bruce wondered aloud, more to himself than anyone in the room. “How do we stop this?”

“I don’t know that we can, Bruce,” Caitlin spoke up.

“If this is the President acting on his own, then no there’s no way to stop this.” Henderson cleared his throat, “but he has a career criminal as his second in command and I’ll bet you money that sociopath his up to his neck in all of this.”

“If Luthor was involved he covered his tracks well,” Bruce remarked bitterly.

“Maybe,” Henderson shrugged, “but the great thing about the White House is there’s always a trail.”

Zymack’s eyebrows rose as he nodded, following Henderson’s train of thought. “All meetings have to be recorded. All conversations. All communication exchanges.”

“Those can be doctored,” Bruce reminded them.

“Still, you have to start somewhere, Bruce,” Caitlin reminded him.



That was the only way to describe the feeling that coursed through Clark Kent’s veins as he set the keys down on the counter. He stole a glance at Lois who had been rendered speechless after the news had broke of what the President had just done.

He wanted more than anything to give into his impulses and fly to the White House to demand answers, but he couldn’t. A grimace crossed his face as he wondered momentarily if he’d ever have the luxury to fly anywhere without landing in prison thanks to the stunt he’d pulled with Luthor. There were so many unanswered questions that remained amidst the turmoil that continued to build throughout the nation.

“So, uh, just keep me posted,” Lois said, crossing her arms over her chest as she turned toward him.

He looked back at him in concern, “Lois, I don’t have to…”

He wanted more than anything to dig into the story here and find out what or who was behind this law change, but he also wanted to be there for Lois. He stood in place, uncertain how to react to her sudden break in silence.

“I’ve got to find out how much damage has been done.” Lois continued, seeming to read his mind. “Just because I can’t legally work doesn’t mean I’m going to drop this.”

“I know,” he reached over to cup her cheek.

She gave him a forced smile, “Besides one of us needs to be out there getting some answers. Right now, you’re a little more equipped than I am.”

“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?” he offered, “Perry would understand.”

Lois shook her head, “I know he would, but I don’t think we can afford to wait.”

He nodded, taking in the wavering of her tone as she spoke and leaned in to kiss her. His fingers intertwined themselves in her hair, taking a moment to savor her taste against his lips. The tension and troubles that continued to haunt them both swarmed in the back of his mind as he slowly broke away. Though he hated to leave, he knew she was right. “I’ll let you know as soon as I find out something.”

She nodded, waving him off, “And be careful with…” she gave a flying motion with her hand. “We still haven’t figured that out yet.”

“I know,” he let out a sigh, turning to leave.

The door closed behind him, and he headed toward the Jeep, keys in hand. How so many freedoms could be stripped within less than twenty-four hours still astounded him. Still, he was also baffled at the news that Superman was a wanted fugitive.

He let out a sigh, recalling the memory of Superman’s last conversation with Bruce Wayne—Batman. Lois was right. He did need to get some answers and given the current state of things the best way to find those answered would be someone with connections that were beyond his and Lois’ rolodex. Maybe he could figure out a way to apologize for violating the Dark Knight’s privacy without getting himself arrested in the process.

“What a mess,” he muttered under his breath as he climbed into the driver’s side of the Jeep.


Lex spun in his chair, gleefully, as he listened to the news of the latest move he had manipulated his President Garner into passing. Now that he had created enough of a rift between Garner’s followers and the President, he could move on to phase two of his plan. Lex Luthor never was one to take second place when first was so much more desirable.

With the new law passed stripping Lois Lane of her independence and forcing her into a miserable life of playing second to of all people…Kent, he was sure it wouldn’t take long for her to come knocking on his door to ask for his help. When that time came, he would make sure he was the one to restore order and win favor of the people as the one to save them from the wretched President that had robbed them of their freedoms. That and the nuclear war would solidify his place as the true leader of the free world.

No one would be able to stop him once he took the Oval Office.

A light beep reached his ears, and he turned to see the private line on his phone blinking. He reached over to answer, “Yes?”

“Mr. Luthor, I tried to get a name, but he said you would know who it was....” Came Marci, his executive assistant’s hushed whisper over the line.

“I’ll take the call,” Lex replied smoothly, waiting for her to transfer him through.

A moment later he heard the thick Italian accent on the other line, “I think it’s time you took a tour of the Library of Congress, Mr. Vice President.”

A chill ran down Lex’s spine when he heard the cold tone from Carmine Falcone. The rules they had set in place had explicitly forbade him from contacting Lex directly…unless something went wrong. Indeed, something had gone wrong for Falcone last night. His son and Dr. Hugo Strange were both found dead, and no one had provided an answer to the mob king as of yet.

“Well, yes, it’s certainly been some time since I’ve had the pleasure,” Lex remarked carefully, aware that his call was being recorded by the White House Secret Service. “When does the next tour start?”

“Half an hour,”

“I’ll see you then.”


Lucy stared at the eviction notice in her hands, dumbfounded by the bombshell her landlord had dropped in her lap. “I don’t understand. I’ve paid rent on time every month.”

“Look, I like you, kid and if I had my way you’d stay here forever, but this goes way above all of our heads.” Her landlord let out a low sigh as he handed her a check, “It is illegal for me to rent to you. I’m sorry. I wish there were something I could do.”

“Where am I supposed to go?” Lucy asked tearfully.

“I don’t know,” the man’s face fell, revealing how torn he truly felt about his actions. “Look, I’ve included the whole month’s rent you paid along with the deposit. That should help you get setup …somewhere.”

“But I….” she began to argue.

“I’m sorry, kid,” he sighed, and offered a solemn, “really,” as he walked away.


Lois hung up the phone for what felt like the umpteenth time, reaching yet another automated voicemail from another source that seemed to be displaced from the new law. She set the phone down and stared numbly at the leftover signs from their rush out the door from the morning — coffee mugs by the sink. Files by the desk spread out haphazardly. It definitely didn’t look anything like the perfect presentation you saw from June Cleaver. A sick twisting in the pit of her stomach began to churn as she realized that world and her present were no longer so far apart.

She still wasn’t sure what all had been lost in the last twelve-hours since the President had stripped the country of equal rights for women and reduced them to second class citizens.

She couldn’t hold her own bank account. Every cent from her accounts had been removed and all accounts closed. Some sources—the ones she had left anyway—rumored that the money would be given to the closest male relative or spouse. That didn’t help those single with no male relatives.

She couldn’t even drive her own Jeep home. She couldn’t work the job she had sought after and become the best in. She felt like her entire identity had been stripped from her with a swipe of a pen.

She looked around the apartment in despair, uncertain what was left to do. Clark had offered to stay with her, but given he was the only one that could find out who or what was behind this she had urged him to return to the Planet. Now she wasn’t so sure of her decision.

A soft knock on the front door pulled her attention away from her swirling thoughts. Running a weary hand across her face, she went to answer the door. Another tap at the door echoed before she finished turning the lock to release the deadbolt. She pulled the door open. A part of her wanted to be surprised to see the ADA on her doorstep, but something told her Mayson Drake’s presence would be the first of many before the day was over.

“Mayson,” she motioned to the apartment behind her, “Come in.”


“She’s not there, Bruce,” Henderson said with a deep sigh, pacing around the penthouse of WayneTech. He glanced over at Bruce who was attempting to call the District Attorney’s office once more to get in touch with Mayson Drake. “Why would she be? It’s illegal for anyone to employ her now.”

“Bunch of chauvinistic pigs,” Zymack muttered under his breath.

“Warren Zymack, I had no idea you had such a soft spot,” Caitlin Snow remarked with a small smile as she sipped her glass of water.

A slight blush crossed his cheeks, and Zymack shrugged, “I have my moments.”

Bruce hit the end button on the speakerphone he had been attempting to call Mayson Drake on. “I don’t suppose anyone here is on a first name basis with the former ADA.”

“The people I know that are would, unfortunately, be in the same boat she’s in,” Bill Henderson spoke up, taking a sip from his glass.

“Master Wayne?” Lucius Fox’s voice came from the corridor leading into the office.

“What is it, Lucius?” Bruce asked, turning to greet Lucius Fox.

“I hate to intrude, but there’s an urgent matter regarding the overnight delivery you ordered.” Lucius’ eyes twinkled as he spoke, catching Bruce’s eye.

Bruce caught the hint from Lucius and quickly responded, “Oh!” He turned to his guests, “If you’ll excuse me a moment?” Without missing a beat, he followed Lucius down the corridor, waiting until the door to close behind him as he approached the secret panel Lucius was standing in front of. “What is it?”

Lucius cleared his throat, “I had a surprise guest when I was repairing the Batcopter from your altercation with Superman earlier.”

“A guest?” Bruce scoffed, “The copter and Batmobile are over five-hundred feet underground, how could anyone possibly…?”

He stopped mid-sentence as the doors slid open. Lucius cleared his throat, pointing to the guest who was standing in the hidden doorway. Bruce’s eyes widened when he saw who was waiting for him.



Mayson looked around the apartment awkwardly, “So what exactly are we supposed to do, sit here and sip tea while the men work or something?” She grimaced when Lois shot her a glare, “Sorry, I have a really inappropriate sense of humor under times of stress.”

“It’s fine,” Lois shrugged her off. “I don’t think they have any self-help books on how to adjust to something like this.”

“Not yet,” Mayson quipped, “but give them a few weeks and they’ll be best sellers.”

Lois cracked a smile, “Sad but true.”

“See?” Mayson gave her a half-smile. “Joke will be on them when we get this law reversed of course.”

“Of course,” Lois chuckled, “Of course then someone would have to write the self-help on recovering from the law, to begin with.”

“There you go,” Mayson chuckled, “It’s a conspiracy with the book publishers.”

“If only it were that simple,” Lois said with a deep sigh.

“Yeah,” Mayson agreed quietly, finally speaking up about the pink elephant in the room. “From what I understand the laws are reverting back to well before the amendment. Basically, the right to own land, hold any job and have our own money is a thing of the past.”

“So the rumors are true,” Lois reasoned aloud.

“One of my contacts at the IRS said all funds are to remain in state custody until a male relative can be found,” Mayson said bitterly. “As if we can’t be trusted to manage our own money.”

“Or drive our own cars,” Lois reminded her.

“All accounts and property have to be in a man’s name,” Mayson remarked with venom dripping from each word as she spoke.

“So, we’re what second-class citizens? A hood ornament?” Lois scoffed, shaking her head bitterly. “This doesn’t make any sense.”

“Lois, nothing has made sense about anything President Garner has done in the last six weeks,” Mayson reminded her.

“Yeah,” Lois remarked softly, recalling aloud, “Vice President Johnson’s murder.” She frowned, turning to Mayson, “No one ever found the killer, did they?”

“No,” Mayson shook her head. “The crime scene was investigated by the NIA, FBI, and Secret Service. No one found anything.”

“And then out of the blue Congress resigns….Lex gets named Vice President…” Lois listed off the major events over the last few weeks. “One thing after another.”

“Superman goes off the rails,” Mayson added with a light chuckle, “Though I have to admit after seeing that arrogant jerk waltz in here like the laws didn’t apply to him, I agree whole-heartedly with Superman’s choice of residence for him.”

Lois let out a light laugh, “Yeah, well, a lot of good that did him.”

“Still, it seemed out of character for him.” Mayson remarked, “I mean, I may not agree with the way he went about it, but he did have a code. Following the rule of law when capturing criminals.” She frowned, “I wonder what pushed him over the edge.”

“I don’t know,” Lois sighed, “That’s what Clark and I were going to try and find out, but without any sources or Planet resources at my disposal, I’m kinda stuck.”

“I guess the whole not being able to legally work puts a wrench in things for you and your investigations too, huh?” Mayson said, running a hand through her hair.

“Yeah, you could say that,” Lois sighed, turning to the former ADA, “So, what brings you here? I mean, besides commiserating in our common debacle with being unemployed.”

“Well, before I got to my office and discovered the National Guard parked outside City Hall preventing me from entering the building, I had taken these files home last night.” She patted her briefcase, “There’s been so much going on. The politics. The criminals escaping. The cyber attacks. Then last night’s fire and bombing…They hit Jimmy’s apartment complex last night.”

“What?” Lois gasped in surprise.

“Thankfully this mysterious red blur or savior or whatever you want to call it was around.” Mayson continued, letting out an exasperated sigh, “Everything is just too…”

“Orchestrated?” Lois guessed.

“Convenient,” Mayson added. “It’s like it’s been planned out to the minute detail.”

“So you thought…what?” Lois edged carefully.

“I thought I’d check with you and see if maybe we can put our heads together and figure this out.”

“But Mayson you’re not supposed to be working,” Lois reminded her with mock indignation.

“I know, but letting criminals run this city into the ground isn’t an option either,” Mayson responded with a sigh, “There’s no way I’m going to take this indignation lying down, and I doubt you will either.”

“The Assistant District Attorney, breaking the law.” Lois teased with a mock, “Tsk, tsk, tsk, I just wish I had this on camera.” She flashed a quick smile at Mayson, “For posterity of course.”

Former Assistant District Attorney.” Mayson reminded her and then quoted Edmund Burke, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Mayson’s jaw tightened. “I refused for evil to triumph. How about you?”

Lois smiled in agreement, “Where do we start?”


Lucy sat in the back of the taxicab, gazing out the window as they reached the edge of the crowd where the entrance to her school was. Thankfully she had enough cash on her to pay for a storage locker until she could figure out her next move. She had left a message for Jimmy and both her parents, but gotten both their answering machines.

The pang in the pit of her abdomen churned as the cab moved closer, seeing the mob of fellow students – female students—outside the university, holding picket signs. Soldiers surrounded the gate with their weapons drawn.

In the back of her mind, she knew it was probably a long shot. If she could not hold onto her job, her apartment—what chance did she have at being able to gain entry to the school she was attending. The taxi cab driver looked back at Lucy sympathetically, “I think we probably need to get out of here, Miss.”

“Yeah,” Lucy agreed, holding back tears.

“Where to?” the driver asked.


“You.” Bruce breathed out before Clark could say anything.

Clark had gone over and over this plan for the last several hours, uncertain what he would say or how he would explain his actions when he found himself face to face with Bruce Wayne. Given his knowledge of the billionaire’s night hobby, it wasn’t very hard to find the hidden entrance beneath Wayne Tech that led into a secret warehouse where many of the gadgets Clark had seen around Metropolis were stored. The ultrasonic device that had been used to lure him to Wayne Tech several weeks ago. The super-powered car dubbed the Batmobile by most media outlets. And in the middle of it, all was Bruce Wayne’s trusted advisor, Lucius Fox.

Bruce frowned, staring up and down, sizing Clark up in the red and blue suit. “Shouldn’t you be avoiding public appearances.”

“I didn’t come in through the front door,” Clark responded carefully, watching as Lucius took a few steps back to move toward the steps leading further into the warehouse. “I wanted to talk…about the other day.”

“Not sure there’s much to talk about,” Bruce said bitterly. “You made your position abundantly clear.”

“I wasn’t myself,” Clark continued, ignoring the billionaire’s hostile attitude. “I never should have…”

“Never should have what?” Bruce asked.

“I made a lot of choices I shouldn’t have.” Clark let out a deep sigh, “Worst of all, violating your privacy like that.” His face fell as he finished with s solemn, “I’m sorry.”

Bruce seemed to mull over the apology for a moment and grunted, “I take it you’re no longer embracing your rage with full aggression?”

“No,” Clark clenched his jaw, slumping his shoulders as he frowned solemnly. His actions had been inexcusable. He knew that. Facing up to the actions leading up to his discovery of Bruce’s alter-ego wasn’t easy, but it was necessary. He owed it to Bruce to own up for his actions—regardless of what had caused them.

A silent lull fell between the two of them and Clark looked up, waiting for Bruce to respond. The billionaire’s square jaw shifted and Bruce then asked, “And Luthor?”

“Luthor landing himself behind bars again wouldn’t make me lose any sleep, but I was out of line.” Clark’s gaze fell, mulling over his actions in kidnapping Luthor and delivering him to the prison Luthor had once occupied. Though he knew he probably should make amends for his actions the idea of apologizing to Luthor of all people made him want to crawl even further beneath the imaginary rock he wanted to hide under. He still wasn’t sure how to fix things with the President—or if he could.

“I wouldn’t necessarily go that far, Kent,” Bruce’s eyes twinkled and his mouth twitched as the name escaped his lips.

Clark froze, unable to move or respond at the name drop Bruce Wayne had carefully made. Did he deny it? Confirm it? His heart pounded in his chest as he stood there, frozen in place, unsure how to respond.

Bruce thankfully took pity on him and let out a sigh, “Admission is the first step…or so I’m told.” Bruce cracked a half-smile at Clark and then continued, “I get it. You don’t want anyone knowing there’s a real person under the cape and ‘S’ just like I don’t want anyone knowing there’s a billionaire under the cowl.”

Clark frowned, feeling his defenses slowly begin to waver as Bruce’s words hit him. He wanted so badly to deny it and run away but he knew that wasn’t something he could do. After what he’d done –invading the man’s privacy and spying beneath Bruce’s cowl to find his identity –he couldn’t justify the denial or any attempt to leave. If Bruce did know who he was then that meant everyone he cared about could be at risk.

Lois’ suspicions about Jimmy knowing his secret weren’t something that would keep him up at night, but this man he still knew so little about? That knowledge dredged up every fear and insecurity from his youth. Jimmy he could trust. He knew without a doubt his young friend wouldn’t betray him. But Bruce? He wasn’t sure where his loyalties lied or if push came to shove he wouldn’t find himself at the billionaire’s mercy. After all, what did he really know about him? Though the billionaire and he shared similar extracurricular activities –fighting criminals with an alter-ego—he still wasn’t convinced he could trust him with what Bruce was searching for.

An admission.

“I pride myself I being a very thorough investigator —especially when it comes to business relationships. I never would have trusted you or Ms. Lane without doing my research first.” Bruce continued his narrative, seeming to enjoy the upper hand he had at his fingertips. “It’s really a genius disguise. No mask. No one looks to try and find the man under the cape.” Bruce stopped and turned to him. “I’d like to think we’re even. You know my secret and I know yours.” The corners of Bruce’s mouth twitched and a triumphant smirk spread across the billionaire’s face. Did he have to look so cocky?

It was true. He did know Bruce’s secret, but did that mean he had to admit to his own? It wasn’t just himself at risk here. It was Lois. It was his parents. It was everyone he cared about. It was his entire life and their lives too. Yet, even with this knowledge, he couldn’t help but notice the lack of anxiety from the billionaire. Bruce surely had to hold onto the same fears and uncertainties, but he didn’t seem to be bothered by the fact that Clark knew his secret identity. It couldn’t be easy. He had heard the stories and read the headlines like anyone else. There were plenty of people within his inner circle that could be used as leverage.

“You seem pretty sure of yourself there, Mr. Wayne,” Clark responded in an even, measured tone, careful not to give an admission just yet.

“Are you actually going to try to deny it?” Bruce scoffed with a light chuckle. The billionaire wasn’t backing down as he held up his hand, ticking off the points for Clark that had given him away. “Clark Kent arrives in Metropolis and one week later Superman makes his debut.” Bruce’s eyebrow raised slightly and he asked, “Coincidence?”

“So?” Clark recrossed his arms over his chest, feeling the prickle of uncertainty tingle on the back of his neck.

“Phenomenal and supernatural occurrences were reported all around the world—all linking to the same location and same time when you, Kent, were present.” Bruce arched his eyebrow at Clark.

Clark looked away, unsure how to respond as Bruce continued, “Not to mention that a good seventy percent of Superman exclusives were covered by the Daily Planet…until about nine months ago. I’m guessing that’s around the same time you clued your wife in on the secret.”

Bruce paused for dramatic effect as Clark wracked his brain, trying to come up with some plausible explanation that didn’t reek of desperation. He was caught. He knew it, but admitting the truth wasn’t something he was ready to do.

“She seems to be a bit sharper than you, no offense.” Bruce flashed a teasing grin at him. He was quiet for a moment and then added, “Look, I get it,” Bruce said gently. “You have family, friends, a life you don’t want tainted by this…other life you lead.” Bruce let his words hang in the air before he continued, “But you don’t need to worry. I’m not going to tell anyone. I have my own secrets that I’d prefer to remain hidden. I have people I care about that would be used as leverage if it ever got out I was Batman.”

Maybe it was the tone of Bruce’s voice. Maybe it was the pressure of literally being a man on the run while the entire world seemed up in flames. Maybe it was the slight humor Bruce sprinkled his speech with. Or maybe it was the aching need he felt to connect with someone that knew the struggles and pitfalls of carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders and leading a double life. Whatever it was that finally broke the barrier, Clark found himself unable to deny the revelation any longer as he finally responded with a single head nod, not making any attempt to vocalize the confirmation he gave.

“You really should have left a bigger time gap between your move to Metropolis and Superman’s debut.” Bruce said nonchalantly, leaning his back against the wall behind him as he crossed his arms over his chest. His face remained stoic as he commented, “That was the biggest clue.”

“I didn’t have much of a choice,” Clark responded carefully, finding his voice at last.

“Right, Prometheus.” Bruce frowned, glancing downward before letting out a long breath and adding, “Luthor again.”

“Yeah,” Clark nodded in agreement, still reeling from the fact that he was actually having this conversation with Bruce Wayne.

“He’s not going to stop.” Bruce remarked bitterly. “You know that, right? First the prison break, then the White House, and after the stunt, he pulled the other day with your wife, it’s only a matter of time…”

Clark’s head jerked up sharply as he barked out, “What stunt?” A thousand thoughts ran through his mind as he racked his brain trying to connect the onslaught of events that had taken place, wondering which one Bruce could be referring to. But Bruce had mentioned a stunt with ‘his wife…’

Bruce ran a hand through his dark locks and quickly interjected, “I’m sorry. I thought you knew... but to be fair she probably didn’t have much of a chance to tell you.”

“Tell me what?” Clark pressed, growing exasperated by the second as he took a step forward. His mind continued to jump from one scenario to another as he waited impatiently for Bruce to tell him what Luthor had done to Lois. She hadn’t mentioned anything. Was that because it was too awful for her to talk about?

“What did Luthor do?” Clark demanded, hearing the edge in his voice as he spoke.

Bruce let out a heavy sigh and dug his hands in his pockets as he paced in front of Clark. “It’s not what happened. It’s what could have happened.” Bruce explained. stopping mid-pace in front of Clark. He lifted his hands out of his pockets and gave air quotes as he mentioned the White House’s Secret Service agents. “’Secret Service’ made a pit stop during the President and Vice President’s visit to Metropolis.”

“What kind of pitstop?” Clark growled out, growing more and more impatient with Bruce’s need to draw out his explanation.

Bruce let out a heavy sigh, beginning to pace once more as he shook his head. “You’ve got to give Luthor credit for one thing. He’s certainly consistent.” A grunt escaped Bruce’s throat as he added, “Somethings never change, right? Stalking your wife and threatening your wife seem right up there with him drawing a line in the sand with…” Bruce’s eyes did a little dance as he looked across Clark’s chest where the Superman emblem was printed. “…Superman.”

“I can handle Luthor,” Clark countered, readjusting his arms across his chest. “What did he do to Lois?”

“Same old, same old I suppose.” Bruce explained with a grimace, before adding a quick, “Sort of. This newfound power has definitely gone to his head. He and his Secret Service were refusing to leave—gloating about being untouchable and some other nonsense.”

Clark felt his fists clench and unclench as Bruce spoke. He wanted more than anything to fly into the White House and give Luthor a piece of his mind, but he knew he couldn’t. Not with the current state things were in. He couldn’t get within the same block as Luthor without having the President release the entire Army on him. He was a fugitive after all.

A smirk crossed Bruce’s face as he continued, “She wasn’t backing down though.”

“She wouldn’t.” Clark chuckled remarked softly.

“Anyway, I moved in when I overhead the request for backup on the police frequency.” A half-smile crossed Bruce’s face and he winked, “I don’t think Luthor knew how to handle the fictitious Batman standing in front of him and threatening him. It scared him enough to back off and leave.”

Clark couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at that comment. The image of Luthor being stared down by Bruce in the cowl and cape and trying to rationalize the presence of Batman was hilarious. Every second Luthor spent withering beneath the billionaire’s gaze was well earned. Clark looked up, meeting Bruce’s gaze.

He held Bruce’s gaze, tightening his jaw as he cleared his throat to ask, “When was this?”

“Right before you dropped Luthor off at the prison,” Bruce responded with a frown.

“Of course it was,” Clark muttered, running his hand over his face, burying his face in his hands. He could feel the heat that had flooded through his veins at the mention of Lois being threatened begin to fade. A thousand scenarios ran through his mind of what might have happened had Bruce not stepped in when he did. Could he have been waking up from his rage state with Lois kidnapped…or worse? He shook his head, forcing the worst of the scenarios out of his mind, attempting to clear his mind of the anger and panic that had been filling his mind moments ago. He looked up, meeting Bruce’s tentative gaze.

It was strange how quickly the mistrust and anxiety seemed to fade the more they talked. Though he wouldn’t go so far as to call them friends yet, Bruce’s willingness to step in and help Lois went a long way to bridging the gap from strangers to a possible comradery. After all, they both shared the desire to help those in need.

There was something to be said about comradery among soldiers who fought together in war. Though this was remarkably different he couldn’t help but feel the iron gates he’d put up due to his distrust of Bruce in his first meeting begin to waver.

“Thank you,” Clark said softly, unable to find the right words, “for helping Lois when I couldn’t.” The words felt lame as they escaped his lips but then again no words seemed to fit the gratitude he felt at that moment. A pang hit his chest as the reality of just how deadly his war with Luthor could have gotten hit him.

“It’s what I do,” Bruce said with a shrug.

“Thank you,” Clark repeated, unable to think of anything else to say.

A long silence fell between them. Clark had a thousand questions he wanted to ask but he still wasn’t sure how much he really wanted to know…or should know. It felt strange standing here, knowing that Bruce Wayne – a man he barely knew—held the power to destroy his life, and he his.

“Does this mean you’ll quit holding a grudge against me for the ultrasonic sound wave stunt?” Bruce asked, clearing his throat as he looked back at Clark.

“Depends,” Clark raised an eyebrow at him in a mock-challenge before adding, Are you planning on using that device again?”

“Not unless you make me,” Bruce cocked an eyebrow at Clark, broadening his smirk into a grin.

Clark chuckled, feeling the last of the mega-ton weight he’d been carrying for the last hour disappear. He still wasn’t completely sure about the billionaire but he had to start somewhere. For now, he was going to choose to trust him. He held out his hand to shake Bruce’s. “Consider it forgotten.”

Bruce took his hand to shake. “So…friends?”

Clark cracked a smile. “We’ll see.”

Bruce chuckled with an amused shake of the head. “I’ll take that I guess.” He let out a deep sigh, “So, what do you think about maybe putting our heads together to stop this sociopath from running the country into the toilet? I could use the help.”

“So could I,” Clark responded with a worried expression. Bruce motioned for him to follow him toward the stairs Lucius had disappeared down and he followed.


Governor Wade slammed the door behind him, hearing the shouts coming from outside his office and from the streets that were filled with protestors. “I’m gonna run Garner up the flagpole when I get my hands on him,” he muttered under his breath.

“Careful, Governor, that is the acting President,” came a voice in the corner.

Wade turned to see none other than Ron Troupe in his office with a scowl on his face and tape recorder in his hand, “No comment, Troupe.” Wade spat out on instinct.

“Really? The governor has no comment on why the President – a close and personal friend of the governor’s—would do a complete one-eighty on his policies and stances?” Troupe pressed. “You vouched for him—”

“I have nothing to –”

“You told the American people that this man would have their backs—”

“This isn’t the man I voted for!”

“He’s done nothing but undermine the Constitution and the values with which this country was founded on—”

“He is the President!”

“The President that stripped half its citizens of their rights and locked them in by closing all the borders!”

“I had nothing to do with that!”

“He’s a traitor!” Ron shouted out at the governor at the same time Wade spat back, “I know!”

Ron frowned back at Wade as the governor let out a shaky breath, “I know. Don’t you think I know?” he met Ron’s eyes, “This isn’t the man I know.”

Ron Troupe’s shoulders slumped as he stared back at Governor Wade, seeming to finally hear him over the arguments. “Then who is he?”

“I don’t know,” Wade muttered out in disgust. “I don’t know.”


Strewn across the dining room table was a large stack of files. Propped up on the kitchen counter was a large board. Images from both Mayson and Lois’ files were tacked up showing the connection from one case to another. Post-its were pinned between the images with theories on the connections. On the other side of the room was a large dry erase board where Lois had listed out every case she and Clark had worked on connected to Intergang and Lex Luthor—including the ones from before his arrest. Those were connected only from conversations Lex had had with Clark.

“Okay, so what do we got here?” Lois said, taking a step back from the board to take it all in.

“Lex Luthor, criminal master-mind gets President Garner to pardon him for all his crimes.” Mayson read off.

“The big question is how?” Lois reminded her.

“We know Luthor was responsible for organizing crime in Metropolis. One of the former Metros came forward this year and admitted the Toasters was a ploy to get the land for cheap and push the Metros out.”

“Waterfront property for pennies,” Lois remarked bitterly.

“Everything he does comes down to ego,” Mayson observed. “His name. His power. The guy’s an egomaniac.”

“Tell me about it,” Lois muttered to herself. “Okay, so Lex ‘dies’ and the Vale brothers build Metallo.”

“Someone steals Metallo.” Mayson continued for her.

“Right under STAR Labs’ nose.” Lois pointed to the picture of Officer Sahid. “And somehow we know Officer Sahid was connected to either the stealing of confidential STAR Labs files or the kidnapping of Metallo.”

“Or both,” Mayson countered.

“What about Metallo could be so valuable to Lex Luthor?” Mayson wondered aloud, pacing in front of the board.

Lois knew the answer, but despite the growing comradery between her and Mayson, she couldn’t divulge the missing piece of the puzzle to her. Not without talking to Clark first. “Maybe it has something to do with it being a part of LexLabs technology? Emmet Vale did use to work for him.”

“Maybe Vale reported directly to Luthor off the books you think?” Mayson toyed with the idea and nodded, “Could be. The guy’s got a control issue that’s for sure.” Mayson jotted another note down and pinned it on the board with a question mark ‘Stolen idea?’ then smoothed it on the board with her palm.

“So this Dr. Gretchen Kelly resurrected Lex,” Lois said with a heavy sigh.

“Bill mentioned her name when he was being treated at Shady Brooke.” Mayson’s eyes lit up.

“Yes, Bill Henderson’s amnesia,” Lois frowned, shaking her head. “and double.”

“Clone,” Mayson corrected. “Let’s just call it what it is.”

“Fine, clone.” Lois corrected. “Bill gets cloned…by Lex or Intergang?”

“My money’s on Lex Luthor, but I wouldn’t put anything past Intergang either,” Mayson said with a heavy sigh.

“So, we’ve got a decorated officer that’s been cloned…acting on behalf of one of these criminals.”

“Prison riot that let Intergang members and one person connected to Lex Luthor out.” Mayson drew a line from Rollie Vale’s mug shot to Lex Luthor.

“All at the same time as this virus that wiped out the nation,” Lois nodded.

“Cyber attack on STAR Labs gives the names of all NIA agents and their families to the Dark Web.” Mayson drew a line from Harley Quinn to a big question mark on the board.

“Then there’s the politics.” Lois drew a line from the question mark to a picture of all the Congressmen and Congresswomen that had resigned. “How does almost an entire sitting group of Congress resign all in the same day?” She twisted her mouth, “I’m voting Intergang on that one.”

“I don’t know,” Mayson argued, “When has Intergang been interested in anything but control and mayhem. I think it might be Lex Luthor. Look at all that had to fall in place for him to be confirmed. He had to know that Congress would confirm him.”

“What better way to do that than to replace them all?” Lois wondered aloud, “but we’re talking a lot of reach. Do we really think his reach is that far outside of Metropolis?”

“I don’t know,” Mayson said with a heavy sigh. “We still can’t answer the burning question here though.”

“What’s that?” Lois asked.

“How did he get his claws on Garner?” Mayson asked. “How is he controlling him?”

Lois let out a long sigh, “He’s got something, the question is what?”

Mayson jotted down the last note and pinned it on the board, drawing it back to the NIA leak. “Mysterious savior saving agents and their families.”

“Who is she?” Lois agreed, not realizing she’d said ‘she’ aloud until it was too late.

“She?” Mayson asked with a raised eyebrow.

Lois tapped her hand on the file in her hand, recalling the footage she and Clark had found at the train station. Just before the mysterious woman –or savior as she was being called—appeared there was a red blur. Much like Mayson had mentioned was seen outside Jimmy’s apartment before it exploded.

She let out a long sigh, “Clark and I have something that might help identify this savior—but I’m not sure if I want it to go public.”

“Since when does Lois Lane hesitate on front page headlines?” Mayson teased in a surprised tone.

“This is bigger than a story, Mayson,” Lois said softly.

Mayson nodded, “I understand.” She was quiet for a moment and then asked, “Who do you think she is?”

“I don’t know, but I hope she’s on our side,” Lois responded solemnly.


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