Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Deadly Chakram FDK: Like A Brother (1/1) - 04/21/19 04:17 AM
Happy Easter, FoLCs! May it be joyful and peaceful, no matter what/if you celebrate.
Posted By: folc4evernaday Re: FDK: Like A Brother (1/1) - 04/21/19 01:29 PM
Beautiful job as always, Vicki! It's always nice to read different takes on BaTP/HOL arc revelations. You always do a great job painting the scene.

Happy Easter!

(Sidenote: LOL at you having to post more than once to get it all in there)

Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Like A Brother (1/1) - 04/21/19 09:33 PM
Very nice, DC!

I can see this working out just this way. Luthor goes after Clark when Lois turns him down and misses so badly that his attempt rebounds on him and kills him. And Clark would be like, "What happened?" for a couple of seconds until he saw Luthor's body on the ground behind him.

Anyway, I love Lois' befuddlement at the revelation and Clark's retreat to Switzerland to sit on a mountain. Lois calling Smallville to interrogate Jonathan and Martha would have been funny under other circumstances. Most of all, I adore the way Lois repaired the basis of their relationship with Clark - no demands, no ultimatums, no screaming or yelling or loss of temper, just letting her tenuous love touch his heart. Of course, he had to be receptive to her entreaties, too. I enjoy reading about a human, emotionally vulnerable Superman. That's the way I view him, so we are in synch there.

Keep writing, DC! You're one of the very best.

Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Like A Brother (1/1) - 04/23/19 12:07 AM
What a delightful story! Love your word pictures. My favorite is...

Originally Posted by Deadly Chakram
What confidence she’d had about sorting out the perplexing mess of feelings in her heart turned to ash and blew away in the breeze left behind as Superman turned to leave, his cape fluttering with the movement.

Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Like A Brother (1/1) - 04/23/19 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by folc4evernaday
Beautiful job as always, Vicki! It's always nice to read different takes on BaTP/HOL arc revelations. You always do a great job painting the scene.

Happy Easter!

(Sidenote: LOL at you having to post more than once to get it all in there)


Thanks, Val! And thanks for making sure Lois and Clark weren't *too* mean to each other in this one!

Also, my muse doesn't know the meaning of "short" story lately.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Like A Brother (1/1) - 04/23/19 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by Terry Leatherwood
Very nice, DC!

I can see this working out just this way. Luthor goes after Clark when Lois turns him down and misses so badly that his attempt rebounds on him and kills him. And Clark would be like, "What happened?" for a couple of seconds until he saw Luthor's body on the ground behind him.

Anyway, I love Lois' befuddlement at the revelation and Clark's retreat to Switzerland to sit on a mountain. Lois calling Smallville to interrogate Jonathan and Martha would have been funny under other circumstances. Most of all, I adore the way Lois repaired the basis of their relationship with Clark - no demands, no ultimatums, no screaming or yelling or loss of temper, just letting her tenuous love touch his heart. Of course, he had to be receptive to her entreaties, too. I enjoy reading about a human, emotionally vulnerable Superman. That's the way I view him, so we are in synch there.

Keep writing, DC! You're one of the very best.

Aww, thanks, Terry! I also love a human Clark. His vulnerable heart is what makes him so interesting. So yes, we are very much in synch on that point!

Glad you enjoyed the story! The idea of having Superman make the reveal was too interesting to pass up.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Like A Brother (1/1) - 04/23/19 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by cuidadora
What a delightful story! Love your word pictures. My favorite is...

Originally Posted by Deadly Chakram
What confidence she’d had about sorting out the perplexing mess of feelings in her heart turned to ash and blew away in the breeze left behind as Superman turned to leave, his cape fluttering with the movement.


Aww, thank you! So glad you enjoyed it! smile
Posted By: JellyS2 Re: FDK: Like A Brother (1/1) - 04/23/19 03:03 AM
grin I love it! Thanks for writing a response to my challenge. That is one of the places where I thought an "I'm Clark Kent" reveal could totally happen. I love how you wrote her instantly feeling regretful about everything that happened. And I also like how you kept it from her POV.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Like A Brother (1/1) - 04/23/19 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by JellyS2
grin I love it! Thanks for writing a response to my challenge. That is one of the places where I thought an "I'm Clark Kent" reveal could totally happen. I love how you wrote her instantly feeling regretful about everything that happened. And I also like how you kept it from her POV.

Thanks, Julie! It was certainly a fun challenge to take on. That moment when she propositions Superman is SO cringeworthy, it would have served her right to have him throw the reveal in there.

I knew it had to be fully from Lois' POV - I wanted to examine her instant regret and how the knowledge of what she's done really messes with her.

Thanks for reading and I'm glad you liked it!
Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Like A Brother (1/1) - 04/24/19 12:22 AM
Wow. The emotion was so intense. Glad they managed to work it out without stretching out the angst too much. And really glad that Lois stepped back and truly thought about what she had put Clark through. In the series, it was hard to tell if she really did or not at times, you know?
Anyway, really great read ^_^
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Like A Brother (1/1) - 04/24/19 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by Blueowl
Wow. The emotion was so intense. Glad they managed to work it out without stretching out the angst too much. And really glad that Lois stepped back and truly thought about what she had put Clark through. In the series, it was hard to tell if she really did or not at times, you know?
Anyway, really great read ^_^

Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed it. I'm glad you liked seeing Lois' thought process and the way she's able to process what she's said and done, as well as the effect it's had on Clark. It was certainly a lot of fun to get inside her mind.
Posted By: Superjan Re: FDK: Like A Brother (1/1) - 04/24/19 02:22 PM
Just loved your story, DC! smile1 Lois thinking through all that she had put Clark through was so priceless. Can't help it, but I just love a good reveal story! Well done! hyper
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Like A Brother (1/1) - 04/25/19 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by Superjan
Just loved your story, DC! smile1 Lois thinking through all that she had put Clark through was so priceless. Can't help it, but I just love a good reveal story! Well done! hyper

Thanks so much! I'm also a sucker for a reveal story, so getting the chance to invert it as an "I'm Clark" moment was too tempting and fun to pass up! Thanks for reading. And so glad you enjoyed it.
Posted By: Sparkyfire Re: FDK: Like A Brother (1/1) - 04/25/19 12:52 PM
I liked this story to. It was great.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Like A Brother (1/1) - 04/25/19 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by Sparkyfire
I liked this story to. It was great.

Aww, thanks, Sparkyfire! Glad you liked it! smile
Posted By: LadyTpower Re: FDK: Like A Brother (1/1) - 04/26/19 08:57 PM
Wonderful story. I love the fact you start after the reveal instead of with a reveal
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Like A Brother (1/1) - 04/27/19 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by LadyTpower
Wonderful story. I love the fact you start after the reveal instead of with a reveal

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed the fic! But it *did* start with the reveal, just flipped from the usual "I'm Superman" to "I'm Clark." The original post had to be split into posts in order to fit. laugh
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK: Like A Brother (1/1) - 04/27/19 02:15 PM
Something about the way he flung Lex’s name at her pricked at her mind, the same as his seemingly intentional usage of “like a brother.” It was like he was dancing around, deliberately throwing clues at her for some puzzle only he could see. Frowning, she figured she would play his game and work out whatever it was that he was getting at. She was a reporter, after all. And not just any reporter. She was the best.

At last, Lois' spidey senses are tingling, but not for Luthor! Urgh!

Was she in love with Clark?

No, she told herself.

Not yet, whispered the voice inside her mind. If you gave him a chance, however…

Love takes time and right now Lois is so confused she doesn't know what to do!

“Time to call in the big guns,” she said as she paced her living room two nights after she’d last seen Clark.

A call to Smallville would have been my first move!

“Fair enough,” he conceded, then swiftly formed a mini tornado as he spun out of his costume and into his civilian attire. He was a sight for sore eyes in a pair of faded blue jeans and a black leather jacket, beneath which she could just see a hint of a pale gray t-shirt.

Hubba! Hubba! Clark in that outfit is amazing!

Lois shook her head. “Not in the way you think. You could have said no to me a thousand times, standing there in the blue suit. It never would have hurt as much as it did when I realized what I’d done to you. How I’d hurt you. How I’d broken your heart. How I’d unintentionally humiliated you by putting you up against yourself, comparing you to yourself, rejecting the real man to chase an illusion.”

This is true, still Clark didn't help matters by flirting with her as his alter ego.

Lois nodded. “I was too worried about you to even think about Lex. Which, now that I think about it, is pretty telling, isn’t it? It’s always been you, Clark.” She reached over and took his hand in hers, studying his soft skin as though trying to memorize every part of him. “I can’t…I can’t say yes to him. Not when it means I’ll lose you. And now, hearing why you think he’s dangerous…knowing he’s threatened you…”

Hmmm. Lex, the relationship with Miss Lane is definitely over!

Clark lost it. He laughed deeply, Lois joining in a heartbeat later. In that moment, Lois was certain she’d made the right decision. Whatever life held in store for her, she would find out with Clark by her side, not Lex.

Lex Luthor only has one side ... his own.

Lois laughed nervously and gave him a sheepish smile. “I…may have called them when I was looking for you. I also may have told them what happened. But, in my defense, I was going out of my mind worrying what might have happened to you after you left.”

Oh, I would have loved to have seen the expressions on Martha and Jonathan's faces when Lois dropped that bomb on them!

Thanks for an insightful and sometimes funny story. It hit the spot!
Posted By: BlindPassenger Re: FDK: Like A Brother (1/1) - 04/27/19 10:44 PM
I really enjoyed this one. I especially liked how you Show the thoughts of Lois and why she does what she does. I always could strangle her in this park Scene and the next one - perhaps your Story helped me a bit to understand her better. I also love that BOTH Lois and Clark finally see their mistakes and say this each other.
I also enjoyed Clark realising he couldn't have both: Lois don't recognizing him, but seeing still Clark in him. I can't remember any other fic who showed this, and I'm afraid about that, because it makes so much sense! Thanks for writing! Nick
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Like A Brother (1/1) - 04/28/19 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
I really enjoyed this one. I especially liked how you Show the thoughts of Lois and why she does what she does. I always could strangle her in this park Scene and the next one - perhaps your Story helped me a bit to understand her better. I also love that BOTH Lois and Clark finally see their mistakes and say this each other.
I also enjoyed Clark realising he couldn't have both: Lois don't recognizing him, but seeing still Clark in him. I can't remember any other fic who showed this, and I'm afraid about that, because it makes so much sense! Thanks for writing! Nick

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Like A Brother (1/1) - 06/10/19 05:14 PM
Hi Vicki!

She’d mentally kicked herself for the rest of the day, and had been running the conversation over and over again in her mind when Superman arrived. She’d hurt Clark – her best friend! – deeply, and she regretted it.

But, he’d kind of brought it on himself in a way, she’d reasoned to herself.
Tsk tsk tsk…Lois Lois Lois…

Lois felt her face blossom with heat as her anger and embarrassment rose. Confusion bubbled just beneath the surface too – since when had Superman become a pig?
Hmm…I don’t think we ever had a fic where she simply walked up to him and slapped him. And broke her wrist in the process. Needing Superman to carry her to the emergency room, dressed in her nightgown. While she’s refusing to talk to him. And having her arrival documented for posterity by Leo Nunk and his trusty photographer.

Could it be that her easy friendship with the hero had been too…friendly and not flirtatious enough?
*snort* Any more flirtatious and she’d be expected to charge for her attentions.

Or was he such a gentleman that he’d overlooked his effect on her?
Maybe he’s into guys. Could explain his obsession with Lex Luthor.

“Lois, I do care for you.” Lois’ heart skipped a beat. He cared for her!
Yes, he loves her. Like a sister.
LOIS: /puts down A Game of Thrones and looks up hopefully/
SUPERMAN: [Linked Image]

He cut her off before she could finish. “Yeah, sure. You love me. Like a brother, right?”

“Like a…?” she puzzled.
So, oops?

What could Lex have done to have earned Superman’s hatred?
Well, asked Lois out on a date, of course!

“You?” she mustered, her voice cracking. Her eyes narrowed. “You?” she demanded. Then, noting his panic, “And don’t you ever dare think about flying out of here.”
Yes, he’s been whispering into Clark’s ear for almost a year now.

“What have I done?” Lois lamented some time later, as she sat spooning chocolate ice cream into her mouth.

How long ago had Superman – Clark – left her apartment? An hour ago? Two hours ago? A week ago?
*squints* I’d say about one third of a gallon’s worth, considering how deep she’s into the bucket.

No, it had to have been just a few hours, at the most, since she’d seen that tortured look on his face while he spilled what was likely – no, definitely, her mind corrected – his deepest secret.
No, he hasn’t told her that one yet. Will also take some more time for him to tell her.

“Time to call in the big guns,” she said as she paced her living room two nights after she’d last seen Clark.
Kansan farmers?

“Clark,” she whispered. “How am I ever going to find you?”
[Linked Image]
Superman! Help, Superman!

“To talk. But not to Superman,” she added, gesturing to his attire. “I called for Clark, not the Man of Steel.”

Lois couldn’t help but to laugh too. “Completely dysfunctional,” she teased back, leaning into his chest. “Which is why it’s probably a good idea that we stick together.”

“Who else could possibly tolerate us?” Clark shot back, clearly biting back another burst of laughter, his arm encircling her waist.

“No one in their right mind,” Lois agreed with a nod.
/looks around FoLC community/

Even in the lamplight, his blush was unmistakable. “Um…Switzerland,” he confessed.
Huh, I really expected him to end up in the Arctic. Although, fun thought: Labby once expanded on the idea of Lex’s Swiss Alps fortress in his Masques fic, so, what if Clark actually found Lex’s fortress and made it his own Fortress of Solitude for these two days evil At least until he finds the Lois Lane paraphernalia room.

“Work?” Clark questioned. “The Planet’s been destroyed, Lois. We don’t have jobs anymore,” he reminded her bitterly.
Umm…you’ve had Lois visit the bullpen earlier when she was looking for Clark.

Clark laughed then and untangled his arm from Lois’. Then he slung his arm around her shoulders and drew her closer to him. And in that moment, Lois knew that things would be okay between them. He would never be like a brother to her, but she would fight to prove that she was worthy of his love.

Adorable untwist, Vicki!

wave Michael
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Like A Brother (1/1) - 06/13/19 04:52 AM
Hi Michael! wave

Tsk tsk tsk…Lois Lois Lois…

Lois: Well...to be fair...he started it.

Hmm…I don’t think we ever had a fic where she simply walked up to him and slapped him. And broke her wrist in the process. Needing Superman to carry her to the emergency room, dressed in her nightgown. While she’s refusing to talk to him. And having her arrival documented for posterity by Leo Nunk and his trusty photographer.

Muse: *growls* Don't wake the dragon. I've got enough on my plate.

*snort* Any more flirtatious and she’d be expected to charge for her attentions.

Lois: I don't charge. I do, however, accept...gifts.

Maybe he’s into guys. Could explain his obsession with Lex Luthor.

Now there's a set up for a horror story if ever I heard one. Clark enamored with Lex.

Yes, he loves her. Like a sister.
LOIS: /puts down A Game of Thrones and looks up hopefully/

(insert pic here of a FB-style wrist with no hand attached) Jaime Lannister likes this.

*squints* I’d say about one third of a gallon’s worth, considering how deep she’s into the bucket.

Lois: Nah, I taste tested it the night before. You know, to make sure it was good. Quality control, if you will.

/looks around FoLC community/

FoLCs: We're ALL mad here! dizzy

Umm…you’ve had Lois visit the bullpen earlier when she was looking for Clark.

Aww, crud, I can't believe that got passed as many read throughs and the beta step.

Thanks for reading! Glad you enjoyed it!

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