Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: folc4evernaday Rules of War 11b/16 - 03/18/19 02:02 AM
Rules of War
Chapter 11b

A/N: Sorry for the delay on posting this. I got hit hard with allergies and Mother Nature this week.


Lois combed her fingers through her hair for the umpteenth time, glancing over at Clark who had his head buried in his hands as he rocked the heels of his feet back and forth from the chair he was sitting in.

“It’s been all over the news,” she finally spoke up, referring to Superman’s reckless behavior. The media sound byte of the President declaring Superman an enemy of the United States had been on the twenty-four-hour news circuit for the last twenty-four hours much to her and Clark’s chagrin.

“I still don’t understand how something like this could happen,” Clark let out a long sigh of defeat, raking his hands up and down his face. “I don’t remember any of this.” He pointed toward the television as the image of him grabbing Lex Luthor from behind the podium and flying off with him played once more.

Lois bit her lip, unsure how to respond, “What’s the last thing you do remember?”

“A train station,” Clark replied with a solemn expression.

“A train station?” she pursed her lips as she reached over to grab a notebook. This could be the first lead they had to find out what had happened to Clark yesterday. “Do you remember where it was?”

Clark snapped his fingers, seeming to recall the detail they were searching for. “O’Neill Automotive.”

Lois frowned, “Since when did O’Neill Automotive expand their business into rail transportation?”

“No, no, no,” Clark shook his head. “It was a few blocks away from the train station.” He grew quiet for a moment. “There was someone…something just outside the terminal.”

“Who was it?” Lois asked.

“I don’t know,” Clark responded.

“Well, then I guess our first move is to find this train station.”


Jimmy took a look in the mirror, combing his fingers through his damp hair. He lifted his hand and wiped it across the mirror, removing the film of steam that had been built up across it. He glanced around the bathroom, taking in the unfamiliar lavender and dainty decorations. His night had been spent tossing and turning in Lucy’s spare bedroom, recalling how close to death he had come.

The memory of the night before and his near miss with the bomb that nearly took him out rang through his mind. One second he was standing close enough to the fire he could feel the embers against his skin and the next he was at a safe distance, safe with Lucy in his arms.

It obviously wasn’t Superman.

So, who was it?



That was how everything felt as Clark sat in the passenger seat of the Jeep while Lois drove them to the old train station just outside the city limits. The exit of their apartment had been met with an ambush of fellow journalists, pressing for details on the whereabouts of Superman. He’d been too shocked to respond. Thankfully, Lois had taken charge of the situation and pushed them through the crowd, warning them to back off with her usual sarcastic comebacks.


The word rolled around in his mind for the umpteenth time as the car jostled them over the rough roads that were in dire need of repair. He was a fugitive. Superman was a fugitive. The idea seemed preposterous, yet here he was. Wanted for questioning by the President of the United States. A wave of apprehension washed over him as the reminder of the news headline ran through his mind.

<<“President Garner has issued a presidential decree, declaring Superman, an enemy of the United States.”>>

What was he going to do?

The soft hum of the wind blowing against the Jeep made a dull rustle as Lois drove over the train tracks. Clark glanced to the right where he spotted the O’Neill Automotive factory. To the left was a worn down red and white building with an old sign barely hanging on to the rusty old chains. You could make out the ‘M’ and ‘R’ just before the word ‘Train’ on the faded old sign. Lois pulled into the dust-covered parking lot – if you could even call it that. She put the Jeep in park and turned off the ignition.

“Look familiar?” Lois asked, unbuckling her seatbelt.

Clark nodded, reaching over to open the door after unbuckling his seatbelt. He stepped out of the Jeep, taking a look around the familiar surroundings. The structure of the train station was worn down, covered in dust and eroded wood. His gaze shifted to the terminal he recalled landing on.

“This is it,” he finally spoke, pointing to the terminal a few feet away from a rundown forklift.

Lois placed a hand on his shoulder, “Anything coming back to you?”

Clark frowned, shaking his head as he walked down the terminal with Lois a few steps behind him. He pointed to the spot that appeared to have been walked across recently. “I remember landing …somewhere. I guess here?”

Lois looked down at the spot they were standing in. “And everything else is…blank?”

“Yeah,” Clark sighed, looking around the rundown terminal they were standing in. He lowered his glasses, looking around the abandoned train station.

“There’s got to be something here,” Lois whispered, taking a few steps forward. “Something to tell us what happened.”

Clark sighed, glancing down at his feet when something caught his eye. He pushed the rim of his glasses down the bridge of his nose and focused his vision on the small eroded hole in the wood plank they were standing on.

“What is it?” Lois asked.

Clark knelt down and carefully moved the board back and forth until it was loose enough to remove from its place. “Answers.” He held up a small camera with a red blinking light.


Perry’s office was unbearably crowded with Ron Troupe, Ralph, and Jimmy huddled over the photographs Ralph was trying to peddle as evidence. Perry tapped his hand on his chin as he contemplated his next move, listening to each of his journalists argue their points for and against the headline Ralph wanted to run with.

Ron Troupe tapped his finger on the blurry photo in Ralph’s hand. “Do you have any idea how many size-eleven boots are sold in Metropolis?”

“And how do you explain the …?”

Ralph found himself cut off when Jimmy jumped in, “A piece of red thread doesn’t equal Superman being there, Ralph. The guy was busy dealing with real criminals!”

“Like himself?” Ralph snorted.

Jimmy moved toward Ralph and Ron reached his arm out to stop him as Jimmy shouted, “You little…!”

“Okay, that’s enough!” Perry barked, putting a stop to the arguing before it could escalate into a full-fledged argument. He turned to his journalists, “Now, you’ve all made your case…” he looked at Ron, “I’m not one to discourage my journalists from chasing a lead.”

“But …” Jimmy began to cut in.

“Within reason,” Perry added, looking at Ralph. “The Superman angle isn’t being printed, but if you can find something to corroborate your lead on this savior besides a hysterical victim, then we’ll print it.”

“But Chief!” Ralph argued.

“That’s it!” Perry ordered, pointing toward the door. Ralph nodded and headed out the door, taking the hint.

Jimmy moved toward the door to follow only to be stopped by Perry’s gruff question, “Any sign of Lane and Kent?”

“Uh, no,” Jimmy cleared his throat, “They called in earlier. A pitstop.”

“Pitstop?” Perry asked.

“They didn’t say,” Jimmy shrugged.

“Oh,” Perry nodded, “Well, let me know when they get in.”

“Will do, Chief.” Jimmy nodded.

“And Troupe?” Perry called out to Ron before he could make it out of his office. “Why don’t you go with Ralph to talk to that witness. See what you make of it.”

An uncertain expression crossed Ron’s face, but he nodded his agreement and left through Perry’s door to leave.


Lois readjusted her suit jacket, drumming her fingertips against the middle button for the umpteenth time. She stole a glance at Clark who looked like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. The drive back from the train station had been quiet. Most of the morning had been spent trying to retrace Clark’s steps yesterday. Now that they had found the video camera the next step was to review the footage and determine who or what they were dealing with.

She felt a pang in her chest as the elevator doors opened up to the newsroom and saw Jimmy standing a few feet away from the doors. The strange conversation she’d had with him yesterday came back to her.

<<"Any idea where that husband of yours disappeared to?”


“He called in earlier...He’s checking out the other officers and trying to track down Superman.”

She still wasn’t a hundred percent sure, but instinct told her Jimmy knew Clark was Superman. Why else would he try to cover up Clark’s disappearance yesterday? She still hadn’t brought it up with Clark yet. Though she knew at some point, she’d have to drop the bombshell right now was not the moment though.

“Hey, guys,” Jimmy chirped as they stepped off the elevator.

“Morning, Jimmy,” Lois replied, avoiding eye contact with him.

“You’re in late,” Jimmy commented, following them down the steps. “The, uh, Chief wanted to see you.”

“What about?” Clark asked, looking back at Jimmy.

“I’m not sure,” Jimmy said with a shrug.

Clark’s jaw tightened as he mulled something over before heading to Perry’s office. Lois followed quietly, wondering momentarily what was on his mind – other than the obvious.


“President Garner has issued a presidential decree, declaring Superman, an enemy of the United States.”

The newscaster’s voice filled the office, and Alberto Falcone reached over to click the remote to turn the television off. He ran a hand through his thinning hair and turned to the man sitting across from him. “I see you’ve been busy, Hugo.”

“Experiments have to be performed to know what it is we’re dealing with,” Hugo remarked calmly.

Alberto tightened his jaw as he looked to Hugo, “Your experiment could cost us everything, Hugo.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be checking in with Denetto on that list of NIA agents I had Whisper steal for you?” Hugo straightened up and readjusted his jacket. “I’ll let you know if my hypothesis is correct.”


Clark quietly led Lois into the conference room after the intense stare down with Perry. He owed his editor a story on Superman’s rogue behavior by noon which had apparently been promised to him by Lois. He let out a deep sigh, trying to control the anxiety that was slowly beginning to build. What else had he dropped the ball on yesterday?

Once the door was closed behind them, he turned to Lois, “So, I was tracking down Superman yesterday. Anything else?”

She shook her head, “No, I forgot about that excuse.”

“It’s been a stressful twenty-four hours,” he reasoned, reaching over to squeeze her shoulder.

“Yeah,” she replied weakly, looking up at him, “but that wasn’t my excuse.”

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“Well, when you were …when Superman was missing yesterday…and Clark…Perry began to notice, and Jimmy covered for you.”

“He did what?” Clark asked in surprise. His eyebrows rose as he quickly picked up on the hidden meaning behind Lois’ statement.

Before he could ask she quickly added, “I don’t know anything for sure and honestly right now is not the right time to even ask.”

“I know,” he said softly. “But…”

The door cracked open, and the subject of their conversation poked his head inside with a handful of folders in his hands. “Guys? This a bad time?”

“Uh, no,” Lois said hurriedly, turning toward Jimmy. “What is it?”

“Those officers that delivered Hamilton’s research to STAR Labs?” Jimmy prompted, “You wanted me to track them down and find anything that sticks out.”

“Yeah, what’d you find out?” Lois asked.

“A money trail,” Jimmy said, setting the file down on the table. “Officer Malik Sahid.” He opened the file to reveal the officer’s photo and a printout of a financial statement. “A month before Johnny Corbin disappeared from STAR Labs Officer Sahid received a huge deposit in his account. Then a month later regular purchases started changing. Different coffee shops. Different regular lunch spots.”

Lois and Clark exchanged a look and Clark responded with a nod, “Definitely suspicious.”

“So Officer Sahid was a part of Corbin’s kidnapping, but what about Hamilton’s research?” Lois asked.

“It’s all connected,” Jimmy explained, turning the page. “Sahid is partners with one other officer. “Officer Daniel White. He received a similar deposit the day Hamilton’s research was supposed to transfer over to STAR Labs.”

Clark smiled broadly, “Great job, Jimmy.”

“Sounds like we owe Officers Sahid and White a visit,” Lois said with a grin.

Clark nodded, holding up his hand. “Any idea where this money was coming from Jimmy?”

Jimmy shook his head, “No, I keep hitting a wall on tracing it.”

“Just keep trying,” Lois said with an encouraging smile.

He nodded, “You bet.” With that, he headed for the door and left. Clark pulled out the videotape from his jacket and put it into the VCR to play it. Lois reached over to press the play button with the remote, tapping at the fast-forward button until they saw what looked like the woman who had been rescued yesterday evening by Ralph’s Savior being escorted toward the forklift with a gun to her back.

Clark pointed to the frame, “Freeze it there.”

“What is it?” Lois asked as she watched Clark jot down the frame number.

“The guy does a good job of staying off the screen,” Clark said, pressing fast forward on the remote again. He stopped again when he saw himself land on the terminal. There was a moment of hesitation, and then he disappeared.

He frowned, “That’s it?”

Lois shook her head, “There’s got to be something else here.”

She reached over to fast forward the tape and stopped when an image of gold and red filled the screen. It stopped and in its place was a woman with dark raven hair and a golden lasso in her hand.

“Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” Lois asked.

“The woman that just appeared out of nowhere and rescued the victim from the crate?” Clark asked numbly.

“Yeah,” Lois nodded.

“We need to have STAR Labs go over this,” Clark said, standing to his feet. “There’s got to be something to explain…all of this.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Lois asked, looking at him in concern.

“We don’t have a choice,” he responded.


Carmine Falcone tapped his hand impatiently on the table as he listened to his son’s ramblings from his recent visit with Hugo Strange. In his heart, he knew his son was deeply troubled and responsible for mayhem and destruction throughout Gotham. He also knew that prison was no place for his misunderstood son.

“It was my plan!” Alberto fumed angrily, pacing around the room as his arms flailed around him.

“I know,” Carmine remarked calmly. “Hugo Strange overstepped.”

“What does he think he’s going to accomplish by testing that ridiculous rock?!” Alberto shouted out in a fit of anger. “The whole point of getting the kryptonite from Two-Face was so we could kill Superman!”

“True, but look at the impact the testing has had,” Carmine pointed out, hoping to coax his son to a more rational train of thought. “Superman is now considered a fugitive. That’s a win for us.”

“No, it’s not,” Alberto shook his head vehemently, seething over the doctor’s overstep. “It’s not a win.”

“Alberto,” Carmine remarked carefully.

“It’s not a win,” he repeated.

Carmine sighed, relenting, “Whatever you say, son.”


Lois held in her frustration as she watched Dr. Klein move across his lab. He had basically told them zilch since their arrival at STAR Labs. She let out a frustrated groan, pinching the bridge of her nose as she spoke up, “There has to be something on here to explain Superman’s behavior.”

“You mean other than his public declaration that Vice President Luthor belonged behind bars?” Dr. Klein asked.

“I’m sure there’s something on this tape we can use to prove he wasn’t himself,” Clark insisted.

“There isn’t a lot here,” Dr. Klein insisted. “He arrives and he lands and then he disappears.”

“But if we could blow up the image, maybe we could see what made him leave,” Clark said pointing to the corner of the screen.

“Maybe,” Dr. Klein shrugged with a heavy sigh, “I’m just not sure there’s anything there.”

“Superman wouldn’t leave people in danger like that,” Lois said, placing a hand on her husband’s shoulder. “There has to be something to explain his behavior.”

“Well, his behavior yesterday was out of character,” Dr. Klein reasoned. “Anything is possible.” Dr. Klein shifted his gaze away from them as he spoke.

Lois picked up on the avoidance and pressed the scientist, “Dr. Klein, is something wrong?”

“No, of course not. Everything’s fine.” Dr. Klein responded too quickly.

“Uh-huh,” Lois glanced to Clark who nodded for her to press for more. “Did Superman contact you yesterday?”

“No,” Dr. Klein shook his head, avoiding eye contact as he fiddled with his mouse.

“Has anyone contacted you regarding Superman?” Lois pressed, taking a step closer as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“Well, I…” Dr. Klein began evasively.

“Dr. Klein?” Clark prompted, picking up on the scientist’s odd behavior as well.

Dr. Klein shook his head, turning away, “It’s confidential.”

What’s confidential?” Lois inquired.

“I’m sure it was just curiosity.” Dr. Klein brushed it off.

“What was?” Clark pressed.

“Who was it, Dr. Klein?” Lois asked.

“Bruce Wayne,” Dr. Klein finally answered.

“What did he want?” Clark asked.

“Superman’s medical files.” Dr. Klein blurted out.


Lex Luthor took a sip from the expensive brandy, allowing the taste to linger on his tongue. Everything was falling into place. Soon Superman would find himself behind bars, facing the life of imprisonment Superman had once infringed on Lex and many others. Not only would he ensure that Superman could not show his face when the second part of his plan took fruition.


Bruce Wayne tapped at the screen Professor Hamilton had pulled up, looking over at his shoulder to where Bill Henderson was standing. Since Henderson had regained his memories, Bruce had hired a team to inspect the underground tunnels Henderson had been trapped in. Unfortunately, his team had been unable to find the officers Henderson so desperately sought to find.

STAR Labs had access to all the city’s data infrastructure and was easily able to pull up the files he sought out. For the last several hours they had been camped out in Professor Hamilton’s lab, going through the records of missing persons and John Does at hospitals, in hopes of finding the team of officers that had been left underground during his escape. However, so far there had been no match for the men he was searching for.

“Are you sure none of these guys look familiar?” Bruce asked, pointing at the screen.

“It’s not them,” Henderson said sharply, turning to Hamilton, “Keep scrolling.”

“Bill, we’ve been going at this for a few hours,” Professor Hamilton, “Maybe take a break?”

“I can’t!” Bill said gruffly, shaking his head. “I’ve already lost too much time already. I’ve gotta…”

“Bill, we’ve searched the tunnels,” Bruce spoke up. “There’s no one there.”

“I know,” Henderson sighed. “I know.”

The crackle of the speaker reached their ears, and the sound of the security dispatcher’s voice came through, “Professor Hamilton? I’ve got a Detective Zymack here to see you.”

Henderson’s eyes widened, “Zymack?”

“I take it that’s someone you know?” Professor Hamilton asked.

Bruce took Henderson’s sigh of relief as confirmation and nodded to Hamilton, “Let him in.”


Dr. Klein tapped insistently at his mouse, zooming further and further in on the video footage, trying to find someone or something to explain the bizarre behavior from Superman in the last twenty-four hours. Lois looked over at Clark, unsure if now was the right time to bring up the bombshell Dr. Klein had dropped on them. Bruce Wayne had been after Superman’s medical records.


She stole a glance in Clark’s direction noting the concerned expression on his face. She reached her hand over to hold his, giving it a gentle squeeze. Clark glanced toward her, offering her a half-smile but she could tell his mind was troubled still.

“Well, this might be something,” Dr. Klein spoke up, motioning them over.

“What is it?” Lois asked.

“There’s a reflection of a face here.” Dr. Klein pointed to his screen. “After the security breach, each branch of STAR Labs sent a group of scientists over to consult with the team on how to fight data breaches moving forward. Dr. Hugo Strange from Gotham was sent over to represent Gotham.”

“So, what’s a respected scientist doing at an abandoned train station at the same time this kidnapping occurred?” Clark asked.

“I’m not sure,” Dr. Klein responded, “Dr. Hugo Strange has always been a little unconventional with his experiments.”

“Unconventional?” Clark pressed with a raised eyebrow.

“There were rumors that he was testing on residents of Arkham but nothing that could be proven.” Dr. Klein explained.

“So, it wouldn’t be a wild leap to think he might have lured Superman to the train station with an emergency if he was trying to test something on him.” Lois reasoned aloud.

Dr. Klein shrugged his shoulders, “I’d like to think he wouldn’t be capable of such things, but I honestly don’t know.”

“You mentioned he was in Metropolis to help with the security breach here at STAR Labs. How long is he supposed to be in town?” Clark asked.

“I’m not sure,” Dr. Klein shrugged. “I think he’s in town for at least a few more weeks. I believe he’s staying at the Metro…”

Lois’ eyes lit up at this information, “Thanks, Dr. Klein. Do you think you could send us a copy of that image?”

“Absolutely,” Dr. Klein nodded as Lois tugged on Clark’s arm to pull him with her outside the lab.

Once the doors were closed she began rambling, “We’ll have Jimmy run a search on this Hugo Strange and see who he might be involved with. There’s no way this is a one-man job…”

“Lois, Lois, slow down,” Clark interjected, reading her train of thought.

“We could probably arrange for a stakeout. Maybe find out STAR Labs’ itinerary for Hugo Strange and search his place…”

“No, absolutely not.” Clark shook his head adamantly. “We still don’t know what it is we’re dealing with.”

“Hence why we need to get some answers,” she crossed her arms over her chest.

“Staking out the Metro for Dr. Hugo Strange is asking for trouble.”

“And you suggest what? Waiting for him to strike again?” Lois growled irritably, “Maybe Superman will actually end up in prison this time.”

“No, that’s not what I mean.” Clark relented, letting out a deep sigh. “I just don’t think it’s a good idea to go barreling in there without a plan.”

“I have a plan,” Lois smiled back at him.

“Which is?” Clark asked.

“Search his hotel room and stake it out until we get answers. Then confront him.” Lois responded.

“This is a bad idea,” Clark warned.


President Garner beamed happily as he held up the newest bill with his signature for the camera. He looked to his left where the Press Secretary was standing and then to his right where his Vice President stood behind him. This was a moment for the history books. No longer would he leave his legacy and the safety of the nation up to chance. Though he knew there would be some resistance, in the end, he knew his Vice President’s reassurances were correct. The people sought to go back to a simpler time and him being the one to lead them there would make him go down in history as one of the greatest presidents this country had ever known.


Lois waited outside Hugo Strange’s hotel room in a gray and white maid’s uniform, checking to make sure no one was looking as she fished for the keycard she had swiped from the locker room. Two hands clamped over her shoulders, and she jumped in surprise.

“It’s just me,” Clark whispered in her ear. “For the record, I still think this is a bad idea.”

Lois gave him a half-smile, “We’re running out of options,” she reminded him, swiping the keycard in the door.

A soft click opened the door, and Clark turned the knob, “After you.”


Johnny Denetto slammed the door behind him, pointing at the trio that had entered the room with him. “You have to be out of your ever loving mind!”

Alberto Falcone raised his fist in Denetto’s face, “You dare challenge me? You have no idea what kind of hell you’ve unleashed by crossing me!”

“At least my plan didn’t call for ruining the entire team’s plans!” Denetto shouted back. “Exactly when were you preparing to clue in everyone on your plan to not only assassinate our asset but to take out the entire executive branch of the country?”

Hugo Strange chose that moment to speak up, “Gentlemen, you’ve both said your peace. I think it’s time we had a discussion on what we’re trying to achieve.” He pulled out a briefcase and opened the locks, lifting the case lid to reveal a red glowing rock from within. “We’ve certainly come a long way from a prison in Arkham…with this weapon, we can change the way all interactions with Superman take place.”


“…with this weapon we can change the way all interactions with Superman take place.”

Lois looked to her left from behind the closet door with built-in wooden blinds, positioned so she could see out into the living space of the hotel room. As soon as they had heard Strange and his comrades in the hallway she and Clark had ducked into the closet with the camera, in hopes of capturing something on video.

“Superman displayed a perfect example of what can happen to him under the influence of this….red kryptonite.” Hugo Strange continued. “Loss of control and apathetic behavior to his laws and justice.”

Lois nudged Clark, trying to get his attention, “Clark, did you hear what he just said?”

“Something something…. laws and justice,” Clark grunted out in a nonchalant tone. He seemed to care less about Hugo Strange’s revelation, and she noted the distinct change in her husband’s demeanor the moment the case lifted up.

“I still don’t understand why you insist on your mind games, Hugo,” Came Denetto’s response. “Especially when we already have a weapon that has been proven to be lethal against Superman.” As he spoke Denetto set his own case on the table and unlatched it.

Lois stared at the case, feeling as if the world had slowed down as she stared at it. She tightened her jaw and whispered, “We need to get out of here.”

“Yeah,” Clark agreed, “We could probably catch a movie if we make good… time.” He let out a low moan of pain as the case opened and a glowing green light came from it.

Unable to think of anything else, Lois reached over to silence him with her lips in the hopes of keeping her husband’s painful cries from reaching the trio of crime lords’ ears.


“…we already have a weapon that has been proven to be lethal against Superman,” Denetto spoke up, lifting the case and revealing the green kryptonite. “What we need is a plan on how to use it.”

“No, forget the plans,” Falcone’s response came sharply, and the sound of the barrel of a shotgun being loaded reached his ears.

Denetto looked up and saw the barrel of a shotgun aimed at him, “That’s the way you want to play this, Falcone?” He let out a chuckle, “You really think I’d come to a meeting of minds unarmed?”

“Your days running Intergang are through, Denetto. It’s time the Falcone name took the reigns once more.” Alberto Falcone cocked the trigger as Denetto pulled out his semi-automatic.

“Is that so?” Denetto asked.


The sounds of gunfire erupting in the next room filled Lois’ eardrums as she flattened herself against the corner of the closet, doing her best to make sure her husband who was already showing signs of weakness from the Kryptonite exposure was protected as well. The haunting screams echoed through her mind for what felt like an eternity as she waited for the moment when she and Clark could make their escape. Unfortunately, that moment couldn’t come soon enough.


The next morning, Perry White approached the doors to the Daily Planet, preparing for his usual early start when he was met with the First Sargent and his troops at the door. He stared at the small army standing guard and let out a short scoff in disbelief, “You boys lost?”

“Perry White?” the First Sargent asked as he approached.

“That’s right,” Perry acknowledged.

“We’re here to ensure adherence to the new law passed by Presidential decree.” The First Sargent responded.

“New law?” Perry asked, taking the paper that had just been handed to him. He felt his heart stop as he read the official, executive order with President Garner’s signature at the bottom. “There has to be some mistake.”

“No mistake, sir,” the First Sargent responded. “All violators will be charged with treason.” The message was clear. “Do you understand, Mr. White?”


Lois stole a glance toward Clark as they reached the coffee cart just oust outside the Daily Planet. The events from last night still tumbled through her mind as she took her place in line with Clark to order her much needed coffee. The blood-curdling screams and maniacal laughter haunted her for most of the night. It had taken nearly a half hour for Johnny Denetto to leave the room so she and Clark could make their escape. By that time, Clark was barely able to walk out of there let alone sneak out of the hotel.

Thankfully Clark’s powers seemed to slowly be returning, but the memory of what he couldn’t do…the lives he couldn’t save because of that deadly rock would haunt him forever. She knew that all too well. Clark had a tendency to obsess about what he couldn’t do.

They approached the counter, and she frowned when she noticed an unfamiliar man standing in the usual barista’s place. Taken aback she stammered, “Um, where’s Jill?”

He didn’t answer, looking to Clark who was standing behind her, “What’ll it be?”

Lois felt a fire in her abdomen at the blatant rude behavior from the new barista and cut in, “Short non-fat mocha, decaf, no foam, no sugar, no whip.”

The barista frowned, not making a move to fill her order and instead turned to Clark once more, “What’ll it be, sir?”

Clark frowned, placing a hand on Lois’ shoulder, “I believe my wife placed her order already. Would you mind filling it?” Though his words were polite enough, his tone was stern and forceful.

The man pasted on a smile and nodded, “Sure, and for you, sir?”

“Grande latte, whole milk, three sugars,” Lois answered for him, crossing her arms over her chest with a bite in her tone.

The barista looked to Clark, and he nodded, “Coming right up.” He rang the order up and read off the total, “That’ll be $13.50.”

“I’ve got it,” Lois pulled out her credit card and handed it to the man that seemed insistent on ignoring her presence.

He frowned, taking the card from her and ran it through the scanner. Three short beeps escaped the machine, and the barista handed it back to her with a smug expression, “Denied.”

“What?!” Lois shouted, “That’s impossible!”

“Banks don’t lie,” was the smart-aleck response.

Before Lois could argue, Clark cut in, “Just try mine.”

The barista grunted and took the card from Clark to run it. A single beep sounded signaling the approval of the card. Lois gave a look of disgust and grumbled, “It’s the same account.”

A few minutes later the two drinks were pushed toward them, sloshing their contents on the counter of the coffee cart. Clark muttered under his breath, taking the two cups. “Where did they find that guy an alley in Hobb’s Bay?”

“Somewhere,” Lois muttered, taking a sip of her coffee as they turned the corner to the Planet. As they reached the corner, she noted the line of unmarked vehicles parked outside the front of the Planet and the small group of reporters yelling at what appeared to be a small crowd of New Troy’s National Guard.

“What in the world?” Lois muttered as they reached the edge of the crowd. She spotted Karen in the small group standing in front of the soldiers that were guarding the entrance of the Planet.

“Any guesses on why the National Guard is creating a human blockade in front of the Planet?” Clark wondered aloud.

“Your guess is as good as mine,” Lois said, turning to Karen, waving her over. “Karen, what’s going on?”

“They won’t let us in,” Karen responded.

“What?” Lois choked out.

“Go ahead and try,” she pointed to the guards. “They won’t let anyone through.”

Clark shook his head, approaching the guards with Lois beside him and pulled out his press badge. “Excuse me?”

The soldiers remained unmoved as Clark approached and Lois called out, “Would you mind telling us why you’re blocking the entrance to one of the world’s most well-known news outlets?”

“Ma’am, your presence here is illegal,” one of the soldiers remarked, refusing to move. “No women are allowed on the property.”

“Excuse me?” Lois scoffed in disbelief, pulling out her phone to dial Perry. “I don’t know who you think you are or what you think you’re doing, but this is illegal and…” she stopped when she heard Perry’s voice on the other end of the phone, “Perry? You’ve got a small army keeping us from entering the Planet.”

“I know,” came Perry’s response. “A law got passed by the President last night. It’s illegal to employ you, darlin.”

“What?” Lois breathed out in disbelief.

“Voting, employment, everything. It’s all gone.” Perry let out a disgusted snort. “All of it.”

Lois hung up the phone in disbelief and turned to Clark, in shock from what Perry had just told her.

Clark nudged her arm, “Lois?”

“President Garner signed a law that took away the Nineteenth Amendment,” Lois replied numbly. “Women’s rights are gone.”



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