Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: folc4evernaday Rules of War 10b/16 - 01/31/19 05:28 AM
Rules of War
Chapter 10b

The elevators pinged and Lois stepped off the elevator with Mayson in tow. The ride to the Planet had been uncomfortable at best. The reports from the White House scared her. Why would Clark risk such a bold move and put himself in danger like that? Didn’t he know something like this would put a target on his back? The apprehension building inside her threatened to be too much for her. She knew whatever the reason for his going after Lex she had to keep it together. The only way to do that was to keep the dread and anxiety at bay until she found Clark.

The surprise rescue from Batman and Lex’s unwelcome visit left a bitter taste in her mouth. Her mind was still reeling from the fact that she had Batman standing in the middle of her living room. Clark had told her about meeting him the other night but it was completely different to hear about the dark knight –as he was commonly referred to—than to be standing in front of him.

He hinted that he knew she could get ahold of Superman. She recalled the inquisitive look on Mayson’s face after Batman had left. Explaining what had transpired to Mayson would open a can of worms she wasn’t ready to deal with. Her relationship with Mayson had come a long way in the last year, and to her credit the ADA had become more open to looking beyond the black and white of the law when it came to Superman. Still, explaining what another vigilante was doing in Metropolis and why he was looking for Superman would only dredge up old wounds that had been long and buried.

<<“No one was killed.”>>

More than anything she wanted to see Lex removed from office and locked away in prison where he belonged for the rest of his days, but as long as he was protected by the president’s pardon that wouldn’t happen. He claimed he was a changed man but he still had no remorse for his actions. He actually boasted of his crimes as if they were something to be proud of and dismissed the hurt and pain he’d put those she cared about most through.

<<“I think I’ll stay…. Afterall, it has been so long since I’ve had the luxury of just…dropping by.”>>

A shudder ran through her as she recalled the arrogant way Lex had traipsed around, practically shoving in her face just how powerless she was to stop him. She had gone against powerful organizations before, brought down multi-billion companies and helped put away some of the most notorious criminals. This was different though. She was in foreign territory now. How was she supposed to take on the leader of the free world and his newest second in command?

‘Vice President,’ the title left a sour taste in her mouth as she scanned the newsroom, hoping to find Clark there. She hadn’t seen or heard any reports of rescues on the drive over but she knew from experience that didn’t necessarily mean anything. Many times the rescues he performed as Superman didn’t make the news unless a disaster had occurred.

“Lois?” Mayson placed a hand on her shoulder, pulling Lois’ attention to the present. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” Lois said, shrugging her shoulders as she crossed the room to where her desk was. Nothing was out of place. No notes or messages. Clark hadn’t returned yet. Where was he?

“I’m not an idiot, Lois,” Mayson said gently, lowering her voice as she spoke. “What happened earlier…”

“It’s not the first time I’ve dealt with unwanted guests and it won’t be the last,” Lois felt her throat tighten as she looked down avoiding Mayson’s piercing gaze. She was right. Mayson knew there was more going on.

<<“It would be wise to remember who it is you’re dealing, Lois…I could destroy everything you hold dear with the swipe of a pen.”>>

‘He thinks he’s above the law.’

“Lois?” Mayson waved a hand in front of her, arching an eyebrow as she looked back at her with a sympathetic expression. “You want to talk about what happened back there?”

“I’m fine,” Lois shrugged her off, looking around the newsroom for anything to help distract the ADA from the conversation she was trying to have. It wasn’t that she didn’t appreciate Mayson reaching out. She did. The problem was talking about what was really bothering her would only drudge up the things she couldn’t talk to Mayson about. The only person she could talk to about what had just happened was still missing from the looks of things. How long should she wait before she started to panic?

“Lois, where in tarnation have you been?” Perry called out from his office, giving her the distraction, she so desperately needed. “I had to send Ralph with Troupe to cover the presidential address downtown.”

Her face crinkled at the mention of the presidential address. Did she dare tell her editor that she wouldn’t be found within a hundred-mile radius of President Garner and his new Vice President? Judging by the irritated expression on his face she opted to keep that opinion to herself.

Before she could respond Mayson cut in, “That’s my fault Perry. I’ve kept her pretty busy this afternoon, helping out with a case of mine.”

“What kind of case?” Perry asked, curiously.

“Still piecing the evidence together,” Lois said hurriedly, grateful for the save Mayson was offering.

“Hey turn that up!” a voice came from across the newsroom where a crowd had begun to form around the television set. Lex Luthor stood next to President Garner with Congressman Lawrence by his side at a podium in front of City Hall.

“Well, he certainly gets around, doesn’t he?” Mayson commented, crossing her arms over her chest.

Lois felt a wave of apprehension wash over her as she stared at the television monitor. Congressman Lawrence kept eying the security detail behind him while President Garner addressed the press. Lawrence had been one of the more vocal voices speaking out against the political corruption with the change of leadership in Congress and with the Vice President appointment. He held his own against some of the less savory politicians, but he seemed different here.

“I’m pleased to announce the Senate Review has been retracted. Confirmation of Vice President Luthor will be scheduled promptly. We appreciate Congressman Lawrence’s support as we take a step into the bright future of this country.” Garner said, addressing the crowd.

“Congressman, what about your reservations about Mr. Luthor? Do you feel he’s fit for office?” Ron Troupe’s voice could be heard from the crowd.

“We won’t be taking questions at this time,” Lex cut in, waving the question off. “President Garner and I are pleased with Congressman Lawrence’s decision and we look forward to making this nation the great prosperous country in once was again.”

“Again?” Lois scoffed in disbelief.

“With that, Congress is currently reviewing new laws that will help ensure due process is afforded to everyone,” Lex continued, smiling at the cameras like a vulture that had just caught its prey.

“You’ve all been briefed with the information regarding the recent presidential pardons,” Garner continued. “We owe it to ourselves and this country to ensure everyone is treated equally. Allowing the likes of Superman to act as judge and jury hinders our justice system and …”

Before Garner could finish his statement a blur of red and blue filled the monitors before focus returned to the cameras. A shout from the audience could be heard as someone shouted. “The Vice President’s been kidnapped!”


Gretchen Kelly looked over the monitors, checking the vitals on the screen. The face of her patient was that of the president of the United States but his heart and mind were that of the program she had written. A perfect synchronization between cloning technology and robotic programming. She tapped the chest plate to reveal the small round vial she’d inserted inside him. A light red glow reflected on her face just as a shadow towered over her.

Without looking up she called out, “What is it, Nigel? You know Lex has a deadline on his army of clones.”

“A bit more pressing matter,” Nigel interrupted, handing her an envelope. “And a perfect opportunity to test your handiwork.” He glanced around the laboratory filled with life size test tubes of her recent clones.

“I’m in the middle of an experiment,” Gretchen responded coldly.

“And your experiment is worth nothing if the buyer backs out,” Nigel reminded her. With that he shoved the envelope back in her hands. “Tonight.”

Gretchen let out a long sigh, pulling her focus away from the cyborg on her table and turning to the envelope Nigel had dropped on her table. She ripped the seal open and looked over the information he’d passed along. “James Olsen?” She glanced back at her cyborg, “Well, I suppose a test run is overdue.”


Chaos. That was the only way to describe the last hour. The Metropolis Penitentiary had been up in arms ever since the riot that had resulted in the escape of some of Metropolis’ most notorious criminals. Schedules had changed. The predictability of a shift had disappeared.

It shouldn’t have surprised him to see Superman appear in the middle of general population with a prisoner in tow. He had done in time and time again to the point that Warden Nichols didn’t even blink an eye when Superman dropped off prisoners for intake. This time had been different though.

“Oh, just you wait! When I get my hands on you you will be sorry you miserable freak!” the unmistakable voice of Lex Luthor reached Nichols’ ears and he swung his head around to take a second look.

“Superman?” Nichols choked out in surprise, staring at the stern look on the man of steel’s face.

“I trust you can take it from here, Warden?” Superman asked before disappearing out the same way he’d entered.

Lex Luthor narrowed his eyes at Nichols, his forehead vein protruding out half an inch and his face flush red with anger. “Don’t…even think about it, Warden!”


“President Garner has issued a presidential decree, declaring Superman an enemy of the United States. Sources say the once beloved superhero kidnapped the Vice President and delivered him to the prison the Vice President was once serving time at….”

Bruce reached over to turn the television off, tugging the cowl over his face. He turned behind him to where Lucius was standing, manning the computer that was running a program searching for answers to the strange behavior from Superman. “As soon as the search is done send it to the Batmobile.”

“Are you sure this is wise, sir?” Lucius asked, looking around the executive suite nervously. “The last time you went against him…”

“Something’s not right here, Lucius,” Bruce cut him off. “If anything happens, turn on the ultrasonic wave.”

“But sir…”

“Just do it, Lucius,” Bruce ordered, turning to the long corridor leading out to the back exit of Wayne Tech. “I’ve got a bad feeling.”


“I’m telling you, Chief, there’s a story here,” Ralph Simms pleaded as he followed Perry White out of his office. “Woman was kidnapped by some Dr. Frankenstein and told she’d be used to test Superman. Only thing is the guy never showed up.” He pointed to the television, “I guess now we know why, but this woman…”

Perry let out a long sigh, “I don’t know. You don’t have anything other than this woman’s word of what happened.” He let out a deep breath, “What about that pardon on Alberto Falcone and Rollie Vale?”

“Every journalist is going to be chasing after that story, Chief,” Ralph shook his head. “Psycho serial killer walks with egghead tech genius that just happens to have a new cushy job at the NIA thanks to the president.” Ralph pointed around the room, “Anyone can write that Chief. This could be bigger than that. Another superhero sneaking around Metropolis and saving people? That’s big news!”

“I agree, but…” Perry tapped his hand against his chin and responded, “I’m just not sure you’ve got enough to print yet.”

Ralph’s face fell and Perry placed a hand on his shoulder, “Validate her story with a witness and we’ll run it.”

“Really?” Ralph beamed back at Perry.

“Get me that witness,” Perry repeated, walking past him to where Jimmy was sitting at his desk, pouring over red and blue file folders, his nose buried in the paperwork, “Jimmy, how you coming, son?”

“Huh?” Jimmy looked up, surprised to hear his name.

Perry sighed, patting him on the shoulder, “That bad, huh?”

Jimmy tightened his jaw as he looked up at Perry, and motioned to the conference room where Lois was holed up, trying to track down answers for Superman’s behavior. “You tell me.”

“How long has she been in there?” Perry asked, tapping his chin contemplative.

“Four hours,” Jimmy grimaced, standing up from his desk and stretching his arms over his head.

“Our job is to report the news,” Perry reminded him.

“I can’t write it, Chief,” Jimmy shook his head. “I won’t.”

“I can’t ask Lois to write it, Jimmy, but our job is to report the facts as we see it.”

“The facts are Superman returned a criminal to prison,” Jimmy said with a scowl. “There’s your facts.” He pushed the file in his hand back at Perry, “Not this.”

Perry sighed, taking the thin blue file Jimmy had handed him. He opened it up to read the notes he’d given Jimmy to write the op-ed piece for the headline the suits upstairs had coined, ‘Super Traitor? ’ He let out a deep sigh and followed Jimmy toward the conference room.


A loud clap of thunder echoed through the sky as Bruce flew through the air, searching for the source of the unnatural change in the atmosphere. The sonar detector picked up on a distortion just outside of town. He looked down and saw a long field covered in ice and snow. In the center was a dark brown impression from where the ground appeared to have been burnt. A loud clap of thunder filled the sky again and a sonic boom filled the atmosphere as a streaking red and blue blur sped around him.

“Gotcha,” Bruce muttered to himself as he brought the jet in for a landing. Before he could turn the ignition off he saw the blur of red and blue running back and forth on the field, creating a friction against the ice covered grass below. A white smoke began to rise from the ground just as the blur came to a stop in front of him.

“What do you want?” the bark came from Superman as he crossed his arms over his chest and approached.

His stance was uneven as he walked around the side of the jet Bruce was seated on. Anticipating a confrontation between himself and the man of steel Bruce pressed the release button to propel himself out of the jet and through the air. He was just about to initiate the automatic landing gear when a hard jolt ran through his entire body.

“I can’t go anywhere these days without you showing up.” Superman continued, ranting as he flew Bruce through the air at super-speed.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Bruce asked, trying to get his attention. “You made yourself a wanted fugitive for what? Revenge!”

“I delivered justice as I see fit.” Superman let out a snort. “I don’t have to answer to you.” A smirk crossed his face, “You seem to have a lot of opinions for someone that’s relying on me not dropping him from five-hundred-feet in the air.”

“You won’t do it,” Bruce said firmly, staring back at the steely eyes of the superhero that held him in a vice grip.

“How sure are you about that….?” A flash of something crossed his face as he let out a chuckle, “Bruce Wayne?” Before Bruce could react the grip Superman used to hold him with loosened and he plummeted down toward the ground.


Lois sat in the middle of the conference room table with the phone cradled between her neck and shoulder, listening to her in-laws sage advice. She could hear her mother-in-law’s voice tremble as she spoke and feel the hard lump in her own throat threaten to let loose of the tears that she was holding back.

“I don’t know, Martha,” Lois let out shaky breath, doing her best to hold her composure for the conversation. “He was here one minute then disappeared to tend to a rescue and I haven’t heard anything until the news of what happened at the White House. I’ve tried calling around and no one’s seen or heard anything. I’m out of options.”

“This isn’t like Clark,” Jonathan’s voice trembled as he spoke. “There’s got to be something else going on that we’re not seeing.”

“Like what?” Lois asked in disbelief. “You saw the footage just like I did. He wasn’t weak. He wasn’t …”

A tap at the door caught her attention and Lois looked up to see Jimmy and Perry standing in the doorway. She let out a sigh, “Martha, Jonathan, I’ve got to go. I’ll let you know as soon as I hear something.”

“Take care of yourself,” Martha called out over the line.

“I will,” Lois said with a weak sigh, thought she wasn’t so sure she could fulfill the promise she’d made to her mother-in-law. The door opened and Jimmy’s frustrated face caught her by surprise, “Jimmy, what’s up?”

“I, uh, got the information on those officers you wanted,” Jimmy cast an irritated expression toward Perry but pushed forward with his conversation with Lois. “Three officers were on the scene along with two firefighters. The lead detective was Jim Burrows.”

“Henderson’s partner?” Lois frowned, recognizing the name.

“One and the same,” Jimmy said with a frown.

“Maybe he’ll have a lead for us,” Lois said cautiously. She didn’t for a minute think Burrows was capable of slipping information to whoever was behind the cloning of Henderson. But he might be able to point them in the direction of the person that could help them.

“I still don’t know what to think about this cloning business,” Perry remarked with a frown, looking around the room.

“It’s not any more crazy than some of the other stories we’ve brought in this year,” Lois responded with a sigh.

“Uh-huh,” Perry remarked seeming to think a little longer about his response before continuing his train of thought, “Well, just run it by me before you get ready to write it up. I want to make sure you have everything.”

“Okay,” Lois nodded, watching Perry’s face grow more and more tense with worry. “Something wrong?”

Perry cocked an eyebrow up at her, “I was hoping you could tell me.” He looked around the newsroom behind him, then to her, “Any idea where that husband of yours disappeared to?”

“Um…” Lois felt panic run through her mind as she mentally scrambled for an excuse. Any excuse to explain the five hour block where Clark had been missing. A hard lump burned in the back of her throat at the realization of just how long it had been now. How had she forgotten to provide Perry an excuse for Clark’s absence? That was usually the first thing she did, but not this time.

“He called in earlier,” Jimmy supplied, cutting her off before she could respond.

‘What?’ Lois’ mind screamed as everything around her appeared to move at slow motion. Clark had called in? If that were the case why hadn’t he called her?

“He’s checking out the other officers and trying to track down Superman.” Jimmy continued.

It felt like the wind had just been knocked out of her with gut-wrenching sucker punch Jimmy had just delivered. ‘Clark hadn’t called in,’ she realized as she stared back at Jimmy, feeling her entire world tilt on its axis as she tried to process what had just happened.

Perry looked between herself and Jimmy before nodding, seeming to accept the excuse for now.

Jimmy had just supplied Clark an excuse.

There was only one possible solution. She knew it even before she met her young friend’s gaze, confirming her questions with a single expression.

He knew.


The wind pushed against Bruce’s face as panic began to set in. He was falling. Not at a slow pace, but plummeting downward as the hard blast of cold air threatened to knock him out. He couldn’t breath, he couldn’t speak, all he could do was gasp for his breath as the realization that he’d been discovered threatened to overtake him. Try as he might he couldn’t get his arm to reach the panel on his belt buckle to initiate the rocket boosters in order to stop his descent. He was moving too fast to do anything.

Something was seriously wrong. Superman. Everything he’d read, researched and found on the man of steel described him as a compassionate being that upheld justice and the American way.

Yet his actions said otherwise.

Just when he thought he would most certainly meet his doom a hand reached out to grab him at the last second, saving him from a most certain death. He let out a ragged breath as he gasped for air, “Are you crazy?!

“I’m not the one dressed like a bat, ” Superman cocked an eyebrow at him in a taunting manner as they landed.

“Make fun of my outfit all you want. I’m not the one being hunted like a rabid dog by the people I swore I’d protect!” Bruce bit back angrily, feeling his temper rise from his near death experience.

Superman let out a condescending chuckle as he floated a few feet off the ground, “Luthor’s been taken care of.”

“Yeah, great justice system there,” Bruce mocked sarcastically as the rage from his humiliating fall a few moments ago began to take over. “You’d fit right in with the loonies in Arkham, invoking your own brand of justice on the world.” He gave Superman a once over and snorted, “You certainly dress like the Joker’s usual crowd of suspects. Is the makeup not in yet, Supes?”

A red glare reflected out of Superman’s eyes as he moved closer, “You don’t want to cross me.”

“Why? You already showed me how big and bad you can be.” Bruce growled back at him. “At least this time you didn’t do it on live television to solidify the destruction of your reputation.”

A dark red glow burned in Superman’s eyes as he growled out at him, “I don’t answer to you!”

“What’s wrong with you? Since when do you break the law or put innocent people in danger?” Bruce growled back at him, noting the uneven sway Superman kept moving. His eyes were glazed over in an almost drug-induced state. His behavior was erratic. If he didn’t know any better he’d say he was….

“Innocent?” Superman glared back at him with a stern expression.

Bruce felt an uneasy feeling wash over him as he came to realize something he didn’t think was even possible. “Are you high?”

The statement didn’t even phase him as Superman sauntered away, walking toward the jet Bruce had propelled himself out of earlier. “I’m invulnerable, remember, Brucey?”

Superman’s saunter said otherwise as the wheels began to turn in Bruce’s mind, trying to figure out how in the world Superman could have been affected by anything. ‘Kryptonite,’ he recalled the poisonous rock Intergang had gotten its hands on earlier. He knew it affected him physically but could it have an effect on him mentally?

“Invulnerable except when Kryptonite is involved, remember?” Bruce reminded him.

A flash of red flickered in Superman’s eyes and he swallowed hard, reaching in his utility belt to grab the remote to the ultrasonic device hidden in his jet. “Whatever it is that’s going on with you has affected your mind, Superman…”

A snort escaped the superhero’s throat as he snickered in disbelief, “So what now you want to be buddies and pals and commiserate about crime fighting together?” His eyes burned red and Bruce ducked just barely missing Bruce’s shoulder as he rolled out of the way, “I already have a partner, Bruce, and it isn’t you.”

“Don’t say I didn’t ask nicely,” Bruce said, hitting the button in his hand. An invisible wall knocked Superman to his knees and Bruce tapped the headset on to reach out to Lucius.

“You’re certainly playing it close to the vest, aren’t you Mr. Wayne?” Lucius commented over the line. “Should I call the police?”

Bruce looked down at the slumped over body of the man of steel. “No, they won’t know what to do with him…” Before he could finish his statement, a hard blow came across the back of his head and he fell to the ground in a gut twisting pain like no other.

“Sir? Master Wayne?....Sir?” The voice echoed form the other end as Bruce cradled his body in a fetal position. He thought for sure another blow was coming but just as his impending doom appeared imminent something stopped the man of steel in his tracks. A mumble under his breath of something he couldn’t quite make out and a sonic boom later then he was gone.

“Get me Dr. Bernard Klein now.”


Lois held a tiny watch with an ultrasonic sound only Clark could hear insistently beeping. She had tried to be patient. She had tried to wait him out and get to the bottom of what was going on but she couldn’t be patient any longer. She had to get answers and only Clark could provide them. She looked around the living room, a shudder running down her spine as she recalled the confrontation from earlier. Something was wrong. She could feel it in her bones.

She heard the familiar sonic boom and sighed in relief when she saw Clark standing in the doorway of the entry leading out to the balcony. He was okay. He wasn’t hurt. All the fears that had been running through her mind since this morning pushed their way to the forefront of her mind as she swallowed down the boulder sized tension that had built up inside of her over the past eight hours.

“Hi,” she finally said, staring at him as he walked toward her with a saunter that almost mirrored someone that was intoxicated.

“Hi,” he responded.


Dust flew through the air in powdery white residue, covering the faces of the detectives and officers hard at work dismantling the concrete barrier that prevented anyone from traveling any further in the underground lair they had been trapped in for who knew how long. Mike Rogers looked to Detective Zymack who continued to work studiously at breaking down the wall he was certain would be their way to freedom. He still wasn’t so sure tearing this wall down would bring them any closer to freedom than the abandoned elevator shaft Henderson had disappeared into but he was willing to try anything.

A loud rumble filled the tunnel as shards of concrete filled the room. A loud crash came from his left side where Zymack was standing.

“Zymack, get down!” Mike Rogers called out, reaching over to pull his friend back.

“Not yet,” Zymack answered, standing his ground as he pushed against the unstable slab with the chisel in his hand.

A loud crack echoed in Mike’s ears and he called out, “Zymack!”

Zymack jumped back just as an avalanche of pebbled concrete covered the spot he’d been standing. “Are you crazy?” Rogers jumped all over him, feeling his anger and anxiety threaten to take over.

Zymack cut him off, pointing to the cracked concrete, “Look!” Mike Rogers followed the direction Zymack had been pointing and gasped in surprise when he saw a bright light coming from the other side. “Guys, get over here! We’ve got something.”


Jimmy ducked his head down as he walked with Lucy back to his apartment. He had done it. He had let it slip and now there was no going back. He was sure Lois knew. It was only a matter of time before she told Clark. If she was ever able to find him. He had so many questions. Mostly concerns he supposed.

His friend was acting erratic. Out of control. Lois seemed to be barely holding it together. He just hoped whatever was going on they could get to the bottom of it soon. While he could relate to Clark’s urge to drop Luthor in the middle of the Metropolis Penitentiary where he belonged the actions seemed so irrational and polar opposite of how Superman acted.

“Jimmy?” Lucy tapped his shoulder as they turned the corner to his apartment building. “Is that your apartment?” Jimmy let out a short gasp as he stared at the building in flames. A fire fighting crew surrounded it with a fire hose and water aimed at the hot burning orange flames.


<<“Angel... where'd you go? I gotta get to a hospital.”

“Don't worry John. I called a couple of doctors I heard about.”>>

<< “I thought I was helping you!”>>

<<“You’re hurting me!”>>

<<“You should have kicked it the first time, John!”>>

<<“What am I?!”

“Well, actually you're a... robot...”


The images flashed through Johnny Corbin’s mind as he stared at the orange flames dancing against the brick and mortar, melting and consuming everything in its path. A hand touched his shoulder and he jerked back, looking at the woman—the doctor –who was standing beside him.

“Metallo?” she frowned looking at him in concern.

Recalling the name he’d been dubbed with he nodded and forced a smile. “The building’s set to explode if anyone enters.”

“And Superman?” she prompted.

“No sign of him, but you’re covered.” He responded.

“Excellent work, Metallo.”

‘Corbin, ’ he reminded himself, clinging to the memories that had flooded his mind. ‘My name is Johnny Corbin.



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