Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: folc4evernaday Rules of War 10a/16 - 01/31/19 05:26 AM
Rules of War
Chapter 10a

A/N: I went a bit overboard with this chapter. Sorry.

Carmine Falcone looked up at the man standing in front of him, nodding as he handed over the folded envelope, “I’m told this one is connected with those reporters Intergang wanted handled before.” His tone went dark, “Don’t mess this up.”

The velvety smooth response was dry and unconcerned as he took the envelope from Carmine, “Mr. Luthor hired me for my precision, Mr. Falcone.” He blinked back at Falcone with a blank stare, “Anything else?”

“I still haven’t heard anything from Arkham,” Carmine’s eyes narrowed as he looked back at the man in black.

“Patience,” the man responded. “Anyone else you want moved to the top of the list?”

“No,” Carmine shook his head. “I’ve leaked the others to my men. We should have the leverage we need to make our demands by the end of the month.” He let out a sinister laugh and added, “It’s time everyone learned who is in charge, wouldn’t you agree?”


Metropolis Neuroscience Center was abuzz with activity. The turnover on the office staff came about regularly every few months so it came as no surprise when a new face appeared among the familiar crowd of office assistants and receptionists helping families suffering from everything from a loved one with dementia to a family member enduring a traumatic event which resulted in amnesia. Circumstances brought families far and wide to be treated by Dr. Elias Mendenhall and Dr. Maxwell Deter. Unfortunately for one patient, treatment would not be something he received today.

A young blonde haired nurse blended in with the crowd as she pushed the cart of linens through the hallway with her head ducked down. Just as she rounded the corner and assured herself she was out of sight, she set the cart to the side and ducked into a supply closet.

“Harley, what are you doing? You’re going the wrong way!” Rollie Vale’s irritated growl echoed through the earpiece sitting snugly inside Harley Quinn’s inner ear.

“Keep your shirt on, Rollie Poly, I’m just making a pit stop,” she grumbled under her breath.

“Harley? What are you doing?” Rollie shouted over the earpiece. “Harley!”

What? You know, is this how you talk to your girlfriend, Rollie?” She snickered to herself as she pulled the shelf away from the wall to reveal a hidden door The sign read, ‘Do Not Enter,’ and Harley reached up from behind her ear to grab a pin, twiddling with the lock as she snorted, “Most girls don’t like being shouted out, Rollie Poly. You should take some notes from that boss of yours.”

“What are you doing?” Rollie asked between gritted teeth.

“Not getting caught,” she snapped irritably as she entered the secured medicine cabinet that was normally under lock and key. After careful review of the plans Church had given her she’d discovered a quick way around the cameras. She reached up to grab an IV bag from the shelf with the label, Aconite. A slow smile crossed her face and she responded, “What room is this Henderson in?”

“204,” came the response over the radio waves.

She glanced toward the window leading out into the hallway, checking the coast was clear. Once she was sure no one was paying attention she made a dash out the door and down the hallway toward the stairs. She reached the end of the hallway where two doctors were walking by. She noted the camera moving in their direction and then took that moment to sneak past the camera and enter the stairwell. “I’m in,” She whispered as she climbed the stairs, careful to remain out of the line of vision on the out of date camera.

“The next camera is offline.” Rollie responded begrudgingly.

“Got it,” Harley responded reaching the top of the stairs. She spotted the ‘204’ number on the room outside the stairwell window and smiled to herself.

“Ready?” Rollie asked.

“Read….” She frowned when she spotted an older man wheeling out an empty hospital bed from the room. “Oh, no,”

“Oh, no what?” Rollie snipped, “What did you do?”

“Shut up, Rollie,” Harley snapped. “Henderson’s not in the room.”

“What are you talking about?” Rollie asked, “His information is right here. I’m staring at…” He grew quiet. “Oh,”

“Oh, what?” Harley whispered back at him irritably.

“He was released as an outpatient this afternoon.” Rollie responded with a grimace.

“To who?” Harley hissed.

“Bruce Wayne.”


The sonic boom echoed inside the small crate as the young woman struggled inside, trying to free herself from the binds around her wrists. Sweat poured down her face as she struggled in the small confines, letting out a muffled cry from beneath the gag over her mouth. It was hopeless. How could she have been so stupid? Never stop in the middle of the warehouse district. That was the rule her father had given her. Never go near the warehouse district. Yet when she saw a man in distress she had stopped to help. Now here she was trapped and wondering how to escape imminent doom she was sure would befall her when the man returned.

A loud thud shook the wooden planks of the crate around her. She let out a blood curdling scream just as a flood of light filled the darkness that had been surrounding her. A hand reached in, brushing against her cheek in a tender manner that caused her to still her motions. A feminine voice whispered, “You’re safe now.”


The panoramic view that covered the windows was breathtaking. The equipment and expansive laboratory that had been setup was state of the art. Still, something felt off as Caitlin Snow looked around the room, turning to Bruce Wayne, “Mind telling me why we’re not in STAR Labs, Mr. Wayne?”

“We are in STAR Labs,” Bruce responded with a smile. “Wayne Tech and STAR Labs’ merger went through yesterday.”

“You know what I mean,” she responded carefully, looking toward the door behind Bruce.

Bruce’s smile fell and, in its place, a serious expression washed over him. His demeanor was reserved as he cleared his throat and spoke up, “Dr. Snow you’re one of the best scientists we have employed at STAR Labs. Your knowledge of neuroscience surpasses most of the nation’s leading neurologists.”

“Thank you,” Caitlin responded uncertain how to respond, “while true, none of that answers my question, Mr. Wayne.”

“I have a patient whom I think might be in danger.” Bruce explained carefully.

“Why don’t you go to the police?” Caitlin asked.

“It’s the police I’m protecting him from,” Bruce said cautiously. He shook his head, “Professor Wells speaks highly of you and Mr. Ramon. Discretion is a part of the job after what happened with the particle accelerator.”

“We’re not talking about metahumans, Mr. Wayne, we’re talking about hiding a man from the police.” Caitlin looked back at him in confusion. “I don’t break the law.”

“It’s probably better if I just show you,” he said, pulling a small device from his pocket as he turned away from her, pointing the device toward the door and pressing it. The door slid open to reveal a man in his late thirties with disheveled salt and pepper hair and large spectacle glasses. His face appeared lost yet familiar at the same time. “Caitlin Snow, I’d like to introduce you to William Henderson—the real Inspector Henderson of the Metropolis P.D.”


Panic. That was the only way to explain it. Lois felt the walls around her close in as her heart hammered in her chest. She could feel anger and rage simmering inside her coupled with the adrenaline that coursed through her veins. The sound of the door shutting behind her reminded her of Mayson’s presence.

‘How long had she been standing here?’

She looked to the opening leading into the kitchen where two secret service agents were standing guard. Lex appeared unaffected by her panicked state as he continued to stare back at her with his piercing gaze. She felt her stomach tighten as she found her voice, “What are you doing here?”

“Now, is that anyway to greet an old friend?” Lex scolded, ignoring her comment as he stood up.

She wanted to scream, yell, throw something. She should probably call the police but at this point she doubted any complaints she made would be taken seriously. Afterall, he’d been pardoned for his crimes. He was free as a bird. Even worse, he was the Vice President of the United States and the second most powerful person in the world. What was she supposed to say, ‘Help the Vice President broke into my apartment?’

“Friend?” Lois spat the word like it was acid on her tongue. There would never be a time that she could ever look at this man as anything but the monstrous murderer he was. A hard lump sat in her throat, burning her insides as she fought back tears, trying to hide how affected she was by his unwelcome presence. “You may want to look up the definition on that one, Lex. Clark and I don’t keep company with murderers.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” Lex scolded, clucking his tongue, “You see, Lois, that’s your problem. Always living in the past. You make one mistake…”

Mayson chose that moment to speak up, “You were convicted of mass murder and racketeering, Mr. Luthor. I’d hardly call that one mistake.”

“You set off a bomb in the middle of the Daily Planet and tried to kill everyone I care about!” Lois accused angrily, feeling her blood boil with fury at the dismissive tone Lex took with his crimes.

“No one was killed, ” Lex waved her off as if it somehow justified his actions.

“Right,” Lois snorted in disbelief at his brazen behavior. “You just attempted to frame an innocent kid for your crimes after you set off a bomb to level the Planet with everyone inside.”

“Water under the bridge,” Lex shrugged it off. “It was one mistake. One I made out of love.”

“Mass murder equals love?” Mayson scoffed, “I must have missed that lesson in finishing school.”

She felt a bile begin to form in her throat. “And Superman?” Recognition crossed his face coupled with a flicker of darkness and hatred that cut her to the core. Before he could respond she spat out in anger, “I know what you did you depraved psycho.”

“Crimes I have been pardoned from, Lois,” Lex smoothed a smile across his face before adding a dig, “Or didn’t Kent pass that tidbit along?” She could feel her blood boil as he continued to pace around her living room. His face grew dismal as he turned to her, “I was very disappointed you didn’t accept the offer on the exclusive I set up for you. So much hard work was put into making everything perfect.” A flicker of jealousy crossed his eyes, “I suppose I could understand Kent’s compulsive need to keep you under lock and key though. You really have let your standards go down, Lois, I mean, really, Kent?” A dismal expression crossed his face, “Surely, your desperation for companionship could have been met somewhere else.”

“Imagine the horror of it,” Lois replied sarcastically. “Marrying the man that I love who isn’t crippled with a compulsive need to commit a class A felony.” Unable to tolerate his presence any longer she pointed to the door and snarled, “Get out!” She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as the hard lump burned in her throat.

“I think I’ll stay,” Lex remarked with a cocky grin, motioning to the two men standing in the corner of the room watching her with their hands tucked in their jackets, ready to pull out their weapons should she make a wrong move. “Afterall, it has been so long since I’ve had the luxury of just…dropping by.”

“Mr. Luthor, you’ve been asked to leave this property,” Mayson advised, placing a hand on Lois’ shoulder. Lois felt a pulse of adrenaline run through her, pushing her to continue her stance from Mayson’s supportive words.

Lex appeared unfazed by Mayson’s words as a dark tone covered his face. A chill ran down her spine and a feeling of dread began to slowly rise within her. She noticed Lex’s focus seemed to be on her left hand as he hissed out nonchalantly, “We do have so much to catch up on.”

“I don’t believe your presence here is welcome,” Mayson remarked coolly, looking uneasily at Lex as he stood in the middle of her living room taunting her with his newfound freedom with his mere presence.

“Being welcomed has never stopped me before,” Lex remarked boldly as he narrowed his eyes at Mayson, “It certainly isn’t going to stop me now.”

“This is trespassing,” Mayson said, pulling out her phone. “I’m calling the police.”

“Waste of time, but knock yourself out,” Lex remarked confidently. “Given that the property owner is the one that let me in I doubt your stance holds any water, Ms. Drake,” Mayson stopped dialing and Lex motioned to his secret service agents and nodded, “Hal can update you on trespassing laws of New Troy.”

“I know the laws,” Mayson replied between gritted teeth. “Perhaps we should call the Police Chief down here and have him educate you on renter’s rights?” She held her mobile phone up, prompting a response from Lex.

Anger and rage coupled with the pulsing adrenaline coursing through her finally became too much for Lois. Enough with the games. Continuing to toy with Lex was only amplifying the situation. She pulled out her phone to dial the Metropolis P.D. “I will not be bullied into anything by you! You think I don’t know you’re the one behind those threats? Did you really think you could scare me into not marrying Clark?” Take your circus of black sedans and get the hell out of my apartment!” The ringing stopped and she heard the operator greet her, “Yes, I’d like to report a break-in. 344 Clinton Street.”

“It would be wise to remember who it is you’re dealing, Lois,” Lex warned with a sinister tone. “I could destroy everything you hold dear with the swipe of a pen.”

“Really, so could I,” Lois bit back angrily before turning her attention back to the operator, “Yes, he’s still here. You’re sending someone now? Great!”

“You think I won’t think twice about snuffing you out for crossing me?” Lex warned, taking a step toward her and grabbing her wrist. “Every law you enjoy today can be changed with the flick of a wrist. Every freedom you enjoy taken in the blink of an eye. Do you have any idea what kind of power I have?” A maniacal laugh escaped his lips, “All of this could have been yours, but you chose a hack to spend your life with. Not the caped hero. Not a leader of a multi-billion-dollar company. No, you chose the giblet that could never be worthy of you.”

“I know exactly who I’m dealing with.” Lois snapped, her tone full of venom, “Just because you’ve had your criminal history erased and have a new title doesn’t change anything. You’re still the broken, corrupt sociopath that hurt everyone I care about.”

“So certain of this, are you?” Lex hissed out, jerking her arm.

“Positive,” Lois hissed out angrily, feeling the fire inside her continue to build up. “Let go of me and get out!”

The sound of glass shattering filled the room. They turned to see a dark hooded figure appear in the corner and knock both agents out with a flying disc that moved across the room like a boomerang.

“What the…?” She gasped when she saw the hooded figure stand up straight for the first time.

“I believe the lady made it clear you’re not welcome here, Mr. Vice President.” The dark booming voice came through what appeared to be a voice scrambler of some sort.

Lex seemed too shocked to respond at first then quickly recovered, turning to Lois, “This isn’t over.”

“Yes, it is,” Lois corrected, tugging her arm back out of Lex’s grip.

Lex backed away from the hooded figure as he moved toward him. “Clearly the company you keep is questionable.”

“Funny, I was just about to say the same thing,” the booming voice came from the caped man standing in her living room. He stepped between her and Lex, preventing him from moving any closer. “Perhaps you need an escort, Mr. Vice President? That can be arranged.”

Without a word, Lex quickly backed out of the room, heading toward the door with the secret service agents that had stumbled to their feet. “You’ll regret this,” Lex warned.

The door slammed behind him and Lois let out a heavy sigh. The yellow and black emblem on the hooded man’s chest caught her eye. She struggled to find the right words as her mind continued to race.

“Who are you?” Mayson asked, breaking the silence.

“A friend,” he said with a small smile, looking at Lois as if the two word answer was some sort of inside joke.

“You’re him, aren’t you?” Lois asked, finding her voice.

“Who?” A smirk curled across his lips from beneath the cowl.

“You know who,” Lois arched an eyebrow at him.

His face tensed as he looked toward the window and heard the sound of sirens approaching. He turned to Lois and asked, “Where can I find him?”

“Find who?” Mayson asked.

“Help Superman tends to work,” Lois replied carefully, keeping note of the fact that the conversation was being overheard by Mayson.

“I’ll remember that,” He strode through the apartment, heading toward the open window, “You’ll want to get this fixed. Send the bill to the White House.”

“I plan on it,” Lois folded her arms across her chest.

“Keep your doors and windows locked.” With that he disappeared as quickly as he appeared. The pounding on the front door reminded her of the complaint she still had to file.


The crackle of Clark’s boots hitting the dusty wood made a loud creak when he walked through the old train depot, searching for the source of the blood curdling screams he’d heard earlier. The lead paint prevented him from being able to scan the building, forced instead to rely on his super-hearing to follow the screams for help.

He reached the terminal where a rusted forklift was parked in the corner. He heard a whimper and followed the sound to the cries to a stack of crates surrounding the rundown forklift.

“Hello?” he called out.

A loud hum filled the air and a bright red light caught his eyes. Forgetting his initial reasoning for being at the train station in the first place he let out a sigh and then rocketed himself into the air. He heard a quiet cry in the back of his mind but couldn’t bring himself to respond to it. His mind raced as he flew toward Washington preparing to take care of a problem that was long overdue.


Dr. Hugo Strange smiled to himself as he pulled out his tape recorder and pressed record, “Testing of the red meteorite appears to have made the Kryptonian become distracted. Arriving at a rescue in search of the victim in peril at 1100 and after an exposure to the red meteorite of less than a minute the subject showed signs of disorientation and confusion.”

He turned to the crate he had in the air and threw his hand in the air in a dismissive wave as he turned to leave. He made his way through the train station, walking back toward the parking lot leaving his victims to their fate.


Lucy glanced across the table at Jimmy with a smile and passed him the takeout container from Luigi’s. “Meatball marinara, extra sauce.”

Jimmy set the three file folders in front of him to the side and took the container from her with a relieved sigh, “You’re a lifesaver. Thanks, Luce.”

Lucy gave him a quick grin. “Lucky for you my morning class ended early.” She looked at the folders he’d moved to the side. “Whatcha working on?”

“Lois and CK think someone leaked Professor Hamilton’s cloning research.” Jimmy prodded her memory, reminding her of the story from a few months ago, “Remember those Dillinger and Capone clones that were shooting up the city a few months back?”

Lucy twirled the angel hair pasta in front of her with her fork, “I remember my sister almost getting shot in the middle of their capture.” Lucy grinned back at him, letting out a sigh, “Mom was not happy.”

“Yeah, Perry put her on dog show duty for a week after that stunt,” Jimmy recalled with a chuckle. “Anyway, we’ve ruled out all STAR Labs employees as the source of the leak, All that’s left is going through the officers that had access to the scene ” Jimmy said with a groan, pointing toward the files on the table. “Hence the working lunch.” He flashed her an apologetic smile, “Sorry I had to cancel tonight.”

Lucy brushed him off, “Please, it’s fine. I’m a big girl. I know how the news business works.” She motioned to the files next to him, “Hand me those while you eat.”

“Do you know what to look for?” Jimmy asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Suspicious bank activity, personal issues, connections to known criminals or organizations suspected of criminal activity either by friend, family or acquaintances.” At Jimmy’s surprised expression she shrugged, “Who do you think used to help Lois when she pulled all nighters?”

“You are full of surprises, Lucy Lane,” Jimmy said as his smile spread up his face to meet his eyes. She smiled back at him and reached over to brush a drop of marinara sauce off his chin before leaning in to kiss him.


The doors to the White House swung open as staff scurried from one end to another. Bullets ricocheted off the figure in blue and red as he stormed through the halls in an almost trance-like state.

“Superman, this is your last warning, stand down!” Agent Rogers called out.

Superman stopped outside the Vice President’s suite and frowned, turning back to Agent Rogers. “Where is he?”

“Superman, stand down!”

“Where is Luthor?!” the growl escaped the superhero’s throat with an intensity that made everyone shudder with fear. No one moved. No one spoke. Superman stared hard at the door leading to the Vice President’s suite before turning to leave. Just before he flew out the doors the faint murmur of “Stay out of my city,” could be made out.


The room seemed to shrink in size as Congressman Joseph Lawrence found himself surrounded by Secret Service and White House staff. He looked to his left where Governor Wade was sitting calmly in his seat, unfazed by the commotion that had taken over the office. He looked to the right where President Garner was tapping the edge of his notepad with his hand. It had been twelve hours since he had called for a review of the Senate vote to confirm Vice President Luthor and now here he was face to face with the commander-in-chief, defending his decision.

Governor Wade was the first to speak up, “Congressman Lawrence, thank you for making time to see us on such short notice.”

“I didn’t think I had a choice.” Congressman Lawrence snorted, looking around the room of armed Secret Service agents.

A look exchanged between President Garner and Governor Wade. Lawrence watched the exchange with a curious expression and then the president cleared his throat to speak, “Joe, you and I’ve known each other a long time, haven’t we?”

“Yes, Mr. President.” Lawrence nodded.

“I’d like to think that we’re friends, colleagues.” Garner continued softly.

“Yes, Mr. President,” Lawrence nodded once again in agreement.

“So, what I can’t understand is why you would bring a concern like this to the Senate floor instead of coming to me directly?” Garner’s face went cold as he dropped the accusation at Lawrence.

Lawrence tightened his fist as he looked up at Garner, “It is my right as the now Minority Leader…”

Governor Wade stepped in. attempting to “I know what your right is, Congressman Lawrence, but this hearing is not the answer.”

Lawrence did his best to remain calm as he responded through gritted teeth, “I have constituents that are demanding why their president named replacements for the other party.”

“Your constituents voted for corrupt congressmen.” President Garner pointed out as he pounded his fist on the table. “The party alliance wasn’t a factor when appointing their replacements.”

“Since when?” Lawrence scoffed in disbelief.

“Congressman, you’re out of line.” Governor Wade cut in, “Now the president is being more than fair.”

“No, Governor,” Lawrence snorted out, “Don’t. You are not going to come in here and bully me around. I have a responsibility to the people I represent.”

“And I have a responsibility to this country.” Garner responded coolly.

“And how’s that going? Having your career criminal by your side as you pass laws with everyone wondering who’s idea it was, the corrupt president or his equally corrupt second in command?” Lawrence felt the heat form his anger flooding his face as he shouted the accusations out.

“Now that is enough!” Garner bellowed.

“No, I don’t think it is enough, Mr. President!” Lawrence challenged angrily.

An uneasy tension filled the air and Garner’s face fell as he seemed to be contemplating something. He looked up and calmly responded, “The hearings need to be shut down now, Joe.”

“Or what, Mr. President?”

An eerie calm washed over President Garner’s face as he leaned back in his seat. “The kids grow up fast, don’t they, Joe? I mean before you know it, they’re off to college.” Garner let out a long sigh, “Time certainly flies doesn’t it?”

“What’s your point?”

“You’re going to shut the hearings down, Joe,” Garner’s eyes narrowed at him and he felt his insides tense. “You’re going to do this because as much as your constituents hate their new Vice President they hate a hypocrite even more.”

“What are you…?”

“Minors aren’t allowed to have abortions in the state of New Troy without parental consent.” Governor Wade cut in, setting a copy of the consent form Congressman Lawrence had signed a year ago.

“You’re going to shut the hearings down, Congressman or this will get leaked to the press and you’ll spend the rest of your short-lived political career being known as the hypocritical baby killer by the time I’m done with you.” A calming quiet filled the air and Lawrence looked up, meeting the president’s gaze, “Are we clear?”



The caravan moved at a painstakingly slow pace as Lex waited for them to arrive at City Hall. The president was supposed to be addressing the nation with the full backing of Congressman Lawrence to set aside this nonsense of a Senate Review. He had underestimated the congressman’s ability to complicate his plans, but now that he had the leverage needed he knew it was only a matter of time before the whole matter would be laid to rest.

Lex ran a hand across his face, weary from the day. He couldn’t’ understand it. Here he was legally pardoned of his crimes and sitting next to one of the most powerful seats in the world yet Lois remained distant and cold toward him. It was evident that persuading her into reclaiming her place with him would not work. Then again, it shouldn’t come to him as a surprise given every stage in his relationship with Lois had been brought about by forcing her hand. Why should he expect anything different now?


She had married Kent. Superman he could have at least understood, but Kent? He was barely worthy of being called a nemesis. He was more like an annoying dog nipping at his heels no matter how many times he kicked it away there it remained. Much like the unwelcome stranger that had intruded this afternoon. Who this lunatic was that spent his spare time crashing into apartments and interfering in personal matters he wasn’t sure but he would certainly find out. His next visit with Lois would have to be planned to account for this vigilante and any unwelcome guests.

A deep sigh escaped his throat as he ran his hands up and down his face. He had done everything in his power to dissuade her from the relationship. As soon as rumors began to fly around that the two had become serious, he’d put together a plan with Gretchen and Nigel to barrage Lois and Kent with warnings. Subtle reminders to keep her from making a grave mistake. A sour expression crossed Lex’s face as he recalled the news Nigel had shared with him of not only a wedding being planned but an elopement with a location unknown and a timeline that proved impossible to intervene with.

He had worked far too hard and invested far too much time and effort to just give up now. The demise of Superman while reclaiming Lois as his would make the sweet revenge he was about to embark on all the more satisfying. Thought she may resist now, he knew it was only temporary. Much like her marriage to Kent.

The news of this setback had been troubling but he refused to let himself be deterred. It was just another stumbling block in the road. He knew once it became evident how powerless Lois was without him, she would come running back. He just had to remind her of just how influential he was and how easily her everyday life could come crashing down with the snap of his fingers.

“Mr. Vice President?” his aide called out to him.


“The White House has issued a statement regarding the recent attack from Superman,” the announcer’s voice echoed inside Lois’ Jeep as she drove down Main Street. “Sources say the man of steel was searching for the Vice President. Superman was instrumental in Lex Luthor’s capture last…”

“Enough of that,” Lois snapped, reaching over to turn the radio off.

“Sounds like Superman might have the right idea,” Mayson commented looking over at Lois. Lois bit her lip, trying to hold her tongue for fear that she might say too much. She didn’t dare comment and dig herself into a hole she couldn’t get out of. She had no idea why Clark had gone to the White House looking for Lex. All she had to go on was the word of the White House’s press secretary who was biased at best.

“Lois, you want to talk about what happened back there?” Mayson prompted.

“I think I forgot something at the Planet,” Lois said, cutting her off. “We should probably stop by there before going to the Metropolis P.D.”

Mayson gave her an odd look and then nodded, “Let’s go then.”


The crowd around City Hall was immense as Lex sat in the corner office with the crowd of secret service agents and Metropolis P.D. officers surrounding the room. He turned to his left where the president was adding his signature to the letter from Congressman Lawrence. A smile spread across Lex’s face as he saw the letter pass from Garner to Lawrence. The look of defeat on Lawrence’s face sent a thrill of satisfaction through him. He recalled not too long ago when he had petitioned Lawrence for leniency on his case and been shut down. Now the shoe was on the other foot and he was basking in the sweet revenge that had been bestowed upon him.

“That’s everything,” Garner remarked as Lawrence left the room.

“Just about,” Lex commented, careful to remain evasive so as not to seem too eager with his proposal to the president. He had to let the president drag the suggestion from him. Afterall, he was surrounded by witnesses at every moment. It wouldn’t do any good to give the media something to talk about before he had a chance to muffle the news outlet.

“Just about?”

“Well, it’s a start, Mr. President, but there are still many out there that wish us harm. That wish to damage the hard work you’ve done to turn this country around in its time of need.” Lex kept his tone somber as he did his best to appeal to the underlying fears he knew resided deep inside President Garner.

“The country will come around,” Garner responded with a wavering tone that told Lex he wasn’t so certain.

“Perhaps, but as long as there are whispers it is hard to get your message across.” Lex grew contemplative and then let a slip of the tongue escaped his lips with a purposeful, “If only…” then just as quickly, he shook his head, “never mind.”

“No, what is it?”

“This country is in crisis, Mr. President.” Lex replied coldly. “The people need someone to give them a guiding hand. Remind them of the values they were once founded on.”

“We can’t turn back time, Lex,” Garner replied simply.

“No, we can’t but we can restore wrongs,” Lex pointed out.


“Do you realize most of the resistance you receive comes from sympathy toward terrorists and threats to this nation?” Lex asked, noting the apprehensive expression on Garner’s face. He was taking the bait.

“People are uninformed,” Garner replied uneasily.

“You allow uninformed people to have a voice heard and the terrorists win, Mr. President,” Lex stated with a firm certainty that made Garner’s face grow tense.

“And what would you suggest I do, Lex, change the laws?” The tremble in Garner’s voice sent chills through him. This was too easy.

“I’m not suggesting anything, Mr. President. It’s just something to consider.” Lex smiled, standing to his feet when he saw the press secretary enter from the corner of the room. It was almost time for the press conference. He felt a thrill run through him as he noted the contemplative expression on the president’s face. The seed had been planted.



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