Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: folc4evernaday Rules of War 9/16 - 01/25/19 07:11 AM
Rules of War
Chapter 9


Dr. Hugo Strange held up the red radioactive meteorite examining it carefully. No change had been found in his test subjects. The longer they went without any adverse effects to the radioactive substance the more he was convinced that this meteorite much like its counterpart of the green variation had no effect on human subjects.

He picked up his tape recorder and pressed the record button, “Testing on subjects eighteen through twenty-three was ceased at 1700. No adverse effects or sign of changes have been detected in the subjects. Human subject testing will cease and Kryptonian testing will begin at 0900 next week.”


The sign to WayneTech glimmered a pristine white at the top of the towering building. Most of the employees had already left for the evening, leaving Bruce in peace as he worked on hacking into the security footage for Arkham Asylum with hopes in finding some answers. He let out a sigh of defeat as he came across the footage of the day Harley Queen disappeared from the asylum.

“Four months, Lucius,” Bruce muttered bitterly. “She’s been out there for four months without anyone realizing it.”

“Yet, the officers guarding her seem none the wiser,” Lucius observed, looking over Bruce’s shoulder to view the screen.

A determined expression crossed Bruce’s face as he inserted a small disc into the drive of the computer. “I’m going out. If Alfred calls, transfer it to the secure line on the scrambler.”

“Are you sure you want to risk Batman being seen in Metropolis, sir?” Lucius asked with a concerned expression.

“I have to do something, Lucius,” Bruce said, standing to his feet. “I’ve got to figure out what he’s up to.”

“Who?” Lucius asked.

“You know who,” Bruce gave Lucius a solemn expression. “I can’t do this alone.”

“What makes you think Superman will be more receptive to your plea for help as Batman than Bruce Wayne’s?” Lucius asked.

“Well, I don’t plan on sending hypersonic soundwaves out to draw him out.” Bruce rubbed his chin, recalling the confrontation a week ago with the man of steel. “Hopefully he’ll hear me out this time.”

“And if he doesn’t?” Lucius asked.

“I’ll handle it,” Bruce said with a determined expression.


The news of Lex Luthor’s appointment as Vice President filled the news circuits. Clark did everything he could to push the news coverage out of his mind so he didn’t have to think about it any longer than he had to. Unfortunately, avoiding the news of Luthor’s latest political triumph was an impossible feat. Every channel. Every station. Every journalist and talk show host had something to say about the recent appointment.

“If the president says this guy didn’t commit the crimes then I want to know what he’s doing about making the real criminals pay.” Gordon Godfrey, the late night personality that operated more as a mouthpiece for the Top Copy rather than a political analyst, announced to the viewers. “Who was responsible for the crimes laid at Lex Luthor’s feet if it wasn’t him?”

Clark jerked his wrist, clicking the remote to go to the next channel. Lois placed a hand on his shoulder, silently offering support when the television changed to WGBS news where John Radford sat at a round table of respected political analysts going back and forth over the news of Luthor’s appointment as Vice President.

“The president that the people of this country reviewed Lex Luthor’s case and pardoned him. Congress’ acceptance of the appointment is secondary. There’s been no change to the president.” One of the analysts said, pounding his fist on the table. “He was elected by the people and we’ve got to trust he knows what he’s doing.”

“Are you kidding me? This is a guy that was convicted of racketeering, murder, aggravated assault and numerous of other crimes.” Another analyst shot back. “Is this really the best we can do? Replacing Vice President Johnson with a murderer and thug?”

“Alleged criminal,” John Radford clarified. “He’s no longer a convicted felon. Congress interviewed him and reviewed his file as well.”

“Alleged?” Clark scoffed in disgust.

“He faked his death to escape from prison. Not exactly the actions of an innocent man.” Lois muttered under her breath.

“Yes, the congress you mean that was appointed with dirty politicians.” The second analyst argued with a grunt.

“They were appointed by the president.” The first analyst argued.

“Over half of the congressmen and congresswomen that the people voted for resigned. Don’t try to tell me Congress represents the voice of the people. The men and women sitting in office represent President Garner’s agenda. End of story.” The second analyst shot back just as Clark turned the television off in disgust.

“Enough of that,” Clark muttered, combing his fingers through his hair. Lois turned her head to look up at him. He recognized the look of worry on her face and let out a sigh, squeezing her shoulder with his hand. “He’s not going to get away with this. He’s going to slip up. If he does he’s be back behind bars.”

“If he slips up you mean.” Lois said with a raised eyebrow.

“It’s not a question of ‘if’ but ‘when,’” Clark said, running his hand across her cheek.

“And what damage will he have done already when that time does come?” Lois asked, leaning her head against his chest.

“He still has to go through the proper channels,” Clark sighed, “Thank God for that at least.”

“We’re still under martial law though,” Lois reminded him. “The president can create new laws, change laws…” She tapped her hand against his chest. “Heck, he can go to war without even checking with Congress.”

“I know,” Clark sighed, running a hand across her cheek. “Speaking of war…”

“What?” Lois looked back at him expectantly, the wheels already spinning possible scenarios. “He’s already planning his first foreign takeover, isn’t he? Power-hungry maniac….”

“No, no, no, nothing like that,” he shook his head, then stopped himself and clarified, “At least, not that I know of.” Lois arched her eyebrow at him and he sighed, “No, I saw Ron at the press conference earlier. He was talking to someone that…knew me.”

“Well, I hate to break it to you, but you’re not exactly a drifter anymore, Clark,” Lois teased, looking up at him with a half-smile.

“No, not ‘Clark Kent,’” Clark clarified, his voice trembled as he whispered his birth name aloud, “Kal-El.”

“Kal-El. But…” Lois looked at him in surprise. “The only people that know that name are…”

“You and my parents.” Clark responded with a sigh.

“I don’t understand.” Lois said softly, shaking her head.

“I don’t either,” Clark responded with a shrug. “Whoever this woman was spoke of a war that was coming.”

“War?” Lois echoed.

“According to Ron the woman said, ‘a war is coming and we are all here to fight.’” Clark shook his head, “I’m not sure what exactly that meant.”

“Who do you think this woman was?” Lois asked, frowning back at him.

“I don’t know. Whoever she was. I…” Clark stopped mid-sentence as his super-hearing picked up the sound of a security alarm across town.

“What is it?” Lois asked, recognizing the expression on his face.

“Alarm across town,” He gave her an apologetic look. “I won’t be long.” He leaned in to kiss her before spinning into a blur of pigments and flying out the window.


Bruce stood in the shadows of the top step leading to the Metropolis Federal Building. The sound of the sonic boom overhead filled the air over the light ringing of the security alarm. The light thud of boots hitting the pavement a few feet away.

His hand tightened around the small disc in his palm, steadying himself for the conversation that was about to take place. He couldn’t make the same mistakes he had before. Putting Superman on the defensive had resulted in a lack of trust. He prayed his alias would have better luck.

Superman turned toward where Bruce was standing, and his eyes narrowed, “I know you’re there. I can hear your heartbeat.”

Bruce clicked a button on his utility belt and the alarm’s blaring came to a halt. Superman whirred up the steps at super-speed. Bruce checked that the voice amplifier was on and spoke up, “I’m sorry, it was the only way I knew you’d show up.”

Superman’s face tensed as Bruce stepped out of the shadows. After the weeks of hiding behind fog and mist and the alias of a shadow around Metropolis he was finally exposed. “You’re him.” Superman said with a frown.

“Batman,” Bruce supplied, stepping out of the shadows. “I couldn’t afford to be seen in Metropolis or risk making things worse in Gotham.”

Clark frowned, narrowing his eyes at him, “And just what are you doing in Metropolis?”

“Stopping a common enemy,” Batman responded with a scowl.

“Common enemy?” Superman asked.

“Intergang I suspect,” Bruce said evenly.

“Intergang’s out of commission,” Superman pointed out.

“Maybe, maybe not,” Bruce shrugged, handing the small disc to Superman. “Arkham Asylum’s security tapes. Despite the overwhelming evidence that Harley Quinn is on the run the security at Arkham still has a record of her in custody.”

“How?” Superman asked.

“Watch the footage,” Bruce instructed.


The red wine swirled around in the glass in Lois Lane’s hand. She leaned back against the couch, trying to ignore the non-stop 24-hour circuit of news that was covering the announcement of the country’s newest Vice President. How a man that had once been considered one of Metropolis’ most dangerous criminals to taking office in the second most powerful position in the country. The shock of the bombshell that had been announced left her numb. She couldn’t understand how she was living through the shock of this once again.

Just before Clark’s proposal, Lex had risen from the dead, putting both her and Clark into a state of shock, forced to relive the painful memories of her almost wedding and Clark’s near-death experience in Lex’s Kryptonite cage. So many unanswered questions remained even after Lex’s arrest. She eventually worked through the demons she’d kept locked deep inside and found the strength to open herself up to the idea of forever.

A smile crossed her face as she recalled her and Clark’s whirlwind engagement. Leading up to their wedding she’d been privy to threatening notes warning her not to marry Clark. The notes and threats that magically disappeared upon the news of Lex’s second death. Discovered alone in his cell by a guard. She actually felt relieved when the news of Lex’s death had made the news. Despite him being locked away she still couldn’t shake the fears of what he could do with his knowledge of Kryptonite and what it could do to Superman.

The news of his death had been a relief to her. No more looking over her shoulder. No more worrying about Lex passing along what he knew to the criminals he came in contact with. Now here he was again. Another miracle resurrection of the career criminal that would love nothing more than to inflict mayhem and chaos on the nation he was now appointed to help lead.

A cool breeze brush against her cheek and she turned to see Clark closing the balcony door behind him. “Hey,” she propped her head up with her hand, looking at him with a lazy smile as he sunk down on the couch next to her. “How’d it go?”

“Strange,” Clark smirked at her, wrapping an arm around her and leaning in to kiss her.

“Strange how?” she asked, running her hand across his cheek.

“It wasn’t an emergency,” Clark said with a deep sigh.

“What was it?” Lois asked, frowning.

“It was…” He let his head hang down, shaking it back and forth as he let out a low chuckle, “Believe it or not…Batman.”

“Batman?” Lois choked out in surprise, holding back laughter. The rumors of the caped crusader that lurked in the shadows of Gotham were shared among criminals, snitches, and even department heads at the Metropolis P.D. They’d heard the stories but all those were just that. Stories. No one had actually seen the hooded vigilante to confirm his existence.

Clark motioned above his head to illustrate the scene for her, “Dark hood, pointy ears, and bat symbol on his chest.” Clark shook his head as he looked up at her. “I never would have believed it if I hadn’t seen it myself.”

“Still,” Lois smirked at him, “Batman? Here in Metropolis?” She leaned her head on his shoulder and sighed, turning to look at him with a raised eyebrow. “Why?”

Clark leaned back and pulled out a small disc and waved it in front of her. “Apparently there’s something going on in Gotham that might be connected to Intergang.”

Lois let out a long sigh at the mention of the criminal organization that she and Clark had come up against time and time again over the past year. “What happened to Intergang being out of commission?” She shook her head, “The supposed leader was arrested.”

“A fall guy probably,” Clark said with a groan, setting the disc on the table. “What are the odds that Luthor and Intergang show back up at the same exact time?”

“In Metropolis?” Lois snorted, “Pretty good.”

There was a long pause and Clark nudged her shoulder, “How are you holding up?”

“Okay,” she said not so convincingly as her eyes lifted to meet his. He wasn’t any more convinced than she was. She let out a long breath and whispered, “I’ll be okay, really.” She placed a hand on his cheek, turning to look at him, “What about you?”

He shrugged his shoulders non-committal as he responded, “I’m fine.”

“Fine?” Lois ran a hand down the front of the chest. “Former career criminal…”

“We don’t know that he isn’t still a career criminal,” Clark jabbed.

“…rises from the dead and is appointed Vice President of the United States.” Lois finished, glancing at him in concern.

“And he’ll be booted out before long,” Clark remarked confidently.

“You’re not concerned?” Lois asked, tapping her fingers against his chest.

“I’m concerned, but what can I do?” Clark asked. “He’s legally pardoned and …” his voice caught in his throat before he cleared it. “There’s nothing I can do but wait for Luthor to make his move and pray he doesn’t run this country in the ground in the process.”

The words seemed hollow behind the fearful expression on her husband’s face. She fingered the collar of his shirt, “He’s not going to get away with this.”

“I know,” Clark’s voice cracked slightly before he let out a long sigh. “I’m not going to let him.”

“We’re not going to let him,” she corrected, leaning in to kiss him, sealing the promise with a kiss. His hands moved through her hair and she whispered, “I love you,” One kiss became another and another, melting into a fiery inferno of desire as their hands roamed aimlessly up one another, seeking the feeling of skin beneath their fingertips. The aching need she felt simmering inside her fueled her exploration of his body. A shudder rippled through her as she lost herself in his arms, pushing out the stresses of the recent revelations out of her mind.


Lex smiled to himself as he admired the Daily Planet’s front-page photograph with himself and President Garner standing side by side. He felt a thrill run through him knowing that his victory would have to be reported by those that were instrumental in his downfall. He would have preferred to have Lois Lane conduct the interview and write the story of his greatest achievement, but the irony of having Clark Kent’s by-line on the announcement had been ironic. The man had stopped at nothing to tear him down when Lois had accepted his proposal. Now he was instrumental in announcing his resurrection and new appointment to the world.

He had been more than impressed with President Garner’s performance. He would have to make sure Gretchen received extra compensation for the thorough training. He held the most powerful position in the world. Well, almost. Once the assassination of the president was taken care of he would then be in full power. For now, he would have to live with being the puppeteer. There wasn’t anything or anyone that could stop him. Unbridled power pulsed through every fiber of his being and it thrilled him to no end.

A thought crossed his mind and he smiled, deciding to test just how far his power extended. He pressed a button on his desk to speak to his executive assistant, “Marci, I need to arrange a visit to Metropolis.”

“Yes, Mr. Vice President.” His executive assistant responded.

He glanced down at the paperwork on his desk, looking it over to make sure there was nothing missing before he sent it to the president for his signature. “I have a pardon for the president to look over as well.” Lex said, skimming it over. “It’s on my desk, ready for his approval.”

“I’ll be right over, Mr. Vice President.”


Dust filled the air as the loud clamoring of metal against rock filled the room. Zymack kept his jacket pulled to his face to protect himself from the dusty air before reaching over to toss another loose rock over his shoulder. He stole a glance toward the abandoned elevator shaft Bill had disappeared into. Two days. It had been two days and still no sign of him. Surely, he wouldn’t just leave them down here, would he?


The voice of Mike Rogers calling him pulled him back to the present and he turned to the man standing a half a foot away from him. A friendly hand appeared on his shoulder as Rogers reminded him once more, “We can’t wait forever. When he can get help, he will.”

“Right,” Zymack nodded, reaching for another loose rock and tossing it over his shoulder.


Mayson tapped her hand on the file in her hand, biting her lower lip as she waited for a response from Governor Wade. Amnesia. Personality Disorder. She’d been given diagnosis after diagnosis to explain the existence of Bill Henderson’s double. Still, no one could explain why they looked exactly the same. Despite the existence of this double she had yet to convince Michael Clemmons or the police chief to open an investigation. So here she was pleading with the governor to investigate the lead detective of the Metropolis P.D. and the mysterious stranger that looked exactly like Bill Henderson.

“Ms. Drake,” Governor Wade winced as he lifted his gaze up to meet hers, “these are just theories.”

Mayson shook her head vehemently, leaning forward, “These are more than just theories, Governor, if we can just look into…”

“Ms. Drake, have you looked outside lately?” Governor Wade asked, pointing to the television behind her. “Or turned on the television?”

“I know what the political climate in this city is, Governor, I have been fielding the calls coming into my office.” Mayson reminded him.

“And I appreciate that, Ms. Drake,” Governor Wade cleared his throat. “New Troy is under a microscope right now. The President and Vice President are supposed to be arriving here within a few hours and I need every officer and detective I can get concentrating on their safety.”

“I understand that, Governor, but…”

“But nothing!” Governor Wade interrupted her before she could finish her thought. “You went to the Police Chief. You’ve spoken with the Mayor. They’ve all looked into the matter and considered the issue closed.” His brow raised as he looked at Mayson with a contemplative expression. “I have faith in their decisions, Ms. Drake.”

“He looks just like him, Governor!” Mayson argued.

“Ever hear of a doppelganger, Ms. Drake?” Governor Wade sighed, running a hand across his face. “We don’t have the time or resources to commit to this wild goose chase you are trying to send the department on.”

“Just one day?” Mayson pleaded. “Please commit someone to this for one day and if nothing is found I’ll drop it.”

“We don’t have anyone to spare. We don’t have the time to spare.” Governor Wade shook his head and motioned to the television, “The people of the city…the people of this country are living in fear of the army of criminals that are roaming the streets. It is our job to keep them safe and we can’t do that if we’re wasting time and resources on something as frivolous as this doppelganger theory of yours.”

“It’s not just a theory, Governor,” Mayson stammered. “If you would just look at the file…”

“Drop it, Ms. Drake,” he narrowed his eyes at her. “Do I make myself clear?”

“Perfectly,” Mayson bit back angrily.


Phones insistently rang among the sound of the fax machine humming with new leads pouring into the hands of the Daily Planet’s journalists. Ron Troupe wore a tense smile as he made his way through the maze of reporters and copy boys surrounding the television set which also happened to be in front of the coffee station. He let out a long sigh, and momentarily made the decision to wait on his afternoon refill of caffeine while he got settled.

His trip from Washington had given him what he needed and more to continue his series on corruption in Congress. He just wished it hadn’t been as easy to obtain. The obvious corruption and misdeeds were only the tip of the iceberg.

<<“That’s not your president.”>>

The mysterious woman’s words hung in the air and continued to tease his brain as he tried to make sense of what she was trying to tell him. She seemed to be well spoken and educated, unlike many of the protesters that dismissed a politician for making a choice against his or her wishes. This woman’s words seemed different though. He’d searched everywhere he could think but no one could identify her.

“Vice President Luthor’s confirmation has been put on hold as the Senate is now hearing cause for why the vote on the president’s nomination could be deemed unconstitutional.” The LNN anchor’s announcement caught Ron’s attention and he let out a low whistle.

“There might be justice after all,” Ron commented as he set his things down at his desk.

A hand clapped on his shoulder and he turned to see his Editor-in-Chief, Perry White standing beside him. “Troupe, there’s a face I haven’t seen for awhile.”

Ron chuckled, turning back to Perry, “Perry, I was beginning to think I'd never get home.”

Perry's face fell into an uneasy smile. “It’s been busier than we could have anticipated.” he patted Ron on the shoulder, “You've done a heck of a job keeping up with the political firestorm in Washington. “

“I'll say,” a voice from behind him spoke up and he turned to see a young blonde haired woman in a tan business suit with a serious expression on her face.

“Mayson, this is a surprise,” Perry commented with a furrowed brow.

Mayson’s face was tense with worry lines along her forehead. A silent message crossed between her and Perry and for a moment Ron wondered if the rumors of his editor’s ability to read minds held any water.

“They’re in the conference room with Jimmy,” Perry pointed to the large conference room on the other side of the bullpen.

“Thanks,” Mayson nodded, and made her way through the maze of reporters


“Vice President Luthor’s confirmation has been put on hold as the Senate is now hearing cause for why the vote on the president’s nomination could be deemed unconstitutional.” The LNN anchor’s announcement was like a final stab in an already deflated balloon.

A loud shout came from the Vice President’s suite and the staff outside the hallway tensed, preparing for the worst. Chief of Staff, James McCall walked through the hallway just outside the Vice President’s suite. His squared jaw and tightened and his brow furrowed as he stared at the dark wood doors then he spun on his heel and turned in the other direction. “Johnson never would have reacted like that,” he muttered under his breath.


Reports of mind control and scientific journals detailing how an individual could be programmed to change personalities were spread across the conference room table. Clark set the case study he’d been reading down and let out a long sigh, turning to Lois who wore the same tired expressions on her face. It didn’t make any sense. Nothing he could find explained how an entire prison could be brainwashed into believing the inmates were still there. From what Jimmy had been able to find there were several other inmates that had escaped. The list appeared to keep growing as the week wore on.

The conference room door opened and Jimmy entered with another thick file in his hand and his expression not any better than Lois’. Still, he had to at least ask, “Anything?”

“I think so,” Jimmy said taking a seat across from Clark and pulling out glossy 8x10 photos as he spoke. “Harley Quinn was the Joker’s right hand man…err woman,” Jimmy corrected when Lois raised an eyebrow at him. “She used to actually work at Arkham as a psychiatrist.”

“She was a psychiatrist?” Clark echoed in surprise, feeling the hair on the back of his neck stand up at the implication of just how twisted this individual they were up against was.

“Well, most people that become psychiatrists do so because of issues they have,” Lois shrugged her shoulders, looking up from the file in her hand. “Or so I’ve been told anyway,” she said hurriedly.

“Well, this one definitely had some issues,” Jimmy said, sliding a print out of the Gotham Gazette’s headline portraying a photo of the doctor with a man in a purple suit and white face paint that made the man look like a clown. The smile painted on his face was rugged and scarred, showing the lines from where old wounds had been covered by the face paint.

“She was treating this Joker character and ended up falling in love with him.” Jimmy explained, pushing the article toward Clark, “She helped smuggle artillery weapons into the asylum for him so he could escape and left with him.”

Clark let out a low whistle, “Any idea what the story is with this Joker.”

Jimmy shook his head, “No one knows the guy’s real name or what his story is. He is certifiably insane and enjoys causing mayhem. Murder and corruption appear to be this guy’s MO.”

“Well, just tuck him in over at Metropolis Penitentiary I’m sure he’ll be right at home.” Lois muttered in disgust.

“These guys are a lot different than the criminals you guys have come up against,” Jimmy said earnestly. “Corruption and power is what motivates a lot of the criminals in Metropolis. These Arkham guys are insane. They have no limits and they have nothing to pull them back from the edge. A lot of them have been experimented on and have abilities out of this world.”

“What are you talking about?” Lois asked, frowning as she set the file in her hand down.

“Whisper A’Daire.” Jimmy set the file down in front of Clark with a thud. “Shape shifting, mind control…the whole shebang.”

“Mind control?” Lois and Clark asked in unison.

“The history’s all in there,” Jimmy said with a sigh. “She’s one bad chick. Murder for hire. Political corruption. Business takeovers. All around bad chick if the price is right and she only has one distinct feature.”

“Her eyes,” Clark said, looking at the 8x10 photo in the file he was flipping through. Immediately he recognized the yellow hue that flashed in the woman’s eyes as something he’d seen in the assistant that had been helping Dr. Quinzel the day Dr. Klein had introduced them. It was almost immediately after that Dr. Klein’s whole demeanor had changed.

“Yeah,” Jimmy nodded, not thinking twice it appeared to Clark’s quick realization. A look crossed Jimmy’s face before he quickly jumped into his explanation. “She’s one of the ones that was experimented on by Ra's al Ghul. Some sort of serum that makes her immortal and change shape. The only distinct feature about her is the yellow glowing eyes.”

“Any idea how to stop her?” Lois asked.

“According to Gotham P.D you’d have to ask the Batman,” Jimmy rolled his eyes at that statement and Lois glanced in Clark’s direction.

“Batman?” Clark asked, doing his best to keep his poker face on. Before last night he would have sworn the man was just a myth but after meeting the mysterious hooded figure he knew there was more to the myth.

“That’s what they said,” Jimmy said.

The conference room door opened and Clark looked up to see Mayson Drake standing in the doorway. Her shoulders were tense and her face filled with worry. Her lower lip tucked beneath her upper lip as she bit down on it and the shimmer of tears could be seen in the corner of her eyes. “I, um…I know you’re probably busy with a million other things, but…”

“Mayson, what is it?” Lois asked gently, pulling a chair out for the ADA to sit down.

“I guess it’s easier if I just show you,” Mayson said, pulling out a file in her hand. She set a manila envelope on the table and Lois reached over to grab it. “I found a man that looks exactly like bill Henderson outside City Hall a few days ago.” She let out a snort. “He actually saved me from a car bombing if you can believe it. Only problem is Bill Henderson was supposedly on duty downtown.” Mayson let out a deep sigh as Lois and Clark exchanged a look. Mayson let out a choked sob, “He has no memory of who he is.”


McCall straightened his tie as he prepared himself for the conversation he was about to have. His arm tightened around the clipboard in his hands. He knew it needed to be done but confronting President Garner with his suspicions would not sit well. He lifted his hand up to knock on the doors to the Oval office.

The secret service agent opened the door and ushered him inside. McCall frowned when he noticed the president packing up his briefcase. “Will?” President Garner turned to him, giving him a dubious expression and McCall quickly recovered, “Sorry, Mr. President, do you have a minute?”

“Only a few,” President Garner replied firmly. The friendly tone he normally saw in his old friend was missing. In its place was the shell of the man he grew up with as a child. “I have to get this pardon to Marie.”

“Another pardon, Mr. President?” Joshua McCall asked with a sigh.

“Alberto Falcone. Medication and therapy have helped ensure he’s turned a new leaf,” President Garner replied with a smile. “Everyone deserves a second chance, don’t you think?”

“Alberto Falcone,” McCall let out a long breath, feeling like the wind had been knocked out of him. “The Holiday killer?”

“That was a part of the disease.” President Garner replied, “He’s not that man anymore.”

Joshua McCall bit his lower lip as he steadied himself, deciding to call his old friend out once and for all. “Mr. President, you’re making a mistake.”

“Excuse me?” President Garner responded, looking at him in surprise. “Need I remind you, Mr. McCall you are speaking to the leader of the free world and…”

“And you, sir, haven’t acted like the leader of anything since Morgan Johnson’s death.” McCall responded with a harsh blow. The president opened his mouth to respond and McCall shook his head, “You aren’t the same, Will.”

“I buried my friend and had to appoint a new Congress and his replacement in less than a week’s time, Joshua,” President Garner shouted, raising his fist in the air.

“Your judgement is flawed!” Joshua McCall shouted out, as he jabbed his finger in the air. “You pardoned a known criminal and then appointed him as your Vice President before Morgan Johnson’s body had time to start decomposing!”

“I beg your pardon?” President Garner glared back at him with a cold expression.

“Half the appointments you’ve made since your Vice President’s death have been linked to criminal organizations.” McCall continued, ignoring the expression on his friend. “Please, Will, as your friend listen to me.”

“Listen to you?” President Garner scoffed in disgust. “Listen to the man that comes in here questions my judgement?” He let out a low breath, “You have no right…”

“I have every right,” McCall snapped back. “You are supposed to be my president. My president who pardons criminals. My president who surrounds himself with said criminals and puts shame on the white house. My president who doesn’t represent me or the people who voted him into office.”

A cold expression crossed President Garner’s face and then he hissed out, “I have a plane to catch. Last minute meeting with Governor Wade and Congressman Lawrence.” He narrowed his eyes at Joshua, “See yourself out.”


Clark sat at the conference room, listening to what Mayson had uncovered. A man that looked like Bill Henderson but had no memory. From what he could tell the man working at Metropolis P.D. appeared to be a shell of the Henderson they knew but he still couldn’t be sure if this other one was the real Henderson either.

“No one will talk to me. No one will investigate,” Mayson said with a deep sigh. “Not really anyway.” She looked over at Lois, “You said you had a theory?”

Lois glanced over at Clark. He nodded his head, silently instructing her to tell Mayson their theory. She tapped her fingertips on the table and then cleared her throat before saying, “As out there as it sounds our theory seems to be the only one that makes sense at the moment.”

“Which is?” Mayson prompted.

“Clones,” Clark supplied, getting to the point.

“Clones?” Mayson echoed, “Like the frogs?”

“More like Dillinger and Capone,” Lois said with a grimace. “We think someone got a hold of Hamilton’s research and used it to make their own witch’s brew of clones. Including Bill Henderson.”

Mayson took a deep breath, leaning back in her chair, “Okay, I’m listening,”

The door opened and they turned to see Jimmy in the doorway with a file in his hand. Clark nodded in Jimmy’s direction. Jimmy had been looking for different ways someone could have obtained Hamilton’s research during the transfer to STAR Labs. “Anything, Jimmy?”

Jimmy shook his head, running a weary hand across his face. “STAR Labs officials had everything on lockdown. The police files on Capone and Dillinger were escorted by STAR Labs security not Metropolis P.D.” Jimmy shrugged his shoulders. “The only transfer to STAR Labs that wasn’t performed by their security was the Johnny Corbin transfer.” He raised an eyebrow and looked at Clark with a snort, “And we all know how well that turned out.”

“So, if it is cloning the only ones with real access to Hamilton’s research were STAR Labs security and the officers that secured the scene.” Clark said with a defeated groan.

“And Hamilton himself,” Mayson added.

“Hamilton?” Clark’s brow furrowed.

“It makes sense. He may have passed information along without knowing it,” Lois tapped her hand on the table.

“We can’t rule it out is all I’m saying.” Mayson said. A silence fell between them and then she spoke up, “So, what do we do?”

“First, we take a look at STAR Labs security,” Lois turned to Jimmy, “Jimmy, can you find out who was on the team that picked up the files from the Metropolis P.D?”

“Already on it,” Jimmy nodded, backing out of the door to run the search.

Clark glanced at Lois with a sigh, “That leaves us with STAR Labs security and Professor Hamilton.”

“Those would probably be synonymous,” Lois said with a sigh.

“Right,” Mayson nodded, “Hamilton’s working at STAR Labs now….”

The sound of a shrieking woman reached Clark’s ears cutting off the rest of the conversation. He caught Lois’ gaze, silently motioning to her his need to leave.

“Help! Someone! My baby!”

“I, uh,” Clark stood up, bumping the table a little too hard and catching it before it could hit anything and leave him explaining his super powered abilities to the Assistant District Attorney.

“Mayson,” Lois grabbed her hand, pulling her attention away from his as he made his way out the door. “Why don’t we head out and see what we can find at STAR Labs. Clark can follow up on that research with Jimmy.”

He didn’t make out Mayson’s response. The cries for help from the crying mother rung in his ears as he moved at super-speed through the stairwell.


The abandoned train tracks had a certain charm about them. The old train station used to bus in train car after train car to and from the cities outside Metropolis. The abandoned location made it perfect to perform his first test on the alien known as Superman. Hugo Strange looked to the woman in front of him and pressed the button on the forklift, “I don’t believe Superman heard you. Let’s give it another try, shall we?”


Lois drove down Main Street, shaking her head as she glanced to the passenger seat where Mayson was seated. She hadn’t heard from Clark yet and after spending most of the morning interviewing STAR Labs security she was stuck, uncertain where to go next. “Well, that’s twenty guards that have all checked out,”

“And Hamilton only spoke with the officers on the scene about his experiments on Capone and Dillinger,” Mayson groaned, shaking her head.

“So, the next stop is Metropolis P.D.” Lois said turning down Clinton Street, spotting a dark sedan in her reserved parking spot. “Some people.”

“This doesn’t look like Metropolis P.D.” Mayson said with a smirk.

Lois gave Mayson a half-smile, “I need to get something before we head over there.” She looked toward the steps leading to her and Clark’s apartment building. Two men in dark suits stood outside her apartment complex. She looked over at her reserved parking spot occupied by the black sedan and scowled.

“New neighbors?” Mayson asked, glancing at the men as she opened her door and stepping out.

A chill ran down Lois’ spine as she watched one of the men touch the side of his head and mumble something as he looked around. Something was wrong. She could feel it in her bones. She let out a shuddered breath as she whispered, “Not likely,” She eyed the two men as she walked up the steps to her apartment building. Mayson was a few steps behind her. The men stared at her as she passed, sending a shudder of apprehension through her. She tightened her grip on her keys, reaching out for the door handle only to find the door already unlocked.

“Lois, careful,” Mayson’s voice echoed behind her as the door opened and she found herself face to face with the new Vice President of the United States.



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