Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: folc4evernaday Rules of War 8/16 - 01/11/19 12:18 AM
Rules of War
Chapter 8


Mayson Drake hung her phone up with an eerie calm as she turned her attention to the man sitting in her office. He looked exactly like Bill Henderson. He spoke like him. Acted like him. But according to the captain at the Metropolis P.D. he wasn't Bill. She’d heard of doppelgangers before but this felt like something different.

“So, Mister…?”

He gave her a shrug. “I don’t know.”

“Right,” she flashed him a weak smile. “No memory.”

“You said you know me.” he said with interest, leaning forward in his chair.

“I do,” she said softly. “Did. I think…” her face fell as she contemplated how to help him.

‘How can there be two of him?’ she wondered to herself.

“You called me Bill earlier.” he reminded her.

“I did,” she said cautiously uncertain how much to divulge with his memory fragmented. “I think.” She offered him a half-smile that he didn’t return.

‘Who’s the real Bill Henderson?’ she thought to herself, all of a sudden unsure who she was staring at.

“You think?” his brow furrowed.

“I think the first thing we need to do is get you to a doctor.” Mayson said cautiously. “I’ve left a message with one of the caseworkers in our Family Services department to find the best place for you to get help with your memory loss.”

“So, you’re pawning me off?” he asked, confused.

“No, of course not!” she insisted, squashing the guilt in the pit of her stomach. “I just…I don’t know how to help you, but these guys do.” Bill looked down and Mayson reached across the table, “We’ll figure this out. I promise.”


Lois looked toward the elevator for the umpteenth time, searching for Clark’s return. It had been two hours since he left and so far, no word on the interview he had taken from the yet to be revealed newly appointed Vice President. She looked back at her computer monitor, glancing once more at the blank screen staring back at her. She was supposed to be working on a follow up to the cyber attack story but all she could think about was the hundreds of questions running through her mind.

“Lois?” Jimmy waved a hand in front of her face, pulling her back to the present.

“Hey, Jimmy, what’s up?” Lois asked, turning to her young friend, grateful for the distraction. Jimmy held a manila envelope in his hands and stood beside her desk with a concerned expression on his face.

Jimmy’s voice cracked as he spoke, “I, um…here’s the list on that NIA breach.” He handed her the manila folder with a shaky hand.

“Thanks,” she took the list from him. She frowned, looking over at Jimmy with a quizzical gaze. Normally Jimmy would have given her a short synopsis of what he found but this time he didn’t. His face was pale as he turned to walk back to his desk. She spoke up, deciding to answer the question she already knew the answer to in hopes he would let her help him with whatever it was that was bothering him. “Jimmy, are you okay?”

“Sure, why wouldn’t I be?” Jimmy shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly but his expression told a different story.

Lois stood up from her desk and followed him, silently giving him her best ‘You’re not fooling me’ look.

Jimmy met her gaze and let out a long sigh, “You’re not going to let this go, are you?”

“When have you ever known me to let anything go?” Lois challenged, arching an eyebrow at him.

Jimmy let out a long sigh, tightening his jaw as he looked down at his feet. Lois wondered for a moment if he would open up to her or just continue to hold in whatever was obviously bothering him. She crossed her arms over her chest, looking at him expectantly and he relented with a sigh of defeat. “Page three, six down.”

The look of shame on Jimmy’s face kept her from returning to her desk to investigate what he was trying to tell her. “Jimmy?”

“Just look, Lois,” Jimmy gave her a pleading look. “I don’t know how. I don’t know why…just look.”

Seeing that she wasn’t going to get anything more from him she turned to the file on her desk and sifted through the pages until she found the page she was looking for. With her finger she scrolled through the names. ‘Oakland. Obrien. Odling. Oates. Oliver. Olsen.’ She stopped, looking up at Jimmy for confirmation before turning back to the name she whispered aloud, “Jack Olsen?”

“Apparently my dad’s NIA and I didn’t even know it.” Jimmy said with a grunt of disgust, shaking his head.

“Your dad?” Lois choked out in a soft whisper. “The soil engineer?” Her mind began to race, recalling the vague stories of an absent father Jimmy had told her over the years they had worked side by side with one another. The bond they’d shared over having a father that didn’t want to stick around had been one of the many things that had endeared Jimmy to her in his earlier days at the Planet.

Before she could respond, he walked away. “Please, don’t,” Jimmy croaked out, waving any attempt of consolation off.

She let out a long sigh, watching her young friend sink into his desk chair, mildly wondering if she should push him or give him the space he obviously needed at the moment to process the earth shattering news he’d discovered. The NIA? She’d heard of agents leading double lives before but to have someone so close to her actually live through it made those stories and theories seem so surreal.

“Harleen Quinzel also known as the notorious Harely Quinn-the criminal mastermind, Joker’s right-hand woman remains at large with no leads….”

Lois looked up at the news coverage that played in the background covering the news of one of the scientists from STAR Labs that had been connected to the NIA breach. The very scientist that she and Clark had been questioning a few days ago. Her gaze shifted to the list again and to the small box she and Clark were planning to take to Dr. Klein when Clark returned.

“Jimmy?” Lois called out to her young friend, grabbing the box from her desk and gathering her things. She walked over to his desk, noting the defeated expression on his face.

“I don’t want to talk about it, Lois,” Jimmy said, not looking up from his computer.

“You don’t have to talk,” Lois said pointing to his camera bag. “Clark probably won’t be back for a few hours and you obviously need a distraction. Get your camera and let’s go.”

Jimmy looked back at her in surprise. “Where are we going?”

“STAR Labs.”


The insistent tapping of fingernails against the iron door and maniacal laughter echoing from all around created an intimidating atmosphere that not many could stomach. The grueling personality tests and endurance testing threatened to be too much for many. Mitch Weston had heard the stories. Inmates of a different breed filled Arkham Asylum. A doctor spurred by love and infatuation for one of her patients, committed unfathomable acts of terrorism all in the name of true love.

Since then security had tightened and all doctors had to have a security guard with them any time they were treating a patient to ensure no one else fell under their patient’s spell. Two new recruits had just completed the psychiatry evaluation and were now starting in the rotation. Time would tell if they would last.

The high shrieks of laughter filled the halls along with the scratching of metal and the shaking of chains. A chill filled the air as the maniacal laughter echoed through the steel prison walls. Mitch tapped his baton against the steel doors and puffed out his chest, watching the patrol of guards moving toward the infirmary.

“This way Falcone,” Roberts called out, dragging the unhinged son of notorious mob boss, Carmine Falcone in shackles. “The doctor is ready for you.”

“That's Holiday to you, you ungrateful halfwit!”

A swift strike along the shoulder blades sent Alberto Falcone to his knees. “Roberts!” Mitch called out to him.

A look passed between them and then Roberts nodded helping the inmate to his feet. Weston waited a long moment watching Falcone slink away. How he had turned out so different would forever remain a mystery.

“Officer, it's almost Halloween!”

“Can it Holiday!”


Clark held his composure as he went through the pleasantries with the president on auto-pilot, feigning interest in the president’s recent golf outing and his daughter’s recital. It took everything in him not to rip Luthor up from his seat and fly him to the nearest desserted island. He wanted to banish him to a live of destitution and isolation and keep him from hurting anyone ever again.

<<“ I love Lois, but she’s much too independent, don’t you think? Well, I’ll take care of that…”

“Clark Kent knows where I am.”

“That’s right. I’ll have to kill him, too.”>>

<<“It’s the idea of Superman. Someone to believe in. Someone to build a few hopes around. Whatever he can do; that’s enough.”>>

As much as he wanted to sentence Luthor to a life of isolation far away from civilization he knew he couldn’t do that. Luthor knew it too. Lex Luthor hadn’t just escaped prison but he had guaranteed his freedom by somehow convincing President Garner to pardon him for his numerous crimes. Clark sat there numbly, recalling the news of the pardons that had been issued right before he and Lois had left for their honeymoon. ‘That had been the start of it,’ he mused to himself.

Clark stole a glance out of the corner of his eye as the president looked back at him expectantly. He turned his head, eying the arrogant posture Luthor held himself with. The president smiled back at Clark, “Shall we?”

Clark held his tongue, taking a moment to contemplate his first question before he spoke up. His eyes narrowed as he met the cocky expression on Luthor’s face. He had a hundred questions but none of them for the president. “Mr. President,” He moved his focus to the president, not daring to give Luthor the satisfaction of holding his attention a second longer. “you appointed a known convicted criminal as your Vice President.”

“He’s been pardoned,” President Garner shrugged his shoulders. “His criminal record holds no bearing in the appointment and I’ve been assured that the crimes Mr. Luthor was accused of were a consequence of him trusting the wrong individuals. A lesson I’m sure he’s learned from.”

Clark bit the inside of his mouth, holding back the contempt he felt toward Luthor as he spoke up, “You pardoned Mr. Luthor.” It took everything in him not to spit the name out as he stared back at President Garner. “Two weeks before you were put in the position of having to name a new Vice President.”

“I was presented with evidence that Mr. Luthor never committed these crimes, Mr. Kent,” President Garner responded, looking back at Luthor. “We wouldn’t want to punish a man for a crime he didn’t commit, would we?”


Jimmy glanced over at the driver’s seat where Lois was shouting at the SUV that just pulled out in front of them. He tapped his hand against the windowsill nervously looking around the street they were on, wondering if they would make it the four blocks they had to go to get to STAR Labs.

“Oh, come on!” Lois shouted, slamming her hand against the steering wheel and blaring the horn at the driver in front of them. The SUV turned on their blinker and Lois grumbled, “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“Lois, calm down. We’ll get there when we get there.” Jimmy shrugged his shoulders, looking back at her with a curious expression. “What’s the rush?”

Lois let out a long sigh, meeting his gaze with a scowl, “I’m impatient.”

“Nah, really?” Jimmy joked letting out a chuckle. Traffic began to clear and Lois let out a sigh as she pulled out onto Main Street. He tapped his fingers against the windowsill trying not to focus on the mutterings coming from Lois. Something was obviously bothering her.

He’d seen Lois and Clark disappear into the conference room earlier after that package had arrived and then shortly after Clark had left, heading toward the stairwell. He could only assume it was Superman related but he couldn’t be sure. Whatever it was that had called him away left Lois anxious and irritable since Clark had left.

Lois let out a sigh and her tone softened slightly, “Sorry, I guess I’m a little on edge.”

“Everything okay?” Jimmy asked, looking at her in concern, hoping she’d give him some insight into what was going on.

“I don’t know,” Lois said with a groan.

“So, what are we taking to STAR Labs?” Jimmy asked, hoping the change in conversation would diffuse the temper simmering from Lois.

“Something I found last night after we were held up in the elevator,” Lois said with a shrug.

“Held up?” Jimmy choked out in surprise.

“It was nothing. The guy got knocked out and the gun never went off.” Lois said as if she were talking about the weather.

Jimmy bit his lower-lip amazed at how used to the dangerous situations Lois had become that she could get held up and not blink an eye.

She shook her head letting out a long sigh, turning to him. “So, what’s the deal with you and my sister?”


Ron Troupe looked around the crowd on Capitol Hill. They had just received word that the newly appointed Vice President would be introduced by the president at any moment. The crowd was packed with journalists from around the country, hoping to get the first glimpse of the Vice President that had been confirmed by Congress.

One face stuck out in the crowd of reporters. Ron looked over on the edge of the crowd, spotting a tall woman with dark hair pinned back, staring at the building in awe rather than anticipation. Curious, Ron moved through the crowd toward her.

He stopped when he found himself standing in front of her. Her dark hair glistened in the sunlight and her dark eyes shone with wonder as she stared up at the golden roof of the capitol building.

She noticed his presence and smiled back at him in wonderment, “It’s amazing, isn’t it?”

“What is?” Ron asked.

“All the generations and of man have their own sense of justice but it wasn’t until this country built a justice system founded for the people by the people that the people found their voice.”

The way she spoke gave Ron a chill down his spine. She didn’t look at capitol hill and see corruption and collusion but rather hope and inspiration for true justice. He looked at her in wonderment and turned, “Not many people would share that sentiment.”

“Man will always have its faults, but the love beneath will help guide him.” She smiled back at him. “Everyone.”

“What makes you so sure?” Ron asked.

“Because I’ve seen it all before.” She replied with a long sigh. “Love always wins. Trust me, but not without its casualties.”

“Casualties?” Ron crinkled his nose as he saw the president approach with his army of secret service agents behind him.

The woman stared back at the president and frowned, “That’s not your president.”

“Excuse me?” Ron choked out.

She turned to him and whispered, “You must tell Kal-El that a war is coming and we are all here to fight.”

“Who is Kal-El?” Ron asked.

“It isn’t important,” she said with a long breath.

“Ladies and gentlemen of the press, thank you for your patience.” the president called out to the crowd.


The plane had landed and the president was preparing to address the crowd of reporters outside. Clark had more than enough to give the Planet the exclusive. Every fiber of Clark Kent’s being was on edge as he stared back at Lex Luthor’s smug expression. Images of the Kryptonite cage and the mocking tone he used to gloat of his winning the battle between them. Luthor had always struck him as someone not to be trusted. The smooth words and insincere smile didn’t fool him for a moment.

He had lived through some of his worst moments at the hands of this man and found himself relieved at the news of his ‘death’ twice. Yet here he was again. Another resurrection and another chance to cause pain to those that Clark cared about most.

<<“ I love Lois, but she’s much too independent, don’t you think? Well, I’ll take care of that…”

“Clark Kent knows where I am.”

“That’s right. I’ll have to kill him, too.”>>

“I believe you’ve got everything you need, Kent,” Luthor remarked with a bite in his tone, clearly perturbed at his presence.

“Something wrong?” Clark challenged, crossing his arms over his chest as he stared back at the newly appointed Vice President with disdain on his face. Luthor could put on whatever show he wanted for the rest of the world but he knew the darkness that lived inside him.

“No, of course not,” Luthor growled out with a forced smile. “I’m just…”

“Disappointed?” Clark cocked an eyebrow as he leaned forward, careful not to break the invisible barrier between them that would make the secret service agent uncomfortable. “You keep looking at that phone. Expecting a call?”

“No,” Luthor frowned, looking back at him with a scowl. He was quiet for a split-second before turning to challenge him, “This interview was supposed to be for….”

“Oh, I get it.” Clark chuckled to himself. “This wasn’t just an interview, was it?” The stern gaze of Luthor’s features told him all he needed to know. “Sorry to disappoint you, but Lois doesn’t respond well to unsolicited gifts from someone she doesn’t know.” His tone grew dark as he added, “I know you’re the one that’s been doing sending those threats to Lois.”

“Threats? Really, Kent, are you that paranoid and disillusioned that you blame me for every inconvenience that comes your way?” Luthor shrugged his shoulders as he leaned back in his seat.

“You may have fooled President Garner and you may very well fool congress and some of the reporters out there, but you’re not fooling me for a second,” Clark hissed out in an eerily calm tone. His anger simmered inside him as he stared Luthor down, letting out one last warning. “You and I both know this act will slip away eventually and when it does you will be caught, tried and prosecuted for your crimes. Until then, I’ll be watching and waiting.”

“It will be a long wait, Kent,” Luthor winced as he stood to his feet. “I hear condolences are in order.” Luthor let out a snicker as he sized Clark up with a bitter expression, “How did you weasel your way between me and Lois Lane?”


“How strange. Strange to hear you say my name and know It might be the last words you speak.

But am I making a mistake? Will the pain of losing the challenge you represent be worse than the pain of constantly losing to you?”>>

“You stay away from her.” With that, Clark allowed himself to be escorted out to where the crowd of reporters waited for the face of the new Vice President to be revealed. He spotted Ron Troupe in the background, talking with a woman who didn’t seem to fit in with the rest of the crowd.


Lois looked around the laboratory the scientist was in, noting the presence of two other scientists she didn’t recognize. A young woman with red wavy hair was at Dr. Klein’s desk, examining the files on the monitor with a young man. Dr. Klein was standing over the two of them, looking at the monitor with them.

“It appears to be all intact.” The young woman said, turning in her chair as Lois spoke up, making her presence known.

Lois looked around the lab, unsure if now was the right time to have Dr. Klein examine the device Bruce Wayne had discarded last night. She was sure Dr. Klein would be able to provide an answer for her, but she wasn’t sure if the co-workers in Dr. Klein’s usually empty lab could be trusted to overhear this conversation.

“Dr. Klein?” Lois cleared her throat, hoping to get his attention.

Dr. Klein looked up and gave her an apologetic sigh, “I don’t have any more information on Dr. Quinzel than what was given to the police.”

“You mean Harley Quinn,” Jimmy corrected, naming the doctor with the criminal alias she was known by.

“Yes, Harley Quinn.” Dr. Klein shook his head. “I’m sorry. I wish I could help, but she fooled me and every scientist in this building.”

“Except for us,” the young man sat up. “We weren’t in this building at the time.”

Lois gave the young man a puzzled look but chose not to push for an introduction in hopes that she could keep the already disoriented scientist, “Um, Dr. Klein, I was hoping you could take a look at this for me.”

“Wait a minute, don’t I know you?” an excited voice came from Jimmy as he looked over at the young man.

The man gave Jimmy a slow smile, “I don’t know.”

“No, I’ve seen your face before.” Jimmy insisted trying to recall where he had seen the young man.

Dr. Klein seemed to be contemplating something as he pulled the small disc out of the box to examine it more closely. “Fascinating.” He pointed between Jimmy and the young man. “Cisco Ramon, this is James Olsen. He’s a photographer for the Daily Planet and works with both Lois Lane and Clark Kent.”

“And Superman,” Cisco said with a broad grin, looking between Jimmy and Lois in awe.

Jimmy shared a look with Lois before responding carefully, “Uh, yeah, I guess.”

“What’s he like?” Cisco asked, his eyes filled with curiosity and interest as he spoke.

“Like?” Lois asked, unsure how to respond.

“You know, the usual stuff. Is he really all powerful or does he have weaknesses?” Cisco rambled on with a hint of humor. “I mean, I get it. You’re friends and have to protect the truth and justice image but come on. What’s he like under the cape?”

Lois felt her throat go dry as she wracked her brain for a response. Thankfully the young woman sitting at Dr. Klein’s desk decided to come to her rescue at that point. “Cisco, really can’t you at least pretend to play it cool?” She turned to Lois and extended her hand to shake, “Please ignore him. He’s an overgrown child sometimes.”

“Caitlin,” Cisco chastised with a groan.

“Cisco,” Caitlin arched her eyebrow at him before turning her attention to Lois, “Sorry, I’m Dr. Caitlin Snow. This is Cisco Ramon. We both work at the Central City STAR Labs with Professor Wells.”

Jimmy snapped his fingers, “That’s where I remember you from.” He pointed at Cisco, “You were there when the particle accelerator went live and…”

Lois noticed a concerned look cross between Cisco and Caitlin and cut in, “Jimmy, I think everyone knows what happened that night.”

“Oh, right,” Jimmy grinned. “So, Central City. I hear there’s a lot of cra…”

“Metahumans,” Cisco corrected. “The Flash has things under control.”

“There’s micro circuitry on almost every level.” Dr. Klein mentioned in awe as he turned the wheel of the microscope, oblivious to their conversation.

“The Flash?” Lois echoed in surprise. She’d heard the stories but had chalked it up to a myth like the Batman stories that came from Gotham.

“I heard Superman’s pretty tight with you guys.” Cisco’s interest seemed to be peaked on their connection to Superman while Dr. Klein held the device under a microscope. “How fast is he, really?” Cisco looked at the two of them with piercing eyes.

Lois opened her mouth to respond but found Jimmy already answering for her. “Fastest guy in the world.” Jimmy shrugged. “He is Superman.”

“I don’t know about that. I mean, I know he’s fast but he can’t possibly be as fast as the Flash.” Cisco said and then jumped back when Caitlin jabbed him in the ribs. “Hey, easy!”

“You were being rude,” Caitlin and Cisco shared a look, seeming to silently be saying something.

Lois caught the look and wondered what was going on before Cisco nodded and turned back to them, “I apologize. Sometimes I get a little ahead of myself.” He looked to Dr. Klein looking over his shoulder, “Mind if I take a look?”

“Be my guest,” Dr. Klein motioned for him to look behind the lenses.

Cisco leaned forward and adjusted the microscope, zooming in as he let out a low whistle, “Caitlin, come take a look at this.”

“What is it?” Lois asked.

Dr. Klein answered with an impressed expression, “You have micro-circuitry down to the atomic-level.”

“Whoever built this is a genius.” Cisco added.

“Can you tell what it does?” Lois asked.

Caitlin Snow looked up in surprise. “Where did you get a kill switch?”

“What’s a kill switch?” Lois asked, confused.

“You press a button and the power around you goes bzzzz.” Cisco explained with his hands in the air trembling to illustrate the effect.

“Where did you get this?” Dr. Klein asked.



Ron waved at him when he saw Clark approach through the back of the crowd. The throng of reporters were focused on the president addressing questions about the lack of faith in the new Congress that had been appointed. The woman Ron had been talking to had vanished and Ron’s worried expression told him the conversation hadn’t been about directions.

“Surprised to see you in DC.” Ron commented. “I thought you were still in Metropolis covering the aftermath of the power outage.”

Clark gave a non-committal shrug, “I had an interview and decided to stick around.” He pointed to the crowd, “Who was that woman you were talking to?”

“I don’t know,” Ron said with a frown. “She never gave a name.” He shook his head, seeming to recall something, “There was something so strange about her. She kept talking about some war coming and a guy named Kal-El.”

“Kal-El?” Clark echoed, feeling the hair on the back of his neck stand up. “What exactly did she say?”

“She said ‘a war is coming and we are all here to fight.’ ” Ron shrugged his shoulders, “I have no idea what that means.”

“Anything else?” Clark asked, trying not to sound too eager for an answer. He held his breath, trying to present himself as casual as he could, but he couldn’t help but feel a panic rising inside him.

“Yeah,” Ron said with a frown. “Something really strange.”


“She pointed at the president and said he wasn’t the president.” Ron frowned, glancing over at Clark with a bewildered expression. “Weird, huh?”

“Yeah,” Clark agreed, backing away from Ron and looking for the nearest exit. He needed to get back to Lois. Staying for the press conference seemed like a moot point since Ron was already covering it. Besides he already knew what the big announcement was.

“Where are you going?” Ron asked, grabbing his arm. “Don’t you want to stay for the announcement?”

“I think you’ve got it covered.” Clark said with a half-smile. “I need to get back to Metropolis.” Clark said, motioning with his hand to the exit.


“Good luck with the story,” Clark called after him. “We’ll catch up when you get back to Metropolis.”


Bruce rushed through the doors of Wayne Enterprises with Alfred on his heels, updating him on what he’d discovered over the last few hours on the data breach. “How long was she in Metropolis without us knowing it, Alfred?” He hung his head, opening the door to his spacious office.

“I’m not entirely sure, Sir,” Alfred pointed to the monitor on Bruce’s office. “When you called I pulled up Arkham Asylum’s records. It appears as if our Harley Quinn has been tucked safe and sound in her cell this entire time.”

“Then how do you explain her showing up in Metropolis?” Bruce asked, cocking his eyebrow at Alfred.

“I’m not sure,” Alfred said, pointing to the monitor where the image of the empty cell was pulled up. “The records have Ms. Quinn in her cell but she is missing.” The screen showed a guard opening the door seeming to motion for an invisible inmate to exit. Bruce frowned, staring at the screen as the guard seemed to act like there was indeed an inmate in the cell.

“What in the world?”


Lois fidgeted with her keys as she walked toward the Daily Planet with Jimmy a few steps behind her. Her mind was reeling from the information they had learned from Dr. Klein and Dr. Snow.

What would Bruce Wayne be doing with a kill switch of all things? A chill ran through her veins as the reasons the billionaire might have for having such a device in his possession. Let alone at the ballet last night. Between that and the bombshell of Jimmy’s dad being NIA and not knowing how or if she should even bring it up with him she wasn’t sure what to think. She’d skirted around the topic with Jimmy most of the afternoon and found anything and everything to focus on instead of the fact that Clark had possibly flown right into a trap and she still hadn’t heard from him.

“Lois, wait up!” Jimmy panted behind her as he raced to keep up with her.

“Sorry,” Lois came to a stop at the crosswalk, recognizing her angry stride wasn’t as easy for her friend to keep up with.

Jimmy reached over to press the button to cross and looked over at her in confusion, “You okay?”

She wanted to ask him the same thing but she found herself frozen, not wanting to push for more information than was necessary. This wasn’t like his date of the week or even Lucy’s gossip of the week. This was a scary, terrifying bombshell of news that tilted Jimmy’s world on its axis and she was trying to be a good friend and let him open up when he was ready, but the silence on the topic was driving her crazy.

“Fine,” Lois said harsher than she intended. She noticed the surprised expression on his face and quickly backtracked. “Sorry, I…” she let out a long breath, gathering her thoughts. “The truth is I’m not fine. I’m the furthest from fine as you can get but I know you’ve dealing with a lot and I’m trying not to bring it up unless you do….want to talk about it I mean. Not that I’m pressuring you but I can only imagine what you’re thinking right now because I…”

Jimmy let out a chuckle, “Lois take a breath.”

“Sorry,” Lois winced, looking back at him with a sigh. “Too much?”

“Just a little,” He held up his index finger and thumb with a half inch space between the two fingers.

“I’m not trying to pry.”

“I’m not ready to talk about it.” Jimmy said with a firm expression.

“Okay,” Lois nodded her head as the light for them to cross lit up. Jimmy followed a few steps behind her. She let out a long sigh, stealing a glance up above and wondering momentarily how much longer Clark would be or when she should start to worry.

“What do you think that kill switch was used for?” Jimmy asked, changing the subject as they approached the glass doors leading to the lobby of the Daily Planet.

“I, uh, don’t know,” Lois lied, squashing the guilt in the pit of her stomach. She knew exactly what it was used for but sharing that with Jimmy without having all the facts felt wrong for some reason.

She turned the corner to approach the elevators and stopped when she spotted her husband in front of the elevator panel. “Clark?” she heard a hitch in her voice as she said his name and hoped Jimmy didn’t pick up on it.

A million thoughts ran through her mind. How long had he been back? Why hadn’t he called? What was going on? So many questions she wanted to ask but couldn’t. Not in the middle of the Daily Planet lobby with Jimmy two feet away and the newsstand clerk, Mike, five feet away.

Jimmy seemed to pick up on the tension and excused himself, stepping into the open elevator car that had just arrived on the lobby floor. “I’ll catch up with you guys later.”

Lois glanced toward the closing elevator doors and then turned back to Clark. The silent question written on her face. Clark placed a hand on her cheek, outlining the frame of her face with his palm before leaning in to capture her lips with his in a tender kiss. For a moment her questions and fears stopped and she leaned closer, savoring the feeling of Clark’s arms around her. But it was only for a moment. Then the questions that had been plaguing her mind pushed their way to the forefront of her mind, forcing her to break away.

“How long have you been back?” she asked, placing her hand over his as he held her cheek in his palm.

“Just a few minutes,” he frowned, tightening his jaw as he spoke. He let out a deep sigh and tightened his arm around her waist, pulling her to him in a protective cocoon as he buried his face in the nook of her shoulder and neck.

“It’s bad, isn’t it?” Lois asked.

He nodded silently, tightening his arms around her. “I’m going to stop him. I don’t know how yet, but I’m going to stop him.”

“Stop who?” Lois asked, tilting his chin to make him look at her.

“The Vice President,” his voice cracked as he shook his head in disgust.

“What?” Lois pressed, trying to figure out what he was talking about.

“It’s Luthor.”



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