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Posted By: LadyTpower this is me 7/??? Pheromone, my love - 01/06/19 05:08 PM
Chapter 7: Pheromone, my love

we start at the moment Lois enters Clark's apartment dressed to seduce him. Clark is in less control due to his day at work, you know a man can handle only so much closeness of the woman he loves so much. I hope you will like this reveal.

On with the story:

Clark had just found the advertising he was looking for when a knock on his door brought his mind back to reality. He took his glasses off the table and placed them on his nose before opening the door. Wondering who for God's sake would knock on his door so late. He opened the door and stood eye to eye with the one woman that was setting his heart and soul on fire all day long, he knew that she wasn't in her right mind but how much of Lois giving herself on a silver platter could he really handle until he would lose his control, something he wanted to avoid at any cost.

“Lois, what are you doing here? It's very late!” Clark sighed deeply, he should have known that there wasn't an end on today. Lois had done everything it ever hoped for but wasn't in her right state of mind.

"It isn't too late? For us I mean." Lois opened her long gray raincoat and revealed blue and gold costume she was wearing, she looked like a beautiful Arabic dancer. She stroked her blue, silk shawl around his neck. How much of this could Clark handle? He had enormous control over his emotions but even those had a limit. Clark was going to find out what his limits really were.

“Oh Clark, I love you, I want the rest of my life with you.” Lois didn't wait for Clark to invite her in. She was going to seduce him she knew it.

Clark was shaking his head, this couldn't be happening.

“Lois, please go home!” Clark sighed deeply. This was a fantasy coming true but he shouldn't take advantage of this situation.

But Lois wouldn't be Lois if she would give up too easily even in these sort of spells, "You are here, this is my home!" Lois kept on dancing and Clark was slowly losing the last inches of his control, he couldn't keep his eyes of Lois – even if he had wanted too.

"Lois,..." this was hard for Clark, one of the hardest things he ever faced, "You don't know how much I thought of this, dreamt about it. How much I ever hoped it would, I am sorry to say that this isn't real, I mean what you are feeling isn't real. I don't know how but there is something in this perfume that affected the people in the newsroom. Made them drunk... on love. Lois, I just can't take advantage of you like this."

Lois walked towards Clark, she placed her silk shawl around his neck and pulled him closer.
“I want you to take advantage of me, heck I want you to take me, take to your bedroom. Take me to heaven Clark. We only live once.” We those words ended she startled Clark by placing her lips on his in what could be a kiss of passion. Clark was trying to get a hold on those last reins of control but he was failing miserably. He pulled back, "Lois, go home, please. Don't do this to me. You are going to regret it in the morning."

“I won't regret anything, Clark.” Lois kissed him again and this time, Clark couldn't help but respond at her passion, it was like his mind couldn't control his body anymore. How much his mind wanted too, his body was giving in and asking his mind to just enjoy the ride.
Lois stroked Clark's lips with her tongue hoping to get access to his mouth. She asked and she received that access, making their tongues dance the tango of passion.

"Lois... please..." Clark couldn't say any more, he knew now that he had lost the fight. If Lois wanted him so badly, she could have him. She would hate him in the morning but he was going to cross that bridge when he came to that.

Lois encircled his strong neck with her arms and jump up into his strong arms, it was a reflex he created with saving her so many times as Superman. He brought her to his bedroom for a night of passion, the body's working as one. They both arrived in heaven.

Lois woke up feeling her pillow rise and fall. That was something that confused her but didn't think much about it until she opened her eyes, feeling a little groggy. The first thing she saw was the naked chest that had been her pillow, “This chest is as hard as steel.” she thought before she turned her head upwards towards the head attached to this wonderful chest and she was shocked to see her best friend Clark but what was more shocking was the fact that Clark was missing his glasses, she never saw her partner without his glasses. The clouds in her mind had cleared and giving her back her sense of reality. She looked at Clark again who was still sleeping peacefully.

“He looks like Superman without his glasses.” Lois thought before realizing what she had been thinking, “Wait a minute... Chest of steel? Looks like Superman without glasses... naked chest of steel, Superman... naked.” It felt like she was hit on the head with a hammer that moment.

“Oh my god! I slept with Clark and Clark is Superman!” yelled Lois.

“Lois?” Clark was startled awake by her loud voice.

"Clark Kent isn't there something you liked to tell me!" but before he could defend himself the tornado called Lois continued, "Never mind, you disappoint me, Clark, I thought I meant something to you, but clearly not enough that you trusted me with your secret. I hope you had fun last night. I really thought that you were different than other man but clearly I was wrong about that!" she stood up not even bothering that she was naked, she was that angry. She looked at the clothes that she was wearing.

“Are you done?” Clark asked not shocked by Lois her rage.

“Shut up, Clark, I don't want to talk to you ever again!” Lois continued while she was looking for her harem suit.

"Lois, first of all, you seduced me yesterday by doing the dance of the seven veils. What did you except me, Lois. Even Superman has his limits and about me not telling you about Superman, do you think it is easy to confess that I am from another planet, that I am the one you have swooning over when you never looked at Clark like that. Yes, I kept it a secret but I am not the only bad guy in this Lois."

Lois was shocked about Clark's respond, who had spun into a costume with one of his colorful ties. She sank down on to his bed.

“Did I really do the dance of the seven veils?” she asked her temper vanished like snow to the sun.

Clark's temper vanished too, "Yes, Lois, I had a really hard time ignoring the temptation, it worked until the dance, Lois. It was hard but I am not sorry I failed because I love you more than life itself but If you want to forget about last night, I will never speak of it again. But don't ask me to forget it, Lois, because I can't."

Lois sighed, Clark was being honest about his feelings maybe it was time for her to be honest too.

“I don't want to forget about this night, Clark because if I am honest I think that whatever has happened opened my eyes about feelings that I never thought I had. I really love you, Clark and that is what scares me, so please let's take this slow from now on alright?”

Clark nodded slightly while he walked towards her, “Let's get the person responsible for this, partner? I really missed my partner yesterday!”

Lois smiled, “ Partners. Lane and Kent are back, and better than ever. Let's give the person a thank you card though for making me see what was right in front of me.”

Clark smiled but shook his head, “ neih, let's not give her that credit out loud.”

Lois couldn't help but smile. She was going to enjoy rediscovering her partner now that she knew his secret and this thanks to Miranda and her perfume.

The end

next episode Honeymoon in Metropolis


chapter 6
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