Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: folc4evernaday Rules of War 7/16 - 12/29/18 07:59 PM
Rules of War
Chapter 7


“Prove it, and we’ll talk.” Jimmy gave his best Perry White impression as he slumped down on the couch next to Lucy. “I don’t get it. I’ve got a real lead here I know it.”

Lucy placed a hand on Jimmy’s shoulder, giving him a peck on the cheek. “I’m sure Perry is just being cautious. Cloning experiments are right up there with alien abductions and Elvis sightings.”

Jimmy cocked his eyebrow up and let out a sigh, “I guess, but Luce I know there’s something here.” He bit his lower-lip, trying to find the right words to explain the emotions that were building up inside him. Out of all the reporters the Daily Planet employed Lois had chosen him to take on this story. He wanted to prove he had what it took to report on the big stories and be taken seriously as a reporter. He couldn’t do any of that if Perry didn’t give him a chance though.

“Jimmy, if you feel there’s something there then prove it.” Lucy nudged him with her hip.

“How?” Jimmy asked, with a defeated sigh. “I’ve got Hamilton’s research and no one in the scientific community supporting it. I’ve got a feeling that something isn’t right from Lois and CK but as far as Perry White’s hard facts I’ve got nothing.”

“Well, you can take a page out of Lois Lane’s playbook when she reaches a dead end.” Lucy offered with a shrug.

“What’s that?” Jimmy asked.

“Dig deeper.” Lucy leaned in to kiss him then reached over to grab the file on the coffee table. “Come on, I’m sure there’s got to be something in Hamilton’s research you can use to prove your theory.”


Bruce readjusted his tie in the mirror as he stared at the footage of the two women leaving STAR Labs from four days ago. He frowned, craning his neck to get a closer look and he ordered the voice control on his computer, “Zoom in 300%.”

The footage of the two women amplified to the desired ratio and Bruce frowned, tightening his fist as he stared back at the familiar face staring back at him. He’d know that face anywhere. He’d come against her time and time again with his many confrontations with the Joker in Gotham. Now it seemed he’d set his sights on Metropolis.

Bruce snorted out in disgust, “Well, well, Joker, sending Harley to do your dirty work?”


The concert hall was filled with Metropolis’ elite crowd. The women were dressed to the nine with expensive jewelry donned around their necks that was worth more than the annual cost of keeping a small town up and running. The men reeked of rich bourbon, cigars and wore tuxedoes accented with diamonds and emeralds, flaunting their net worth with every accessory.

Clark Kent’s gaze moved to the woman hanging on his arm. A smile curled on his lips, admiring how perfectly she fit next to him as they stood in line, waiting to have their ticket stamped. The last time he’d actually seen a performance of the Russian ballet had been in Russia where it was a much more casual setting. He shifted uncomfortably from toe to heel, looking around the concert hall that was reminiscent of the parties Lex Luthor used to throw.

“You know when the Russian ballet performed in St. Petersburg it wasn’t nearly this formal,” Clark commented, looking around the long line of expensive furs and Gucci with raised eyebrows.

“That’s because it’s in Russia,” Lois whispered, leaning in to kiss his cheek. “These things tend to attract a certain crowd.”

“I see that,” Clark responded as they moved up in the line. “The last time I went to one of these the dress code was a tunic.” His eyes shifted around the room and shook his head.

“Well, hopefully that’ll be the only thing different.” Lois said with a sigh. “I think we’ve had enough excitement this week to keep busy for the next few months.”

Clark nodded, and he leaned in to whisper in her ear, “Yeah, I’m sure Perry’s enjoying the headlines, but I think Superman’s getting a little tired of the excitement.”

Lois glanced over at him with a small smile, “It’s been an eventful week, to say the least.” She leaned over to rest her head on his shoulder.

“It’s one thing after another, but I can’t shake the feeling like there’s something bigger behind all this.” Clark wrapped a protective arm around her.

“Like Intergang maybe?” Lois suggested, frowning as she looked up at him.

“Maybe,” Clark shook his head, unable to explain the sense of dread that had been hanging over him for the last few days. “This doesn’t feel like Intergang though. This feels bigger.”

“We’ll figure it out,” she reassured him, leaning up and looping her arms around his neck. “We always do.” A small smile crossed her face and she leaned in to kiss him before whispering against his lips. “For now, we focus on making the most of an evening out and no bad guys to chase.”

“There’s still seven criminals on the loose.” He reminded her.

“But Superman is taking the night off,” Lois reminded him, with a whisper against his lips.

He grinned, savoring the feeling of having her soft curves pressed against him. With the insanity of everything that had transpired this past week he’d promised to let his alter-ego take the night off so they could have one evening without him dashing off in the middle of dinner or a conversation. Their first week back in Metropolis as husband and wife had been anything but smooth but he knew the emotional toll of watching over Metropolis for what felt like days on end was beginning to wear him down. He needed a chance to recharge and reconnect with his wife without the rest of the world demanding his attention. So tonight, barring any major disasters Superman was off the clock.



The board room of STAR Labs was filled with scientists from around the world. Dr. Klein looked around the room and took his seat next to one of the scientists in town from Central City’s STAR Labs. He glanced over at the young man with a name tag of ‘Ramon’ and nodded to him, “Dr. Ramon is it?”

The young man smiled back at him, “Cisco Ramon,” Cisco introduced himself before looking to his left. “This is Dr. Caitlin Snow.”

“Pleased to meet you,” the young red-headed scientist next to Cisco Ramon reached over to shake Dr. Klein’s hand.

Dr. Klein nodded to them and whispered, “Anyone know what this is about?”

“I’m guessing it’s the data breach from that virus,” Cisco whispered back.

“Or the scandal with that Dr. Quinzel going missing with a whole lot of classified information.” Dr. Snow added.

“Or all of the above,” a voice spoke up behind them. They turned to see the mysterious Harrison Wells standing behind them.

“Professor Wells,” Dr. Klein beamed back at him, uncertain how to react to the scientist’s sudden appearance behind him.

“Dr. Klein,” Wells nodded knowingly in his direction before turning his attention to the rest of the room, pacing around the front of the table.

“You’re Dr. Klein?” Caitlin Snow looked at him in surprise.

“The Dr. Klein?” Cisco Ramon asked, looking at him in astonishment and whispered back, “Superman’s guy?”

“Cisco!” Wells shouted, and the young man jumped.

“Sorry Harrison.” Cisco quickly turned his attention back to the front of the room, and Caitlin Snow mouthed, ‘Sorry’ to Dr. Klein.

Harrison Wells cleared his throat and spoke up, “You are all here to discuss one thing. STAR Labs and the liability we’ve incurred over the last few months of hiccups. More recently, the virus that wiped out the entire nation.”

“STAR Labs can’t possibly be held accountable for something like that,” Burton Thompson, the director of the Metropolis location of STAR Labs spoke up.

“One would hope not but like it or not there is blame being shifted back to STAR Labs,” Wells said with a sigh.

“Metropolis’ recent break-ins haven’t helped either.” Dr. Rivera spoke up.

“Nor Gotham’s,” Dr. Alisa Adams chimed in with the shake of her head. “We’ve lost some of the samples of Kryptonite to criminals like Two-Face and Joker.”

Dr. Klein tensed at the mention of the meteorite that had been sent to Gotham for safe keeping. Wells paced in the front of the room and turned to the group of scientists, “In the past four months we’ve lost the trust of the nation. Evidence is no longer secure. Information is no longer private. Criminal weapons are no longer safely locked away but rather at risk.” Wells stopped a few feet away from Dr. Klein, “And to find out one among us was working against us this entire time?” A fist came down on the table and everyone jumped. “I want to know how with all the security we have STAR Labs ended up hiring the Joker’s right-hand woman without knowing it!”


The lights lit up the stage and the dancers came to the edge taking their bows and pliés as the audience applauded the performance. Lois noticed the reserved expression that remained on her husband’s features as he helped her to her feet. Bruce Wayne had remained cordial throughout the performance but still never provided them with any information beyond the standard line he gave everyone else.

Still, she had to wonder what the reasoning was behind Bruce Wayne’s insistence with Perry on being interviewed for a fluff piece by the top investigative reporters. He had to know they would keep digging, right? Was this a test?

They made their way through the narrow hallway leading out to the lobby where the elevators were. Bruce turned to them and beamed, “I always enjoy it when the Russian Ballet comes to the U.S.” He turned to press the call button on the elevator, “It’s not something I always have time to enjoy unless I’m doing business in St. Petersburg.”

Clark looked like he was about to remark on that comment and Lois quickly cut in, “Well, it was certainly a nice performance.”

“Though it’s too bad it isn’t November yet,” Bruce said wistfully. “They do an amazing Nutcracker you’ve got to see if you ever get the chance.”

“Hmm,” Lois bit her lower-lip trying to force a smile as the billionaire continued to go on about the dancers and Swan Lake. Clark’s expression remained annoyed but he didn’t say anything as they stepped on the elevator car that had just arrived. The bellhop stood back to allow them to enter the car and before anyone else could get on he reached over to press the close button.

Bruce frowned, looking over at the young man in surprise, “I’m sure we can fit more people on.”

The bellhop turned around with an annoyed expression and pulled out a gun aiming it at Bruce, “We most definitely could, Mr. Wayne, but I don’t like witnesses.” He then shouted, “Jewelry and wallets now!”

“You don’t want to do this,” Bruce warned, staring the man down reaching in his jacket to pull out his wallet.

“I think I do,” the bellhop snorted, waving his gun in the air. Lois caught a glance from Clark who was shifting himself in position to catch any bullets that might be fired in the small elevator. “Hey! You two! Hand over the money and jewelry! Now!”

Before Lois could react, Bruce dropped the wallet on the floor, and the lights went out. A hard screech could be heard, and the humming of the elevator filled the air just before the ping of the elevator rang, and the doors opened. The lights flickered back on, and Lois looked around to see the bellhop in a crumpled pile on the floor and Bruce leaning over to pick up his wallet from the ground.

“Better luck next time,” Bruce said, nudging the man’s shoulder as he reached up to pull the emergency stop. Without a word he stepped onto the floor they were on as security rushed toward them.

Lois glanced at Clark in surprise and gave him a questioning gaze as she whispered, “Did you have to knock him out?”

“That wasn’t me,” Clark whispered back before turning to the security guard that was now asking them what had happened. “He had a gun and….”

Lois didn’t catch the rest of the conversation as her attention moved to where Bruce Wayne was walking with his hand in his pocket. He looked around to see if anyone was watching and then dropped something in the waste bin. Once she and Clark had been released from the security officer’s questioning she tugged on her husband’s arm, pulling him with her to the wastebasket to retrieve whatever it was Bruce had disposed of.

“What is it?” Clark asked as she pulled out a small metal disc.

She looked over at Clark, holding it up to study, “I’m not sure but whatever it is appears to be burnt out.”

“Maybe we can drop it by STAR Labs in the morning and have Dr. Klein take a look?” Clark suggested.

Lois glanced toward the exit with a frown, “Yeah,”


Mayson Drake wrapped her jacket tightly around her as the cold wind blew across her face, sending her hair flying. She tilted her head down as she stalked down the City Hall steps, heading toward her car. She pulled her keys out of her pocket and heard a familiar voice from the side of the steps speak up, “I wouldn’t do that.”

Mayson turned to see a man in a torn jacket and large brimmed hat. His hands were worn, and his face was dirty. She looked over at him, peering closer trying to get a better look at him, “What did you say?”

“Remote.” He said, pointing at the hotel across the street. “Boom!”

Before the words escaped his lips a loud clicking noise came from her car. She turned around just as the fire erupted from the hood of her car. She looked back in shock, pushing the man in front of her back to protect them both from the imminent explosion. After what felt like just a few short seconds but she was sure had to be longer she opened her eyes and looked down at the man that had inadvertently saved her life. A frown crossed her face as she stared at the familiar detective clothed in rags.



“Are we really suggesting the billionaire playboy, Bruce Wayne pulled a 007 move and took out the lights and the crooked bellhop?” Clark asked as he walked up the steps to his and Lois’ apartment.

“Well, it wasn’t the Easter Bunny, and you said it wasn’t you.” Lois reasoned aloud before adding, “I know I didn’t do it.” Clark smirked at her, and she added a playful. “This time.”

“Still, Bruce Wayne?” Clark cocked an eyebrow at her.

“Stranger things have happened,” she shrugged her shoulders, leaning over to tease the knot on his bow tie. “Red and blue tights ring a bell.”

“That’s different,” he said with a sigh.

“How?” Lois prompted, teasing the front of his shirt with her index finger.

He looped his arms around her waist, opening his mouth to respond when his foot hit a cardboard box on the doorstep. He looked down and frowned at the blue envelope taped to the package. “Oh, no.”

Lois’ face scrunched up into a wince as she looked down at the package by his foot. “Not another one.”

“It could be a…” he stopped mid-sentence when he saw the look on her face. “I know, I know…” He reached down to pick up the package as Lois fished out the keys from her pocket to unlock the door. He lowered his glasses to check the contents only to find the inside of the cardboard box had been painted in lead-lined paint. “Lead-lined paint. Great.”

“You’d think whoever’s behind these creepy gifts would get bored eventually,” Lois muttered jerking the door open.

Clark followed her inside, setting the package on the foyer table. “One would think.” He glanced at the package uncertainly. “You want me to open it?”

Lois frowned, reaching for the package. “No, knowing our luck it’ll have Kryptonite in it.”

Clark tensed at the mention of the poisonous meteorite as she looped her arms around his neck, pulling him to her. As curious as he was as to the contents of the package that had arrived he had an inkling that whatever was inside would only serve as something guaranteed to upset Lois. Whatever the contents were they could deal with it in the morning. For now, he wanted to take advantage of the rare quiet evening and forget the rest of the world for a few hours.

His hand moved up and down the frame of her face, capturing her lips with his. She let out a low moan, and he murmured his plea to her, “Whatever it is can wait.”

She opened her mouth to respond and let out a low moan as his head dipped down, grazing his upper lip against her throat in just the right spot to make her body go limp in his arms. He smiled against her throat, and her fingers teased the hair on the back of his head and tightened his arms around her waist, slipping his hands down the back of her thighs before lifting her up.

She let out a short gasp in surprise, and he leaned in to capture her lips with his. Her hands roamed up and down the front of his shirt, exploring the soft cotton as each kiss they shared became more insistent. She looped her index finger through the knot of his tie, loosening it as he pulled her closer, deepening their embrace.


The single word was all that escaped her lips before she pulled his head back down, capturing his mouth with hers in a whole consuming kiss that set his insides on fire.


Jim Burrows stepped into the interrogation room, holding the file on the inmate he was interviewing in his hand. He frowned, looking at the man at the table. The picture didn’t seem to match the intake picture. “So, Mister…”


“Right, John Doe.” Burrows rolled his eyes. “You want to tell me your real name?”

“Who’s to say it isn’t my real name?” the response came.

A flicker of something came from the man’s eyes and Jim shook his head, tearing his gaze away. Something felt off about this guy. He just couldn’t put his finger on it. “Fine, I’ll play along. John Doe you were carrying some pretty heavy fire power for a simple hold up.” He sifted through the file in his hand. “The staff at the Concert Hall says they’ve never heard of you.”

“Well, I keep a low profile.”

“No fingerprints. No background information. No nothing.” Burrows continued just as the man lifted his hand to grab Burrows. At the last second Jim ducked out of the man’s grasp and saw the flicker of yellow in the man’s eyes.

Burrows stared the man down, “What the hell are you?”

Before his eyes, the man changed form into a beautiful red-haired woman with long wavy hair. A slow smile spread across her face as she laughed, “You’re not going to make this easy, are you, detective?”


The soft pitter-patter of the rain drops falling on the window sill teased Lois’ eardrums as her gaze drifted toward the doorway leading into the living room. Sleep had come easily at first but the problem was staying asleep. She turned her head, looking back at her husband’s sleeping figure. What she wouldn’t give to be able to drift back to sleep and stay here in his arms without the fears and questions racing through her mind.

It wouldn’t happen though. She knew herself well enough to know she wouldn’t be able to rest until she knew what was in that box. Clark had said it was lead-lined. Why would someone send something lead-lined to her? She could feel her heart hammering in her chest, recalling the painful cries that rang through her ears when Clark had collapsed from the Kryptonite that had been planted in her lipstick. He’d probably insist on opening it himself even if it did put himself at risk.

She had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach that whatever was in that box was bad news but still she couldn’t shake the curiosity that plagued her. Deciding she wouldn’t be able to get to sleep without finding out what had been sent to them she rolled over and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She stood up, stretching her arms over her head, feeling a chill in the air from the late fall cold that had made its way to New Troy. She grabbed her robe off the back of the bathroom door and slipped it on then made her way into the living room.

There on the corner table was the small box with a royal blue envelope taped to the top. She ran her hand over the envelope then tore the envelope off the box. The box had drops of black paint on the top of it. She ran a hand over the top of the box, wondering what could be inside.

Her gaze shifted to the envelope and then to the box again before taking a deep breath and running her hand against the edge of the box, poking a hole into the packaging tape and ripping it open. She steadied herself, mentally preparing herself for what contents might be inside.

“What in the world?” Lois wondered aloud as she peeled back the painted cardboard, revealing a golden card with an eagle symbol on it.

She then turned her attention to the envelope and ripped it open. Inside was a folded card. She pulled it out and read it aloud. “Be the first to land the scoop on President Garner’s newest Vice President. The security badge enclosed will get you access to Air Force One when it arrives tomorrow at noon. Don’t be late.”

A chill ran down her spine as she stared back at the golden access badge on the table. Any other time she would have jumped at this kind of opportunity, but the invitation didn’t come directly from the White House it came from a mysterious sender and resembled the creepy gifts she’d been receiving over the past few months. Still, with everything going on in Washington she had to wonder if this might be worth taking the risk and following the lead.

“When did you sneak out of bed?” Clark’s whisper against her ear teased her eardrum, and she turned to see him standing behind her.

“I couldn’t sleep,” she said softly, waving the card in her hand. “Creepy gift is an invitation on Air Force One.”

“What?” his face scrunched up, taking the card from her and reading it. It took him all of two seconds to toss the card on the table and shake his head, “No way.”

“It’s Air Force One,” Lois said, waving the badge in her hand.

“Wouldn’t you think an invitation to Air Force One would come from the White House and not an unmarked box?” Clark asked, shaking his head. “I don’t know, Lois.”

“It’s a lead,” Lois said with a sigh, “And the closest thing we’ve got to answers about what’s been going on in Washington this week.”

“Or a trap,” Clark said, shaking his head. “Lois, you and I both know there’s something off about this.”

Lois sighed, running a hand through her hair, “True, but this could give us our first big lead to stop whoever’s behind what’s going on in Washington.” Clark’s tense features eased, and she sighed, “I’m not an idiot. The timing of this feels convenient but if this will get us some answers…”

“Answers at a cost.” Clark gave her a pleading look before letting out a long sigh, “This reeks, Lois.”

“I know,” she said softly, “But what if it’s not from the creepy gift giver?” Lois pursed her lips as she looked back at him. “Then we would have lost a fresh lead because what? We’re running scared from the mail?”

Clark let out a long sigh, leaning in to kiss her. “The Lois Lane I know doesn’t run scared from anything.” A smile crossed her face and he sighed, “It’s late. We’ll figure this out in the morning,” His hand moved up and down the frame of her face, recapturing her lips with his once more. She let out a low moan and murmured her agreement against his lips.


President Garner’s face appeared on the television sets all around the country. All stations showed the same message as the president began to speak.

“Our nation fell under attack. An attack unlike any other. Life as we knew it ceased and the government of this great nation banded together to stop the cyber-attack from wreaking havoc but this is not the end. We must come together and fight these terrorists with their own weaponry.”

There was a long pause as the president gathered his thoughts and then looked directly at the camera, “That is why the United States is now focusing all its energy on not only fighting terrorists overseas with weapons of mass destruction but with cyber weapons capable of rendering countries as powerless as they made us. We will not bow down to these terrorists, and this will not stand.”

“We will not bow down to these terrorists, and this will not stand.”

Jimmy stared up at the television monitors as the president’s speech came to a close. He turned his attention to the semi-crowded newsroom wondering briefly what the president’s promise would mean in the new digital age.

He turned his attention to the research Lucy had helped him with last night. So far he had one suspected incident of cloning but he still didn’t have a good lead on the why. More and more information was coming out about this Dr. Harleen Quinzel. Planting the doctor at STAR Labs just to get the professor’s research to clone a detective didn’t make sense. Something more was at work here. He just wasn’t sure what.

The elevator pinged and he looked up, surprised to see Lois and Clark enter the newsroom in the midst of a debate.

“I don’t like this,” Clark said as he followed Lois down the steps into the newsroom.

“I don’t either, but it’s the closest thing we’ve got to an actual lead on…” Lois stopped when they reached Jimmy’s desk. “Hey, Jimmy,”

“You two are in early for a Saturday,” Jimmy commented.

“Normally you’d be right,” Clark said with a sigh.

“We’ve got to turn in the story on Bruce Wayne,” Lois explained, setting her things down at her desk. “And look into a lead on...”

“No, we don’t,” Clark cut in, shaking his head.

“Do you have a better idea?” Lois argued, crossing her arms over her chest.

Jimmy did his best not to laugh, watching the duo argue about whatever lead Lois was trying to follow. Despite all of Clark’s abilities and the knowledge that he could enforce his way anytime he wanted to it was comical to watch Lois go toe to toe with Superman. He could keep her out of danger anytime he wanted but instead of forcing his way he tried to reason with her like anyone else. Though the reasoning usually fell on deaf ears and had Clark rescuing Lois from a disaster that could have been avoided he still did it.

“Not walking into a trap,” Clark said, crossing his arms over his chest.

“It’s an invitation to get the scoop on the biggest story of the year,” Lois said with a shrug.

“Yet it didn’t come from the White House,” Clark reminded her.

“We don’t know that it didn’t,” Lois said, taking a seat at her desk.

“We know…” Clark began but stopped mid-sentence when one of the Daily Planet couriers approached with a large red box in his hands. “Oh, no…”

“Sorry to interrupt.” The courier handed the package to Lois, “Package for you, Ms. Lane.”

Lois frowned, looking at the clipboard she’d been handed along with the package. “The sender is anonymous again?”

“Yes, Miss Lane,” the courier replied with a shrug. “It just showed up in the mailroom like that.”

Lois’ face remained brooding as she handed the clipboard back to the courier. Both Lois and Clark shared a look as the courier left. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what they were thinking. Everyone close to the couple knew Lois had been receiving unwanted gifts leading up to her and Clark’s wedding and now recently the sender seemed to be picking up where he left off.

Lois glanced at the package apprehensively, and Clark stared at the box with a frown then leaned over to whisper something in Lois’ ear. Whatever it was was enough to make Lois’ face go pale as the couple excused themselves and headed toward the conference room with the box in hand.


Dr. Hugo Strange held up the red radioactive meteorite examining it carefully. Eight hours of tests on his subjects and so far there had been no change. A frown crossed his face, and he wondered briefly if there would be any effect given the normal reaction time had already passed.

He picked up his tape recorder and pressed the record button, “Subject eighteen through twenty-three were exposed to the red meteorite with the same properties as Kryptonite yesterday at 1900 and have shown no signs of impairment or enhancement. It is now 0900, and the test subjects remain the same. Hypothesis: the red variation of Kryptonite does not affect Human Subjects. Testing will continue to confirm theory in forty-eight hours.”


Lois took a sip of her coffee, savoring the sweet flavor uncertain what to do or think at this point. She glanced over at the open box with white tissue paper and the red letters printed on white cardstock ‘Wear Me’ staring back at her. She sighed, glancing once more at the black cocktail dress with a cringe. Any thought she’d had of taking the interview request died when she opened that box. Thankfully she hadn’t opened it in the middle of the newsroom and given the gossip queens something to run their mouths about.

She turned to the other side of the conference room where Clark was pacing in the corner, trying to get through to anyone at Metropolis P.D. “No, I don’t want to leave a message. I’ve already left a message. Several actually. We’ve done nothing but leave messages and you and your department seem to have no problem with the fact that some psychopath keeps sending harassing notes and packages to my wife!” Lois bit her lip when she heard him mutter what almost sounded like a profanity under his breath before Clark responded to the captain on the phone, “What do I want you to do? I want you to send one of your detectives down here and figure out who is behind this. I want you to do your job!”

Clark pulled the phone away from his ear and shook his head in disgust as he looked at the phone in his hand. “I guess that’s asking too much.” He then turned his attention to Lois, “I don’t think the Metropolis P.D. is going to be much help.”

“Not without Bill Henderson helping,” Lois said with a defeated sigh. “Most of the department is overworked and short staffed thanks to the escapees.”

Clark gave her a sympathetic smile and placed a hand on her shoulders, “We’ll figure this out.”

“How?” she asked, looking back at the box. “Our only lead is that…”

“I know,” Clark said with a scowl. He grew thoughtful. “I don’t think it’s a good idea, but you’re right that invitation is the only solid lead we’ve got to find out who’s behind everything going on in Washington and maybe even the Metropolis P.D’s sudden apathetic attitude toward fighting crime.”

“That was before that arrived.” Lois pointed to the package on the table. “I’m not…”

“I’ll go.” Clark interrupted.

“What?” Lois looked at him in surprise.

“Whoever’s behind this isn’t going to stop until they’re confronted,” Clark said with a determined expression. “The invitation didn’t specify who had to go on Air Force One.”

“What if it’s a trap?” Lois asked, placing a hand on his. “We know there’s Kryptonite out there. If it’s a trap to lure you …”

“It’s a risk, but it’s better than doing nothing.” Clark said, leaning in to kiss her. “And I don’t want you anywhere near whoever’s behind those.” He gestured to the open box sitting on the conference room table and pulled her to him. “This is the safer of the options.”

Lois nodded, leaning in to kiss him, “Please be careful.”

“If I feel any effect of Kryptonite around, I’ll leave.” He said solemnly.

“Promise?” she looped her arm around his neck.

“Promise,” he echoed, leaning in to kiss her again.


Lucius brought two cups of coffee on a silver tray with cream and sugar on the side and set it down on Bruce Wayne’s desk. He frowned when he noticed the young man slumped over in his executive chair and photos of a woman and a man spread across his desk. There were red circles around the faces on each photo.

“You’re going to end up a hunchback if you keep sleeping like that,” Lucius said when he noticed Bruce Wayne’s eyes flutter open.

“Coffee,” Bruce took a deep breath, inhaling the aroma of the coffee Lucius had set down.

“Your mysterious inmate received an interesting transfer this morning,” Lucius said, reaching for his own cup of coffee.

“Oh?” Bruce asked, stirring the sugar and cream in to fix his coffee to his liking.

“Seems your shape-shifting friend has a transfer request to Shady Brooke,” Lucius explained with a frown.

“Isn’t that a mental hospital?” Bruce asked.

“Clinic I believe is the term they like to use.” Lucius corrected.

Bruce’s face tensed, seemingly unconcerned with Lucius’ comment as he stood up and traipsed across the room toward the television set.

“Sir?” Lucius followed him, trying to follow his train of thought.

Bruce reached for the remote and jabbed at the volume button until it was loud enough to his liking. The newscaster’s voice was solemn as the logo for the NIA was blasted across the screen.

“Sources say they don’t know where the information came from, but location and family information for active NIA officers from field agents to desk clerks have been posted on a site known for leaking classified information.” The newscaster’s face grew tense as she continued. “Officials are working around the clock to ensure the safety of these individuals and their families.”

Bruce turned back to Lucius, “I’ll need the Batcopter.”


The long corridor was guarded with the president’s secret service agents, checking each turn before allowing Clark and the agents that were escorting him to enter. He had gone through three security checkpoints before entering the airport and then gone through another two checkpoints before he could even be taken to the terminal to board Air Force One.

There appeared to be some confusion when he had shown up instead of Lois, but once he had flashed the security badge the secret service agents had ushered him through. He looked around the corridor leading to the president’s secure terminal where the president and hopefully the new vice president would be joining him and the secret service agents. The agent in front of him typed in a code to open the door and they entered. Clark looked around and saw the royal blue carpet with an eagle crest on it. He looked to each side and saw the outside of the airport, leading them to the Air Force One.

“Presidential boarding bridge,” one of the agents explained as they reached the end of the walkway where a blue curtain hung in the doorway. “Mr. Kent, the president, and vice president are ready for you.”

“Thank you,” Clark nodded, following the agent through the blue curtains and stepping inside the president’s aircraft. When he entered, he saw the president seated in the front seat, looking over a file in his hand. There was a man seated behind him with his head turned away.

“Mr. President,” the secret service agent called out. “Mr. Vice President,” The agent, motioned to Clark, “Mr. Clark Kent is here for your interview.”

President Garner looked up somewhat confused, “Mr. Kent, I thought Ms. Lane was joining us this afternoon.”

Clark kept his face deadpanned as he responded, “Lois had a previous engagement. She sends her regrets, Mr. President.”

“Oh, what a shame,” President Garner gave what felt like a forced smile and stood up from his seat, turning to the man seated behind him. “I suppose we’ll have to make do.”

“The interview was promised to Ms. Lane,” the familiar voice sent a chill down Clark’s spine, and the memories of his many run-ins with the man seated behind President Garner raced through his mind. “but I suppose we don’t have much of a choice now do we, Kent?”

Clark narrowed his eyes as the man stood up, taking his place next to the president. Out of pure instinct, Clark found himself spitting out the man’s name with venom and malice as he stared his old rival down. “Luthor.”



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