Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LadyTpower This is me 3/??? - 12/07/18 07:27 PM
chapter 2

I am looking through you

Lois appeared behind Clark on the porch, in one hand a cup of tea, using the other hand to close her black coat, it was a nice evening. She enjoyed Clark's company more than she let on.
“Hmm, nice tea!” she said sipping from the cup with the hot tea inside.

Clark smiled, he loved being so close to Lois. He wished he could have them every evening. He dreamed about such evenings. His arms around Lois her waist enjoying a cold breeze in the air, just talking to each other about the little things. Clark stared towards the wall in front of him, reliving his dream in his mind.

He smiled before he responded "It is Lap Sang Su Chang, one of my favorites. My mother used to make me tea to erase bad moments, to make me feel better."

"She sounds like a very sweet woman." Lois smiled, she was staring at the same wall that Clark was staring at looking at nothing in particular. She had some strange feelings whenever she was with Clark, feelings she couldn't place in her mind. She felt comfort and safety whenever she was with him. Feelings she never experienced before. She sighed happily, in her mind the man that was sleeping on Clark's couch could stay asleep for a few more hours if she would have a say about it.

Clark smiled at the thought of the woman who had raised him like she was her own child.

“She is very sweet, she is the best mother a child could wish for, I am very happy to have them as my parents, I am happy I was left at their doorstep when I was a little baby. I was very lucky and I realize that.”

Clark was comfortable enough to give Lois a peek in his past. Hoping that he wasn't telling to much to reveal who he was.

Lois was surprised when she learned this new fact from her partners' life, it gave the investigative reporter in her a boost. She wanted to learn more about him and about the family who raised him, off the record for now.

“I never knew you were adopted! Do you know who your real parents are? Do you know why they left you on the doorstep of the Kents?” Lois was curious now, still trying to keep that special atmosphere they created just now. An atmosphere of friendship and even a little romance.

Clark smiled while he took a sip of his cup, this was his Lois, always wanted to know more about a certain situation. He noticed that he started to feel even more comfortable, letting go a little of the tied reins on his control.

“I don't really know who they were and where I really come from or why I stranded with the Kent's. I know one thing I could have stranded much worse than this. What about your family?” Clark tried to turn the conversation away from his past before he would say something stupid.

“The only thing I know was that my father never realized he had a family. He never thought about the wife and children that he had, playing with cyborgs was more fun in his eyes than making time for his daughters. My mother couldn't handle it and started to drink, My sister and I were left on our own many times. One of the games we used to play was to ask each other would you rather be invisible or be able to fly!” Lois placed her head on Clark's shoulder still enjoying Clark's company.

“And what did you chose?” Clark asked curiously enjoying the feeling of Lois her head on his shoulder. He was falling hard for his partner.

"I wanted to be invisible," she said dreamy, she continued before Clark could react,

“Walking through every closed door, still something I want to do if I got the chance. I always wanted to know what happened behind those doors, searching for the truth that most people hide. Searching for feelings I never knew. What about you? Invisible or fly?”

“I want to fly!” Clark looked towards the stars, a place he loved to be whenever he felt down.

“That is something we have in common!” Lois cheered happily

“What is that?” Clark looked at Lois with curious eyes.

“Superman, you want to fly like him and I want to fly with him.” Lois looked with dreamy eyes towards the sky when her world changed forever.

“Correction, Lois, I can fly like him!” Clark smiled before he scooped Lois in his arms and started to lift up towards the sky.

Lois was shocked when she felt herself go higher and higher. She locked her hands more tidily around Clark's neck.
"Clark, we are flying, this means … oh, Clark, you gave my mind what my heart already knew that I love you so much!"

"I love you too Lois!" Clark said looking at the earth beneath them and the stars and the moon in front of them. Lois leaned in and kissed Clark on the lips with all love she possessed. She had found the feeling she was searching for her entire life, acceptance, Love, and affection. She had found that one true love.

The end

Next Episode I've got a crush on you...

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