Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: folc4evernaday Rules of War 3/16 - 11/09/18 02:01 AM
Rules of War
Chapter 3


The warm rays of sunshine peeked through the corners of the blinds, gently teasing Lois Lane awake from her slumber. She let out a groan, lifting her hand up to cover her eyes and shield them from the white light that had intruded into the master bedroom. Her eyelashes fluttered open, stealing a glimpse at the clock on the nightstand.

Two hours. She had two hours before she had to get up. She rolled on her side, pulling the covers over her head when she felt the cool sheets next to her. She frowned, reaching out for her missing husband and jerked her head up to examine his side of the bed that had been made up. She knew it had to be late when he got back. She briefly recalled him climbing into bed last night just after midnight. The sound of the shower running from the bathroom reached her ears and she let out a sigh of relief that she would not have to scramble to come up with an excuse for her missing husband on their first day back at work. Two weeks away from everything left her ability to come up with excuses for Clark’s absence lacking.

She stretched her arms up over her head, listening to the soft drumming of water beating against the tile of the shower as she sat up, swinging her legs over the side of the bed and made her way toward the bathroom. She stole a glance at the clock one last time before tossing her nightgown to the floor. One hour and forty minutes. ‘Plenty of time,’ she thought to herself as she turned the knob to the door.


Clark let out a stiff groan as he watched the dirty residue mixed with the soapy foam circle around the drain. He’d barely had a chance to catch his breath this morning. A four am call for help with the Metropolis Transit Authority had pulled him out of his wife’s arms and kept him busy for nearly two hours. Then his patrol around the bay had caught four attempted escapees trying to swim toward Gotham. He had deposited them back at the Metropolis Penitentiary and finished his patrol. So far he still hadn’t seen any sign of Rollie Vale but he was sure he would turn up soon along with the rest of the escaped prisoners that had taken advantage of the opportunity the prison riot had given them.

He turned to face the shower’s spray, shaking his head to help rinse the remaining soapy residue off his face. The door to the bathroom creaked open and he turned his head to where Lois was standing with a towel wrapped around her. A slow smile spread across his face as he watched her walk toward him through the glass door, “You’re up early,”

“Couldn’t sleep,” she responded with a deep sigh, loosening her grip on the towel hugging her body with a small knot tucked snugly across her chest. “Bad night?” she asked, coming to a stop in front of him, leaning against the glass door.

“Train derailment and an early patrol,” he shrugged, allowing his eyes to wander down to where the knotted terry cloth towel was loosening against her ivory skin. A slow smile crossed his face as he silently willed the heavy material to fall and give him an unobstructed view of his wife’s s body. The water continued to beat against his back as he leaned closer, taking the opportunity to prop the door open, reaching behind him to turn the water off.

“You still have shampoo in your hair,” she grinned back at him, pointing to his head.

A blush crossed his face and he grinned back at her, “Maybe you can help make sure I get it all?”


Bill Henderson wiped his brow from the sweat pouring down his face. He moved his nose into his sleeve as a cloud of dust moved toward him. He looked to his right where the team of officers were hard at work with the demolition equipment that had been found in the fallout shelter. Budget cuts. That was the only reason the fallout shelters were still around. He’d have to remember that the next time he complained about budget cuts.

Though it had been some years since he’d been down here he knew from his research there was supposed to be an elevator behind that wall leading up to where STAR Labs’ research lab was. If they could just work their way through the brick he was sure they would finally get out of this hell hole.

“Hey, Bill, I think we got something!” Zymack called over to him.

“What is it?” Bill asked, wiping the sweat from his brow.

“Looks like the fuse box,” Zymack replied, pointing to the old silver box next to the silver doors that were slowly being revealed beneath the brick and mortar.

“Crack it open,” Bill instructed with a labored breath.


“How many escaped?” Lois asked, taking a sip of her coffee as she walked through the lobby of the Daily Planet with Clark. The smell of newsprint from the newsstand and coffee that had been on the burners since five a.m. teased her nostrils. A smile spread across her face as Clark’s hand rested on her lower back and they made their way through the crowded lobby to the elevators. Though their honeymoon had been heavenly, giving them both the chance to recharge and connect—away from the distractions of Metropolis’ never ending list of disasters—she missed the Planet was eager to get back to work. From the sound of it, there was plenty for her and Clark to dig into.

“I know Rollie Vale for sure and at least a dozen more,” Clark said, reaching his arm over to press the call button on the elevator. “Two escapees were returned this morning.”

He let out a heavy sigh and she placed a hand on his shoulder, gently squeezing it as the elevator doors opened for them. He’d hardly had a moment’s rest since they returned to the city last night. “I’m sure they’ll turn up eventually.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Clark said with a wry expression. The doors closed behind them and he let out a heavy breath, tightening his arms around her waist. “Spending the last twelve hours chasing down escapees isn’t exactly how I wanted to spend our first night at home.”

“Well, that wasn’t exactly in your control,” she said, recalling the way he’d been crippled to his knees last night. That coupled with the prison riot and the many disasters Superman had diverted this morning had kept him busy all hours of the night. She quietly wondered how long he could keep up with the high demand for Superman with little to no sleep.

“Yeah, I need to have Jimmy run a search on Wayne Tech and see if there’s anything else Bruce Wayne might be developing that could…” he stopped mid-sentence when the elevator bell rang and the doors opened, letting a small crowd onto the elevator. He gave her a defeated look and added, “I’ll update you later.”

She frowned, uncertain what Bruce Wayne had to do with the attack from last night. Most of the morning had been spent in one another’s arms then scrambling to get ready at the last minute before Clark had flown them to the Planet. The elevator doors opened again and two more people stepped on. She let out a sigh, turning toward Clark to give herself more room. Her eyes shifted toward the panel above the doors and she sighed. Two more floors to go before they reached the newsroom.

She stole a glance at Clark who was looking around the crowded elevator with a displeased expression. It was overly crowded but hopefully someone would be getting off the elevator car soon. She reached her hand out to playfully toy with her husband’s tie as the hum of the elevator rang through her ears. She caught the amused expression on his face as his arms looped around her, holding her tight against him. The elevator doors opened once more and this time the crowd that was riding up with them all stepped off, leaving her and Clark alone once more. She let out a sigh of relief as the doors closed behind the crowd, playfully tracing the pattern of Clark’s tie up his chest. “I don’t remember these elevator rides being quite this crowded.”

“We have been very distracted these past few months,” he reminded her, leaning in to capture her lips with his.

She grinned happily against him and his hands moved to trace the frame of her face and he deepened the kiss. She let out a long sigh and felt a pang in her abdomen, reminding her all too well of just how accustomed she had become to spending all day and all night in her husband’s arms. She let out a shuddered breath against him, “How are we going to make it through the day?”

“I don’t know,” he chuckled against her as her arms looped around his neck, exploring the back of his neck with her free hand.

He let out a low groan, moving his hands up and down her back from beneath her suit jacket as he ran his lips up and down her jawline. The sound of the elevator doors opening reached her ears but they didn’t make any attempt to separate just yet. The catcalls and whistling from their co-workers continued for another half-minute before they finally separated and stepped off the elevator.


Jimmy stared at his phone then to the clock on his computer monitor, wondering briefly if it was too early to call Lucy. Two weeks had changed things between them but they were still in that uncertain where this was going stage. The more time he spent with her the harder he continued to fall for her.

“Hey Olsen,” Ralph’s loud slurping could be heard across the newsroom as the newest gossip columnist approached, perching himself on Jimmy’s desk.

“Hey, Ralph,” Jimmy cringed when he heard Ralph’s overexaggerated gulping and turned toward him with a tense expression, “Can I help you with something?”

“Hey did you hear the buzz?” Ralph pointed to the television monitors showing amateur footage of Superman rescuing a woman outside a shopping center from would-be carjackers and then dropping to his knees before disappearing into a blur of red and blue.

Jimmy frowned at the footage, seeing the pained expression on Superman—Clark’s face. It still took some getting used to. The newfound realization that his friend that he had worked beside for nearly two years was also the same man that had rescued him countless times and performed phenomenons that defied scientific logic. Clark, Superman, CK—He’d used all of those names for the longest time to address his friend. His friend who looked scared and almost in pain. A concerned expression crossed his face as he wondered momentarily, ‘What could hurt Superman?’

“Apparently, Supes is back at it.” Ralph took a big bite of an apple as he pointed to the screen, “Carjacking, prison riot…Then this morning he stopped a runaway train, rescued an oil tanker in distress and even had time to walk some old lady across the street before Perry even drank his first cup of coffee.”

Jimmy nodded his head with a faint smile, hoping he wasn’t being too obvious about not being surprised by Superman’s return to Metropolis. He knew Superman would return once Clark and Lois got back from their honeymoon. He was impressed Clark had fit in that many rescues in such a short amount of time. He knew Lucy had mentioned they wouldn’t be returning until late last night which meant his friend had been burning the midnight oil last night and had probably spent most of the morning making sure Metropolis’ citizens knew he was back.

The elevator doors opened and he spotted Lois and Clark wrapped in one another’s arms oblivious to the jovial catcalls being thrown their way as they separated. Lois actually seemed giddy as she and Clark stepped off the elevator, throwing flirtatious glances at Clark as they made their way down the steps that led to the newsroom.

“Hey guys!” Jimmy beamed, desperate to separate himself from Ralph as quickly as he could.

“Jimmy,” Lois took Clark’s hand in hers and not skipping a beat before asking with a bemused smile, “How’s my sister?”

Jimmy quickly flushed recalling the way he and Lucy had woken up in Hawaii. “Uh, f-fine,” He ran a hand across the back of his neck, “I’m really sorry about…”

“Let’s not go there,” Clark shook his head, placing a hand on Lois’ shoulder.

“Go where?” Ralph asked, walking up behind them.

“Nothing,” Jimmy said a little louder than necessary.

“Um, wedding joke,” Lois said hurriedly.

Perry exited his office with Mr. Stern and another man Jimmy wasn’t familiar with. Perry’s face lit up when he saw Lois and Clark, “Well! Look who’s back!” He jokingly looked at the time, “Right on time!”

Before Lois or Clark could respond Mr. Stern cut in, “Welcome back, I’m sure Perry will catch you up on the….events that have kept everyone busy these last few weeks.” Stern turned to shake the other man’s hand, “Mr. Fox, we’ll have to catch up another time.” He then turned to Lois and Clark, “Glad to have you two back. Congratulations, again!”

Lois and Clark exchanged a look and Perry cleared his throat, “Lois, Clark, I’m not sure how much time you two have had to read up on what’s been going on these past few weeks…”

“Orchestrated criminal activities, raids on the police station, city hall, and the prisons like clockwork.” Clark answered with a stern expression as he seemed to be sizing up the mysterious Mr. Fox that stood next to Perry.

Jimmy frowned, unsure what could be making Clark so suspicious of a man he hadn’t met yet. ‘Unless he’s already met him?’ Jimmy wondered silently, turning his attention to Lois who was tapping her hand against her chin.

“Are you thinking Intergang?” Lois asked Perry with a frown.

Perry gave a noncommittal shrug and Mr. Fox spoke up, “We’re not sure, but that’s what Mr. Wayne would like to find out,” Mr. Fox extended his hand to Lois to shake. “Lucius Fox, acting CEO for Wayne Enterprises.”

“Wayne?” As if on instinct, Lois and Clark repeated the name in unison.

“Like Bruce Wayne?” Jimmy asked, noticing a hard expression cross Clark’s face at the mention of the name.

“The one and the same,” Lucius beamed proudly. “Wayne Enterprises merger with STAR Labs was finalized last night.” He pulled out a card and handed it to Clark, “Mr. Wayne and I would like to schedule some time with you, Mr. Kent and Mrs Ke…” He stopped when he saw a perturbed expression cross Lois’ face.

“Ms. Lane, ” Clark corrected for him, tapping his hand on the card.

“Professionally, anyway,” Lois clarified for Lucius Fox. “What do you need to sit down with Clark and I for? I thought the Gotham Gazette handled most of Wayne Enterprises PR pieces?”

“Bruce Wayne it seems will be moving to Metropolis,” Perry interrupted, clearing his throat, “And he’s promised an exclusive interview on the merger, move, and more to the Daily Planet.

Recognition crossed Lois’ face as it finally clicked what Perry was trying to hint at. Clark’s expression still remained concerned as he turned his attention to Lucius, studying the man as the conversation continued. It almost seemed like Clark knew something everyone else didn’t. ‘Maybe Superman knows something about Lucius Fox...or Bruce Wayne?’ Jimmy thought to himself as he watched the exchange.

“With the right journalist,” Lucius Fox corrected.

Jimmy grinned as Perry’s chest jutted out proudly before slapping Clark on the back, “I assured him I’d make sure my very best reporters would be covering this rare and once in a lifetime opportunity.”

Jimmy noticed Clark seemed anything but pleased at the assignment but Lois was the first one to speak up, “Um, Perry, isn’t this something you’d rather have covered by…” Perry gave her a stern expression and she shook her head, “Nevermind.”

“What about Intergang?” Clark asked, pointing to the television coverage of last night’s prison riot. “And Rollie Vale’s escape from prison?”

Perry placed a hand over his chest and responded with a grin, “I have the utmost confidence that you two can juggle more than one story. You’ve done it before, right?”

“Right,” Clark responded with a heavy sigh.

“Good,” Perry patted Clark’s shoulder before moving off. “Mr. Fox, I leave you in the capable hands of my top reporters.” With that Perry left and Jimmy caught the annoyed expression on Clark’s face as he watched Perry walk away.


The sound of motors whirling and keyboards tapping echoed inside the Metropolis University’s Engineering lab. Lucy tapped furiously at the computer, stealing glances over at the robotic arm stationed at her lab. She watched in amazement as the arm moved from her keystrokes, smiling as she watched the silver hand grasp down on the plastic red ball. A satisfied grin crossed Lucy’s face as she checked off the exercise in her notebook.

“Nice work!” She turned to see her lab partner, Scott standing behind her.

Scott had been her lab partner on most of the robotic labs this quarter. He had big dreams of building the first robot to travel to outer space and explore the galaxy. It was helpful having a partner that knew more about robotics than she did. Her decision to change majors to robotic engineering had been a drastic one but the questions and uncertainty that continued to plague her mind over Johnny’s death were enough to motivate her to find a way to do something good with her interest rather than allow it to eat away at her.

Lucy ran a hand through her hair, forcing a smile. “Easy once you get the hang of it.”

“You’ve got a natural advantage.” Scott pointed out with a grin. “World famous surgeon—the first to attempt mainstream robotic limb replacements—as your dad. I’m sure that helps.”

“Not as much as you’d think,” Lucy mumbled under her breath.

“Still, he must be proud.” Scott grinned back at her. “Having his daughter follow in his footsteps.” He gave a grimace, “I’m apparently playing with toys instead of having a real career.”

“He doesn’t know.” Lucy said with a sympathetic look. She caught Scott’s surprised expression and turned her attention back to the monitor. “What’s the next routine?”

“Rotate the wrist,” Scott read aloud, clearing his throat.

“Right,” Lucy squinted at the monitor as she pulled up the screen to enter the commands in.


The soft hum of the tall glass cylinder elevator quietly drummed in the background. Clark glanced over at Lois who was checking her watch as she tapped her pen on her notepad. The crowd of offices and engineering labs disappeared below them with a soft zip. He smirked to himself, admiring the state-of-the-art technology and design that was inside Wayne Tech. He hadn’t had the time to appreciate any of it last night when he’d crashed into the penthouse and attacked Bruce Wayne for using that excruciating ultrasonic device on him.

He wasn’t sure what to expect out of this meeting and he certainly didn’t have a lot of faith in a man that would resort to extremes in order to lure him in with the same means Lenny Stoke had used to nearly destroy Metropolis. Perry had insisted he and Lois cover the exclusive with Bruce Wayne though, so here they were.

“We should be looking into whoever broke Rollie Vale out of prison right now.” Clark said with a defeated sigh.

Lois glanced over at him with a sympathetic smile, “Jimmy’s running a search.” She gave him a sideways glance and reminded him, “You heard Perry.”

“I know. I know.” Clark rolled his eyes, “The price we pay for being too good at our jobs.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t trust him.”

“Isn’t that my line?” Lois asked with an amused expression as the elevator came to a stop and the curved glass doors slid open to let them out onto the executive floor where they were supposed to be meeting with Bruce Wayne for their first interview. “I guess that’s us.”

“Let’s just get this over with,” Clark said, placing his hand on her lower back as they stepped out onto the floor.

An older gentleman stood by the elevators, ready to greet them, “Mr. Kent and Ms. Lane, I presume?”

“Yes,” Lois said giving the man a critical look.

“Mr. Wayne and Mr. Fox are expecting you,” the man said, gesturing for them to follow him.

Clark slipped his hand inside Lois’, folding his fingers between hers as they followed the unnamed guide down the long corridor that brought them to a familiar large room. He frowned when he spotted the window he had shattered had already been replaced and all the equipment that had once been there hours ago was now gone. “He works quick,” Clark muttered under his breath.

“Shh,” Lois tightened her hand on his as Bruce Wayne approached with Lucius Fox a few steps behind him.

“Mr. Kent, Ms. Lane, I trust you found the place all right?” Bruce Wayne asked.

“Well, the big steel sign that says Wayne Tech on the building was helpful,” Lois joked.

Clark didn’t crack a smile but instead turned his attention to Bruce Wayne, “Mr. Fox said you were moving to Metropolis, Mr. Wayne?”

“I guess we’re going to skip the introductions?” Bruce Wayne’s face crinkled and offered a good-natured smile, “Well, I suppose that’s what I get for demanding to only be interviewed by the best, right?” He gestured to the sofa and leather seats in the corner, “Shall we?”


Ralph took a loud bite into the sandwich he was eating, swiping his arm against his mouth to wipe the mayonnaise and mustard from his chin. He had been trying to drum up some gossip on the chaos that had hit the street over the last few weeks. So far, he hadn’t found any new leads and the spinning of the same story was getting old fast.


Ralph looked up and saw one of the mail clerks with the cart in front of his desk, envelope in his hands “What’s up?”

“Package,” the clerk dropped the package on the desk and moved past him.

Ralph picked up the large envelope and ripped it open. A large sheet of paper with cut out letters from magazine articles pasted on it was on it. He frowned, reading the letters aloud, “You’re welcome?”

He set the paper aside and looked down at the rest of the contents in the package. There was a large stack of glossy 4x6 photos. Two girls dressed in clothing --if you could call it that--that barely covered anything were hanging all over the very conservative senators and congressmen at what appeared to be a wild party.

“Cha-ching!” Ralph shouted out loud.


Lois glanced next to her eying the stiff composure her husband kept as the questions they directed at Bruce Wayne continued to be deflected back onto them. To look at Bruce you wouldn’t think he was anything but your typical philandering playboy. Though given what she knew of Clark’s confrontation with him last night she knew there was much more going on beneath the surface.

Clark leaned forward, folding his hands on his knees and narrowed his eyes at Bruce Wayne. She could tell his annoyance with their subject’s tendency to deflect the question with one of his own was wearing on Clark’s nerves. She took a deep breath and repeated the question once more, “Mr. Wayne, I’m sure we could find some other time to discuss the Daily Planet’s history but you still haven’t answered any of our questions.”

“I just find it fascinating how one paper could have such great luck in landing scoop after scoop on someone that by all rights should try to avoid the media, don’t you?” Bruce asked with a smile.

Lois closed her eyes, counting to ten under her breath as she attempted yet again to steer the conversation back to Bruce Wayne’s move to Metropolis. “The Daily Planet has had a lot of luck in that department, but back to your move from Gotham…”

“The Gotham Gazette would never have landed that kind of luck.” Bruce shook his head and added, “I guess the Daily Planet’s reporters have a close relationship with Superman?”

“No more than any other paper,” Clark said and attempted to steer the conversation back on track, “You seem to be asking a lot of questions about Superman. I thought this interview was supposed to be a promotional piece for Wayne Tech.”

“Call me curious,” Bruce remarked calmly.

“Uh-huh,” Clark let out a mild snort and shook his head, “Well, I’m a little curious as to why someone that’s spent his entire life in Gotham makes a decision to move to Metropolis.”

“I’m testing the waters,” Bruce commented, looking to Lucius. “If things go well, we’ll expand Wayne Enterprise to Metropolis.”

“And take over where LexCorp left off?” Lois asked with a frown.

“Someone has to provide those jobs,” Bruce remarked.

“What makes you think they aren’t already there?” Clark asked, shaking his head. “Small businesses have popped up all over the city and taken over.”

“But Wayne Enterprises is more stable and can…”

“Stomp all over the little guy?” Clark cut him off.

“No,” Bruce let out a deep sigh. “That’s not my intent.”

“And what is your intent?” Clark asked leaning forward, his features hard as he stared back at Bruce.

“You seem awfully hostile, Mr. Kent,” Bruce observed, leaning forward.

“I’m just asking a question, Mr. Wayne,” Clark countered. “A question you spent the last twenty minutes avoiding. Why are you moving to Metropolis?”

“I…” Bruce stopped, glancing down at his watch at the same time Lois noticed Clark get a faraway expression on his face. “I apologize,” Bruce cleared his throat. “I’m going to have to reschedule this. I forgot about a…”

“Inspection?” Lucius prompted.

“Yes, inspection,” Bruce snapped his fingers and quickly disappeared down a narrow hallway. Lois watched the billionaire’s retreating figure and then turned to her husband who was already stammering for an excuse.

“We should…”

“I can show you…” Lucius offered, pointing to the corridor they had come through earlier.

“No!” Clark practically shouted at the same time Lois managed a quick, “That won’t be necessary.”

Clark quickly guided her back toward the elevator where the door to the stairwell was across from the glass elevators. Lois checked to make sure Lucius wasn’t behind her when she asked, “What is it?”

“Hostage situation at City Hall,” He glanced around the office. “Are you going to be…?”

“I’m fine,” She said, tugging at his tie to loosen it. “Just be careful.” With that she reached for the call button on the elevator and before she could turn back to him he had disappeared in a blur of pigments, slamming the door closed behind him. “Oy…” she muttered aloud, stepping into the open elevator.


The television monitor flickered as the crowd gathered around the television monitors in the Daily Planet newsroom watched the press secretary give her statement, “Vice President Morgan Johnson’s body was found outside the grounds of the United States Naval Observatory at approximately four a.m. Arrangements are being made to hold the service. Vice President Morgan Johnson’s family is asking for time to mourn and the President has asked that everyone respect their wishes. Any questions regarding the investigation can be directed to my office.” With that, she stepped away from the podium as the camera panned out and changed to the newscaster.

“Unbelievable,” Jimmy gaped at the television set as he tightened his grip on the newspaper in his hand. The shock of the events that had unfolded that morning left him feeling numb.

“Yeah, no kidding,” Ralph said, reaching for his coffee and taking a loud slurp.

Jimmy glanced behind him with a mild cringe as he heard Ralph’s sloppy slurp. He spotted Lois by the elevator and quickly excused himself. The newest hire had helped fill the void in the gossip section but he would have preferred anyone but Ralph.

“Hey, Lois,” Jimmy stopped when he saw Lois descending the stairs into the newsroom.

“What’s going on?” Lois asked, pointing to the crowd around the monitors.

“Vice President Johnson was found dead,” Jimmy said numbly, looking around her for a sign of Clark. He silently reminded himself that his friend probably was tending to the bombshell that had just been dropped by the press secretary. He was still reeling from the news. He couldn’t understand how with all the security inside the white house something like this had happened.

“What?!” Lois gasped in disbelief as they approached her desk.

A single rose was laid across it with a white envelope. Recalling the issues Lois had had prior to the wedding with unwanted gifts Jimmy decided it best to bring her attention to the new accessory on her desk with a joke, “I guess CK’s staking out a floral shop?”

Lois frowned looking back at her desk, “No, he had a….” She stopped mid-sentence, staring apprehensively at the rose. “How long has this been here?”

“I don’t know. I just noticed it,” Jimmy apologized.

Lois let out a deep sigh and picked up the envelope. “Please, not another one.”

“Do you want me to call Henderson?” Jimmy offered.

Lois handed him the envelope, “Here, you open it.”

Jimmy nodded his head, tearing the envelope open and tugging the cardstock out. He grimaced when he saw the note’s contents. “My dear Lois, I’m very disappointed. Don’t worry. We’ll be reunited soon.” He caught the troubled expression on her face as she bit her lower lip. “Um, Lois, this is…”

“Creepy?” Lois offered, throwing him an expression full of anxiety and fear that he wasn’t used to seeing from her.

“Yeah,” Jimmy nodded, placing a tentative hand on her shoulder. “I’m gonna call Henderson.”

“Thanks,” she gave him a watery smile.



‘Mysterious fog’

‘No one knows where he comes from’

Clark let out a deep breath as he scanned the steps of City Hall where he’d found three of the escaped prisoners tied up in a long lead-lined cord with of all things a bat-shaped disc at the end. When asked what had happened the escapees were rambling about a bat-shaped demon and a shadow. Nothing Clark could make any sense out of.

He shook his head, looking to where Bill Henderson was standing by his patrol car, surveying the scene. Maybe he could provide some insight into this shadow creature. Henderson had his back to him as he began shouting out orders. “Setup a perimeter and get me a list of witnesses…”

“Inspector?” Clark called out, placing a hand on Henderson’s shoulder.

“Can I help you?” Henderson stared back at him skeptically. “This is a crime scene. Halloween isn’t for another month.”

“Hallo…?” Clark stopped, staring back at Henderson suspiciously. “Bill? It’s me. Superman?” he prompted.

“Whatever,” Henderson shrugged. “Call yourself Mighty Mouse for all I care. Just get out of my crime scene.”

“Right,” Clark frowned, shaking his head. There was something seriously wrong here. “I’ll see you around then.” Henderson didn’t react and Clark shook his head. Bill Henderson had been an ally to him both as a reporter and a superhero. Something was going on here and he was going to find out what.


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