Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: folc4evernaday Delusions of Grandeur 16/19 - 10/08/18 03:14 PM
Delusions of Grandeur
Chapter 16


Clark ran a hand through his hair, feeling the sense of dread rise up inside him as he waited in the lobby of Masie’s Bed and Breakfast in Kansas City. He glanced at the clock once more. It had been twenty minutes. What was taking so long?

“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” he heard the mid-western drawl of his parents’ neighbor behind him. “Beard looks good on you,”

Clark ducked his head down, eying the patrons in the dining area warily. “Place looks good, Wayne,”

“Well, Masie handles most of the day to day but I help where I can,” Wayne puffed his chest out proudly. “But you’re not here to talk about my business ventures.”

Clark shook his head, “No,”

Wayne pointed to his office in the back. “Let’s get out of the open here. No reason to give someone a reason to talk if you catch my drift.”

Clark nodded, following Wayne into the back office where papers were scattered everywhere. “Organized chaos,” he guessed recalling the way Masie always kept things organized at the local diner in Smallville.

“You know Masie she likes things where she can find them even if no one else can,” Wayne gave a shrug of his shoulders. “As long as everything runs smoothly I’m not going to argue.” He eyed Clark with a knowing look. “You done making small talk or you wanna ask about my chickens too? They’re fine. Still laying eggs and got all their feathers.”

“Am I that obvious?” Clark asked, raking his hand through the back of his head. Wayne’s raised eyebrow answered the open ended question for him and he sighed, uncertain where to begin. Deciding to start with Luthor’s latest excursion to Smallville seemed like the safest bet. “I heard about the visit you got.”

“That Luthor character means business,” Wayne warned him. “You need to be careful.”

“I know,” Clark nodded his head. “Do you know if they’re all right?”

Wayne was quiet a moment before he answered, “They’re doing as best as can be expected. Sticking with the plan for now. I’m not sure where exactly they’re at right now.” He placed a sympathetic hand on Clark’s shoulder. “I know your mom’s been worried about you.”

Clark didn’t respond to the comment, feeling a wave of guilt wash over him as he pondered what there was even to say. He had turned down every single attempt Lois had made to make him call his parents before Luthor had dropped in on Alice and Perry. Now he had to go through the long line of friends to even determine where they were. Now more than anything he needed answers that he knew only his parents could give him.

“Your girlfriend kept them up to date from what I heard.” Wayne continued with a sigh.

“She is not my…” Clark stopped himself, realizing his instinct to correct Wayne’s assumption was a moot point given how well the man could read him. “It’s complicated,” he amended.

“I’ll bet it is,” Wayne chuckled, “Well, not your girlfriend went to a lot of lengths in order to keep them informed on this Luthor business.” He shot Clark a look, “I’m assuming that’s what this is about?”

“You could say that,” Clark responded evenly. “I just need to find them…and figure out what to do next.”

“Wasn’t the idea behind this safety plan to make it so they couldn’t be found?” Wayne asked.

“Yeah,” Clark said evenly. “That was the plan, but things have changed.”

“If you say so,” Wayne sighed, leaning back in his chair. “I’m not sure if the phone your, uh…” He stole a glance at Clark and threw in, “…lady friend… gave your mom made it with them or not.” The phone on his desk rang and he reached for the phone in his pocket to answer it. “Wayne here,” He glanced toward Clark and waved him over, “Speak of the devil,” He let out a snort.

“Wayne, I just got a call from Perry. I think Lois and Clark are in trouble, and no one can get through.” Jonathan’s voice crackled through the speaker phone.

“What kind of trouble?” Wayne asked, looking over at Clark.

“Perry said he heard gunfire when Lois tried calling him earlier,” Jonathan’s tone was grave as he added, “We’ve got to do something.”


Lois held her breath as she listened to the footsteps approaching. She heard the sound of the bullets firing around her and she squinted her eyes closed, trying not to react as the gunman approached. The sound of glass shattering on the floor from a few feet away echoed in her eardrums and she tightened her lips, trying to keep from making a sound.

She didn’t dare open her eyes. She could feel Christina’s limp body on top of her and she knew if she had to see her face like that there would be no way to prevent the scrams from escaping her throat. The weight of the wooden door that had fallen on top of them pressed the weight of Christina’s body into her and she felt a strangled sob fill her lungs and she struggled to push it back down.

“And where pray tell has that pesky partner of yours wandered off to, Mrs. Kane?” Nigel’s voice came from a few feet away. “It really is a shame we couldn’t have completed this reunion all at once,”

Another shot fired and she heard glass shatter around her, “Nearly five months of searching and I finally get my chance to deliver on the promise of your death.” She felt a hand reach down to feel beneath the door. She said a silent prayer hoping he wouldn’t figure out she was still breathing.

‘Don’t open your eyes. Don’t breathe,’ she told herself as she heard Nigel withdraw.

A phone beeped and she heard Nigel gloat to the caller, “It’s done. All that’s left to do is find Kent.” His footsteps faded as he walked out of the room. She listened with baited breath as she waited for the signal that she could call for help without signaling to Nigel that she was alive. The sound of a car engine turning over could be heard coupled with the slamming of the car door.

She turned her head, forcing herself to open her eyes and look to the side where shards of glass covered the floor. She spotted the mobile phone she’d been using to try and dial Perry’s number earlier on the floor. Her arm stretched out from beneath the weight of the bedroom door and she reached her hand toward the phone, drawing it to her with gentle tugs of her index finger until it was finally within her grasp.

Her hand trembled and she could feel her teeth chattering from the panic rising inside her. ‘Just breathe,’ she told herself. ‘No time for panicking now.’

She hit the speed dial to the number she knew by heart now and pulled the phone up to her ear, waiting for the other line to pick up. “I thought I told you never to call this number unless it was an emergency,” she heard Jack Davenport say on the other line.

“He…lp,” she gasped out in a strangled sob.


Jack Davenport sat in the small meeting room with four other agents. Beverly Cox sat in the corner silently seething as the other agents attempted to get her to respond. He leaned back in his chair, making himself comfortable as he prepared himself to give the hard blow that he was sure to crack her. He glanced at his phone one more time, seeing the missed calls from Christina Wallace. He would have to return her calls after he closed this deal.

He planted his hands on the table preparing to stand up when he felt his phone vibrate in his hand. He looked down and saw the number calling was from Lois Lane. He cleared his throat and turned to one of the agents next to him, “I’ll just be a sec,”

He stepped outside the room and answered the phone, “I thought I told you never to call this number unless it was an emergency,”

“He…lp,” came the strangled cry through the phone line.

“Lois?” Jack could barely make out the whimper on the other line.

“I’m trapped… under a door and what I think…is your partner’s very lifeless body.” Came Lois Lane’s harsh response. “Does that count as an emergency?”

“Where are you?” Jack asked.

“Under….a door.” Lois responded vehemently. There was a sound of a crash and then her muffled voice came through the line with, “What …are you doing here?”

“What happened?” a male voice cracked on the line that Jack thought might be Clark’s.

“What do you think?” Lois’ wheezed voice came through.

“Lois is that Kent?” Jack asked. There was a crackling of static on the line and then the line went dead. “Damn!” Jack fumed, taking a deep breath as he jabbed the digits in his phone. He waited for the phone line to pick up and then heard his director’s voice on the line. “We’ve got a problem,”


Clark flew through the sky, zeroing in on the familiar cabin from above. He felt a sense of dread run through him as he landed in the woods behind the cabin. He clenched his fists as he stared at the broken glass door riddled in bullet holes. He used his x-ray vision to survey his surroundings. Whoever had done this had left recently. There were shell casings inside the cabin and two bodies under the bedroom door that had the hinges broken off of it by gunfire.

He felt his heart clench in his chest as he listened for the two heartbeats and only one drummed in his ears.

<<“Lois Lane won’t be a problem. She’s sure to have bled out by now anyway.”>>

<<“You stabbed her. Left her to bleed out. I’d say that’s personal.”>>

<<“A blade is so underused and underappreciated these days, don’t you agree?”>>

<<The man of steel brought to his knees by a simple rock and unable to hear the screams for help from Lois Lane herself.”>>

<<"It’s only fitting she should die from the same blade as her hero.”>>

“Lois…” He moved at super-speed, sprinting inside where he found the two panel door lying on the floor. He saw the brown hair sprayed across the floor and a familiar hand reaching out from beneath the door. ‘Two. Two bodies’ he reminded himself.

“What …are you doing here?” Lois spat out angrily. The venom in her voice slapped him with the reminder of their argument from earlier. He did his best to bury down the guilt that was threatening to overtake him. Christina Wallace was dead. If he’d been here…

“What happened?” Clark asked, kneeling down next to her.

“What do you think?” Lois hissed back between gritted teeth.

“Hold still,” He ordered, doing his best not to react to the venomous tone she used to talk to him. He hung his head, placing his hands on the side of the door to lift it off of her. He took a deep breath and lifted the large wooden door off of Lois and Christina. He grimaced when he saw the large pool of blood on the wood floor. He clamped his eyes closed, looking away as he pushed the door back against the wall. His hand brushed against the blood stain on the door and he felt the tears stinging his eyes.

“She’s dead,” Lois wheezed out, “Isn’t she?”

“Yeah,” Clark croaked out. He stole a glance toward her and saw Lois roll out from beneath where the door had been and crawl to the left side of the room. He glanced down and saw the lifeless body of Christina Wallace on the floor with a red blood stain to the temple of her head. She was wearing a blue and black vest that he could only assume was bullet-proof.

Lois’ voice trembled as she attempted to stand to her feet. “Your speed’s back?”

He didn’t dare look at her, choosing instead to focus on the door in front of him. “Yeah,”

“Since when?” she asked.

He contemplated not answering but given everything that had happened over the last few hours he decided to just bite the bullet and admit when his powers had returned. “This morning,” he said evenly, still refusing to look at her. Was it really only just this morning that he’d woken up to the pain of his super-hearing returning coupled with the mind numbing pain from the hangover that had lingered on. From what he could tell most of his powers had returned just not at full capacity. He refused to let his mind wander into the memory of how he’d woken up for fear his anger would get the best of him.

<<“I love you, Clark,”>>

<<“If you seriously think I would ever do something so heartless...What would ever give you that impression that I would ever put someone’s life in jeopardy for a story?”>>

<<“It’s called professional discretion and I know the difference between something that’s newsworthy and something that belongs on the front page of the National Whisperer.”>>

<<“What makes you think I’d regret it?”

“We’re drunk,”>>

<<“Exposing your secret isn’t exactly what the Daily Planet does and it certainly isn’t something I would ever do not that you ever gave either of us a chance.”>>

<<“You want to talk about trust? You lied to me! Over and over and over again and then when I really needed my friend…”>>

<<“Manipulating you? Oh, that’s rich! You spent over a year lying and pretending to be two people and you want to accuse me of manipulating you?”>>

<<“I love you, Lois, I’ve always loved you,”>>

<<“Right, you sat on evidence that could have thrown that psychopath behind bars. You lied to me every day for over a year!” >>

<<“If you really think that then you don’t know me at all. You never did.”>>

<<“This means too much to me. You mean too much to me. I couldn’t bare it if I lost you because a night of drinking and …unbelievably strong hormones got the best of me.”

“Just don’t lie to me and you won’t lose me,”>>

<<“And what? I deserve whatever I got, right?”>>

<<“It’s real clear how little you know me. So do us both a favor and stay the hell away from me!”>>

She didn’t say anything. An involuntary wheeze came out of her throat and she choked out a sob, “She didn’t deserve this. She was a really good person. Christina…”

“I know,” Clark responded with a solemn expression. “No one deserves this,” He stole a glance toward her and blanched at the sight of blood covering her right side. Her body was trembling as she attempted to stand to her feet. “Here,” he reached out a hand to place it on her shoulder and she pushed him away.

“Don’t,” she warned in an uneven tone. Her teeth were chattering and her hands were trembling from whatever had happened here. She straightened up and he saw the dark spot below her right collarbone from where she was bleeding.

“You’ve been shot,” he pointed to her shoulder.

“I know,” she said through gritted teeth, making her way to the bathroom.

“What are you doing?” he asked with an annoyed tone.

“I am going to go wash Agent Wallace’s blood off of me and then I’m going to pack. I’d suggest you start doing the same thing.” She hissed out angrily before slamming the bathroom door behind her.

He glanced around the room, staring at the splinters of wooden panel walls that had been shredded beneath the attack of gunfire. They had to pack because it wasn’t safe here anymore. It wasn’t safe here because they’d been found. He used his x-ray vision to look outside, checking to make sure there was no sign of anyone lurking nearby. Who did this? Luthor? Nigel? Or someone else on Luthor’s payroll.

At super-speed he moved through the cabin, packing what he could of his belongings in a small duffle bag. He contemplated cleaning up the shells scattered on the floor but thought better of it when he caught sight of Christina Wallace’s body on the floor once more. They would need the evidence in order to charge the person responsible for her death. He let out a low moan, burying his head in his hands.

Flashbacks from his time in the prison with Dr. Kelly threatened to take over and he let out a low growl, pushing the memory back to where he buried it. ‘Not now,’ he told himself.

A loud thud came from the bathroom and he raced inside the bathroom to discover the source of the noise. He found Lois huddled on the floor in a small pool of blood that was coming from her right side. He let out a frustrated curse and leaned down to check on her, “Lois?”

“Get away from me,” she spat out angrily.

“You can be angry at me all you want but right now we need to get out of here before someone shows up over here looking for the source of all that gunfire,” he pointed to the open bathroom door leading into the bedroom. “Just let me look at it.”

“What the hell do you care?” she snapped angrily, jerking away from Clark. “Just leave me alone,” She reached up to grip the counter, standing to her feet. “I’ve done this before…I can do it…again,”


Jack Davenport took a shallow breath, leaning his head against the door, preparing himself for the confrontation with Beverly Cox. If what Lois Lane had said was true then that meant either Nigel or Luthor had found them. ‘…and Christina is gone.’ His mind flooded with the reality of his partner’s demise. He had already called into Talley after the line went dead. There was nothing left for him to do other than get Beverly Cox to talk.

He slammed the door behind him reentering the small meeting room inside the New Troy International Airport. He smirked to himself when he saw Beverly Cox jump at the noise. “I startle you?”

She wore a smug expression but refused to respond.

Jack shrugged his shoulders, pulling up the chair across from her. “You really think you can hold off on cooperating with us and everything will just magically disappear?” He let out a cluck of his tongue, “That might have worked before your boss lost all faith in you, but not now.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Cox snapped back at him angrily.

“Oh, don’t I?” he looked at her with a broad grin, “I’m not the one with a one-way ticket to Zurich and a new identity.” He leaned forward, “Now Mercy…” He smiled when he saw her react, “That’s right you changed your name didn’t you? Which do you prefer? Beverly, Mercy or Tonya?”

“Go to hell,” she snapped back.

“I don’t know why you cling onto this misguided loyalty to your boss. I mean, you know he’s going to kill you, right?” Jack snorted. “I mean, if he wasn’t before he definitely is now that we’ve leaked those photos of you talking with the FBI. I’m sure he’s already convinced you’re working with us now and is trying to close ranks as we speak.”

A flash of anger ignited in her eyes, “What do you want?”

“I want the list,” Jack said with a determined grunt. “I want the list of everyone that is on the take with Luthor.”

“And what makes you think I’d agree to something like that?” she retorted with a sneer.

“That bag you had packed and your new identity of ‘Tonya Evans.’” He pushed her passport toward her. “Just one phone call and we can make sure he knows exactly where you are and where you’re headed.”

“You’d help him commit murder?”

“He’s an upstanding citizen,” Jack shrugged, “I’m just informing him of his employee’s whereabouts.”

“I want immunity,” she challenged.

“And I want to learn how to fly, but unfortunately God did not gift me with the power of flight so that’s going to be a negative.” Jack challenged.

“I have something you want,” she reminded him.

“You also killed one of our agents, helped orchestrate the mass murder of over three hundred citizens of New Troy and are wanted in Gotham City for the deaths of some of the more prominent citizens during Ra’s Al Ghul’s raid.” Jack Davenport snorted.

“Then what good would come of me helping you?” she challenged.

“A clear conscience isn’t good enough?” he retorted.

“I don’t have a conscience,” she snapped back.

“No, but you do have something or someone you don’t want to find you,” Jack responded vehemently. “I mean unless you want both Luthor and Ra’s Al Ghul to be gunning for you.”

“You can’t protect me,” she shrugged. “No one can,”

“I can if I have the names,” Jack challenged.


Lois winced as she limped toward the truck. Clark followed her muttering under his breath about how stubborn she was. She bit her lower lip, ignoring the remarks as she reached the driveway. The glass crackled beneath her boots as she limped toward the truck.

“You don’t need to be walking on that leg,” Clark said with a look of disapproval.

“I’m fine,” she spat out angrily.

“You need to go to a hospital,” Clark added.

“I can’t go to …a hospital,” she shot back irritably, limping toward the truck. “In case you forgot I’m supposed to be dead.”

“Where exactly do you expect to go with not one but three bullets inside of you without drawing attention to yourself?” Clark demanded stepping in front of her. “It would be a lot easier if you would just let me…” Something flashed on his face, “Get back!”

Before she could respond she felt a rush of air hit her and she fell back on the pavement and let out a cry in agony. Clark quickly hovered over her, shielding her as the truck she’d almost gotten into a minute ago blew up, sending metal and glass flying through the air.

She lifted her head up, staring at the flames in shock, “I really liked that truck,”

“We need to get out of here,” Clark whispered in her ear.

“How?” she choked out, looking down at the blood stain on her leg that was growing darker and darker by the second.

He held out a hand for her, “You need a doctor,”

“I’ll be…fine,” she attempted to argue, hearing the hitch in her own voice. She could feel the loss of blood and adrenaline leaving her as she struggled to focus on the conversation at hand. She wasn’t even convincing to herself. “You don’t even have…your suit,”

“Lois?” she heard Clark call her name just before she gave into the dark nothingness that flooded through her.


Robert Drake wore an annoyed expression as he took a seat in Victor Talley’s office. Not only had his office received a formal complaint regarding the Lex Luthor case but he himself had been named as a conspirator in the complaint to harass the supposed victim. This went beyond Talley’s case against Lex Luthor and his supposed crimes. This was now threatening his career.

Victor Talley looked back at him with a grim expression, “I get the impression you’re not here for a fourth in bridge,”

“Have you seen this?” Drake threw the complaint across Talley’s desk.

“Bender’s trying to push us into a corner,” Talley shrugged.

“This is going to ruin me if we don’t do something,” Drake warned. “You’ve been investigating him for months and hardly have a case.”

“I don’t know about that,” Talley argued.

“Your star witness is legally dead on paper,” Drake shot back. “How exactly do you plan on getting anything she has to say admissible without Bender having grounds for an appeal?”

“I’m going to let Bender open the door for it,” Talley remarked calmly, pushing a large file toward him.

“What is this?” Drake asked, flipping through the large file.

“Names,” Talley said smugly. “Hot off the press.”

“Names?” Drake asked.

“Every crooked politician and officer on the take with Lex Luthor,” Talley said evenly. “Once I get the approval the largest arrest in history will take place, picking up every dirty copy and politician that has helped Luthor continue his reign on this country.”

“How long do you need to put this together?” Drake asked, impressed.

“It’s gonna take at least a few days of round the clock manpower to pull this off.”

“Do it,” Drake ordered.

“We’ll need your support in ensuring Mr. Luthor remains in solitary once we have him behind bars.” Talley added. “I can’t have him taking my witnesses out or getting wind of what’s coming.”

“What about his hitman?” Drake asked. “Is he still in the wind?”

“We’re tracking him down as we speak,” Talley promised.

“That’s what you said the last time,” Drake reminded him.

“We’ll get him,” Talley said firmly. “Just get me the budget to pull this off and we won’t let you down.”

“You want it? You got it,” Drake said, standing to his feet.


Five hundred miles. Clark had flown Lois as far away as he could to ensure she was out of harm’s way. She was right. He didn’t have his suit but he knew from experience that as long as he stayed out of sight and used the clouds and night sky as cover he couldn’t be seen. He wasn’t sure where to go. He’d found a motel outside of Lincoln Nebraska and paid for a room for the night. Lois had been drifting in and out of consciousness from the blood loss. He was getting worried about her labored breathing.

‘She needs a doctor,’

Lois had mentioned a Dr. Kahn that had helped them before but given the man was now under protective custody and taking the stand to point the finger at Nigel he doubted the man would be much help. Clark let out a frustrated curse when he listened to yet another busy signal blaring in his ear. He hit the end button and turned his attention back to Lois who kept drifting in and out of consciousness. As angry as he was at her he still couldn’t bear the thought of losing her. He ran a hand across her cheek, “Lois, you need to stay awake,” He grimaced when he felt the clamminess of her face against his palm. “Come on, stay with me,”

“I told you…not to…fly,” came her labored response.

“Yeah, well, I didn’t have much of a choice,” he offered her a half-smile. “I couldn’t have you bleeding all over Perry’s driveway. It’d be a pain to get out.”

“You’re a….jerk,”

“You’re stubborn,” he retorted calmly, refusing to engage in her verbal jab.

“I don’t need your…help,” she said between coughing fits.

“Yeah, I can tell you’re perfectly capable of fending off anyone with three holes in your right side.” He pointed out sarcastically.

“Ass,” she wheezed out bitterly.

“Can we not do this right now?” he let out an aggravated sigh. “You need to focus your energy on resting not fighting,”

“Quit…telling me…what to do,” she snapped angrily.

“Well, if you were a better patient I wouldn’t have to,” he retorted.

“You left,” she wheezed out. He felt a hot wave hit him as he watched her wince from the pain of her wounds. “You’ll do it…again. Just…go.”

He ran a hand through his already ragged hair and sighed, “I’m not going to leave you like this,”

“Why, not the …hero thing to…do?” she spat out angrily.

“You need to get to a hospital,” he said, ignoring the dig.

“I …can’t,” she wheezed out.

“Then what am I supposed to do here?” he asked, “No one’s answering the phone. You’re getting worse by the second.”

“I’ll be…fine,”

“No, you won’t,” he said, running a hand across her cheek.

“What do…you care?” she wheezed out through labored breaths. “One less…person to know, right?”

Anger flooded his mind at the dig, “You have no idea what you’re talking about, Lois.”

“Maybe if you…trusted me…I would,” she coughed out with a deep labored breath.

“I did trust you,” he said evenly.

“Just not enough,” she whispered.

Lighting crackled in his eyes, “You already knew. What difference does it make?” He let out a stiff chuckle and added, “Exactly how did you figure that out anyway? Did Luthor tell you?”

“He knows?” Her question came just before she let out a deep sigh.

“Of course he knows,” he let out a bitter laugh, “How do you think I ended up with that Kryptonite tracker inside me?”

“Right, sorry,” came her labored response.

Flashbacks to his time in Dr. Kelly’s clutches came rushing back mixed with the threats Luthor had made, hinting at Lois’ death. The anger, guilt, and pain came flooding back as he stared at the dark red stain on her shoulder.

<<“Lois Lane won’t be a problem. She’s sure to have bled out by now anyway.”>>

<<“You stabbed her. Left her to bleed out. I’d say that’s personal.”>>

<<“I live in a fantasy world? Perhaps, but my fantasy’s about to come true.”>>

<<“A blade is so underused and underappreciated these days, don’t you agree?”>>

<<The man of steel brought to his knees by a simple rock and unable to hear the screams for help from Lois Lane herself.”>>

<<"It’s only fitting she should die from the same blade as her hero.”>>

“I thought you were dead,” he said evenly. “Then all of a sudden there you were. I spent months trying to find a way out of that place. Luthor made sure I never escaped and I still don’t know how you were able to get through the security he had setup around there.”

“Christina helped me,” Lois choked out. “Despite what you think…I would have…gone after you whether I knew or…not.”

He twisted his mouth uncertain if he could trust the words coming out of her or not, “You would?”

“I wouldn’t wish that…on my worst enemy.” She responded lazily. “I wasn’t going to just…leave you there.”

“Well, thanks, I think,” he caught her gaze. Her face was flushed and he could see the shine from sweat on her forehead.

“I really…don’t like you…very much right now,” she said bitterly, “but I do love…you.”

His chest tightened, uncertain how to respond to her confession. He placed a hand on her cheek, feeling the heat on her face, “Lois?” He shook her arm and she didn’t respond. “No, no, no, no,” he shook his head, pulling her to him. “Come on, Lois, you need to stay awake…”

‘She needs a doctor,’


Dr. Pete Ross bolted out of bed when he heard the phone ring. He looked to his wife, Lana Lang Ross as she slept soundly, feeling his way over her to reach the phone on the nightstand. “I thought you weren’t on call tonight,” came her sleepy response as she reached over to hand him the ringing phone.

“Sorry, honey,” he gave her a quick peck on the cheek. He sat up in bed and answered the phone, walking into the hallway to allow his sleeping wife the quiet she needed to rest. “Hello?”

“Pete?” came the familiar voice on the other line.

He immediately recognized it and choked out, “Clark?” A thousand thoughts raced through his mind and he stammered out, “How is this even possible?”

“It’s a long story and I’ll be happy to explain but right now I need some help. More specifically my friend needs some help and I can’t take her to a hospital,” Clark’s response came.

“Why can’t you take her to a hospital?” Pete asked.

“Because on paper she’s dead,” Clark’s response came. “Please, I need someone I can trust and …she doesn’t have a lot of time.”

He knew he should have hung up the phone right then. Providing anyone with medical care outside of hospital protocol was against so many laws and so many rules that could cause him to lose his medical license. He should just hang up but this was Clark. His best friend from grade school up and if he was asking for help like this it was because he had exhausted all other options. He needed help and Pete couldn’t turn his friend down. Not after spending months thinking he was dead.

“Where are you?”


Bill Henderson swiveled in his chair, tapping his foot on the tile floor as he waited for Edward Sayer to enter. The thrill and excitement that came when he knew a case was close to cracking wide open always made him giddy. Still he did his best to portray a sense of calm to the outside world. Jimmy’s information on Sayer hadn’t been substantiated but it was something he could use to try and squeeze a confession out of the crook and hopefully get him to turn on Luthor before he had a chance to get pulled into Bender’s web of lies in order to protect Luthor.

The door opened and Edward Sayer stepped into the office, running a hand over his forehead, “I, uh, thought we handled this situation already,” He took a seat behind his desk.

“We handled the situation with Mr. Olsen, but I’m here on a more personal matter, Dr. Sayer,” Henderson replied calmly.

“Oh?” Sayer looked at him with a questioning gaze.

“You really are a busy man, Dr. Sayer. I mean, not only do you represent New Troy with the NRC, but you also do research at LexCorp’s Power and Energy Lab, consult on all reviews for New Troy’s Energy bills and still have time to handle the day to day work with the Department of Energy.” Henderson leaned forward, folding his hands on the desk as he leveled the accusation at him with a smile, “So, tell me, how much extra do you get paid for your extracurricular activities?”

“Pardon?” Sayer choked out.

“Your extra jobs. Your involvement in everything Luthor Power and Energy has done since its founding in 1983.” Henderson clucked his tongue as he leaned back in his chair. “I mean, you have to be paid extra for the extra lengths you’re going to in order to protect Metropolis’ Golden Boy, right?”

“I suggest you leave,” Dr. Sayer told him coldly reaching for the phone.

“I’d rather stay,” Henderson pointed to the phone on his desk. “You can call security and we can discuss this downtown in an interrogation room with attorneys that are paid to protect Lex Luthor or you can answer my questions and maybe get out of this without any jail time.”

Dr. Sayer placed the phone back down and turned to Henderson with a nervous twitch, “What do you want?”

“Pack a bag,” Henderson ordered. “You’re going on a road trip.”


Clark stared down at his hands covered in blood, frozen in place as the sound of Pete Ross cursing under his breath reached his ears over and over again. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t think. He just sat there frozen in place as Pete worked on trying to save Lois.

“Got it!” Pete cheered and Clark heard a metal clank following the victory.

Lois had been shot just below the collarbone, in the hip and upper thigh. The bullet from her collarbone hadn’t been straight through and began moving toward her internal organs. He knew if the bullet hit her lungs or heart the chances of her surviving would be slim due to the ‘no hospitals’ rule he had to abide by. Between being crushed by the door and the bullet heading further down into her chest he knew she didn’t have a lot of time.

He’d tried Davenport but gotten nothing. He’d tried Talley and gotten nothing. His only other choice was to find a doctor to treat her.

Luckily he knew a really good one. Pete graduated top of his class and completed his residency at one of the top cardiology hospitals in the country. He could have gone anywhere in the country but he chose to settle down close to Smallville. Clark suspected Pete’s relationship with Lana had a lot to do with that. Pete Ross was the best person he knew and the only person he knew he could trust to help Lois and keep them safe.

The snapping of rubber gloves and Pete’s heavy sighs of relief followed. Clark looked up to see his friend stretching his arms over his head. Pete threw him a reassuring smile, “She’s gonna be okay. Might have some therapy on that shoulder for a few months but we got all three of them.”

“Good,” Clark nodded toward him.

Pete pointed toward the door, “Normally I’d be washing up and having the staff take the patient to a room.”

Clark shook his head, “She can’t stay here, Pete. It’s too dangerous. The second you put her into the system…”

“I know,” Pete said, glancing at Lois’ unconscious form that laid under the blue surgical sheets she’d been under. “Lana’s going to kill me. You know that right? Like you might as well dig up my grave and pick out a headstone.”

“You can blame it on me,” Clark offered, “I’m the one that put you in this mess.”

“I’m the one that agreed to it,” Pete said with a sigh. He pointed toward the room behind them. “There’s some scrubs in the backroom. Get yourself cleaned up and changed then we can figure out what to do here.”

“Thanks, Pete,” Clark felt a wave of guilt continue to nag at him for what he’d put his friend through.

“Let’s just get through tonight and hopefully your FBI friend will have some answers in the morning.” Pete said with a sigh, “I’m going to call Lana.”


Jonathan felt a pang in his chest when he heard the message on the voicemail of Martha’s mobile phone. It was from Wayne. Clark was looking for them. After months of silence he was finally ready to reach out. With a heavy heart he turned to Martha who was sitting in tears, rocking herself. He knew this had been far worse on her than it had been him. She insisted on continuing to reach out and keep herself informed with what was going on. Even if Clark wasn’t ready to talk she wanted to know he was okay.

That had been fine in the beginning but now months later he still refused to reach out and each phone call that was answered by Lois was like a knife to his wife’s heart, wondering what to do. How could they help him if he wouldn’t talk to them? After the short two weeks Lois had spent with them Jonathan had had his eyes opened to what kind of monster Lex Luthor truly was.

He had been desperate for answers when he made the decision to tell Lois, hoping it might help her find Clark. In the end, he knew it was the right decision, but now he feared that revelation might have caused more harm than good. After being held captive by Luthor and told whatever lies that spineless weasel had mustered up Clark’s need for self-preservation would be in overdrive. If he found out Lois knew then he would close himself off even further. He was sure of it.

“What do we do?” Martha asked between sobs. “What are we supposed to do?”

“He’s reaching out,” Jonathan said evenly. “There has to be a reason.”


“Who was that?” Alice asked, walking up to Perry after he hung up the phone. She could tell from his demeanor that whatever it was probably related to the call he’d received from Lois a few hours ago. “Any word?” she asked, after a few minutes of silence from Perry.

“We’re going to have to make a drive up to the cabin and assess the damage.” Perry said with a strain to his voice. “Director Talley said we can file a report with him and they’ll compensate us for the ….repairs.”

“What about Lois?” Alice asked, placing a hand on his arm.

“I don’t know,” he choked out.

“Has anyone heard anything from Clark?” she asked cautiously.

“I don’t know,” Perry said grimly. He was quiet a moment before clearing his throat, “We should pack up. I’m not sure how many days this is going to take?”

“What about Jack?” Alice asked, glancing toward the door leading out into the hallway.

“He’s safer here away from all this mess,” Perry grunted.


Lois felt a warm cloth against her cheek and slowly began to stir. She heard a feminine voice whisper to her, “Everything’s fine. Just take a deep breath,” Lois felt her eyes flutter open and a woman with long auburn hair and blue eyes stared back at her. “You gave everyone quite a scare last night.”

“Who are you?” Lois croaked out.

“Lana Lang Ross,” she held her hand out to shake Lois’. “You’re a lucky girl. Most people have to wait in a long line to get Pete to take them on as a patient,”

“Lucky me,” Lois said with a wince as she attempted to sit up. She felt a pain course through her right side.

“Don’t try to move just yet,” Lana said, pushing her back onto the bed by her other shoulder. “I can’t have you messing up my husband’s handiwork. You will be resting for the next few days.”

“Listen, you seem really nice and all, but I can’t afford to stay anywhere for a few days.” Lois tried to argue.

“It wasn’t a request,” Lana replied coolly. “My husband put his career on the line to help you. Which is fine. Clark’s been a good friend to Pete for years. I know if put in the situation again Pete would do it in a heartbeat. That being said I don’t have to be okay with you taking unnecessary risks that might land you in the hospital or worse. This isn’t just about you, Ms. Lane. This is Pete’s career. He put it on the line to save you and you’re going to follow doctor’s orders and rest.” She straightened up and smiled. “Bathroom is right outside. If you need anything just let me know.” Lana stood up, smoothing the sides of her cotton top and turned toward the door.

Lois let out a deep breath, leaning back against the large pillow that was positioned behind her. Before she could wonder too long on who this woman was and what this Pete person’s connection was to Clark the door opened and a man with blonde hair and stern features opened the door.

“Ms. Lane, you gave us quite a scare,” he offered her a smile and held out his hand for her to shake, “Dr. Peter Ross. We met last night but you weren’t really up for the whole talking thing.”

Lois gave him a weak smile, “I hear you saved my life,”

“Well if you want to call digging three bullets out in a dimly lit patient room and preventing any damage to your major organs saving your life, then sure. You could say that,” he gave her a grin. “Clark will be back in a bit. I sent him on an errand.”

“Errand?” Lois looked at him curiously.

“Well given he’s alive and had yet to so much as call Mrs. Kent I figured now was as good a time as any to kick his stubborn butt out the door and make him let them know he’s okay.” As Pete spoke he motioned for her to sit up, holding out his stethoscope to listen to her back. “Deep breath,”

“You’ll have to let me know how you did that. I’ve been trying for months to get him to call them.” Lois replied sadly.

“Simple, make him owe you one.” Pete grinned back at her as he moved the stethoscope up her back, continuing to listen. He stood up and cleared his throat, “Everything sounds good, but like I told Clark last night that shoulder’s going to need some physical therapy. The bullet that nicked your hip hit an artery that I was able to repair. The one on your thigh was just a flesh wound. The tendons in your shoulder blade however received a lot of the damage. Thankfully we got to the bullet in time before it hit your lungs or heart.”

Lois looked down, realizing how close she’d come to being too late. She’d been so angry at Clark she insisted on not letting him help her until she didn’t have a choice. That decision nearly cost her her life. “Thank you,” she whispered, uncertain if there was anything left to say.

“Just don’t go back to wherever it was you were that you got shot at.” Pete instructed.

“I won’t,” Lois said with a deep sigh. “How much did Clark tell you?”

“FBI is helping you and Clark to stay ‘dead’ so they can build a case against Lex Luthor and put him away for the rest of his life. Luthor apparently faked Clark’s death and you rescued him.” Pete shrugged his shoulders. “That’s all I got and believe me if there’s more I don’t want to know.”

“I can understand that,” Lois responded.

“You two can stay here until everything blows over.” He pointed to the window, “Not a LexCorp plant within a hundred-mile radius.” He offered her a smile, “But I must warn you Wichita can be a bit boring compared to city life.”

“If boring means no hitmen chasing after me then I’ll take it,” Lois said with a weak smile.


Clark landed outside the small Bed and Breakfast he’d visited just hours before having his entire world tilted on its axis. He wasn’t sure if he should be angry or relieved that Wayne had been providing his parents with a place to stay as they moved throughout the Midwest. He’d been ten feet away from them the entire time he’d been in Wayne’s office and not known it.

‘Don’t think about that now,’ he told himself.

Pete had made a deal with him. He would continue to keep Lois safe and treat her if he reached out to his parents. The way Pete had snuck that in should be considered an art form. He always had a knack for finding just the right buttons to press to get his way. Pete had put himself on the line and he knew Clark wouldn’t have done it unless he’d had his hand forced so Pete had blackmailed him into calling them.

His dad’s voice had been hoarse when he had picked up the phone. It took everything in Clark not to breakdown when he heard his father’s voice on the other line. The heavy weight of guilt and self-loathing he’d been carrying threatened to crush him. After a short conversation and reassurance that he was indeed okay he arranged to meet with them in person.

He stepped into the dining area where he spotted a small alcove with a few rocking chairs and a sitting area. Thankfully the room was empty minus his parents who were seated in the alcove. He took a deep breath, steadying himself for the long overdue conversation that needed to take place.


Lex straightened his tie in the mirror, admiring his reflection as he prepared for the annual Orchid Ball. Tonight would be the night he would announce his running for Senator after having the governor, a few judges and fellow congressmen throw their support toward him it would appear to be a move made to satisfy his supporters not a political one. This would help sway the swing votes toward him and guarantee his place as New Troy Senator and if things went well possibly the White House would be his next Everest to climb.

He looked down at the silver box on his desk, popping the lock on it to open it. A smile spread across his face as he saw the green and silver metal that had been molded together. After retrieving the knife the police had discovered in his wine cellar he had the metal molded down with the powdered residue of the Kryptonite he’d used to hold Clark Kent at bay during his capture. There still had been no sign of him but knowing what he knew about Kent he wouldn’t leave anything to chance.


Officer Grant looked up from inside his patrol car and spotted a man fitting the description of the suspected bomber stepping out of the back door leading to the restroom of the local Hardees. He took a bite of his burger, watching as the man climbed into his car and started the engine. He looked at the sketch he’d been given this morning once more. “Dead ringer,” he said, reaching for the radio and calling in the location.


“You look good,” Martha heard her husband say after the emotional reunion threatened to become too much for the both of them. She stole a glance toward her husband then back to Clark where he sat in the chair across from them. He looked different, hardened from the young man she and Jonathan had last seen so many months ago.

She hadn’t understood what Lois meant when stressing how much he’d changed. It wasn’t anything physical that gave it away. He wore the same face behind the neatly trimmed hair that covered his face. He had the same expressions, but they seemed harder and more stern. There was a part of him that was missing it seemed. She knew he’d been through a lot, but still she couldn’t help but mourn for the loss of the son she once knew.

“Lois knows,” Clark said in an uncertain tone. “I don’t know how, but she knows.”

Martha exchanged a look with Jonathan, wondering if they should tell him what they knew of the revelation.

“Well, Clark, I mean, given everything that’s happened isn’t that a good thing?” Jonathan asked.

“Good?” he choked out angrily. “She’s known for months. She spent the last few months manipulating me into…” He stopped short and looked down.

Martha bit her lip, wondering for moment what that look was about. She didn’t for one minute believe Lois had done anything she wouldn’t have done without her knowledge of his alter-ego. It was clear how the young woman felt about Clark when she had arrived at the Kent farm. From the moment Clark had begun talking about Lois Lane she and Jonathan had known there was something different about her. Clark was never the type to be drawn to just a pretty face. He was captivated by his partner and continued to play it off as a friendship or business relationship but Martha knew better.

Clark had spent years living a nomadic existence hiding everything from everyone and then all of that had come to a screeching halt when he came to Metropolis. He claimed there was something about the city but she knew it was more about who was in that city. What was frustrating for both her and Jonathan was to listen to their son continue down a path that they knew would end in heartache. He wanted Lois Lane to love Clark, not Superman but refused to see past his own insecurities and realize they were the same.

“Into what?” Jonathan dared to ask the question that Martha knew she couldn’t.

“It’s not important,” Clark’s face flushed and Martha realized this went beyond what Lois did or didn’t know. There had been a change in their relationship. Whatever the change was Clark was now looking for a way to deflect his guilt over not telling Lois about him being Superman.

“I told her,” Martha said firmly.

“What?” Clark choked out, looking back up at her in shock.

I told her,” Martha repeated. “She was our only way to find out what happened to you and she was distraught thinking Lex Luthor had killed you. I had to tell her the truth.” Clark stared at her in shock, unable to respond. Martha looked to Jonathan who nodded.

“All she wanted was to figure out a way to find and rescue you and that’s what we wanted too.” Martha insisted.

“No, she wanted to rescue Superman, not Clark,” he corrected with a cold glare.

“What makes you think there’s a difference?” Martha asked. “You have someone in your life that can accept you for who you are…all of you. Do you know how rare that is? I’m sorry she had to find out this way, really I am, but under the circumstances it needed to be done.”

Clark let out a harsh grunt, “This is the same person that went to great lengths just to land the first interview with Superman. Do you really think it’s a good idea to have her knowing her former partner used to be him?”

“Used to be?” Jonathan asked.

“There is no Superman anymore,” Clark said in a harsh whisper.

“All your life you’ve hidden who you are. You’ve kept moving and done what you could to help others…. Do you really want to go back to that?” Martha asked.

“It was safer like that,” Clark said bitterly.

“You were also alone,” Martha pointed out. “No friendships, no lasting relationships, nothing permanent because you never stayed anywhere long enough to form any.”

“I was better off alone,” Clark buried his head in his hands.

“I don’t think you believe that,” Jonathan said with a grunt. “I also don’t believe you can walk away from everything like that. I know you’ve been through hell and back. We all have, but giving up on everything isn’t going to change anything. You walk away from who you are and you let Lex Luthor win. Is that what you want?”

“He’s not going to win anything,” Clark said darkly, “but I’m not going to compete with myself and…and play second fiddle to some hair gel and a cape.”

Martha’s tone was harsh as she glared at her son, “It’s not just hair gel and a cape. It’s not just a suit. It’s you. It’s who you are and it’s who we raised you to be. All of the things we instilled in you is what and who Superman is. Do you honestly think a woman smart enough to win awards for her investigative journalism wouldn’t be able to look past a flashy costume and see the man behind the suit?” She shook her head, feeling her hands tremble as she spoke. “She was a mess when she arrived here, nearly died on the way but was still determined as ever to find and rescue you.”

“What are you talking about?” Clark asked, his eyes widened and Martha realized he had no idea what she was referring to.

“You don’t know what he did to her, do you?” Martha asked.

“I knew there was a scar but I was never told what happened,” Clark shook his head.

“She said she tried to end things with Lex Luthor and he went into a rage,” Jonathan spat out bitterly.

Martha bit her lip and continued in a shaky breath, “He made her call for help over and over and kept laughing when no one arrived.” She met her son’s gaze and stressed, “When Superman didn’t arrive.”

“We still don’t know all the details other than he stabbed her and left her for dead,” Jonathan explained. “We got a call from her just outside of Kansas City.” Jonathan turned toward her, “Your mother had to help stitch that gash in Lois’ side. She found Lois bleeding to death in her truck. She brought her here to recover.”

Martha added, “I’m not a hundred percent what happened but she spent the first few weeks having night terrors.”

“Sent a chill right through you to hear the screams,” Jonathan growled out.

Martha placed a hand on her husband’s knee, reminded all too well of how angry he’d been when he’d discovered what Lex Luthor had done to Lois. The memory of the nightmares still haunted her. If she could have convinced Lois to stay she would have but Nigel showing up had ruined any chance of that.

“Then Nigel character showed up,” Martha added, “She left town shortly after that and has been checking in regularly.” Martha sighed, running a hand through her thinning hair, “She cares about you, Clark. She never would have told anyone,”

Clark was silent for a long time. Martha looked to Jonathan, uncertain what to do or if there was anything left to say. She saw the anger and storm clouds crackling in her son’s eyes as his features hardened and he looked up. Anger flashed in Clark’s eyes and he let out a growl, “I’m going to kill him,”


Jack let out a sigh, readjusting his bag that he kept on his shoulder as he looked around the empty bus stop. Perry and Alice had left when they thought he was still sleeping. If Jimmy could go to Metropolis so could he. Hiding from Luthor was futile. They needed to bring him down and Jimmy couldn’t hold his own against characters like this. He needed his help.

The bus pulled in with soft wheeze, letting out steam as the doors opened. Jack looked over his shoulder as he climbed on the bus with a ticket in his hand. “Metropolis?”

The bus driver looked at him with a wary expression, “How old are you kid?”

“I’m seventeen and I’m emancipated. You want the paperwork?” Jack responded with a stern expression.

“Stay up front,” the driver ordered, motioning behind him.


Edward Sayer swallowed hard as he looked around the glass walls that filled the office space he was in. The man in front of him wore a grim expression as he motioned for him to follow. There was a long table in the middle of the room and on top of it was a collection of photos and sticky notes.

“What is this place?” Edward Sayer asked nervously.

“Five hundred and eighty-six,” the man said, pointing to the chair behind him.

“I’m sorry?” Sayer asked.

“Five hundred and eighty-six,” the man repeated. “That’s how many crooked politicians and judges and officers and agents in the field that we’ll be arresting today.” The man wore a smug expression. “If you cooperate with us that number might go down to five-hundred and eighty-five.”


Nigel pulled into the gas station, preparing to fill up his tank. He stepped out of the car and went inside to pay for his gas. The drive back to New Troy had been long and he knew he’d have some explaining to do but given the current political environment he was sure Lex Luthor would not notice his absence. Now that Lois Lane had been taken care of he could focus his attention to the political campaign and dig up dirt on Lex Luthor’s potential opponents.

A hard metal object pressed into the back of his head and a voice whispered, “I’m disappointed in you, Nigel. I’ve been tailing you through the last two cities and you had no idea you were being followed,”

“Officer,” Nigel nodded as his hands were locked into handcuffs. “What is the charge?”

“You can ask the Feds,” the officer guided him toward the door where two large men in dark suits stood waiting for him.


Jack Davenport pointed to the long line of warrants on the conference table. “We’ll split these up evenly and we’ll move in at the same time like an orchestrated fucking symphony,” Davenport spat out. “No one gets a head’s up. No one gets a warning. I want Lex Luthor’s ugly mug in my custody with all his crooked cronies before sundown.”

“What about the officers?” Bill Henderson asked, “We’ll have to get IAB involved.”

“They can get involved after they’re in custody,” Jack said with a snort. “I don’t want to give these guys any hint that this is about to go down.”


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