Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: folc4evernaday Delusions of Grandeur 5/19 - 08/09/18 03:20 PM
Delusions of Grandeur
Chapter 5


Three Months Later…

Lois smiled to herself as she heard Mrs. Cox gasp for air against her heel. “It’s painful, isn’t it?” She heard a muttered grunt as Lois continued unfazed. “You’re probably wondering how could I have been overpowered by her? I know if I’d trained for over ten years in combative training I’d be asking the same thing.”


“It’s amazing what pure unadulterated hate can give you the power to do.” She ground her heel into the woman’s back as she hissed, “Three months of doing nothing but imagining the day I would watch you and Lex suffer for what you did to me.”

“I didn’t…”

“You didn’t do anything?” Lois almost laughed at the notion as she gripped the woman’s throat and hissed, “You stood by and did nothing while I was left to die. You did that monster’s bidding while innocent lives were destroyed. As far as I’m concerned you are just as bad if not worse.”

“He’ll fi…nd you,” Mrs. Cox warned.

“Then I’ll get my revenge on him too,” Lois hissed in her ear. “I imagine it’ll come as quite a shock for him to discover me being alive after you assured him I was dead. I obviously didn’t know Lex as well as I thought but one thing that came across loud and clear was Lex’s ….distaste for people that disappointed him.” She tugged the plastic through the hole of the zip-tie, tightening it to the woman’s wrists to ensure she wouldn’t escape and looked back at the ankles she’d tied up earlier to ensure the binds were still secure.

Lois stood up, releasing her foot from Mrs. Cox’s back and she knelt down in front of her, watching with amusement as the woman struggled to move but found the effort futile. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. The more you struggle the tighter the binds get. You should know that.” Lois smiled as she straightened up, “I’d love to stay and chat but time’s running out. I’m sure someone will be along in a few hours to help you. Have fun explaining this one to Lex,”


Dr. Gretchen Kelly scowled, staring at her patient as the orderlies subdued him from yet another escape attempt. She’d lost count of the escape attempts. It was always the same. No progress in her attempts to retrain him. Every time she thought she was making progress he tried something like this.

Lex would not be pleased.

She tightened her jaw, approaching as the two men hoisted her patient up on his already unsteady legs. “We seem to be having a repeat of your past behavior again.” She clucked her tongue on the inside of her cheek in a condescending tone before adding, “It would be a shame to lose all that progress…”

“Go to hell,” the retort came with a bloody wad of saliva being aimed at her face.

Without warning the blows were thrown, subduing her patient once more in a vice like grip. Dr. Kelly wiped her face with a tissue and frowned sternly, “That was a mistake.”


She was late.

Mrs. Cox was never late.

Nigel looked around the abandoned warehouse district, scanning the horizon for any sign of his missing partner in crime. The message he’d received from her had been cryptic at best. He felt the fatigue from the day wearing down on him.

His phone rang and he fished it out of his pocket, glancing at the number that appeared on the screen. “This better be good…” He answered the phone only to hear a familiar voice on the other end that wasn’t Mrs. Cox.

“I imagine it’ll come as quite a shock for him to discover me being alive after you assured him I was dead. I obviously didn’t know Lex as well as I thought but one thing that came across loud and clear was Lex’s ….distaste for people that disappointed him.”

The sound of the woman’s voice on the other end of the phone made Nigel’s blood boil as he felt the vein on his forehead pulse. Three months. He’d been searching for three months for any sign of Lois Lane and come up empty. Now here she was, on the other end of this phone line and he had no way of knowing where she was. It was like a dangling carrot taunting him to chase her and find her.

The months of hiding and wondering yet never finding even a morsel that could lead him to an answer that made sense. Lex continued to press for details of his cleanup the closer the trial date became. The mysterious witness the Feds taunted him with had details that made his boss question just who the witness was. Nigel couldn’t help but wonder himself if Lois Lane might actually be stupid enough to try and testify against the man that had left her for dead. He knew without a doubt that if she did it would be his head on a platter.

He felt his brow furrow as he jabbed the phone’s end button. Wherever Mrs. Cox was, Lois Lane was with her. His gaze darkened as he turned the corner toward the water district leading out to Hobb’s Bay.


The blue lights flickered down and Gretchen Kelly watched in satisfaction as her patient’s limbs gave out, slumping him down so that the only thing holding him up was the binds that kept him locked and bound to the metal surface of the table. She’d never seen anything like this before. Her patient was convinced of his Superman persona, and his mind was unmovable to any notion that she tried to introduce and convince him otherwise. His mind was strong but she was stronger.

Taking pity on her patient for a moment she gave the order to the orderlies, "Take him to his room." She set her notepad down on the desk and jotted a few notes.

Her eyes glanced at the time and she grimaced. She was going to be late. Lex hated it when she was late.


Lois Lane stood in front of the pier, uncertain where to begin. Three large warehouses stood side by side together next to the dock. There was an eerie calm in the air that sent goosebumps down her spine and making her involuntarily shudder. Is this where Lex had him? Is this where he'd been hidden away for the last several months?

She could feel her eyes sting from the tears threatening to overtake her as memory after memory came rushing back. Three months of wondering what had happened. Three months of living on the run, looking over her shoulder and desperately trying to find anything to help her find him. Now, here she stood wondering if all that work would finally give her what she'd been searching for for so long.

<<“Clark was looking into a possible lead on who he thought the boss was,”>>

<<“Clark, can’t you give up on this ridiculous idea that Lex Luthor is the root of all evil in Metropolis?”

“Why should I give it up, Lois, it’s true.”>>

<<“Sometimes, out of jealousy or frustration, I've over-reacted. I've been ruthless toward my enemies.”>>

<<“That idiot Kent never could figure that out. I was always twelve steps ahead of him. I’m unstoppable.”>>

<<“Lois, what if I find evidence?”

“Clark, you’re talking about a man I trust and admire…who’s always been completely truthful with me.”>>

<<“How does it feel to know how close you were to bringing down the boss of Metropolis…and fail?”>>

<<“The truth is that Lex Luthor may be hiding from you what really happened to the Planet.”>>

<<“Well, it’s no matter. His interference has been taken care of permanently. Mrs. Cox saw to that.”>>

A smile crossed Lois' face as she recalled the way she'd left Mrs. Cox to be found. Mrs. Cox had been instrumental in Lex taking everything from her, and she would face the consequences just as much as Lex would. She steadied herself and approached the door to the first warehouse, jerking it open with a hard tug. Surprisingly the door was locked.

She stepped inside and found the space completely vacant. She frowned, looking around the empty warehouse for a sign of anything other than dust and cobwebs. Anger pulsed through her as she began to suspect Mrs. Cox had sent her on a wild goose chase. She turned to leave and then she saw it.

A single white and blue light blinking on the side of the wall. She placed her hand on it and felt the smooth surface. 'A hidden elevator,' she thought to herself, realizing how close she was. She examined the black box next to the hidden door, searching for a way to open it. Maybe Jimmy could trigger it?

"No," she knew the answer before she could ask. She couldn't risk Jimmy getting any further involved. He could easily do it. She knew he could, but given what she knew already it would put Clark at risk. She couldn't do that to him. There had to be another way.

A light pinged blue above the wall panel, and a low hum filled the room. She backed away, flattening herself behind one of the columns at the entrance, preparing to take on whoever would come out of the elevator. She held her breath, preparing for the confrontation as she pulled out her weapon, aiming it at the door.

The soft ping filled the air, and she peered over her shoulder to the hidden panel that opened, revealing a young blonde woman in a white doctor's jacket, stepping out of the elevator. Lois took three deep breaths, calming her nerves before turning her attention to the woman that hurriedly looked around. She was unarmed.

Lois didn't waste any time, stopping the woman before she could exit the elevator and held the barrel of the gun to the woman's temple before a sound could escape her lips.

"Where is he?"


Three Months Ago…

“Charge my client or let him go. The choice is yours.” Sheldon Bender ordered.

Detective Zymack looked across the table at Lex and motioned for him to stand up, “With pleasure,” He scrunched his face and stared back at Lex with a menacing expression, “On your feet.”

“I beg your pardon?” Lex looked at the detective with disdain, refusing to move from the chair he was seated in.

“Lex…” Bender looked at him with a concerned expression.

“Oh, please, Bender, don’t be naïve. It’s a game they’re playing. They have nothing!” Lex looked to the detective and scoffed. “If they had one shred of evidence they would have arrested me already. This is nothing more than a fishing expedition.”

The door behind the detective opened and the woman from earlier entered the room, placing a large plastic bag on the table for him to see its contents. His jaw tightened when he saw the familiar blade still stained with the blood of Lois Lane. Agent Wallace laid a stack of 4x6 photos on the table next to it, not losing her gaze on him for a second as she spread the photos out for him to see.

The cage stood in the middle of his cellar in full color with areas of the photos circled in red. The close up photos revealed a small puddle of blood in the corner of the cage from where he’d almost ended the war with Superman.

Agent Wallace folded her arms across her chest and stared down at him. Lex shifted uncomfortably under her gaze as she hissed in a low whisper. “Stand up,”

Realizing neither the agent nor the detective were backing down he stood up, keeping his gaze on Agent Wallace as he did so. “Very well,”

Detective Zymack happily took hold of his wrists, pulling them behind Lex’s back and handcuffing him as he gleefully announced, “Alexander Luthor you are under arrest for the murder of Lois Joanne Lane.” He continued on with his Miranda Rights.


Martha pulled into the parking spot on the corner of Missouri Avenue. The street looked almost deserted as she climbed out of the old pickup truck, looking around for a sign of where to even begin. Lois said she needed help. No explanation - Not that she needed one. She frowned, looking down the unfamiliar street. There was a diner across the street with a payphone outside. Next door was a small drug store. She glanced at the locksmith shop to the left of where she had parked. She spotted a few passersby walking along the street and offered a friendly wave which was returned in turn. No one seemed out of place. She frowned, uncertain where to begin.

She decided the best place to start was with the payphone across the street. She glanced across the empty street for any sign of traffic before crossing. She reached the sidewalk and stepped up walking to where the faded blue phone booth stood abandoned. She looked around the pavement and frowned when she spotted a dark reddish-brown pigment on the ground. She rubbed her foot over the spot but found whatever it was seemed to be stained into the concrete. The round drop appeared to have a mate, leading out to the parking lot in front of the diner. She frowned when she noticed the spots multiply in size and in density. They stopped when she reached the grass.

She looked up and saw an older gray pickup parked in the corner next to a red suburban. The license plate didn’t read New Troy, but it did have a Washington plate which was odd for Kansas City. From what she knew of her past visits to Kansas City she knew it wasn't a place that attracted many tourists. Those that did come through never came this far into the city. Even fewer came through with government plates. She felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up as she approached the vehicle, not seeing anyone in the driver’s seat. She took a few more steps and spotted the same stained red and brown trail outside the driver’s side.

She reached the driver’s side door and swallowed hard when she saw the bloodied handprint on the door. Recalling the plea for help on the phone she pushed past the what-ifs and tried to open the door. To her relief, the hinges creaked open, and she let out a breath, jerking the door open even further, revealing a dark auburn-haired woman curled up on the bench seat of the truck. If it was Lois, she still wasn’t sure, but there was no mistaking the large bloodied stain that covered the young woman's abdomen.

Martha brought a hand to her mouth. “Oh, my God!”


Present Day…

Clark fell to his knees, shouting in pain as he felt the piercing pain from the radiation that filled the room from the Kryptonite. It had started as just when he fought back. Then it had changed to once a day and now it had become every waking moment. He’d begun to time the attacks. Five minutes. Just like clockwork it came.

It would never stop.

Luthor would never stop.

No matter how many times he tried he could never escape.

Dr. Kelly seemed to know what he was doing and where he was going at every turn. Seventy three. He’d counted each attempt at escape over the past few months. He’d tried everything but nothing could get past her. No matter what he tried it wasn’t enough and yet it seemed for some sick reason Luthor wouldn’t let him die. He could have killed him in the cage but he didn’t. He could have killed him countless times but he didn’t. For some reason Luthor wanted him to continue to live…and suffer.

Tick Tock

Tick Tock.

The wave of nausea subsided once more as the greenish hue that ran through the room faded away. Another hour and it would be the same thing. It was always the same thing.

The nauseating pain.

The cold sweats.

It was all the same.

It was always the same.

He fell back in relief as the pain subsided.

Why did he insist on prolonging the inevitable?

Why did he insist on bringing him so close to the end and yank him back again? Over and over he came close to the edge and then found himself jerked back again. The pain was excruciating as Dr. Kelly insisted on convincing him everything that had happened this past year had been a delusion.

Superman was not real.

Lois was not real.

He had never worked at the Daily Planet.

He had never flown with the wind in his face and the clouds behind him.

He had never felt what it was like to save a life.

He had never felt what it was like to love…really love.

He knew better.

No matter what they did to him they would never strip him of his memories…his life. He knew without a doubt that everything he’d experienced both as Clark and as Superman was as real as the here and now was.

He felt a pang in his chest as he thought of how many times he could have avoided all of this if he’d just been honest. If he’d just told her the truth would she have believed him? Would it have saved her?

Did it even matter?

He’d long given up hope of his powers returning.

Lois was gone.

Superman was as good as dead.

Luthor had taken everything and everyone that had ever mattered to him.

The hum of the door panel rung in his ears and he looked up, praying for the strength to survive the oncoming attack he knew was about to come. He did a double take, unsure if his eyes were playing tricks on him. He fell back against the wall staring at the familiar face in shock. “What is this?”

Her hand went to her short brownish red locks, tucking the curled strand behind her ear as she crossed her arms over her chest and looked behind her. The door was still open. Why was the door open?

“We don’t have a lot of time, Clark” She took a step toward him and he backed away from her, uncertain how this could be possible. Lois Lane was….dead. How was she standing here in front of him? Luthor had killed her. He’d seen the blood.

“Clark?” She said his name again and stared back at him with a concerned expression on her face. His mind raced as he struggled to make sense out of what was happening. Was he hallucinating? His face scrunched up, staring at the familiar face. Could it really be her?

‘Clark.’ She used his name. Not Superman. A dark cloud washed over him as he stared back at her. If this was really Lois Lane then why was she calling him Clark? A voice echoed in his head and he let out a muffled groan, trying to focus.

“Are you having another episode?”

The voice came and went but he wasn’t sure if it was coming from somewhere in the room or if it was the echo from the recent attack. It was getting harder and harder to tell the difference. His last bout of shock therapy had left him on the ground for hours and his mind a puddle of confusion as he sought to find

His head jerked back, staring at the brunette with an icy tone, “I’m not crazy.”

“Clark,” She repeated his name in a soothing tone.

His vision began to clear and the face came into focus. Her lips pursed as she stared back at him. The way she held herself, looking behind her and nervously pacing was all Lois Lane. It suddenly clicked as he looked back at her, feeling a rush of emotions he’d kept buried since discovering what Luthor had done to her.

He had a thousand questions but found himself unable to ask any of them. A familiar smirk crossed his face, “You cut your hair.”

“Yeah, well, a lot of things have changed.” She said with a shrug.

“Yeah, I’ll bet.” He replied bitterly, recalling his last conversation with her. Why was she here? Was this another game? A test from Dr. Kelly? Did Luthor send her?

“So?” She looked at him expectantly.

“So what?” He asked, looking at her in disbelief.

“When were you going to tell me?”

“Tell you wh...at?” Clark asked, feeling a painful wave of nausea hit him once more. Talk about bad timing. Why did that deadly meteorite have to choose now of all times to attack him? Had it already been five minutes? Was Luthor watching?

Panic raced through his mind as he looked up at the blinking light above the door panel. A group of orderlies was approaching from behind as Lois paced around the room while he withered on the floor in pain. He opened his mouth to warn her but found himself unable to speak.

“How did you end up here?” She snapped angrily, continuing to pace as he stared at the orderlies approaching. She stopped, turning her attention to him as she knelt over him, placing a hand on his chest. It was a gesture she’d done a thousand times to him as Superman. Did she know?


“What’s going on here? This patient hasn’t been authorized to have visitors.” The orderly looked back at him, shaking his head. “Still causing trouble, eh, Superman?”

“Hey, get your hands off of me!” She yelled as the orderly forced her out of the room.

He stood up to try and stop the orderly from manhandling her but found himself too weak to do anything. Every fiber of his being was shouting for him to do something. This was his only shot. His only chance. “Lois, wait!”

A hard blow came from behind him and darkness overtook him.


Three Months Ago…


Lois heard the voice from behind her. She could feel herself fading in and out of consciousness as she held her side. The pain from before growing unbearable. She could feel herself drifting in and out as she tried to focus. The voice was familiar. Her eyes snapped open, recalling her phone call earlier.

Clark’s mom.


“Oh, thank God!” she heard the voice say. “An ambulance is on the way. We’re going to get the person responsible for this and…”

“No!” Lois gasped sharply. “No hospital.” That was the last thing she said before losing consciousness.


Bill Henderson clanked his mug with his fellow colleagues and looked around the squad room uneasily. This was a small hurdle. The weapon had been found. The arrest had been made. He did his best to squash the guilt he felt. It wasn’t murder. It was attempted murder, but he couldn’t tell Zymack that or anyone else in this squad room. He felt the gaping hole of isolation envelop him as he looked around the crowded room.

Davenport said he and Wallace would be bringing a case against Luthor with Lois’ testimony implicating him as the boss of Metropolis and charging him with RICO. He had to just bide his time.

A slap across the shoulder came from Zymack, “Why you so glum, Bill? You just nabbed the biggest case of the year. The golden boy has been brought to his knees by law and order. Scum bags that beat women don’t deserve the air they breathe.”

“Yeah,” Bill nodded in a noncommittal agreement. “He’s dirt and he’s going to pay for all the lives he’s ruined.”

“Yeah, he is,” Zymack cheered.

The phone on Bill’s desk rang and he lunged toward it, grabbing the handset eagerly, “Henderson.”

“Bill, this is Michael,” came the voice of the District Attorney. “We have a problem.”


Martha swallowed hard as she watched the store clerk talking with the ambulance she’d called. Everything in her was shouting at her to go over there and have the EMTs look at Lois. She didn’t. She’d heard the fear in the young woman’s voice at the mention of help. Something had happened to make her feel like she couldn’t ask for help from them. Lois had called her. She had reached out to her. It was up to her to make sure that trust wasn’t misplaced.

She watched the ambulance pull away, praying she’d made the right decision as she examined the wound on Lois’ abdomen. To her surprise she saw clean stitches along Lois’ side. Whomever had treated Lois last had at least had medical training. She frowned when she saw the loose stitch at the top. She needed to close the wound but without any equipment she wasn’t sure how to do that.

“No…” she heard Lois mumble incoherently still out of consciousness.

Martha reached in her purse, digging for the first aid kit she kept on her. Hoping she had enough gauze to bide some time until she could help mend the wound properly. She pulled out a large square of gauze and some medical tape, laying it flat on the surface of the wound. Lois let out a involuntary scream in agony.

Martha squinted her eyes closed, taping the bandage to her abdomen and placing a tentative hand over it, smoothing the edges out. She whispered, hoping Lois could hear her, “I’m going to get something to close up that wound. I’ll be right back.”

“Clark…” Lois let out a moan of her son’s name with a cryptic, “He…lp.”

Martha stared at the young woman uncertain of what to think after hearing the plea. She did her best not to think too hard about it as she wiped her hands with a napkin from her purse to remove the blood and headed to the pharmacy next door.


The white painted brick walls wore a bleak stain as one by one inmates came in and out of the large holding cell. Still, Lex wasn't bothered by the catcalls or derogatory comments thrown his way. He knew it was only a matter of time before he would be rid of this place.

It had been twelve hours since his arrest. He'd made sure Bender sent the message along to take care of the situation by any means necessary. This was as close as he'd ever come to being caught. This was as close as he'd ever come close to losing everything. He wouldn't make that mistake again. He had gotten too close. He had allowed himself to lose perspective and for that he had paid dearly.

A slow smile spread across his face as realization washed over him. He was the only one that knew of Clark Kent's existence. It was a thrilling feeling to know he wielded such power. That was a power he would hold onto by any means necessary. He had Superman exactly where he wanted him and now he was free to do as he pleased without the threat of the super-powered god meddling in his business.

It was time he shook things up around Metropolis anyway. Ensure the city knew who was in charge.

The jangling of the keys from the officer outside reached his ears. He heard a hard click and smiled smugly when he saw the distraught Bill Henderson standing in the doorway.

"What did you do?"


Lois felt a warmth across her cheek and began to stir. Her throat was dry, and her lips were chapped. She reached down to her side and touched a tight bandage. She looked down, lifting the unrecognizable shirt and saw her midsection had been wrapped tightly with a white bandage. The bleeding from earlier appeared to be gone entirely. She fingered the bandage, looking around the room that seemed so familiar to her but she couldn't place it.

"You'll have to leave that dry for a few weeks so it can heal but after that, you should be good to go," a familiar voice said from the corner of the room.

Lois looked over at her in surprise and croaked out the name, "Mrs. Kent,"

"Martha," she corrected her, standing up and approaching her with a cup of water. "Here, you sound parched."

Lois looked around the room, immediately recognizing it as the same room she'd stayed in when she and Clark had come to Smallville for the investigation into Jason Trask. A lump formed in the back of her throat as she recalled how close she had come to losing him back then. Guilt washed over her, and she found herself unable to meet Martha's gaze.

"Thanks," Lois took the glass and began to slowly sip on it. She felt the cold liquid against her throat and gulped it down.

"Easy," Martha cautioned her, placing a hand on her shoulder. It was strange sitting here in Clark's room with his mom and him not being there. Come to think of it everything that had happened over the past twenty-four hours had been bizarre...a nightmare she couldn't escape from.

"You gave me quite a scare there," Martha said finally breaking the silence between them.

"What happened?" Lois asked, looking around the room uneasily.

"I was hoping you could tell me," Martha took a seat on the edge of the bed next to her. "You were bleeding to death when I found you...Then you wouldn't let me take you to a hospital."

"It's too dangerous," Lois said hurriedly, setting the glass down on the nightstand.

"You can talk to me," Martha gave her a smile. "I'm a pretty good listener."

Lois felt a sting in her eyes as she looked back at the woman. She desperately wanted to tell her everything but the fear of what could happen if someone discovered she had helped her outweighed that need. "I can't. I'm sorry."

"Lois, you're in trouble. I can see that." Martha pointed to her wounded midsection. "Please, just tell me what’s going on so I can help you."

Briefly Lois pondered the notion of telling Martha everything. The fight with Clark. The arson of his apartment. Lex’s nefarious deeds and her being forced to fake her own death. She’d never felt so alone in all her life. She wanted to tell her, but putting a target on Clark’s mother’s back wasn’t what she wanted. She knew Clark wouldn’t want her involved. She needed to just reassure her Clark didn’t die in that fire. That was what she’d called her for. That was all she needed to say.

She looked down at her lap, staring at the faded blue sheets across her lap and wondering what her next move would be. How had she gotten here? Did anyone see her? Where was the truck? So many thoughts raced through her mind mixed with the jagged memories from the day before.

Lex tried to kill her.

Lex alluded to the fact that he had done the same to Clark and Superman.

The painful truth behind that statement continued to weigh on her heart heavily. What would Metropolis be without Superman? Her throat tightened as her mind lingered on Clark. What would life be like without him? She felt like a shell of the woman she’d been just a few days ago…or even a year ago. The old Lois Lane never would have allowed herself to be caught off guard the way she had. The old Lois Lane never would have missed the clues or ignored Clark’s warnings the way she had.

What was it that made her so sure that Lex was worthy of her trust? What was it that made her think for a moment that Clark would lie to her or go out of his way to deceive her? She couldn’t answer either of those questions. She turned to look back at Martha who was watching her intently.

"It's too dangerous," Lois shook her head adamantly. “I can’t drag you into this.”

"Then why did you call?" Martha asked her.

Lois felt the sting from her tears in her eyes as she stared back at the woman that desperately wanted to help her. "I wanted you to know the truth, but not like this…” she looked around the room. “I shouldn’t be here. I’ve already put you in danger just by being here.”

“Lois, the only one in danger right now is you.” Martha argued, pointing at her midsection. “You are not going anywhere in your condition. Clark would never forgive me if I let anything happen to you…”


She felt a lump form in her throat as the reality of how deep in denial she had been weighed on her. How many people saw what she hadn’t for the past year? How many people saw the way Clark acted toward her, treated her and figured out what she couldn’t…or didn’t want to.

<<“I have been in love with you for a long time. You had to have known.”>>

Lois let out a bitter laugh, “Clark would never forgive you?” she echoed, looking at the older woman through her tears.

Martha sighed, placing a hand on her shoulder, “I know my son better than anyone. He can be stubborn at times and narrow minded with things, but when he cares about someone it’s never halfway. He’s never been good at hiding his feelings.”

Lois let out a muffled sob, hearing the words from Martha as she painted the picture as if there was some magical wand that could be waved to undo what had already transpired. After everything Lex had done there was no going back. A sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach told her the threats against Clark were probably just as real as his threats against her.

“Please, just let me help you,” Martha gave her a genuine smile and Lois felt a pang of guilt as she stared back in the older woman’s eyes. She could see where Clark’s genuinity and helpful nature came from.

“I…can’t.” Lois whispered hoarsely. “I don’t deserve your help. I’ve already done enough damage…”

Martha stared at her for a moment before squeezing her hand, a knowing look on her face. “Okay, if you don’t want to tell me that’s fine. I can already take a pretty good guess at what’s going on based on what I already know.”

“What do you already know?” Lois shifted uncomfortably.

“I know you were involved with a dangerous criminal.” Martha laid out the statement looking at her for confirmation. Lois didn’t have it in her to confirm the statement and allowed Martha to continue. “Lex Luthor was responsible for at least half a dozen criminal activities that Clark uncovered in the past year. None of which he could find any evidence to prove but all of which made him more determined to bring him down.”

“You’re not stating anything that we both don’t already know,” Lois acknowledged carefully.

“I know Clark was out of sorts when he heard you might actually marry Lex and I’m guessing by the fact that you’re no longer wearing an engagement ring that you realized that was a mistake.” Martha looked down at her hands.

Lois stared blankly at the woman, unsure how to even explain what had transpired when she had attempted to call off the wedding. “You could say that,”

“Taking into consideration the lengths Lex Luthor went to do things in order to further his own personal gain it doesn’t take an expert to see that you’re scared. It also doesn’t take an expert to realize that your heartrate picks up every time Lex Luthor’s name is mentioned. So I’d venture to guess he’s the one you’re running from and he’s the one that did this to you. What I don’t understand is why you haven’t gone to the police and why you wouldn’t go to a hospital when you desperately needed the help.”

Realizing there was no way getting around it Lois bit her lower lip and explained, “Because he thinks I’m dead…everyone does.”


He was a rat. A no-good lousy, backstabbing, didn’t deserve to wear the uniform rat. Detective Zymack did his best to remain calm as he stared back at the officer holding the keys to the kingdom so to speak and taunting him with the fact that every piece of evidence they’d resurrected from the Luthor Mansion had gone missing. Not just a single bag but the entire box was missing.

Zymack shook his head, looking at the officer in front of him in disgust, “Look again!”

The young officer jutted his chin out in defiance, shoving the register back at him. “It’s not here.”

“How is it that an entire evidence locker goes missing in a matter of minutes of being logged in?” Zymack sneered at him.

“You got something to say just say it,” the officer growled, a look of defiance in his face as he dared Zymack to say the words.

He was all too happy to oblige as he leveled the accusation against him with satisfaction. “Who’s paying you, huh? Luthor? His patsies? You know it’s only a matter of time before we bring him down and everyone working for him.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” he sneered back at him with an arrogant snort.

“What the hell did you do?” Zymack shouted, reaching over to grab him by the collar.

“Careful, detective, one might think you’re assaulting a fellow officer,”

“Let it go, Dave,”

Zymack released him, turning to see Henderson standing behind him with a solemn expression on his face. “You know this isn’t right, Bill,”

Bill Henderson’s jaw tightened and he responded coolly, “We can’t charge him with murder but there’s a lot more we can do.”


The summer breeze blew through Lois Lane’s hair as she rocked back and forth on the back porch of the Kent’s farmhouse. Her mind continued to mull over her conversation with Martha earlier and the countless conversations she’d had with Clark over the past year.

<<“I have been in love with you for a long time. You had to have known.”>>

<<“You think the boss is behind this, don’t you?”

“What do you think? Clark’s missing. The evidence we gathered against the boss is gone.”>>

<<“Clark was looking into a possible lead on who he thought the boss was,”>>

<<“Goodbye, Lois.”>>

How had she missed something so big? How had she allowed herself to become caught up with the likes of Lex Luthor without knowing who he really was? She mentally berated herself over her ill informed decisions.

<<“Sometimes, out of jealousy or frustration, I've over-reacted. I've been ruthless toward my enemies.”>>

<<“I have been in love with you for a long time. You had to have known.”>>

<<“That idiot Kent never could figure that out. I was always twelve steps ahead of him. I’m unstoppable.”>>

<<“How does it feel to know how close you were to bringing down the boss of Metropolis…and fail?”>>

<<“Goodbye, Lois.”>>

A single tear ran down her cheek as she realized how many times she’d ignored the evidence in front of her. All the times Clark had pushed her to press further than what line he had given them on any story he was involved in. Messenger. Amy Valdez. The Heat Wave. There were so many instances where she was sure if she looked hard enough she might have seen Lex for what he really was. Maybe if she had Clark would still be around.

She swallowed hard, realizing the hard truth she’d been in denial over the last twenty-four hours. He was gone. He was really gone. There was no rewind button or take backs. That thought sent a pain through her chest and the tears flowed freely as the reality of her world shattering around her began to hit her.

<<“Well, it’s no matter. His interference has been taken care of permanently. Mrs. Cox saw to that.”>>

<<“I have been in love with you for a long time. You had to have known.”>>

<<“You think I wouldn’t have a contingency plan, hmm? Your precious Superman? Gone. Your partner? Gone. Your career? You won’t be able to show your face anywhere without me knowing. I’ll make sure you never so much as edit a note on a post-it. You never should have crossed me.”>>

<<“Goodbye, Lois.”>>

Clark Kent was gone.

Never again would she see him give her that goofy grin when he was humoring her or tease her about not checking the water level on an investigation. No more late night movies or bantering back and forth over a disagreement of opinion. He was one of the few reporters she’d gone toe to toe with and received more than a dismissive tone or brush off.

He challenged her in a way no one ever had and gave her the respect she had sought after throughout her career as a journalist. It hadn’t been easy climbing the ranks and earning her place as an award-winning investigative journalist. Even after her accolades she still struggled to earn the respect from her peers. But Clark had given it to her freely and treated her as his equal.

<<“I have been in love with you for a long time. You had to have known.”>>

She felt a bitter bile rise in her throat, recalling her last conversation with him and the confession he’d made in the park. At first she’d been too shocked to process what he was saying. The moment the words were out there all she could think of was Claude and every failed relationship she’d had. She’d swore off inter-office dating. She wouldn’t allow herself to get pulled into that trap again.

The heartbreak on his face had stung but it didn’t keep her from asking him to find Superman for her. It didn’t stop her from seriously considering Lex’s proposal. It didn’t stop her. Why, she still didn’t know. Why was it okay to dismiss Clark’s declaration of love like that? Why was it okay to push him away and yet allow herself to become enchanted by the likes of a sociopath like Lex Luthor?

She knew the answer.

It was the same thing that kept her closed off from everyone for so long.


She’d been afraid and now it was too late.

<<“I own you. I own this city. No one does anything in this city without me knowing about it.”>>

<<“I have been in love with you for a long time. You had to have known.”>>

<<“Do you really think Superman will take you back once he knows I’ve had you?”>>

<<“Goodbye, Lois.”>>

<<“I have been in love with you for a long time. You had to have known.”>>

She had been fooling herself thinking she could deny what was happening. She’d felt it over the past year, the immoveable force that gravitated her toward him time and time again. Every time they got close she pulled away. She wouldn’t allow herself to fall into that trap even though she knew she already had.

Perry, Jimmy, Jack, Martha…Everyone saw it, but she hadn’t. What she actually felt…really felt she still wasn’t sure. It wasn’t just friendship. It wasn’t just partnership. There was something there that made her want to reach out and cling to it…whatever it was and never let go.

<<“I have been in love with you for a long time. You had to have known.”>>

Rather than face her fears and deal with her demons she ran to something…someone far more dangerous than she could have imagined. She thought denying her feelings and burying them would protect her from getting hurt again. She couldn’t help but scoff at the reasoning her past self had made in thinking that a platonic relationship with Lex was safer than anything with Clark. How she’d ever associated the word ‘safe’ to Lex she would never know.

<<“I have been in love with you for a long time. You had to have known.”>>

She had spent a year in denial only to be faced with the reality of her decision in the most cruel twist of fate. Finally when she was ready to admit there was something. Finally when she was having doubts... Finally when she realized the gravity of her mistake, only to have everything snatched out from under her.


The pale blue skin and white hair of the older man’s corpse stared back ominously from the photo on the table. Mrs. Cox tapped her fingers against the red table top, a scowl crossed her face as she looked up at Nigel sitting across from her.

“What do we do?”

“That depends,” Nigel reached over to pour sugar on his spoon and stir it in his tea. She stared at him in silence, awaiting his response as she listened to him tap the spoon on the rim of his cup before setting it down on the napkin next to his cup. “Are we saying Lois Lane is still alive or are we saying she’s dead and we don’t know where the body is?”

Mrs. Cox frowned, staring back at him, “I don’t know,” She grew thoughtful for a moment before adding. “The police seem to think they have a strong case against Lex for her murder. One has to wonder why when the county morgue can’t seem to find a record of her corpse.”

“A problem indeed,” Nigel mused. “How can one have a murder without a body?”

“Precisely,” Mrs. Cox looked over the rim of her coffee mug and allowed a slow smile to smooth its way across her face.


Martha stared out the window from the kitchen, watching Lois Lane stare off into the horizon. The young woman’s emotionally vulnerable state made her ache for Lois. She wanted nothing more than to reassure her that Lex Luthor wouldn’t be able to find her here. Unfortunately, she couldn’t give her that reassurance. There was no way to guarantee what that man was or wasn’t capable of and giving her false hope wasn’t something she imagined would be helpful for either of them.

She’d seen the news coverage. She didn’t believe any of it. She knew there was something more to the story and she knew that Lois held the answers. She refused to believe that her son was dead. She knew her son and she knew he hadn’t died in that fire. What she didn’t know was where he was or what had happened. Lois was the key. She just had to bide her time until Lois was ready to talk.

Jonathan had helped her bring the truck to the farm and hidden it in the barn. The blood had been too much to clean up so a reupholster job would have to happen in order to repair it. She glanced down at the pitcher of lemonade in front of her.

“Clark still hasn’t called?”

Martha turned to see Jonathan standing behind her with a concerned expression on his face. “No, the, uh, phone keeps going to voicemail.”

“Have you asked her if she knows anything?” Jonathan asked, looking toward the window where Lois was leaned over in the rocking chair, wiping tears from her eyes.

Martha felt her heart ache for the young woman and turned to her husband, “She’s been through a lot. I didn’t want to push her.”

“Last time Clark called he said he thought someone had Kryptonite,” Jonathan reminded her. “If Lex Luthor is after Lois he could just as easily have gone after Clark and…”

“And what?” Martha challenged, raising her eyebrow at him. “He isn’t calling back because he can’t. I’m sure he’ll reach out when he can. If something were wrong we’d know it.”

“Martha, something is wrong,” Jonathan reminded her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

“Don’t you think I know that? I was the one that found her like that. I was the one that…” She stopped herself, unwilling to revisit the memory of having to stitch the young woman’s side back in the seat of the old pickup truck. She forced a smile and said, “Just give her some time,” Martha poured two glasses of lemonade and headed outside to check on Lois.



Lois turned to see Martha standing a few feet away with two glasses of lemonade in her hand. “I thought you could use this,”

“Thanks,” Lois took the glass from her with a grateful smile. She looked around the porch and commented, “It’s peaceful here.”

“It’s home,” Martha said, taking a seat next to her. There was a silent lull between them before Martha turned to her and said, “Jonathan has been trying to reach Clark since last night. The phone keeps going to voicemail.”

Lois glanced down at her feet, uncertain how to respond. How did she even begin to explain what had happened? There was so much she didn’t know for sure.

“You’re not going to get through,” Lois finally spoke up, looking over at the older woman with a pained expression. “Lex hired someone to burn his place down.”

“What?!” Martha’s eyes widened and Lois shook her head, doing her best to remain level-headed as she explained what she could of the misdeeds Lex had leveled against Clark. It was the least she could do. After everything they’d done she owed them the truth.

“Clark was looking into the boss of Metropolis…at least that’s what he told Perry,” Lois let the words roll off her tongue with ease, swallowing back tears as she did her best to convey what information she could without getting caught up in the pain that came with the words. “I went there to…talk to him after we had an argument and he wasn’t there. It was stupid.” She shook her head, looking over at Martha. “I was such an idiot.”

“You are not an idiot,” Martha corrected, shaking her head. “Don’t let yourself believe anything otherwise. You’re a very smart and intelligent woman. You’d have to be to crack some of the cases you and Clark have over the past year.”

“Thank you,” Lois gave her a pained smile and continued, “Perry made us all go cool off at the place across the street. We hadn’t even ordered yet and the whole street on Clinton was in flames. The apartment building, the dry cleaners and the entrance to the subway tunnel.” She grew thoughtful for a moment. “I thought it was odd Superman didn’t show up. He always showed up when there was a disaster. He was always there to help…”

“I’m sure he was needed somewhere else,” Martha’s gaze looked away and Lois continued.

“Clark wasn’t in the building when it exploded. But later a report came out that he had been and that he…” Lois swallowed hard, unsure how to continue.

“He what?” Martha pressed.

Lois shook her head bitterly, “He taunted me about it. Acted like it was some sick game…everything and everyone being taken away. First the Planet then my career and …friends.” She felt her eyes sting as the tears flowed freely. “I never wanted this. I never wanted anything like this. He said he had taken care of Clark…I don’t know what he got himself into but I don’t know what to do…I want to find him but I don’t even know where to look.”

Martha seemed unaffected by the news that her son had been reported missing. She placed a hand on her shoulder, “Clark is a strong young man. I’m sure he’s just being careful before reaching out.”

“You don’t know Lex,” Lois shook her head in disgust. “He made me scream for help while he was attacking me…then laughed when Superman didn’t show up. I think he’s done something to them both, Martha. Superman wouldn’t just not show up. Clark wouldn’t just disappear.”

“Unless there was Kryptonite,” Martha said with a numb expression on her face.

“What?” Lois looked at her in confusion. “What did you just say?”

“Nothing,” Martha forced a smile. “Don’t worry about it.”

“You said Kryptonite.” Lois challenged, staring back at her with a distraught expression. “The imaginary rock that Jason Trask thought could kill Superman?” Martha was silent and Lois pressed her, “What aren’t you telling me?”

“It’s nothing,” Martha shrugged her off, standing to her feet. “I should get these washed.”

“It’s not nothing. If you know something that could help me find Clark you need to tell me!” Lois shouted angrily, standing to her feet. “Don’t you understand how serious this is? He could be lying in a ditch dying somewhere.”

“He’s not!” Martha shook her head adamantly.

“How do you know?” Lois challenged, seeing something in the older woman’s eyes. She was hiding something and she was going to find out what it was. Right now she had nothing to go on but her last conversation with Clark and that wasn’t much. If Martha knew something that could help her track him down…

“How do you know? Lex could be torturing him or he could already be dead!” Lois shot back angrily. She pointed to her midsection. “Did you forget what Lex did to me? What do you think he’d do to Clark?”

“It’s not possible.” Martha turned away the moment the words were out of her mouth.

“What are you talking about?” Lois pressed.


A voice came from the corner of the porch and she turned to see Jonathan Kent, “Martha, just tell her.”


“Clark trusts her. We need to too.” He said simply, still not giving her what she needed to understand what they were talking about.

“Tell me what?” Lois asked, looking between the two of them for answers she so desperately needed.

“You might want to sit down for this one, Lois,” Jonathan said with a sigh.

“I’ll stand,” Lois replied adamantly, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Suit yourself,” he shook his head.

“What’s going on?” Lois repeated.

“Lois, it’s impossible for Clark to be dead,” Martha explained with a pained expression. “because it’s impossible for him to be hurt.”

“Unless there’s Kryptonite around,” Jonathan interjected.

“What are you talking about?” Lois shook her head, not following what they were trying to say.

“Honey, Clark is Superman,” Martha explained, allowing the news to sink in.



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