Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: folc4evernaday Rules of Engagement 3/7 - 06/17/18 10:44 PM
Rules of Engagement
Chapter 3


Lois looked down the hall she and Jimmy were on, reading the apartment numbers silently until she found the one that matched Sarah Goodwin’s address. “This is it.” She pointed to the door. Just as she was about to knock on the door, a muffled scream came from inside.

Jimmy backed away from the door and kicked it in. “Hey! Get away from her!” He shouted when the door opened and they saw a blonde haired man standing over a young woman on the couch. The woman was screaming while the man held her arm with one hand and a needle in the other.

The man seemed to be spooked by Jimmy and Lois’ presence and raced to the window and jumped in an attempt to escape. Jimmy chased after him down the fire escape, and Lois turned to the woman on the couch, “Are you okay?”

“I…I don’t know. I woke up, and he was standing over me…” She stammered, helplessly.

A familiar sonic boom could be heard from outside, and Lois moved back to the window where Jimmy and Superman had apprehended the mysterious man. “It’s going to be okay,” Lois reassured her. She caught sight of the red rash on her arm.

The woman caught her glance and ran a hand over the rash self-consciously, “Oh, I’ve had it since I was a kid. Happens every year around this time of year.”

Lois did her best not to react so as not to alarm her. She extended her hand, “I’m Lois Lane.” She pointed to Jimmy who was climbing back up the fire escape. Superman appeared to have taken the attempted kidnapper and left. “We wanted to talk to you about Dr. Goldman?”

Jimmy made his way back up to her window and stood outside on the fire escape, “Superman took him to the police station to see if he can get some answers from him.” He looked at the woman and smiled, “Jimmy Olsen.”

“Sarah Goodwin,” She held her hand out to shake his.

He caught sight of the red rash on her arm. Sarah smiled and pointed to Lois, “I was just telling your friend I’ve had it since I was a …”

“Kid?” Jimmy guessed, pulling his sleeve up on his plaid shirt to reveal his own red rash. At her surprised expression, he added, “Had it all my life. Ever since I was born at Fort Marshall.”

“I was born at Fort Marshall too,” Sarah exclaimed.

“I think we need to get to STAR Labs.” Lois interrupted.


Clark quickly spun back into his suit and tie, readjusting his glasses as he turned the corner to come to the front of STAR Labs’ prestigious building. He hadn’t had a chance to meet with Dr. Klein yet since he’d picked up on Jimmy’s calls for help before the front desk could finish paging him.

After helping grab the attempted kidnapper and dropping him off at the police station he’d returned to STAR Labs. Hopefully, Dr. Klein would have some answers.

The front desk security guard nodded to him, “He’s expecting you, Mr. Kent.” He pressed a button under the desk, and the double doors opened.


The apartment was covered in boxes and yet to be sorted clothing in the corner from the weekend’s move. Lucy Lane had finally gotten her things from her old apartment and moved them in at the same time Lois was moving her things to Clark’s apartment. Truth be told she’d been grateful her sister had come to the decision on her own. Finding an apartment with an affordable rent in the area her sister lived was hard to come by. Thankfully the landlord had agreed to the transfer of the lease at the same rate.

With her new job at the photography studio she’d taken and change in course load with her new major she finally felt like she was figuring it all out. It felt good. She only had a four day work week which gave her the time to get things settled in her apartment as well as allow time for studying.

The hard knock at the front door pulled Lucy back to the present and she set her things down to answer the door. A petite woman with red curly hair, expensive perfume, and a Prada bag stood at her door. “Can I help you?”

“Maid of honor, right?” She held her hand out. “Beverly Lipman. Bridal Consultant. You and I’ll be spending a lot of time together over the next few weeks.”

“Um, I’m sorry, few weeks? Lois hasn’t even picked a date yet.” Lucy stammered, watching as the woman moved past her and made herself comfortable on her couch, laying out catalogs for her to look at.

“The twenty-third. I need to order dresses today.” She pointed at the catalogs. “Sit. Read. Choose one.”

“But…” Lucy stopped when she heard another knock at the door.

She opened the door and saw a thin man in a leather jacket with a long narrow box in his hands. “Lois Lane?” He asked, handing her a clipboard to sign.

“Uh, she doesn’t live here anymore.” Lucy apologized.

“Oh?” The man frowned, looking at his clipboard and then at the apartment number on the door.

Taking pity on him, she sighed, “She’s my sister. I’ll give it to her.”

He sighed in relief, “Here.” He handed her the package and clipboard to sign.

“Here you go.” Lucy handed the clipboard back to him. He nodded to her and turned to leave. Lucy closed the door behind him and turned her attention to the package. A card on the outside read ‘To the Bride.’ Curious who the package might be from she opened the card and felt a cold chill go down her spine when she saw the cutout letters with the threatening message. ‘Marry him and die.’

“Miss?” A hand waved in front of her, and she saw Beverly looking at her in concern. “Are you all right?”


Lois stood next to Clark as Dr. Klein went over the test results from his blood draw on Sarah and Jimmy. She wasn’t sure what it was, but something told her that the rash on both Jimmy and Sarah was no coincidence.

“Ticeon?” Jimmy and Sarah echoed in unison, looking back at Dr. Klein in surprise.

Dr. Klein nodded, “Yes, according to your blood tests there are trace amounts in both your bloodstream. I’d like to do a battery of tests to see if we can determine what it’s being used for. Ticeon is a highly regulated drug. I’d like to know how it got into both of your systems without your knowing it.”

“What is Ticeon typically used for?” Clark asked, looking at Jimmy in concern.

Dr. Klein swiveled in his chair to face them, “Most cases of Ticeon are used by pharmaceuticals for creating mind-altering drugs used to treat psychiatric patients. Now, the dosage in both of their systems is low but given the potency of pure Ticeon that doesn’t necessarily mean anything.”

“What about the rash on their arm?” Lois asked. “Is that a side effect from the Ticon?”

“No, that is something else entirely. I’d venture to guess it’s some sort of virus.” Dr. Klein explained pointing to the rash on Jimmy’s arm.

“A virus?” Clark echoed.

“But I’m not sick,” Jimmy argued.

The intercom in Dr. Klein’s office beeped, “Dr. Klein, I have a federal agent here to see you.”

Dr. Klein sighed, looking irritably at his computer. He reached over to press the button, “Let him in, Harold.” A loud humming noise could be heard from the intercom, and the door to Dr. Klein’s lab opened.

Lois heard Clark groan when they saw who was standing at the door. He strutted into the lab with a smug expression on his face, “Now, why am I not surprised to see you two here?”

“What are you doing here?” Clark groaned.

“Aw, come on, you know you’re happy to see me.” He shot back with a smug grin.

“No, not really.” Lois shot back, crossing her arms over her chest defiantly.

Dr. Klein looked at the man, “Excuse me? Can I help you?”

“Agent Scardino.” He pulled out his badge for Dr. Klein’s inspection, “I’m investigating a report of Ticeon theft and thought you could help analyze something for me.” He held up a small vial of crystallized liquid.

Dr. Klein took the sample from him, “What is it?”

“I was hoping you could tell me,” Scardino said, pulling up a seat. “I can tell you what I suspect it is but where’s all the fun in that?”

Dr. Klein looked from Lois and Clark to Dan Scardino then to the sample in his hands before replying. “I’ll see what I can do.”

“Great,” He folded his hands behind his head and stared back at Dr. Klein, “I’ve got time. I’ll be right here.”

Dr. Klein turned to Jimmy and Sarah, “I’ll call you with the results. In the meantime stay around people you can trust. There’s no telling what those test results could show.”

“Test results?” Scardino asked, looking at them curiously.

“Don’t worry about it.” Clark cut him off, steering Jimmy and Sarah toward the door, “We’ll call you later, Dr. Klein.”

After they’d left Dr. Klein’s lab, Jimmy shook his head, “Man, is he always like that?”

“Unfortunately,” Lois groaned, looking around the hallway, “We should head back to the Planet.”

“Dr. Klein was right. You guys shouldn’t be alone. Is there anyone you can stay with?” Clark asked as they made their way through the lobby doors.

“Most of my family is across the country,” Sarah explained. “I’m here on a scholarship attending Met U. I’m a psych major.”

“I can talk with my sister. She’s actually attending Met U as well.” Lois supplied. “There’s a spare bedroom there. You can probably stay with her.”

Jimmy shrugged, “I can call up my mom or sister. Or I can check with the Chief. I’m sure someone’s got a spare room I could crash at until we figure this all out.”

“Sorry, Jimmy,” Clark apologized. “We just don’t have the room right now.”

“I totally get it.” Jimmy smiled back at him.

Lois’ phone rang, and she reached in her pocket to pull it out, pressing the call button to answer it, “Hello? Lucy, slow down.” She pleaded.

“I can’t calm down, Lois. I just got a really creepy message and package delivered here for you.” Lucy’s voice rang in her ear.

“What?” Lois gasped in surprise.

Clark looked at her with concern, and Lois mouthed, ‘Another package.’

“We’ll be right over,” Lois said, hanging the phone up.


“Mr. Mallow will demonstrate how Project Valhalla works,” Dr. Katherine Wilder said, motioning for her mother and Mr. Muunour to follow her into her office. “As infants, the subjects were injected with a serum undetectable to many of the general pediatrics today. It isn’t until they are activated with this – ” She held up a long needle filled with a crystallized liquid that only one could imagine it’s contents. “–that the subjects are activated and become trained assassins.”

“You’ve still yet to prove anything,” Mr. Muunour sniffed. “Mr. Mallow is still unconscious.”

“Would you like a test-run?” Dr. Wilder inquired with an arched eyebrow.

“What did you have in mind?” he asked.


Lucy placed the last of her textbooks on the dining room table and looked back in the kitchen where Clark was helping clean up the last of the dishes from dinner. “You guys didn’t have to buy dinner and help clean up.”

“It’s no problem,” Clark said, looking back over his shoulder as he set the dish towel on the counter.

“Thanks for helping Sarah out, Luce,” Lois said, glancing toward the guest bedroom door where Sarah was settling in.

“Anytime,” Lucy responded.

She hadn’t been sure at first when Lois had asked, but after meeting the woman and hearing what she’d been through, she knew she couldn’t turn her down. Lucy followed her sister’s gaze then recalled their phone call from earlier. She didn’t want to bring it up in front of Sarah. Her sister’s face, when she and Clark had arrived with the young woman, had been troubling. Though, the entire time neither she nor Clark brought the note up.

The water started running, and Lucy turned to Lois, pulling out the white notecard from the gift that had arrived earlier. “So, about that gift that arrived…” Lucy waved the card in her hand.

Clark walked up behind Lois, placing a hand on her shoulder as Lois took the card from Lucy, “You said this came with a package?” She asked carefully, pulling the white notecard from the envelope.

“I threw it away,” Lucy said, shaking her head. “It was a bunch of dead roses.”

“Oh, my God,” Lois’ eyes widened when she saw the message on the card. Clark took it from her and wrapped an arm around her protectively.



The pitter-patter of the raindrops hitting the glass of the bedroom window continued to echo in the background as Lois pulled back the comforter and climbed into the bed. She let out a soft sigh when she felt the crisp cotton sheets against her skin. The sound of Clark moving around the apartment at super-speed finally came to a stop, and he reappeared in front of her in a t-shirt and sleeping shorts with a concerned expression on his face.

“I couldn’t find the card from a few weeks ago, but Henderson has the police report, so I’m sure they’ll be able to compare the three cards and see if there’s a match.” He said, climbing into bed next to her.

“That’s the second one in twelve hours,” Lois said, rolling on her side to face him.

“I know,” Clark said grimly, running a hand across her shoulder. “Henderson has the cards. With any luck, he can find a match and help track down who’s behind all this.”

“Maybe we should just elope.” Lois joked, half-heartedly, running a hand across his chest as she rested her head against his shoulder. “That would take the stress out of everything.”

“Maybe but then we’d have some explaining to do to that wedding planner your mother hired...and all the family and friends that have probably already been contacted.” He brushed his lips against her temple, and she let out a soft giggle. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her to him.

“From the sound of things I don’t think that Beverly woman would take that very well.” She grew thoughtful for a moment and added, “But it might be nice doing something like that. Getting away from Metropolis. That would guarantee a small guest list. Only family and friends.”

His hand ran across her cheek, and he looked back at her, “If that’s what you want.”

“Maybe.” She admitted sheepishly, lifting her head up to look into his eyes. She saw the concern in his eyes and added with a sigh, “Though, I’m not sure trying to pull something like that together would be easy to do in a short period of time.”

Clark’s face grew thoughtful, moving his hand to cup her cheek as he pondered aloud. “Well, as long as we didn’t have to book a big place we could get married anywhere.”A broad smile crossed his face, and his tone became wistful, “There are some pretty spectacular views all over the world that don’t require us having to book them in advance. Plus, we’ve got this friend that ….” She laughed when she felt herself float a few inches above the bed. “...owes us a favor or two. I don’t think getting there would be an issue.”

“Where would we go, though?” She asked with a thoughtful expression.

“Where do you want to go?” He asked, outlining her jaw with his palm as they floated back down to the bed.

“I don’t know.” She sighed happily against him, “Let me think on it.”

“Thinking I can do.” He whispered against her ear. She felt a shiver run down her spine and let out a soft moan as his solid form pressed against her.


“Towels are in the linen closet.” Lucy pointed to the door to the right. “Fresh sheets are on the bed.”

Sarah gave her a genuine smile, “Thank you. It’s really nice of you to do this. I know we don’t know the first thing about each other.”

Lucy’s face fell, seeing the forlorn expression on the girl’s face. It was true. She didn’t know her from Adam, but Lois seemed to trust her, and that was enough for her. “Lois trusts you. That’s all I need. You’re in trouble. You need help. Believe me, my sister has bailed me out more times than I can count. I consider it just paying it forward.”

Sarah looked at her curiously, “You seem to be very trusting.”

“Well, I am to a point.” She said, eying the white box she’d thrown in the trash earlier. After she’d found the note, she’d opened the box and found dead roses inside. Instead of upsetting her sister further she opted to just throw the gift away and save the note. Lois didn’t say anything about the note. She just stared at it for a minute before Clark had taken it from her. It was obvious the note had been upsetting to her. The couple had left shortly after, leaving Lucy with Sarah.

“To a point?” Sarah asked.

Lucy looked at her curiously, and Sarah elaborated, “I’m a psych major. Lack of trust is usually a sign of childhood trauma you know.”

“Really?” Lucy forced a smile, trying to hide the sense of dread creeping into the forefront of her mind. ‘What have I gotten myself into?’



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