Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: folc4evernaday Rules of Guilt 9/10 - 04/09/18 11:52 PM
Rules of Guilt
Chapter 9


Darryl raced down the steps, trying to keep up with Bill Church Jr through the narrow hallways. “We’ve sent the Kryptonite to the lab and had it split into three specimens. Wiley and the convicts have been armed with three Kryptonite bullets should they have any super problems along the way. What is your first move, Mr. Church?”

“Right now, we wait,” Church said warily. “I just got word on a leak within Intergang. It seems we have someone that’s agreed to turn evidence against us.”

“But no one’s ever testified against Intergang,” Darryl argued.

“Exactly.” Church nodded, “Let’s make sure it stays that way.” He pointed to the map on the wall. “What’s the status on our warheads?”

“Our last communication had the truck en route to Lucky Leon’s old warehouse where we’ll be sending a courier to deliver the warheads to our underground factory for safe keeping.”

“And how are we coming along on our situation with Mr. St. John?” Church asked cautiously.

“He doesn’t have a clue he’s been played,” Darryl said with a satisfied smile. “All the evidence will lead the feds to his doorstep.”


“No.” Mayson shook her head adamantly, pacing in the large spacious office of Michael Clemmons, the acting District Attorney. “We can’t do this.”

“I’m not sure that we have a choice, Mayson,” Clemmons argued. “We have five convicts. Five missing soldiers and a witness that can tell us where everyone is.”

“A witness that was trying to infect this entire city with a deadly virus!” Mayson shot back, wincing when she felt a sharp pain shoot through her shoulder with the sudden movement of her arm.

“But he didn’t.” Clemmons reminded her.

“The intention was there.” She reminded him. “He helped the convicts escape!”

“We’re negotiating a deal on that,” Clemmons admitted begrudgingly.

“A deal?” Mayson countered in disbelief. “Michael, you can’t be serious!”

“What choice do I have, Mayson?” Clemmons asked.

“The choice to not negotiate with terrorists!” Mayson snapped angrily.

“He’s a cooperating witness.” Clemmons corrected.

“He can’t be trusted,” Mayson said irritably. “Look, just give me some time before you agree to anything.”

“How much time?” Clemmons inquired. “We’re on a clock as it is.”

“There has to be another way, Michael.” She pleaded. “Just don’t sign off on anything just yet.”


The Daily Planet was abuzz with activity when General Reynolds entered the newsroom with seven armed soldiers in hot pursuit. The conference room had been converted to a war room with both the DEA and military personnel having their teams collaborate. The conference room had been closed off to all Daily Planet personnel with the exception of both Lois and Clark being pulled in on occasion to provide information to the two agencies.

Lois glanced toward the conference room with a worried expression. “It’s twelve o’clock. One more hour.”

Clark tapped his ear, and whispered, “They can’t agree on who should make the arrest. The DEA wants Sean McCarthy for his connection to Intergang and the military wants him for his involvement with Ryan Wiley.”

“They better make a decision pretty quick.” Lois sighed, running a hand through her hair. “Either way, we’ve got criminals with some sort of weapon in their possession. I still don’t get why General Reynolds won’t at least tell us what’s going on. I mean, this is our investigation.”

“Not anymore,” Clark pointed to the doors that were opening. General Reynolds exited the conference room, making a beeline toward Clark’s desk.

“You Kent?” Reynolds asked gruffly.

“Yeah,” Clark said, adjusting his glasses nervously under the general’s gaze.

“Rumor is you can contact Superman. That true?”

“Well, I wouldn’t say contact exactly…” Clark began to correct him until Lois jabbed him in the ribs. She knew it wouldn’t hurt him but hopefully it would at least get his attention and make him stop talking. Arguing about technicalities right now was a mute point.

“What he means is yes he’s had some luck in that department, but no one really knows how to contact him. He just kinda shows up when he’s needed.” Lois rambled quickly, hoping not to raise any red flags among the federal agents that were standing behind the general.

“Well, let’s hope today’s a lucky day, shall we?” Reynolds raised his eyebrows and looked to Clark. “Route 128. Have Superman meet us there if you can reach him. We’ll work on an alternative plan just in case. ” He motioned to the two agents behind him, “Let’s go.”

Lois watched the general move to the elevator with the soldiers he’d arrived with. “Route 128? Isn’t that the same road that was written on Lucky Leon’s notepad?”

“The one and the same,” Clark said with an amused expression. “I guess it wasn’t a wild goose chase after all.”

“Just be careful.” She whispered, leaning in to kiss him as she loosened his tie. “They had a plan to trick you into stealing that shipment if you remember.”

“Yeah, somehow I think that plan disappeared with Lucky Leon,” Clark said grimly, running his palm against her cheek. “I’ve got to go.”

“I know.” She said, with a long sigh. “Go round up your convicts. I’ll have the keyboard ready for you when you’re done.”

“Good.” He leaned in to kiss her one last time before heading to the hallway that led to the stairs. She let out a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding.

“Well, looks like you’ll have that story after all.” She heard a voice behind her say.

“What?” Lois looked behind her and saw Agent Scardino with one crutch under his arm as he hopped toward her. “Agent Scardino, I thought you left with the rest of the mob.” She pointed to the elevator.

“Agent Richards has me on Administrative duty until this thing heals.” He tapped his hip with a grimace. “The rest of the team’s gone with General Reynolds to make sure there are no hiccups in rounding up these guys. McCarthy’s quite the snake.”

“Yeah, I read the file.” She said cautiously, running her hands up and down her shoulders. “He did a series of bombings to throw the police off his tail. They caught him in ‘91 in a standoff.”

“Yeah,” Scardino’s face fell to a downcast expression, seeming to pull back. Quite a difference from the outgoing and comedic man he’d portrayed himself to be since their introduction yesterday. “Listen, I don’t know about you but sitting on the sidelines isn’t really my style. How about we take a drive down Route 128 and see them slap the cuffs on McCarthy ourselves.”

“And Wiley?” Lois gave him an amused expression. “I thought you were on Administrative duty.”

“I can’t type up the report without knowing what happened.” Scardino pointed out.

“You have one good leg.” She pointed out.

“Trust me, I can hold my own crippled or not.” He shot back with a grin. “Come on, if anyone gives you any grief I’ll take full responsibility.”

“It would help tie up the article if I saw everything with my own two eyes.” Lois reasoned aloud for a moment. “But it could be dangerous.” She looked to his crutch. “You already got yourself shot last night.”

“You’re scared.” Scardino chuckled.

“I am not scared.” Lois harrumphed. “I’m…”

“Yeah?” Scardino grinned at her. “Don’t tell me, Kent said he’d update you, right? I must say you’re not what I pictured at all.” He shook his head.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Lois snapped defensively.

“It means I thought you had a little more backbone.” Scardino shrugged. “I mean, this is the opportunity to catch resurrected convicts from starting a nuclear war, and you’re sitting on the sidelines. I would have thought the woman that nabbed the first Superman exclusive by sneaking onto the Messenger shuttle had a little more guts is all.”

Lois narrowed her eyes, grabbing her keys. “Don’t just stand there. Get moving!”

“Where are we going?” He asked innocently.

“Where do you think?” She snapped over her shoulder, “I’ll drive.”


Albie Swinson sat in the security office, uncertain how to explain the blue pill in his possession to the security guard. “I’m going to ask you one more time, Mr. Swinson, what is in the capsule?” The guard crossed his arms, looking at him expectantly.

“Am I under arrest?” Albie asked.

“Not yet.” The guard shook his head, “But from the tip we just got I’m sure it’ll only be a matter of time.”

“Tip?” Albie echoed, uncertain how to respond.

The guard pointed to the window where a blonde haired woman with a blue shoulder sling stood, staring at him with a look of satisfaction. A tall man with dark sunglasses and a middle-aged man with dark brown hair stood behind her. The guard looked to her and asked through the glass, “What do you want us to do with him, Ms. Drake?”

“Read him his rights and throw him in one of the visitation cells.” She responded before patting the men behind her on the backs. “These two will take it from there.”


A Humvee with two soldiers in ACUs was parked in front of the hillside just north of the exit that let out onto Route 128. Two soldiers stood in front of the crowd of soldiers surrounding the general and his First Sergeant.

“Superman?” General Reynolds waved him through.

“General,” Clark nodded his recognition to the man.

“General Reynolds,” He extended his hand to shake Clark’s then nodded his head to the soldiers behind him, “When I asked Mr. Kent to get ahold of you I didn’t think it would be this quickly.”

“I always try to stay nearby.” Superman explained, looking to the remote devices that were set up on the hood of one of the humvees and a map with a red line marked in permanent ink, “Is this the shipment coming to Fort Marshall?”

“Yes,” General Reynolds said with a sigh. “Nuclear warheads that are supposed to be delivered this afternoon. It should be enroute as we speak. All of the missing soldiers from Metropolis were assigned to this route.Superman, if these warheads get in the hands of Intergang…”

“They won’t.” He promised.

“It is imperative we take these guys alive.” The First Sergeant piped in. “We’ve still yet to find the missing soldiers. These guys may be the only way of locating them.”

“Agreed,” The General nodded, “but we will use deadly force if we have to.”

“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that,” Clark said.


Lois parked her Jeep in the grass just below the interstate that diverted onto Route 128. She pointed to the grassy pathway in front of them. “If we keep going this way it’ll bring us to the middle of 128 and fork out into east and west.”

“You lead the way,” Scardino said, holding the crutch beneath his left arm as he limped across the grass.

“You sure you’re going to be all right with that thing?” Lois asked, looking over her shoulder.

“Aw, what is this? Concern for my well-being? I thought you didn’t care.” He teased.

Lois rolled her eyes, “I don’t.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Scardino muttered, looking toward the road. “Oh boy, looks like we’ve got company.” He pulled her back into the bushes.

“Hey!” She hollered only to have him clamp his palm over her mouth.

“Get down!” He ordered in a harsh whisper.


Clark flew through the air, searching on Route 128 where the general had instructed the military’s transport was moving the warheads on. Sure enough, he found the truck matching the general’s description flying down the highway. Using his x-ray vision from the air, he confirmed there were only five individuals.

He landed on the road in front of them, preparing for the collision he was afraid would occur if they didn’t stop. He held his hands in front of him, steadying himself. The rubber against the asphalt burned as the truck came to a stop. A bullhorn raised itself out of the window.

“Superman, clear the path!” a familiar voice ordered, remaining behind the tinted windows of the glass.

“I don’t think so. I’m about to return some stolen property.” He said, pointing at the driver he could see clearly, “I know it’s you, Wiley. Give yourself up now and make this easy on yourself.”

The window opened, and Ryan Wiley smiled back at him, “Can’t blame a guy for trying.” With that, he lifted a pistol out the window and fired three shots. All of which Clark caught with ease except the last one.

He fell to the ground, feeling the burning sensation graze against his shoulder. “Wh…” He gasped in surprise, looking up at the truck in front of him in surprise.

“You didn’t really think we’d come unprepared this time, did you?” Wiley chuckled, aiming the barrel of his gun at Clark. “Amazing what you can get your hands on when so many people want the same person dead, isn’t it?”


“Superman, clear the path!” Ryan Wiley shouted through the megaphone on the Humvee.

Lois sat hunched down behind the bush she was hiding behind, watching the scene unfold. She glanced to the side and saw Scardino loading his weapon, “What are you doing?”

“It’s called being prepared,” Scardino said, putting the last of the rounds in the chamber.

“I don’t think so. I’m about to return some stolen property.” She heard Clark say. “I know it’s you, Wiley. Give yourself up now and make this easy on yourself.”

“Can’t blame a guy for trying.” There was something eerie about Ryan Wiley’s tone. She saw a glint of something reflect off the sunlight. One. Two. Three shots rang out, and she jumped, startled when she saw Clark fall to the ground.

She clamped a hand over her mouth, holding back tears as she mentally began going through all of the if-scenarios. Bullets bounced off of Clark like nothing. She’d never seen him stopped by anything other than Metallo. Clark had suspected he had Kryptonite on him somewhere or was carrying it...But where would Wiley have gotten Kryptonite?

“You didn’t really think we’d come unprepared this time, did you?” Wiley chuckled, aiming the barrel of his gun at Clark. “Amazing what you can get your hands on when so many people want the same person dead, isn’t it?”

Lois watched the scene before her unfold, unable to move, unable to think. She couldn’t just sit here and do nothing, but she couldn’t give away her cover either. She glanced back at Scardino who had disappeared.

‘Oh, no.’


Michael Disanto took a deep breath, looking around the room.The wood paneling in the courtroom was dark. He glanced up at the ten commandments on the wall, wondering briefly how he had gotten here. The life of luxury, fast cars, sex, drugs, and money seemed like something that happened to someone else.

“Mr. Disanto?”

He looked up, nodding to the man in uniform, holding up a bullet-proof vest. “I’m Officer Ranken. I’ll be escorting you to the safe house.”

“Let’s go.” Michael stood up, allowing Ranken to help him with the vest to ensure it was on properly.

“The DA’s going to do everything he can to make sure news of your testimony doesn’t leak out to the press until we’re ready, but right now there are a lot of players and parts moving within Intergang. We’re not taking any chances.”


General Reynolds motioned to the troops behind him. “Superman’s down. Move in!” The parade of tan and grey moved in front of him. The dust picked up around them as they climbed up the hills on both sides, peering up to the asphalt road in front of them where they’d heard the gunfire. Reynolds looked up to see Superman on the ground. “Get ready!”


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