Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Nicole S FDK: To Wake from Dreams (12/16) - 09/17/05 01:39 AM
Hey!! I would have posted earlier, but I was having computer problems smile

Anyway, I hope you like part 12!! smile

Posted By: groobie Re: FDK: To Wake from Dreams (12/16) - 09/17/05 02:05 AM
How sweet! I'm so happy that their love for each other is out in the open. Now how is Clark going to react to the news? I'll be obsessively checking the boards for the next post! thumbsup
Posted By: Quel Lane Re: FDK: To Wake from Dreams (12/16) - 09/17/05 02:27 AM
Hey, Nicole wave

I've been reading your fanfic since you've started posting it but I've been bad about feedback, sorry. Of course I couldn't stay quiet now after reading this part. Serious, you've been killing me with your cliffhangers. It's already past 3am here and I couldn't go to bed without reading this part! Of course after reading it I couldn't go to bed without saying how much I'm loving every single line of your story. It's just really amazing! I love the way you're portraying the characters and their emotions... so believable! clap

You're killing me again with a cliffhanger though! laugh I can't wait to see how Clark will react to the news! I think we're in for a very emotional scene and hopefully some sweet kisses, huh? blush Don't make us wait too much for the next part, Nicole. I'm going to check the boards every minute from now on laugh

Amazing job!

Best wishes,
Raquel (who is going to bed now thinking about how Clark will react and what will happen next laugh )
Posted By: Vicki Re: FDK: To Wake from Dreams (12/16) - 09/17/05 09:25 AM

I'm another one who has not been posting feedback (sorry! blush ), but I've been reading this story every day. (I love the daily postings! smile1 )

Like Raquel, I couldn't go to bed without reading my daily dose of To Wake from Dreams. Luckily, I only had to stay up until 1 am. hehe

I think I can guess what Clark's reaction will be love . What I can't wait to find out is, how are you going to bring Clark back from the dead, after over a month? eek

Anxiously awaiting Part 13...

- Vicki
Posted By: Tank Re: FDK: To Wake from Dreams (12/16) - 09/17/05 11:32 AM
Finally, Lois and Superman (because there still is no Clark Kent)have professed their love for each other and Lois is secure in the knowledge that her actions didn't kill the man she loves.

Clark now knows that Lois actually loves him. It has the look of a happily ever after, but then Lois gives him the bad news, and "bam!"... unhappy ending.

How very cruel.

Tank (who thinks that Clark won't want to find a way to come back now)
Posted By: ChaaBreh Re: FDK: To Wake from Dreams (12/16) - 09/17/05 01:38 PM
Oh, Tank...the world would have ended by now if everyone hated kids like you PROFESS TO -LOL

Very sweet...and you explained some of my issues about why Clark didn't realize that Lois was there. I guess somehow he was in such a daze that he didn't want to face reality...and blocked everything out.

How romantic <sigh>

Now...let's have the next part ASAP!

smile1 hyper wave
Posted By: CC Aiken Re: FDK: To Wake from Dreams (12/16) - 09/17/05 02:54 PM
I'm a big fan, Nicole. I caught up with this story in one long, wonderful read.

And it's gorgeous. I love the direction you've taken. The due you've given Clark's grief, Lois's grief. Jimmy and Perry, too.

Can't wait to see what happens next!

Posted By: SJH Re: FDK: To Wake from Dreams (12/16) - 09/17/05 03:59 PM
Clark will no doubt love that Lois is pregnant, which means, to him at least, marrage, which will instantaneously turn Lois off. But if you can have sex and get pregnant in your sleep, you can get married in your sleep as well. Life is but a dream after all.
Posted By: Simona Re: FDK: To Wake from Dreams (12/16) - 09/17/05 05:48 PM
I just love your story, Nicole! smile1
I like your Lois, demostrating all her despair about Clark's death and her happyness for his "resurrection" and his declaration of love; I expecially like that your Lois'reaction to Clark revelation has very little of anger and a lot of relief!
Looking forwards your next post for Clark's reaction

simona smile
Posted By: Nicole S Re: FDK: To Wake from Dreams (12/16) - 09/17/05 07:35 PM
Hi, all!! Thank you for the responses to this last installment smile

Oh, so I just saw how LONG my last reply in Part 11 was, and am so sorry for those who suffered through reading it!!!! I didn't realize I'd gone on and on like that, lol. I tend to do that when I talk too blush

Thank you, Raquel and Vicki for you assurances that you ARE reading the story, if not posting feedback!! It's great to know there are people reading in general!! Thanks for letting me know you are with this story and enjoying it!

And Tank... I think I am beginning to understand what those famous words around here - "Tank ending" - mean!! LOL. Thanks for sticking with me!! Maybe I'll take the story in that direction and do an unhappy ending :rolleyes:

you explained some of my issues about why Clark didn't realize that Lois was there. I guess somehow he was in such a daze that he didn't want to face reality...and blocked everything out.

How romantic <sigh>
LOL!! I am glad you thought so, Chris... I have thought about your comments from the "morning after post" in which I purposely had neither of them realize the other one had shared that bed... and hoped you would stick with me and see this part and that it would be justifiable to you. smile Thank you!!

I'm a big fan, Nicole. I caught up with this story in one long, wonderful read.
Thank you, CC! I'm glad you like it smile

I expecially like that your Lois'reaction to Clark revelation has very little of anger and a lot of relief!
Thank you, Simona, for writing that. Many people have written this and I am incredibly happy. This story took me to this route, it was actually not in the gameplan, but it ended up being this reaction, and after reading so many people writing, in the buildup to their first confrontation, that she'll hate him so much, I was so worried that how I wrote it wouldn't translate well, even though I could picture it and thought it had naturally developed THAT way in this story. But EVERYONE seems to have thought it was understandable in context and/or that it made sense, even if they think that Lois SHOULD slay him for it!! So I am grateful and happy!!

Clark will no doubt love that Lois is pregnant, which means, to him at least, marrage, which will instantaneously turn Lois off. But if you can have sex and get pregnant in your sleep, you can get married in your sleep as well. Life is but a dream after all.
SJH, your comments are hysterical! I love it!

Thank you EVERYONE for sticking w/ this story and for the feedback! It's appreciated! And then some smile1


ps- part 13 will be up later tonight. Sorry... I just haven't had a chance to proof it before posting, so I can't do it yet.
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: To Wake from Dreams (12/16) - 09/17/05 11:56 PM
Aw nice chapter. I am glad that everything is out in the open. Now get Clark back to living again and get both of them back to the Planet. Oh and could you marry them also<g> Laura
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