Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: folc4evernaday Winner Takes All 3/37 - 09/21/16 07:43 PM
Winner Takes All (Final)
Part 3

The next day, Lois and Clark sat in Perry’s office as Perry read their article. Lois winced as she watched Perry markup over half the article in red ink. He’s mad. She could tell he was trying to portray a calm he obviously didn’t feel at the moment. He laid the article and pen down on his desk and neatly folded his hands in front of him, “Let me see if I’ve got this right... You want me to publish a story that says Prometheus is being sabotaged; that the Space Transport Messenger exploded because instead of heating ion particles the ‘saboteurs’ and their ‘henchmen’ purposely cooled them.” Lois winced, watching Perry use the finger quotes was not good. “And also the transport is carrying the habitation module to Space Station Prometheus, scheduled to be launched in less than three days is probably also going to ‘blow up.’ And all this information you got from interviewing Samuel Platt, a man who was banned from the scientific community, underwent psychiatric treatment and committed suicide—Oh, but he was ‘probably murdered..’ Does that about sum it up?”

“Perry...” Lois began.

Perry’s eyes bulged out as he threw a fist in the air, “Hard facts! That’s the name of the game, boys and girls. Now get out there and get me some!”

Lois and Clark didn’t need to be asked twice. They left his office hurriedly. Perry watched them leave and put a finger to his neck, checking his pulse. He sighed and pulled out a box of Pavaa Leaves from his desk drawer. He took a few leaves from the box and began to chew them.


“Well, gee, that went well,” Clark muttered sarcastically.

Lois rolled her eyes in frustration, “What we need is physical evidence.”

“So, what do you want to do?”

“I don’t know,” Lois said evasively.

Clark noticed a gleam in her eyes. “Yes, you do. Whatever you’re planning; I want in.”

Lois stammered, as she continued to deny his accusations. “I-I’m not planning anything. I’m just thinking aloud.”

“Uh-huh.” he countered, crossing his arms across his chest. “We’re partners; that means we work together on a lead.”

“What makes you think I’ve got a lead? I told you before, Clark, you’ve got a lot to learn about investigative journalism in Metropolis.”

“What is your problem, Lois?” Clark shot back at her. They seemed to constantly be going back and forth with one another. They liked each other; they didn’t. He didn’t understand what the constant defensive act she put up.

“I don’t have any problem...”

“You have had a chip on your shoulder from the day I met you...”

“Well, I had an inexperienced, green-horned...”

“You resented the fact that Perry partnered…”


“Snob,” Clark muttered, just loud enough for her to hear.

“Excuse me?” Lois countered in disbelief.

“You are a snob, Lois.”

“Well, coming from from Mr. Green Jeans…that’s really…” Lois groaned in disgust.

“Is that how it’s always going to be, Lois? If I dare have an opinion against yours; then I’m not good enough?”

Lois glared at him, “You have a lot of nerve, Kent…I’ll give you that...”

Clark met her glare. “You push; I’ll push back.”

Lois rolled her eyes, “Whatever. I’m outta here. Don’t even think about following me.” She walked past Jimmy on her way to the elevator.

Jimmy caught the fire in her eyes, “Where are you going?”

“Nowhere!” she shot out.

“I’m coming too!” Jimmy called, following her.

Clark watched her leave, “Me too.” He muttered under her breath.


Lois and Jimmy snuck into EPRAD, careful to not draw attention to themselves. “Lois, what do you hope to find in here anyway?”

“I don’t know. Answers. Just take pictures of every inch of the wreck and we’ll have them analyzed later. Then, we’ll have to break into Baines’ office. I’m positive she’s lying about that report.” Lois explained in a hushed whisper.

“I don’t guess I need to point this out to you, but this is dangerous,” Jimmy said, pointing out the obvious.

“Fine. You go back to writing obituaries and I’ll grab the scoop of the century.” Lois shot back.

Jimmy sighed, “All right, I’m in.” He pulled out a pocket knife and worked on opening the door to the other half of the compound.

Lois watched in amazement as Jimmy opened the door without the alarm sounding, “You’re amazing. Where did you learn to do that?”

“Reform school.” Jimmy shrugged, “It was a bum rap.” He and Lois peered through the window of the hangar and saw the room was floodlit, inside and out. Scientists and armed guards were working on the transport shell. “Now what? We’ll never get inside.”

“We don’t have to.” Lois said, “I watched them load the Messenger wreckage onto the truck. The whole left side of the shell was bashed in—that one isn’t.” Realization dawned on her, “They’re working on a phony shell.”


Clark watched Lois and Jimmy from a distance, outside the gates of EPRAD. “What is she doing?” he muttered to himself. He had overheard her accusations toward Dr. Baines. He didn’t trust the woman either. He needed to get inside.

He focused his hearing on Dr. Baines’ office, “Your friend, Lois Lane is here. I think it’s time we eliminated her.”

Clark tensed up. He had to get inside and warn Lois.


“I know Baines is lying. I never trusted her; not from the moment, I met her. The way she looked at Clark…very unprofessional.” Lois continued to explain as they watched the scene unfold before them.

Jimmy laughed, “Don’t worry, Lois. I’m sure he’s a bit distracted by someone else.”

“Like who?” Lois asked, curiously.

“Um…” Jimmy laughed lightly. “I’ll just let you figure it out on your own.”

“I really don’t care,” Lois explained hurriedly. “I mean, I’m focused on my career. I don’t have time to worry about dating.” She looked back towards Jimmy and found him on the ground unconscious. “Jimmy?” she knelt down next to him. A shadow crossed over her. She looked up and saw a large tattooed man standing over her.

He launched at her and she leaped out of his reach. She struggled to her feet and met him with a roundhouse kick in the abs. A few well-placed hit’s in the head, stomach and behind the knees sent the man to the ground in defeat.

“Very good, Lois.” Antoinette Baines approached her from behind, holding a gun. “These days a woman has to know self-defense.”


Clark lurked in the hallway of several offices in EPRAD. He had made his way down from the roof. He stopped in front of one of the offices labeled, “Dr. Antoinette Baines.”

“Bingo.” He said. He tried the knob of the door. It was open. He made his way inside the office and began to look around using his enhanced vision to help him find any sign of Platt’s report. A shredder by the desk caught his attention. He opened up the top and pulled out a large pile of shredded paper.

As super-speed, he began to piece the papers together until he was looking at a stack of papers put back together. The documents he was looking at were copies of a Platt’s report. The report Dr. Baines had denied ever receiving. The other documents were correspondences with LexCorp, discussing the materials needed in building the space station. It wasn’t enough evidence to nail Lex Luthor, but it was enough to bring Dr. Baines in.

His super hearing picked up the sound of Lois’ voice from below. “You won’t get away with this. Everyone at the Planet knows where I am.”

“What has she gotten herself into now?” he muttered. He folded the documents up and placed it in his wallet.

He made his way down to the hangar at super-speed. Without stopping to check the scene first, he knocked the door off it’s hinges to confront Dr. Baines. The barrel of several guns stared back at him when he entered the room.

“Mr. Kent, thank you for joining us.” Dr. Baines smiled at him, aiming the gun at him.

“Put down those guns or I’ll…I’ll...” He realized he had nothing to threaten them with; without revealing himself.

“Or you’ll what?” Dr. Baines countered.


Lois, Clark, and an unconscious Jimmy sat tied up, uncertain of their demise. Clark was playing with the padlock he had unlocked as Lois began a tirade. “I’m surrounded by amateurs. I still can’t believe you came barreling in here like some five hundred pound gorilla. If you really thought I was in trouble, why didn’t you call the police?”

“Look, I didn’t plan to...”

He was cut off by her before he could finish his sentence. “No, don’t tell me. I already know. You’re just like every other man in Metropolis. You’ve got this testosterone surplus that says, ‘I Can Do It Myself.” She sighed, “Baines is going to kill us now. I don’t know why she hasn’t done it already.”

Clark lifted his hands up, trying to get her attention, but Lois was too busy rambling to notice. “Lois, I’ve somehow managed to...”

“…mess everything up? No kidding.”

That was it. “Now, hold on a minute here. I’m not the one who broke in here and…”

“What are you saying? That this is my fault? At least I had the guts to…” she stopped a moment, realizing what was coming out of her mouth, “What am I saying? This probably is my fault. I know that I sometimes do things…you know, jump into the pool without checking the water level?”

Clark couldn’t help but smile at that comment. That very type of attitude was what had gotten him caught with her. It was strange. The way they thought a lot alike at times.

“But, Clark, it’s the only way I know how to do it...to get the job done. To get the respect that I want…that I deserve. Journalism is a man’s world…I’ve been clawing my way to the top for the longest time…” the tears were flowing down her cheeks freely as she opened herself up to him. Clark wasn’t sure what to say. He had never seen her so open with him before.

“Is that why you keep fighting me tooth and nail over everything?” he asked cautiously.

“Yeah. I guess I’m afraid of losing my edge.” She admitted guiltily.

“Lois, I don’t think you’re in any danger of losing your edge.” He replied.

“Oh, Clark, I’m so sorry…You didn’t deserve anything that I threw at you these past few days. I wouldn’t be surprised if you wanted Perry to partner you with someone else. I’m not a very good example. I mean, look at the mess I’ve gotten us into. Remember my three rules?”

He nodded, “Yeah?” he asked hesitantly.

“I’ve broken every one of them.” She remarked guiltily, “I seem to always get involved with my stories….”

“You slept with someone at work?” he asked in disbelief.

“Yeah.” She cringed.

“It wasn’t Jimmy, was it?”

Lois scoffed, “Don’t be ridiculous. It was a long time ago; when I first started at the Planet. Claude—he was French. He had an accent. I must have been in love with him—or thought I was. I was working on my first big scoop. Anyway, one night I told him about it and when I woke up the next morning he was gone. So was my story. He even won an award for that. Didn’t even thank me for my input.” She sighed, “Anyway, that’s my sad story.”

“I guess when you’re in love with someone…it doesn’t matter how smart you are or how many rules you’ve set for yourself. You’re still vulnerable.”

“We’re only human I guess.” Lois sighed, “What difference does it make now? We’re all going to die.”

“Lois? What you said earlier, about respect? I just want you to know that everyone at the Daily Planet thinks you’re the best reporter they’ve worked with. Perry told me that the day I interviewed with him.”

“He did?” Lois was still crying.


Dr. Baines entered the room, carrying her gun and a suitcase. “I hope you’ll forgive the accommodations, but then again, I’ve never been much of a hostess.” She disappeared behind one of the rocket shells and opened the valve in the rocket booster; a liquid spread toward another liquid substance, meeting in the sewer lines below. “Sorry you won’t be around to enjoy the rest of the evening, but accidents do happen.”

“Accidents?” Lois asked.

“Yes. You see, while dissecting the orbital maneuvering systems, the monomethyl hydrazone leaked and mixed with nitrogen tetroxide...Unfortunately, the blast killed three nosy reporters who didn’t bother to read the signs.” She pointed at the ‘no trespassers’ sign on the wall.

“Answer one question. Why?”

“It’s very simple, Lois. Profit. Outer space is no different from any other new frontier. It will belong to those who get there first and seize the high ground.”

Clark’s eyes narrowed at the mention of ‘high ground.’ That phrase meant something…He watched as Dr. Baines turned to exit with the tattooed man. As soon as she closed the door he jumped up, freeing himself and Lois.

Lois looked up at him in surprise, “How did you...?”

“A missing link.” He muttered as he freed Lois. They both rushed to Jimmy. He was still pretty groggy. “Come on!” Clark grabbed her by the waist and threw Jimmy over his shoulder. He threw the door open at the same time the mixture began to blow. The explosion was behind them as Clark flew them in the air and landed them a few feet away from the burning building. They landed face first in a large puddle of mud.

Lois looked back at the burning building in disbelief as chaos took over the scene. “What happened?”

“I’m not sure. I guess the force from the explosion must have carried us over here.”

An explosion in the sky distracted her from thinking too much about it. “Look!”

In the sky, the helicopter Baines had escaped in had exploded. Jimmy stared at the scene in horror. “Do you think the explosion was an accident?”

“No, Jimmy, I think things went exactly as planned,” Clark muttered as he stood up, brushing himself off.

“Messenger Sabotaged, Saboteur Dies in Fiery Explosion!” The headline of the Daily Planet read the next day. The by-line read, “Lois Lane and Clark Kent. Special Contributions James Olsen.”

Jimmy stood, surrounded by several beautiful women from the secretarial pool. “Scared? No, not really. I was more concerned with the larger issue. Unless we got out of there alive the colonist launch could blow up as well.”

Perry approached Lois, “I just spoke to the ground control at EPRAD. They went back over the colonist launch with a fine tooth comb...discovered the same coolant problem in the protective bands and fixed it. The launch is set for tomorrow evening. But it’s a no go for you, Lois. No reporters allowed.”

Lois wanted to argue but decided against it. “Another time then.”

Perry nodded, not quite believing her, and then turned his attention to Clark. “Oh, Clark, you’ll be pleased to know that Platt’s widow and his daughter, Amy is back on board.”

“Thank you, sir,” Clark replied.

“Ah, I told you already, Kent. Quit with the ‘sir’ business. It’s either Perry or Chief. You hear?” Perry wagged his finger in Clark’s face.

Clark laughed, “Yes, Chief.”

“That’s better.” Perry smiled. “You two make quite a team. Your writing styles complement each other perfectly.”

“I guess.” Lois shrugged, not willing to show Perry she had enjoyed having a partner at all.

“We’ll see how this one sells. We may have struck gold here.” Perry then turned to Lois, “See? Having a partner wasn’t that bad…” he then laughed and before she could argue with him; he disappeared into his office.

Lois glared after Perry’s retreating figure. “Oh, my God! He is just so…”

“What can you say?” Clark shrugged.

Lois nodded grudgingly. She then turned her attention to Clark, “Clark, I wanted to …well, thank you for helping to get us out of there.”

Clark smiled, “I’m glad it all worked out.”

“One other thing…If you ever breathe a word of what I told you in there, I’ll deny it and…”

Before she could finish her tirade he interrupted, “You can trust me, Lois.” He smiled back at her.

“Right. I’ve heard that one before.” She muttered.

“No, really. You can trust me.” He brought his hand up to cup her cheek for a split second before removing it. “Why don’t we have dinner? Celebrate surviving Dr. Baines’ wrath?” He suggested boldly.

Lois looked at him suspiciously for a moment. “I don’t know…” she began.

“it’s dinner; not a proposal.” He joked, trying to lighten the tension.

Lois smiled then nodded. “Okay. Dinner it is.”

He couldn’t hide the smile on his face, “I’ll pick you up at eight?”

Lois was about to argue a moment then relented. “Sure. Why not?” She stared into his eyes for a moment before breaking the gaze. “I, um, I have to …get some of this follow-up down to copy so…” she made random gestures with her hands as she backed away from him and headed towards her desk.

Clark watched her with a smile on his face. She had agreed to have dinner with him. This was definitely a good sign. He couldn’t help it; he was entranced by Lois Lane. Everything about her enticed him. Things many people saw as her flaws were things he came to love about her. It was strange…this connection he felt whenever he was around her. It was frightening, but exciting all at the same time.


“You have a date with WHO??” Lucy practically squealed when Lois told her who she was getting ready to go to dinner with.

Lois sighed in defeat before repeating his name. “Clark…It’s just dinner.”

“Just dinner…yeah, sure. Do you want me to stay at Mom’s tonight? I can find another place to be.”

“Lucy, Oh, my God!” Lois was horrified at the insinuation. It was just dinner.

“Yeah. How long has it been since you’ve had sex? Hmm…Dinner with a hot guy who DEFINITELY has a thing for you. Let’s think here. Recipe for …What exactly?”

Lois rolled her eyes as she began sifting through her closet for something to wear. She picked up a blue dress that came all the way to her ankles and had a modest neckline. Lucy shook her head and pulled out a black dress with a modest neckline but came up to her mid-thighs. “Sis, you’ve got legs; learn to use ‘em.”

“Lucy, I don’t want to send the wrong message.” She put the dress back and grabbed a green dress in her closet with a similar style.

“No way.” Lucy put the dress back and pulled out a red dress that was full length as well but with a long slit.

“No.” Lois put the dress back and pulled out a burgundy dress from the back of her closet. This one came up to her knees and still had a modest neckline.

“Okay. That one works.” Lucy relented. “You should wear burgundy more often. It suit’s you.”

“I cannot believe you are freaking out over this more than me.” Lois rolled her eyes, “It’s just dinner.”

“With a hot guy,” Lucy added. “Go ahead. Deny it. Deny you don’t like him. Deny you didn’t imagine tearing his clothes off him when you saw him at Lex’s ball the other night. Deny it; I dare you.”

Lois stammered, unsure of how to argue with her sister. Where had all that come from? “I-I...”

“You can’t. I win; you lose. Game.” Lucy smiled at her sister, “Deal with it, Lois, you have a date.”

The realization began to sink in as Lois turned to face her reflection in the mirror. Date? She was going on a date with Clark?


“Hey, CK, here’s those ads for apartment listings you wanted.” Jimmy handed the paper to Clark.

“Thanks, Jimmy.”

“Another late night, huh?”

“No, I’ve got plans tonight.” Clark smiled.

“Smooth…” Jimmy winked at him, “Have fun. I’m taking Allison out to the movies tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Sure thing, Jimmy,” Clark called after him.


Clark nervously stood outside of Lois’ door at precisely eight o’clock. He wasn’t sure what the proper etiquette was for this. He brought a bouquet of white roses with him. His dad had taught him you could never go wrong with white. They stood for purity. Yellow was friendship and red could be misinterpreted, but white always meant the same thing.

He knocked at her door. He heard her footsteps as she came to answer the door. She opened the door in one swift motion. “Hi, come on in.”

He took in the sight before him. Lois looked incredible. The burgundy dress she wore fit her perfectly. “You look…fantastic…” He handed her the roses, “These are for you.” He whispered quietly.

“Oh, Clark, you didn’t have to…”

“Hi, Clark. Nice flowers. Bye, Lois. Don’t wait up.” Lucy hollered as she pushed past Clark to leave.

“Where are you going?” Lois asked, noticing her sister’s formal attire for the first time.

“I have a date ….with Lex. Don’t wait up.”

Lois’ eyes narrowed as she watched her sister leave. Clark watched her leave and looked at Lois hesitantly, “Lex?” he asked. “Do I want to know?”

“My sister is dating Lex Luthor,” Lois remarked bitterly.

“What??” Clark couldn’t believe his ears.

“I know.” Lois rolled her eyes as she put the roses in a vase. She grabbed her purse and smiled hesitantly at him. “You ready?”

“Uh, yeah.” He opened the door for her and followed close behind.


“So, what made you want to become a reporter?” Clark asked cautiously as they waited for their food to arrive.

“Um, a lot of things.” Lois began cautiously. How much did she want to tell Clark about her family life? He already knew one of her most embarrassing secrets…She looked into his eyes; a quiver of delight went down her spine. She felt something … There was something about him that made her defenses come down….no matter how hard she fought to keep them up. There was something different about Clark Kent. He was more than just a naïve farm boy. He seemed trustworthy and genuine; unlike the men she had surrounded herself with in the past.

“I know it’s not the most glamorous job, but I’ve always wanted to help people…to make a difference. That’s why I chose the investigative side of journalism. Plus I enjoy writing.” She smiled at him. It seemed like the most natural thing to do. “Uh, so, what about you?”

Her question was interrupted by the waiter bringing them their food. They took a few bites then turned their attention back to the conversation. “So, what made you decide to become a reporter?”


Clark was thoughtful for a moment. He wasn’t sure when exactly he had made the decision to become a reporter. He had always wanted to make a difference in the world with his gifts. He had enjoyed writing and meeting different people. A journalist had just seemed the way to go.

“I don’t know,” he began, “I guess it appealed to me because I could do a lot of the things I enjoy all at once. Meeting new people, hearing their stories and writing about them…It always kinda appealed to me.”

“What made you choose the investigative side, though?”

Clark flashed her a smile, “I guess I’m a bit too curious for my own good.”

“Ah, common ground.” She joked lightly. “Who would have thought?”

“Yeah, I guess Perry was right, huh?”

“Yeah, I guess.” She said nonchalantly.

“So, truce?” he held up his wine glass.

She nodded and lifted her glass up as well. “Truce.”


Patience. That was the key. After hearing her history with Claude, Clark had decided to try and build a mutual trust between the two of them. There was a pull that he felt toward her. He couldn’t explain it. He found himself daydreaming what it would be like to kiss her again…to hold her in his arms.

He knew she didn’t think of him like that. They had just met. How was he supposed to explain that he felt like he was falling for her ever since she had stormed into Perry’s office during his first interview? Was it normal to become so consumed with someone based on a first encounter? Was this something else that made him different from everyone else? If they did get involved he would have to tell her everything.

They reached Lois’ door and she began to unlock the many locks on her front door. How many locks did she need on one door? “Well, we’re here.” She remarked nervously. “Uh, thanks for dinner, Clark.” She began shyly. “It was nice. I think after everything that’s happened the past few days…”

“…we both needed the distraction.” Clark finished for her.

“Uh, yeah,” Lois replied, slightly surprised.

He had done it again. He had finished her thought for her. He seemed to be able to read what she was thinking so clearly. Was this another power he hadn’t known existed yet?
“Uh, I had a good time too, Lois.” They stood in an awkward silence; neither sure of what to do.

‘Don’t push.’ His mind pleaded with him. ‘Just take it slow.’

He wanted to kiss her more than anything right now. The memory of their earlier kiss was seared into his mind; the way her body had melted against his and surrendered to his touch. A strand of hair fell across her face and he reached out to tuck it behind her ear. There was that spark again. It was a natural gesture. It seemed almost second nature. Her heart was hammering at his touch. She was as nervous as he was. He took a deep breath and leaned in closer.


Oh, my God, he’s going to kiss me. Do I want him to kiss me? Her heart was pounding in her chest as all nerves stood on edge, uncertain of what was to come. Their kiss from earlier had been incredible, but she wasn’t expecting it. Now she was. She’d be able to savor it more.

She was disappointed when he kissed her lightly on the cheek. “Good night, Lois.” He whispered, cupping her cheek lightly with his hand.

She couldn’t help but smile at the gesture. It was just so…Clark. She couldn’t tell if she felt relieved or disappointed. He hadn’t kissed her on the mouth, but he had kissed her. Maybe he was as nervous as she was? What business did they have kissing one another? They’d just met. Did she really want to deal with another Claude situation?

She reluctantly stepped into her apartment and closed the door behind her. She couldn’t help but lean against the door frame, “Wow…” she smiled to herself.

“Lois??” Lucy screamed in surprise.

Lois looked towards her living room and saw her sister slightly disheveled with Lex. She narrowed her eyes as she marched towards them. “Out!” she pointed towards the door.

“Lois...” Lucy admonished.

“Don’t ‘Lois’ me.” Lois snapped at Lucy. She then turned to Lex, “You, Mr. Luthor, need to leave.” She proceeded to open the door for him.

“With all due respect, Ms. Lane, I don’t believe that’s your call.” Lex began.

“I believe it is. Should we call the landlord? Ask him what the laws are on trespassing?”

“Trespassing? Lois, come on…” Lucy argued.

Lex looked at Lois amused. “Ms. Lane, have I done something to offend you?”

“Try your existence.” She narrowed her eyes at him. “Get your paws off my kid sister and get out of my apartment or I will call the police. You don’t want a scene, do you, Lex?” she challenged.

“No, of course not.” He turned to Lucy and kissed her good night. “Till we meet again, my dear.” He then left. Lois rewarded him with the slam of the door right behind him.

“Good riddance!” she muttered.

“What the hell has gotten into you??” Lucy screamed.

“Me?? You’re the one that’s...”

“Having a little fun?? Wow, please rescue me, Lois. Lex was kissing me…”

“I don’t trust him.”

“Since when? “

“Since…just….forget it…I don’t trust him and I don’t want you seeing him anymore, Lucy.” Lois crossed her arms over her chest.

“Oh, gee, thanks…Last time I looked dad had gray hair.” Lucy snapped sarcastically.

“Oh, don’t pull that with me, Lucy.”

“Why not? You’re acting like him.”

“I am NOTHING like daddy. Don’t you dare ….”

“Right.” Lucy shot back sarcastically. She was about to say more but stopped herself. She stared Lois down with anger. “I’m going to bed.” She said suddenly. “Don’t talk to me.” She called over her shoulder, opening the door to the spare bedroom and slamming it behind her.

“Great,” Lois muttered to herself, slinking down to the couch, unsure of what to do about the situation with Lucy.


Clark leaned against the door frame for a minute. He had wanted to take her in his arms and kiss her senseless, but something had stopped him. The look of apprehension in her eyes. He knew she wouldn’t have fought it, but were they ready to move things this quickly?

“Wow…” he murmured under his breath. He had fallen for her. He knew it, but he wasn’t sure how she felt towards him. They had agreed to a truce. Ever since he had started at the Planet they had been fighting like cats and dogs. They needed to develop a more solid ground between one another, before trying to pursue a relationship. Patience. He needed patience. He sighed inwardly. How could he be so moved from just spending time with her?

He made his way down the hall and headed towards the alley behind her apartment building. He noticed a limo parked out back. It was strange to see a limo on this side of town, but stranger things had happened. He had told his folks he’d be stopping by tonight to go over costume designs. He ricocheted himself into the sky a few minutes before Lex Luthor left Lois Lane’s apartment.



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