Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: folc4evernaday Winner Takes All 2/37 - 09/21/16 07:37 PM
Winner Takes All
Part 2


Clark paced around his hotel room at the Apollo. Tonight had been…indescribable. The feeling of Lois in his arms had been incredible. There was definitely something there; he could feel it. Could she feel it as well? She had seemed content in his arms for a moment then he had picked up the hike in her heartbeat shortly before she stormed out of his arms. What had that been about? Lois Lane was definitely a force to be reckoned with. She was fiery, determined, intelligent, beautiful…Everything he’d ever wanted in a woman.

He laughed at himself. There was no way Lois Lane would look at him like that; not now anyway. They had just met and her impression of him right now was very poor. He had overheard her calling him a hack from Nowheresville to Jimmy earlier that day.

He could tell there was more to her than what met the eye. She seemed guarded; protecting herself with witty sarcasm. He should know; he’d been an expert at hiding himself from the world all his life.

He still wasn’t sure what to make of Lex Luthor. The man seemed decent enough on the outside, but there was something about the guy that just rubbed him the wrong way. He didn’t think he was petty enough to not like someone because he’d felt a twinge of jealousy…No, it wasn’t jealousy. Something more was going on; he could feel it.


“Lucy, where were you??” Lois pounced on her sister the minute she opened the front door. “Do you have any idea what time it is? I was worried about you. Nobody knew where you were. What if something had happened to you? You have got to be more responsible!”

“Sheesh, Sis, calm down. I had a drink with someone I met at the ball. Nothing big. Don’t worry; I took a cab home.” Lucy rolled her eyes and moved past her sister.

“Who did you have a drink with?”

“Oh, it was just some guy…I think his name was Les…I’m not sure. I guess I’ll figure it out in the morning. I’m having dinner with him tomorrow night.”

“Dinner? You just said you didn’t know what the guy’s name was. What if he’s an axe-murderer?”

“I think I’ll survive.” Lucy sighed, “Give me a break would you, Lois? This is why you need to get a personal life; so you can quit butting into mine. What’s wrong with Clark? You should go out with him. He’s cute…and nice. He works at the Planet…so you have that in common.”

Lois glared at her sister. Even in her half drunken state, her sister was still able to hold up her end of an argument perfectly. “I don’t have time to date.” She harrumphed.

“Oh, yes, you’re busy ‘establishing’ your career.” Lucy did quote signs with her fingers as she spoke. “How long is that going to take? Another four years?” Before Lois could retort Lucy cut her off. “I’m beat. Where is the Asprin?”

“Here.” Lois handed her a bottle of Asprin and a glass of water.

“Thanks,” Lucy mumbled. “G’night.” She headed toward the bedroom and collapsed; oblivious to her sister’s concerned gaze still on her.

On his way to work the next day, Clark caught Lois coming out of a taxi. “Morning.” He jogged up next to her.

“Maybe for you.” She shot back, “I’ve been at it for hours.”

“It’s eight o’clock!” Clark exclaimed with a hint of admiration.

“So?” she shot back, “I went back to EPRAD and followed the truck with the wreckage from the Messenger inside. They brought it to this hangar. I tried to get inside, but your friend Dr. Baines threw me out.”

An explosion in from a manhole distracted him from responding. “There's a man down there!” one voice called out.

Clark looked around nervously. He had to do something. He couldn't just let an innocent man die when he could help. His father's words played through his mind, 'dissect you like a frog...' He had to do something. Everyone seemed distracted enough. Surely he could get away with it. He slipped away from the crowd and made his way to a man hold on the other end of the street.

Checking to make sure no one was watching; he opened the manhole and crawled inside.

Once he was below ground, he super-sped his way over to where the explosion had taken place. There was smoke everywhere. He used his enhanced vision to find the missing worker. He found the worker slumped over, struggling to breathe through the smoke. Without a word, he grabbed the man and lifted him up toward the opening of the manhole. He silently prayed the man hadn't seen him as he felt the man being lifted from his grasp.

He sighed in relief and made his way toward the surface. He replaced the cover to the manhole and rejoined the crowd. The man he had rescued was disoriented; he glanced through the crowd, trying to place his surroundings. Clark rejoined Lois in the same place he had been a few moments ago.

His nerves went on edge when he found himself to be the target of the disoriented man's statement, “That man...That man...he rescued me.”

Everyone looked in Clark's direction. Clark laughed nervously, “What? The guy is delirious.”

Lois looked back at Clark and rolled her eyes; “Clearly!” she took in his appearance and groaned, “What happened to your suit? You're a mess!” Before he could respond she interjected, “From now on, do what I do; bring a change of clothes to work.”

Clark watched her leave, slightly amused. A change of clothes to work? Why would she bring a change of clothes? What was she doing that would require that? Going undercover...in disguise? The thought was amusing. He couldn't imagine himself in any kind of disguise...Maybe it was something to think about.


Catherine Grant, society columnist approached Lois as she was pouring herself a cup of coffee. She wore an amused look on her face as she watched Lois pour all non-fat and low sugar ingredients in her coffee. “Lois, you're going to have to do a lot more than that to regain your figure,” she gave her a once over. “If you even had one.”

“Some of us prefer the natural look.” Lois shot back. “The plastic look just doesn't work for me,” she shot back.

Cat was about to retort when she saw Jimmy showing a young man in his mid-twenties around the office. “The layout at the Planet's been pretty much the same since I started here two years ago. These four stations use the same printer. Any questions; just ask. She tries to give everyone issues every now and then.” Jimmy patted the printer for emphasis. Clark just listened to the young man amused.

Cat let out a wolf whistle, “Who's the new tight end?”

Lois glanced toward Cat's line of vision and spotted Clark and Jimmy. She rolled her eyes in disgust. “Why don't you throw your usual forward pass and find out?” She pushed her way past Cat and made her way towards her desk. She took a sip of her coffee and began sifting through her notes on Dr. Baines and Dr. Platt from yesterday.

“You'll get the hang of everything soon enough. Metropolis isn't anything like Kansas I'm sure, but it has it’s perks.” Jimmy said.

Lois looked up from her notes, about to tell Jimmy to take his tour somewhere else when she realized they were at Clark's desk—His desk was right across from hers. Perry had moved him to the empty desk across the aisle from her. “Great,” she muttered to herself.

Cat approached the two men with her usual stance. She wore a skin-tight leather outfit, showing off more than what anyone ever wanted to see. Clark turned to say something to Jimmy when he found Cat's hand held out for him to kiss. When he didn't respond she moved closer to him, moving her hands up and down his body. He seemed bemused by her ministrations.

Lois watched intrigued; wondering what Clark's reaction would be. Most men were unsure of how to handle Cat's forwardness. When she found someone she was interested in she made sure they knew it. “Catherine Grant, 'Cat's Corner'...” she introduced herself.

Clark took her hand and moved it away from his chest, “Yes,” he nodded, “I've read your column.”

“Then my reputation precedes me.” Cat remarked. She moved closer to him, attempting to run her hands up his chest. She frowned slightly when Clark caught her hands and moved them away from him.

“Among other things,” Lois muttered under her breath as she watched the scene unfold before her. Something about watching Cat come onto Clark just rubbed her the wrong way. She couldn't put her finger on it.

“I know what it's like to be new in town. I'd be happy to show you around.” Cat smiled her best megawatt smile at him.

Clark laughed lightly, “I'm flattered, Ms. Grant. That's very nice of you, but I'm really not interested.”

“Cat...” she corrected him, “Are you sure? Being new in the big city can be very...lonely...I'm sure the need for ...friends is there.”

“I'm really not interested, but thank you. Now, if you'll excuse me?” he tried to move past her but she continued to block his way.

“I don't think I will excuse you. I'm not used to having to ask a man more than once to do...anything,” she purred.

“I'm really busy this morning.” He smiled a megawatt smile at her and stepped away from her,
“Lois and I are working on the space station piece, and I really just don't have the time for distractions.”

She moved closer to him once more tracing a finger down his arm, “Poor Lois all work and no personality...I wouldn't want to see you fall into the same trap.”

He gave a light laugh, “I'm really not interested, Cat.” He stepped away from her and followed Jimmy toward the conference room.

Cat wore a determined and curious look on her face as she watched him leave. “I love it when they play hard to get.”

Lois couldn't believe what she had just witnessed. Cat had just been turned down by the hack from Nowheresville. Nobody had ever been able to resist her charms...Maybe there was more to Clark than what met the eye.


Lex Luthor stood on his balcony, taking in the rays of the sun. Antoinette Baines approached him from behind, wearing a silk robe. “it's done.” she whispered, kissing him softly on the neck.

“Everything?” he whispered back, spinning around to fully embrace her.

“The Messenger's at the hangar.” She replied, linking her arms around him, pulling him into a passionate kiss.

He pulled away, “Enough of that, my dear.” At her confused look, he walked her back into the penthouse and attempted to change the subject, “I knew I could leave everything in your capable hands.” He took her hand and kissed it then looked up and noticed a large tattooed man standing in the doorway, “What's he doing here?” he hissed.

“I have an errand for him to run,” Baines explained nonchalantly, “Platt has to be silence...And those reporters, Clark Kent and Lois Lane are becoming a problem as well. Lois Lane was there this morning. She took pictures of the Messenger, followed the truck to the hangar.”

Luthor wore a grim look on his face, “Do what you want with Platt but leave the reporters to me.”

Dr. Baines waved towards the tattooed man and watched him leave. She then turned toward Lex. “Tell me, Lex, do you have any special interest in those reporters? Clark Kent for example?”

“Kent is nothing....a mere...giblet.”

“And Lois Lane?” she grew sterner in her tone.

The admiration came from his tone as he spoke, “Lois Lane is a very talented woman. Unfortunately, she may not be so easily seduced.”

“As ME??” she grew angry at his implication.

“Have I seduced you? I thought it was you who seduced me.”

“I'm warning you. Stay away from her.” Her eyes narrowed, “Where were you last night? We had plans...” she challenged.

“Antoinette, that really is no concern of yours. Plans change...You know I don't take well to threats, my darling.”

“I don't care. Everything we've worked for...we're so close. I won't let her interfere.” Her eyes narrowed, “You know what I'm capable of.”

He smiled and took her in his arms, “Yes, Antoinette, I do. That's part of the appeal.”


Clark sat down at his desk, grateful to find it empty of any sign of Cat Grant. He didn't understand women that threw themselves at men like that.

He spotted Jimmy walking past his desk and caught his attention, “Hey, Jimmy, where you headed?”

“To pick up that report from Platt. He called earlier—said he 'hoped we could read it.' I'm also going to take a copy to my friend at S.T.A.R. Labs to analyze it.”

“Have you seen Lois?” He asked looking towards her empty desk.

“Conference room.” Jimmy pointed to the glass doors across the newsroom.

Clark nodded, “Thanks.”


Clark took a seat next to Lois, “Anything?”

Lois looked up at him, annoyed with his presence. She still couldn't seem to shake the bitter feelings she had had while watching Cat hang herself all over Clark earlier. She had gotten a small thrill at watching Cat get rejected, but she couldn't seem to explain why she felt anything at all. He was her co-worker. That's it. She wouldn't even call him a friend...They had just met; so why the twinge of...jealousy?

“I'm surprised you were able to escape from Cat's claws...What'd you do give her some catnip to play with?”

Clark was a bit taken aback by the jibe, unsure of what had provoked it. He gestured toward the paperwork in front of her, “Can I help?”

“Grab a stack.” she handed him a stack of loose-leaf papers that had been crumpled.

“What is all this?” he inquired.

“Part of Platt's report. Jimmy went to pick up the rest of it.” she let out a sigh of exasperation, “I must have called at least fifty different ex-employees that worked at EPRAD at the same time Platt did. None of them want to talk. I don't know; maybe there's nothing to talk about.”

“Or maybe whoever's behind this is very powerful...people might be afraid of crossing him,” Clark added.

“Or her,” Lois added. “I still don't trust Dr. Baines as far as I can throw her.”

“So, what do we do now?”

“First we try to piece what we can of Platt's report together; then we try to find evidence that Dr. Baines did receive the said report...We then need to see if there's any written evidence that they found coolant devices and Baines ignored it...” She sighed, “I hope you didn't make dinner plans.”

Clark gave her a megawatt smile and simply said, “I am all yours.”

What was it about that smile that made her weak in the knees?


“This is impossible! Nothing matches. No dates...Nothing. We're never going to get through this.” Lois complained throwing a stack of papers down on the desk. “I'm starving! What we need it some good Chinese takeout.”

“I know a place...” Clark said, standing up to grab his jacket. “Stay here. I'll be right back.”

“Don't you want to know what I want?” she asked.

“I'll bring an assortment.” He was gone before she could argue.

A few minutes later Clark reentered the newsroom, carrying several bags of Chinese food. “That was quick,” she commented.

“I took a short cut.” Clark winked at her.

Lois opened one of the containers and grabbed a Crab Rangoon. “Mmm...” she savored the taste in her mouth, “Still hot...this is out of this world.”

Clark watched her eat, bemused at the way she devoured her food. She had obviously had been starving. He made a mental note to remember she liked sesame chicken. He ate with her silently, doing his best to keep from inhaling his food. It had become a habit at the farm over the years.

Lois pulled a fortune cookie out of one of the containers and opened it. She groaned in disgust, “It's in Chinese.”

“Let me see it.” He took the fortune from her.

“Oh, don't tell me that you read...”

“A good horse is like a member of the family.” Clark read.

“I hate that. That is not a fortune.” Clark laughed. Lois looked at him curiously,

“You are a strange one, Clark Kent.”

“Am I?” he asked, curiously.

“Yeah, but I think I've got you figured out.” she smiled at him.

Clark watched her curiously. There was something in her eyes. The heat between them was intense. He could feel it. He found his voice, “Really?”

“Uh-huh.” Lois smiled at him.

“Didn't take you long...” he commented, bemused.

“Well, it's my business, looking beyond the external.” She shrugged.

Their eyes met for a brief moment. The electricity between them...Yes, it was definitely there. He wondered for a brief moment what she would do if he tried to kiss her...

“Don't fall for me, farmboy. I don't have time for it.” Lois' comment penetrated his thoughts.

'So much for that idea' he thought to himself. It was definitely too soon to be thinking about her like that.

Lois stood up and grabbed her jacket, “Come on, maybe Platt can help us decipher this.”

Clark stared at her empty seat for a moment before moving to follow her. The electricity that had just ignited between them...Did she feel it too?

They made their way to Dr. Platt's apartment in silence. Clark wondered what was going through Lois' mind right now. Her heartbeat had hiked up a bit since she had made the comment not to fall for her. He wondered why she had warned him off. Was she not comfortable with office romance for some reason? He knew she was attracted to him. He could tell by the way she looked at him....even when she was throwing sarcastic comments his way.

They made their way up the steps to Dr. Platt's apartment. Lois knocked on the door; only to find it partially open. He cringed inward. This wasn't a good sign. He noticed a flicker of light coming from across the room as they made their way inside. “Lois, let me look first.”

“Don't be silly.” She walked into the room, “I've seen it all; war, crime, famine...” she found a light switch on the wall and tried to flick it on. Nothing happened. They looked across the room and saw Dr. Platt's sitting in a chair with his back to them, “Dr. Platt...” She approached cautiously but found Clark's hand holding her back.

“Wait, the water...” he gestured to the water all over the floor. He maneuvered Lois so they walked around the water. He felt her tense up in his grasp when they saw Dr. Platt. He was sitting in his chair....He had been electrocuted. His feet sat in a bucket of water; electrical wiring was in his hands. A homemade electrical chair. Clark wrapped his arms around her, shielding her from the sight. She turned her head into his jacket, avoiding the sight before them.


The echo of police sirens rang through the streets as officers pilfered through Samuel Platt's belongings, surveying the scene. “Looks like a suicide to me,” Inspector Henderson commented dryly.

“Suicide? Henderson, that's ridiculous!” Lois argued angrily.

“He's tried it before,” Henderson argued, “There's no sign of forced entry, no sign of struggle, nobody saw anybody come in or out.”

“But that doesn't make any sense,” Clark argued. “He had a family...A daughter...”

Lois noticed his distraught look and couldn't help but feel for him. He obviously wasn't used to covering stories like this. “We were on the verge of proving his theory....well; that something he was working on was right. There's no way he...”

An officer walked by them, laughing, “Man's gonna barbecue himself he oughta use sauce.”

Clark angrily stood up from where he was seated and got in the officer's face, “The man's name was Samuel Platt. He was brilliant, a scientist, and someone who cared about others. Under the circumstances, I don't believe that kind of humor is appropriate.”

The officer could only stare at Clark in shock. Lois watched the scene unfold mildly impressed with Clark's assertiveness with the officer. There was definitely more to Clark than what met the eye. “Sorry...Sorry, buddy. Really, I'm sorry.” the officer muttered before scurrying as far away from Clark as possible.

“I guess I'd better track down his wife and daughter...I really hate this part of the job.” Henderson muttered grimly.

Clark interjected, “If you don't mind I'd like to call them personally.”

Henderson nodded, “Check back with me after the autopsy.” Henderson walked away from them to join the rest of the forensics crew that was still surveying the scene.

“You okay?”Lois asked Clark.

Clark looked up at Lois with a sad look in his eyes. He felt so guilty over Dr. Platt's death. If he had known; he could have stopped this. “We should have known. We should have protected him.”

“How?” Lois asked.

“I don't know, but...” Clark was at a loss for words. How was he supposed to explain to her why he felt so guilty over Platt's death? A normal person wouldn't feel guilty because they would know there was nothing they could have done. He could have stopped this.

“Look, Clark, all we can do now is to try and prove him right. Whoever did this sabotage Messenger and is probably planning the same thing for the colonist transport. We've got a lot of work to do.” Clark just stared at her numbly. “It's only six. Why don't we try and get a few hours of sleep? I'll come by for you at nine.”


“Lois!” Lucy exclaimed when she saw her sister drag herself through the front door, “It's like seven in the morning. Were you out all night? Where have you been?”

“Clark and I were working on the space station piece...” Lois groaned as she dropped her purse to the floor. “We followed up a lead...and...” she yawned as she sunk down on her couch.

“Clark again, huh?” Lucy asked intrigued.

“Don't start.” Lois shot back. “I'm exhausted. How was your date?”

“Hmm...Oh, it was nice.” Lucy said wistfully, “Good night, Lois.” She looked over at the couch and found Lois fast asleep. She smiled and laid a blanket over her.


Clark stood clad in a towel on the phone with his parents explaining the events that had occurred the past few days. “I can’t help it, Mom. I feel responsible…I should have…”

He was cut off by his mother’s scolding tone, “Clark, you can’t take on all of the world’s problems. If you could have helped him; you would have.”

“I guess so, Mom, but…”

Jonathan interjected at that point, “Clark? What’s this about a worker caught in an explosion down a manhole? Your mother told me he recognized you...”

“Dad,” Clark sighed, anticipating the lecture Jonathan was sure to give him, “the worker was semi-conscious. Nobody believed him when he pointed to me.”

“One of these days you’re going to pull one of your stunts and some nut with a video camera is going to….”

“What was he supposed to do, Jonathan?” Martha grilled her husband. “Did you want him to let the man die? Clark, how’re your clothes holding up?”

“Don’t change the damn subject!” Jonathan argued.

“They’re fine, Mom, thanks.” Clark sighed, “I’ve been thinking about this…Maybe it’s a crazy idea, but …Mom? How’s your old sewing machine? Still working?”

“I think so,” Martha replied, uncertainly.

“Well, I was thinking…maybe I need some kind of outfit…”

“Outfit?” Jonathan asked, bemused.

“Like a disguise. Something I could wear whenever I need to use my gifts…I could wear a disguise and still help out when things like that explosion happen…” A knock at the door interrupted his train of thought. He x-rayed the door and saw Lois on the other end of the door. “Mom? I have to go. Lois is here.”

The teasing in Martha’s voice was evident, “Oh, Lois again, huh?”

“Goodbye, Mom, Dad...” he hung up the phone and reached for his glasses. At her persistent knocking, he opened the door hurriedly, forgetting his lack of attire momentarily.

Lois stared at him in awe. Her face changed from admiration to surprise, “I said nine, and I thought you’d be naked…um, ready.”

Clark looked down at himself and blushed slightly. He’d forgotten he was still in his towel. “I was on the phone. I’ll be out in a jiff.” He grabbed his clothes and walked into the bathroom. He quickly dressed, combed and dried his hair within a few seconds. He found Lois stifling through his cabinets when he came out.

She did a double take when she saw him fully dressed, ready to go. He noticed she was unable to meet his eyes. He caught her gaze and she looked up at him, swallowing hard, “We’d better go.” He nodded in agreement and followed her out of the room. She then turned to face him, “So, explain this to me. You eat like an eight-year-old but you look like Mr. Hardbody? What’s your secret and can I have it?”

Clark looked down at himself once more, blushing slightly. What was he supposed to say? I’m a freak of nature so calories don’t affect me the way they affect everyone else? She turned to leave once more and he followed her, unsure of what the day might bring.


Lois and Clark sat with Mrs. Platt in the newsroom. Telling her had been hard. Once Mrs. Platt had heard the news of her husband’s death she had come down to the Planet to speak with Lois and Clark. “There is no other explanation. Samuel wouldn’t do something like that. He...he had to have been killed.”

Lois was unsure of what to do. This was the same person that had left Dr. Platt. “Mrs. Platt, when you and your daughter left your husband…”

“No, no…We never left…He-he sent us away. He was so sure they would come after him...He was afraid Amy and I would get hurt.”

A young girl approached them in a wheelchair, “Mom? When are we going to leave? You promised I could go to Susan’s.”

“Uh, in just a minute sweetie. Amy, this is Lois Lane and Clark Kent. Say ‘hello’.”
“Nice to meet you,” Amy said shyly.

“Why don’t you wait for me by the elevators, Amy?” Mrs. Platt watched her daughter make her way up the ramp to the elevators. “I still haven’t told her yet. Everything we’ve worked for was for Amy. The space lab, Prometheus was the only hope…now…” she broke down in tears, “My husband was not insane.”

“Mrs. Platt, do you have any idea who might want to have your husband killed?” Lois asked.

Mrs. Platt shook her head, “All I know is that Samuel knew that Prometheus was being sabotaged and that knowledge got him killed.” She then pleaded, “Please help us. Don’t let Amy grow up believing her daughter committed suicide.”

Clark patted her arm supportively, “We’ll try. We promise.”

Lois looked back at him, skeptically. How could he promise something he wasn’t even sure of? A commotion over by the television monitors distracted her and she turned to see the chairperson of the Congress of Nation on the screen. “I am pleased to announce that we have unanimously decided that Space Station Prometheus will proceed as scheduled.”


Lex Luthor watched the monitor as the chairperson continued to address the press regarding Space Station Prometheus. “This body would like to extend our deepest gratitude to Mr. Lex Luthor for his generous offer, but it is our firm belief that the Space Station should go forward as originally planned: a project dedicated to global corporation for the advancement of the sciences. We have suffered losses in the past, but we shall take extra precautions to ensure the safety of future space travelers. However, should any serious problems arise from this point on; we shall be forced to cancel the mission. We don’t’ anticipate that happening. We anticipate success.”

“NO!!” Lex smashed his hand through the glass case on his desk and tore apart the model of Luthor Space Station he had created for the purpose of replacing Prometheus.


“Well, there’s hope after all,” Clark said wistfully.

“I just hope we can stop whoever’s trying to sabotage the space station before the next launch,” Lois replied grimly. Jimmy came into the newsroom with a folder in his hands. Lois’ attention immediately perked up. Jimmy had been at S.T.A.R. Labs all morning trying to get to the bottom of the sabotage. “What have you got, Jimmy?”

He smiled and handed her the file in his hands, “I gave S.T.A.R. Labs Dr. Platt’s report…”

“And what did you find out?” Clark asked.

Jimmy couldn’t help the smile that had crept across his face, “Plenty! They recreated the launch in a hologram…it was really smooth…” When he noticed an impatient look from Lois he continued, “Anyway, they concluded that Platt’s theory was right on. There was deliberate sabotage. The transport explosion was no accident. Congrats.”

“Yes!” Lois excitedly turned to Clark on Jimmy’s exit and threw her arms around him. “We did it.” She caught herself after a moment and pulled away from him; confused at the electricity she felt when she had touched him. Something about being in Clark Kent’s arms felt so ….right. How was that possible when they had only just met?


“Now we can write the story.” Clark tried to steer the conversation back to Platt. He felt that jolt between them when Lois had hugged him as well, but the look on her face had told him she was definitely afraid of whatever was going on between them.

Lois seemed to recognize what he was saying and quickly covered up her emotions, “I can write the story.” She corrected him.

“With my help,” Clark added.

“With your help.” She repeated softly. “And if we can convince people there was sabotage and who was behind it…”

“We can stop them.” Clark finished for her. He watched her curiously. It was strange…the way they read one another’s minds and finished one another’s sentences. He wanted to ask her out. It would be so easy, but what would she say? She seemed to pull away every time they got remotely close to one another….


“So, who do think it is?” Clark asked.

“What?” she asked slightly dazed. Being this close to Clark was hard. Her head was still spinning.

“The sabotage. Who do you think is behind it? It’d have to be someone with a lot of power.” Clark commented.

“I don’t know. I guess maybe Dr. Baines?” Lois suggested.

“Still don’t trust her?” Clark asked amused.

“And you do?” Lois retorted, “The way she acted during our interview with her was very unprofessional…”

“What do you mean?” Clark asked. “I mean, I know her eyes did a dance when we mentioned Platt, but…How was she being unprofessional?”

Lois didn’t want to bring up her real reasons for thinking the woman was unprofessional. The way she had been eying Clark was unprofessional in her mind, but she wasn’t sure that was an appropriate conversation right now. She looked at her watch, “I have to go…I have an interview with Lex Luthor. I’ve got to get ready.”

“Lois, wait…” Clark wanted to tell her about his suspicions with Lex but wasn’t sure how to broach the subject. “Be careful. Lex Luthor is a powerful man …You could get hurt...”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Lois asked, “I can take care of myself just fine, thanks.”

“That’s not what I meant. What I meant to say…was well, he’s building a space station at the same time Prometheus is sabotaged…Isn’t that a bit convenient?”

“Clark, you’re reading too much into this. Lex Luthor has his finger in every pie in this city…anything and everything. Why would he sabotage the space station?”

“Think about it, Lois. Whoever is providing the space station for this kind of research would also get the patents for all the cures that are discovered…”

“I think you’re reading too much into it, Clark. I’ve been doing this a lot longer than you have. I think I can smell a skunk in a rose garden better than you can.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Clark asked defensively.

“It means I have more experience at being an investigative reporter than you do.” Lois shot back, “Don’t get all offended. It’s natural, Clark. You’re a rookie. You make the typical mistakes that any rookie reporter makes.”

“Such as?”

“Such as, getting in over your head. You’re looking for a story where there isn’t one. It’s a predictable rookie mistake.”

“Predictable? How is my having suspicions of Lex Luthor predictable?”

“Because it just is…” Lois argued.

He was angry. He knew he was right and she was just ignoring him. On an impulse, he grabbed her and kissed her. He felt her body stiffen against him for a split-second then succumb to the warm caress of his mouth. He slowly pulled away, “Exactly how predictable was that?”


Lois’ head was spinning. He had kissed her. Where had he learned to kiss like that? She tried to regain control of her emotions as he pulled away from her. She caught her breath. That kiss…She had never been kissed like that ever.

“Exactly how predictable is that?” Clark asked, pulling away from her.

Her head was swimming with emotions. He had kissed her and she had liked it…Oh, God, how she liked it...Now he was acting like he was trying to prove something to her. Anger flashed through her and she lifted her hand to slap him. “Don’t you EVER try something like that again, KENT!” she stormed up the ramp towards the elevator. She couldn’t believe he had done something like that. He had kissed her then practically bragged about it. Typical male…

She turned on her heel, noticing him following her. “Let’s get something straight. I live by three rules: I live by three rules: I never get involved in my stories, I never let anyone get there first, and I never sleep with anyone I work with.” Before he could retort she was gone.

Clark sat on the bed in his hotel room staring at the ceiling in disgust with himself. He had screwed up. He knew it. Lois had pressed his buttons and he had given in. “Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!” He banged his hand against his forehead.

He sat up and reached for the phone. He had to apologize. Even though he didn’t feel one ounce of regret for his actions...He had enjoyed every pleasurable second his lips had been caressing hers. He wasn’t positive, but he could swear she had enjoyed it too. What had gone wrong? He dialed her number and silently cursed when her answering machine picked up, “Hi. Sorry, we’re not home to take your call. If you’d like to leave a message for Lois or Lucy you can do so at the...” he hung up the phone.

She was probably interviewing Luthor right now. He wasn’t sure what it was about the guy that rubbed him the wrong way. He had felt a twinge of jealousy when he had seen Luthor dancing with Lois. Ever since he had first spotted her across the ballroom; all he wanted to do was take her in his arms and never let go. She was magnificent. There was more to her than what met the eye and he could tell she was beginning to let some of her defenses down around him…The way she had hugged him earlier…He needed to see her. He got up from the bed and grabbed his coat, heading for the door. He wasn’t sure what he would do or say, but he needed to talk to her.


Lois sat in an uncomfortable intimate setting with Lex Luthor. She was dressed in a black cocktail dress and him in a tux. She could tell Lex seemed to think more of their dinner than she did. He kept stealing glances and casual touches. She tried to remain business only with him but found it very difficult. She was treading on dangerous territory here. If she put him in his place the way she usually did; she could risk losing her chance at an exclusive with him. If she didn’t stop him, he could perceive her as leading him on.

“Your parents died when you were fourteen, correct?” Lois asked.

“Why don’t I have my office send you a biography?” he asked.
“Because I don’t want the standard line. I want to know the real Lex Luthor. What makes you tick? What you want, what you strive for…”

“Pleasure. The pursuit of pleasure….” He pushed a strand of hair out of her face, “Does that surprise you?”

“I would have guessed you’d say ‘power’.” She remarked.

“Power is a means, not an end.” He explained.

“But achieving power must give you pleasure.” Lois deducted.

“Very good.” He nodded, impressed.

Lois smiled then turned back to the business at hand, “You took over your first company at the age of twenty-one, but there were rumors that the buy-out was coerced.” She noticed Lex stiffen at that remark. There was a flicker of something behind his eyes. She briefly wondered if Clark may be right about him. “Is it true the Board of Directors was paid substantial, unreported fees?”

“Do you ever let your hair down?” he asked amused. He reached across the table and took her hand in his. Lois watched him hesitantly. He was obviously flirting with her, but why? Was he trying to distract her? “All work and no play…your credo, Lois Lane?”

Lois took a breath. There was something not right here. She could feel it. “Lex, I think you have the wrong idea about this dinner.” She took her hand from his.

“I hope you don’t think we’re here merely because you’re a beautiful woman. That wouldn’t speak well for either of us.”

Lois cut him off, unwilling to listen to him any longer. It was clear she wasn’t going to get what she had come here for tonight. “I need to get going, Lex. I have a deadline.”

“No dessert?” he inquired.

“No thanks. I never have dessert.” She replied hurriedly.

“Really? You don’t know what you’re missing.” Lex smiled and stood up with her. “I’ll have Asabi bring the car around. Where to?”

“Uh, the Planet.” She held up her notebook and gave a weak smile, “Deadline.”

“Of course.” He smiled.


He didn’t know what had made him come to the Planet. Something about the place had called to him. Maybe he would get lucky and Lois would come here after her interview. He knew the chances of that happening were slim to none.

His super hearing picked up the hike in a very familiar heartbeat. He smiled to himself. It amazed him; how Lois’ heartbeat had become something he seemed to tune into almost automatically. He x-rayed the outside of the Planet and watched as Lois stepped out of Lex Luthor’s limo. Luthor walked with Lois to the front door of the Planet. Clark tuned his super hearing into Lois and Luthor’s conversation as well.

He watched as Luthor took her hand and kissed it, “Thank you for a wonderful evening, my dear.”

“You’ve learned more about me than I have about you. That’s not how an interview is supposed to work…” she said ruefully.

“Well, we’re only scratching the surface.” Lex leaned in closer to her and she took a step back.

“I don’t believe this guy,” Clark muttered under her breath.

“I think you have the wrong impression of me, Lex,” Lois said slowly. Lex took another step toward her, leaning into her.

Clark continued to watch. She wasn’t going to kiss him, was she? What about her rules? “Don’t…” He watched in anticipation and sighed in relief when he saw Lois extend a hand to Luthor.

“Good night. As I said before. I have a deadline.” She stepped away from Luthor and pushed her way through the revolving doors of the Planet.

Clark waited for her to enter the newsroom, anticipating her wrath. He wasn’t completely alone. A few members of the maintenance crew and other reporters remained. Perry had already left. What would she do when she saw him? He really hadn’t thought this through at all.

The ding of the elevator announced her arrival. He nervously looked toward the elevator and saw Lois step off the elevator car. “What are you doing here?” the chill in her voice shook him to the bone.

“I…I, uh…” he wasn’t sure how to explain him being there.

“Were you following me?” Lois countered, crossing her arms across her chest.

“No. I was just kinda hoping I’d run into you…after your interview…” He stammered. How was it that her mere presence could send his mind into a jumble of chaos?

“Really? Well, you’ve got me here, Kent. What do you want?” Lois asked, eyes narrowing.

“I just wanted to say …I’m sorry about earlier. I shouldn’t have done that. I was completely out of line.” Clark raked a hand through his hair nervously.

He was apologizing. Why? What exactly did he regret? Did he regret kissing her? Or did he regret what he had said after he had kissed her? She wasn’t sure. “You’re right. You were out of line.”

“I just wanted to say I’m sorry, Lois. I know we’ve just met, and I don’t want to give you the wrong impression of me. I don’t normally do stuff like that…”

“Then why did you?” Lois countered.

“I-I don’t know.” He shrugged, “I really don’t know.”

Lois eyed him critically. He was obviously apologetic. He wasn’t acting like he had gotten away with something. The look of sorrow in his eyes seemed to be genuine... “Okay.”

“Okay, what?” he asked, confused.

“Okay, I forgive you, but don’t let it happen again,” Lois warned, taking the seat at her desk. She was rewarded with a megawatt smile from him. She couldn’t help but smile back. What was it about this man that made her weak in the knees whenever he smiled at her?

“How’d your interview go?” He asked, cautiously.

“Terrible.” She muttered, “Lex spent the whole time dancing around my questions. It was weird. When I got into the questions about the rumors of coercion on the earlier buy-out of one of his companies…He got this look in his eyes…It was dark…kinda scary.”

“Just an uneasy look that made you get a…weird vibe from him?” Clark asked.


“That’s how I felt that night Lex caught us in his study….It got worse when he was giving his announcement about his space station…I thought it was a bit too convenient…His timing and all.”

“Well, I think I owe you an apology as well. You may be right about Lex.” She wore a look of determination on her face as she waved her notebook in front of him.


Lois drug herself through her front door at around midnight. Lucy unsurprisingly was still up. She had an array of textbooks spread out in front of her. “Hey, sis, what’s the excuse tonight?” Lucy teased. “No, don’t tell me another investigation…”

“Lucy, I’m investigating the sabotage at EPRAD….this could be the Pulitzer.”

Lucy rolled her eyes, “Everything could be the Pulitzer with you, Lois. When are you gonna quit focusing on your career so much? We get it. You’re the best…”

“It’s not just about being the best, Lucy. I want to make a difference.” Lois looked at her sister pleadingly. She wished she could get Lucy to understand the thrill she felt when she brought criminals to justice. “I wish I could make you understand, Luce…Understand what it means for me every time I help lock away criminals- whether it be no collar or white collar…I feel like I’m making a difference. I just hope you can find that kind of satisfaction too.” She began to brew some decaf in the coffee maker.

“I am going into law. I’m sure I’ll make a difference too, Lois, but I’m not going to let my job run my life the way you do. You have no life whatsoever. When was the last time you had a date?”


“And an interview doesn’t count,” Lucy interjected. “You’re so focused on your career you can’t see what’s right under your nose.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Lois asked defensively, pouring herself a cup of coffee.

“That partner of yours…” Lucy winked at her, “I’m pretty sure he likes you…”

Lois couldn’t hide the blush that crossed her cheeks. Ever since Lucy had met Clark at Lex Luthor’s ball she had teased her unmercifully about him. “So, what happened with your date the other night?”

Lucy smiled, laughing lightly at Lois’ obvious change of subject. “It was good. His name is Alexander. He’s actually a bit of a celebrity here in Metropolis.” Lucy sighed, “I really like him. He’s really sweet and he’s willing to take things slow.”

Lois rolled her eyes, “That’s translation for ‘if you won’t give it to them; they have women that will.’ I don’t know an Alexander. Are you sure he’s a celebrity?” She took a sip of her coffee.

“Oh, you probably know him as ‘Lex’…” Lucy explained.

Lois spat her coffee out. “Wh-What?” She couldn’t believe her ears.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, you’re, uh …Dating...Lex?”

Lucy nodded innocently, “Yeah. Lex Luthor. He’s really sweet.”

Lois started at her in disbelief. Less than three hours ago Lex Luthor had tried to hit on her during her interview with him. It had been obvious where he thought there dinner was going. He was dating her sister? “Lucy, are you sure about this?”

“Positive. He’s really supportive of my career in law too. He’s helping me get my foot in the door at the DA’s office.”

“Uh-huh.” Lois wasn’t sure what to say. “I-I think I’m going to go to bed…Long night you know.”

“Good night, Lois,” Lucy called and turned her attention back to her textbooks.


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