Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: KenJ Barbarians at the Planet Matchmaker Style 5/10 - 06/23/15 08:06 PM
Barbarians at the Planet - Matchmaker Style

Rated – PG-13


It was later in the day. Jimmy and Jack had both been packing their belongings, but prior to leaving they were still grumbling with their ‘former' co-workers.

Lois said, "I could talk to Perry."

Cat added, "We both could."

Jimmy smiled at the offer, and replied, "Nah. It's not his fault. He would have prevented it if he could. He probably feels bad enough."

Sarcastically, Jack quipped, "I guess it's back to a life of crime for me." They all looked at Jack in disbelief. He shrugged and said, "It's always nice to have something to fall back on."

Jimmy tried to be upbeat, "This could be a good thing."

Lois challenged, "How?"

Still upbeat, Jimmy replied, "Remember my friend Buzz? We've been talking about going into business together."

Cat asked, "Wasn't Buzz your reform school roommate?"

Jimmy shrugged that off, "He was in on a bum rap too. The guy is a marketing genius."

Lois translated, "He's a con man."

Jimmy smiled and said, "Same thing."

Jack showed interest, "What kind of business?"

Jimmy was warming to the idea, "We had this great idea: 'A Day in the Life of ... You.' Anyone can do a wedding or a bar mitzvah, but we go into your home and capture an ordinary day on video. Kind of like your own personal 'Truth or Dare.'"

Lois asked, "Wouldn't that require equipment and capitol?"

Jimmy shrugged and said, "I've got money saved. Not that much, but enough to get us started. Once it catches on, we'll be rolling in it."

Showing a little sentimentality rather than sarcasm, Cat commented, "That's what I'm afraid of. I don't want to lose my cousin."

Jimmy smiled, pleased at this, for Cat, outpouring of emotion. He was becoming more enthusiastic as time went on. He turned to Jack and said, "Maybe you'll come and work for me."

Jack snickered and replied, "A little breaking and entering?"

Shaking his head in disbelief, Jimmy said, "No! I'd make you a vice-president." Then he looked over at Lois and Cat, "You too."

Just then, Sanchez walked by. He was in a daze and not even realizing where he was or where he was going, clasping a pink slip in his hand.

Seeing him, Lois was concerned and asked, "Steve, are you all right?"

Snapping out of his daze, slightly, he answered, "I've just been laid off. I've been with the Planet twenty-five years. Where am I going to go?" When no suggestions were forthcoming he shook his head and wandered away.

Jack made the comment, "It's a massacre."

Lois was bewildered, "It's all happening so fast."

Cat, who always seemed to be up on the latest rumors said, "Maybe not. Maybe management's been having serious money problems for months." She looked around to assure herself that there weren't any ‘suits' around before she continued, "The employees are always the last to know."

Lois, who had been making calls around to friends and acquaintances in the various departments said, "We've got to strike back. I've been polling: we have the people from printing, maintenance, distribution, administration, news staffers, even accounting."

Jack quipped, "Sounds like a party!"

Lois was serious as she said, "Only drastic action will convince the Board we're not fooling around."

Cat gasped and said, "You're talking about a full scale walk out?"

Nodding, Lois said, "If that's what it takes." She looked around before continuing, "I, for one, refuse to accept these indignities lying down."

Jimmy was in the process of taking a breath preparatory to making a smart comment in response to that line when Lois cut him off, "Don't even think about it."

And now:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Chapter 5
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A little later in the afternoon people were still milling around, mostly in shock at what was happening. There was a crowd around the coffee maker, comprised of mostly those that hadn't received the infamous ‘pink slips'. The tension was so thick that you could have cut it with a knife.

Since the night that they had spent as prisoners of Fuentes and his crew, Lois and Cat had come to an understanding. Lois saw how much George meant to her and Cat had actually grieved with Lois when Clark had been ‘killed'. Something of a greater friendship had developed over the last few months and they were able to converse on a deeper level without sniping at one another anymore.

Cat saw Lois staring at Clark's empty desk and decided it was time to take her friend's mind off of her loss. She wandered over and dropped into Lois's guest chair.

As she did, Lois asked, in a wistful tone, "Cat, do you think much about the future?"

Cat thought how best to reply and decided on honesty, "I didn't use to. To me the future consisted of the next indiscretion by some politician. Now, well, now it's different. I'm different. Now I think about the future all of the time. How about you?"

Lois thought, <I really know how my future will turn out, but I can't say that to Cat.> "I've been thinking a lot about it, lately. I mean, if the Planet went under, I'd be lost." <Or at least I would have been, before Clark.>

Cat tried to console, Lois, "I don't believe it. Not, Lois Lane the best investigative reporter in Metropolis. You'd be back on your feet in no time."

Lois had been wondering about what was happening. She had been off balance because of everything, but sitting here, calmly talking with Cat her mind had started to work. <How could this have happened so quickly? Could this be a result of what Carpenter tried? No, we were bouncing back. What happened? This looks strangely like a hostile take-over. Suddenly the pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place. It hit her - HOSTILE TAKE-OVER! Who was skilled at that and had the money to do it to boot? LEX LUTHOR! Could he be doing this? I told him that the Planet was my life. That son-of-a-b****! This is his doing! I wish Clark was here. Wait a minute, maybe it's because he isn't. This could be the break we were waiting for.>

Cat had been watching the play of emotions as Lois's facial expressions changed, "What is it?"

Lois snapped out of her reverie and replied, "Uh, maybe." She thought for a second and then decided to enlist Cat's unwitting help, "Something happened recently."

Cat was all ears, "What? Something bad?"

"No, but it may be related to what's happening."

"Don't keep me in suspense. What was it?"

"Lex Luthor proposed to me."

"Whoa! Clark hasn't been dead that long and he's already after you? No respect!"

They were interrupted when Perry approached. Cat looked up and asked, "What's up, Perry?"

Perry had a bemused expression as he replied, "Your guess is as good as mine. I got a call from upstairs to expect an announcement right about ... now."

Right on cue the elevator chime sounded. When the doors opened, Lex Luthor and a coterie of staff stepped out onto the landing. Mrs. Cox, attired for once in a smartly tailored business suit, the skirt of which did not reach her knee, stood at his right hand.

Everyone had turned at the sound of the chime. With the way things had been going today they were expecting even more bad news. A hush fell over the entire newsroom.

Lois put a hint of surprise into her voice, even though she now totally had expected just this eventuality, "Lex?"

He smiled down at her and then looking around at the assembled staff, began his address, "For those of you who don't know me, my name is Lex Luthor." He waited a second looking around. He spotted Jack and his eyes lingered on him for a second before he continued, "I, no less than you, have been greatly distressed by the sea of troubles that has mired Metropolis' one great newspaper. I don't know why your advertisers have deserted you and circulation is down. I don't know why the banks have shut off your credit lines. And I don't know why you depleted your cash reserves through unnecessary expenditures." With this comment he turned and glared at the men in suits that had accompanied him. Some of them, Lois recognized from the various departments ‘upstairs'. "Though I have my suspicions." He paused to let the implied threat sink in. "I do know that the problems can be solved with strong leadership and fiscal responsibility." Again he paused for effect, "Therefore, I have taken the one step that would guarantee the future well-being of this newspaper: I bought it." When that statement didn't elicit the response he had hoped for, he clarified, "I am the new owner of the Daily Planet."

When Luthor started speaking, Lois looked around for Jack and found him on the fringes of the staff. As Luthor spoke, she edged her way over to him.

When she reached him she could see that he was shaking, whether in fear or anger, she could not tell. She whispered to him, "What's the matter, Jack?"

He whispered in her ear, "That's him. That's the guy I sold the globe to. I lied before. I got a glimpse of his face. And that voice, I'd know that voice anywhere."

Lois whispered, "Jack, I want you to go to the Twelfth Precinct. Ask for Inspector Henderson. Tell him what's happening. You are a witness against Luthor and Henderson needs to protect you. We need you as a witness."

He whispered back, "Do you think it was him that k… that killed Clark?"

"That's what we suspect. We are going to need you as a witness. You have to go to Henderson. We are trying to nail him and your testimony is key. It is extremely important that you go to Henderson so that he can protect you."

"Okay, but what about Denny?"

"We'll take care of him too. You don't have to worry about him."

He nodded and slipped out before Luthor finished speaking.

Just then a cheer went up and Lois spun around to hear the rest of the address.

Luthor continued, "Today begins a new era. I promise you no interference, only a few minor modifications, and no layoffs. Why tamper with greatness?!"

Lois made her way back to her desk as he finished. Jimmy was standing there and as she approached, she heard him say, "Happy days are here again!"

Lois wasn't so sure about that.

Cat enthused, "Isn't it wonderful?"

Lois was non-committal, "Maybe."

Cat asked, "Do you think he did this for you? After all you said he proposed."

Lois was sure that it was exactly that, but not in the way that Cat believed. Lois was now convinced that their advertisers had been either bribed or coerced into pulling their ads. The same for the banks refusing their loan requests. Luthor had so much money in the local banks that a request to shut off the Planet's credit would only require a phone call and a short one at that. Right there was the answer to what had happened to the Planet. She would have to be very careful. She needed to talk to Clark. The lengths Luthor was apparently willing to go to in order to get her were astounding. "I wish he hadn't. We could have worked it out, maybe."

Cat rebutted, "Give him some credit. Lex Luthor has just saved our jobs, not to mention ..."


"He asked you to marry him."

Her reply was less than enthusiastic, "Yeah."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

That night, Lois made a visit to her sister. Her tail was there all the way from the Planet to the apartment. They had learned to be careful because the apartment was on the first floor. They had put in a request with management for an apartment on the fifth floor, but none had come open as yet.

On the edge of tears, she was a bundle of nerves as she entered the apartment. The first thing she did was to go over to her fish tank and greet her fish. She gave them a pinch of food which they swam to the surface to eat. Watching them calmed her somewhat. Even if their images were distorted by the water - not the water of the tank - the water of the salty tears that she was fighting hard not to shed. While she was standing there watching the fish she felt a strong pair of arms slowly circle her waist. She lost herself in the embrace for a second, sighed and relaxed back into the arms of her husband, resting her head on his shoulder. He kissed the side of her neck and she sighed again. She murmured, "I'll give you just two hours to stop that."

She felt, more than heard his chuckle as he teased the skin of her neck.

Turning in his arms she buried her head in his chest and started to shake and the tears she had been fighting finally won and started to flow. When she did he started to stroke her back in a calming gesture, brushing his fingertips up and down her spine. Concerned he asked, "What happened, Lois?"

With a little hiccup, she replied, "The Planet … the Planet has been bought by Luthor."


Quickly the whole story came tumbling out, "When I got in there this morning I found out that our paychecks were no good and that was the high point, the day went downhill from there. No expense accounts, layoffs, the whole nine yards. Clark, it looked like the paper was going under. It was worse than the Carpenter debacle. Then Lex rode in on his white horse and saved the day. He has to have engineered it somehow. I don't know how, but he has to be behind it all." She thought for a few seconds and then said, "I might not know how, but I think I know why. When I turned down his proposal, I told him that since you had died, the Planet was my life and the staff my family. Do you think he's …"

"He's trying to remove your support system. First he got rid of me, his rival and your husband. Now he's going after the job you love and the people you care about. He wants to make you completely dependent on him."

"Clark, that can only mean one thing. He plans to get rid of you, Superman you, too. He must have Kryptonite. Oh, Clark!"

He kissed her before he said, "Forewarned is forearmed. From now on, I'll be on the lookout for it."

"What if he shoots you with a Kryptonite bullet or something?"

With a grim look he said, "I'll just have to be watching for that and be extra careful. If this is actually what is happening, then Perry's, Jimmy's, Jack's even Cat's jobs are in jeopardy. If as we suspect he is trying to remove your support structure then they are targets. I don't think he will fire them, that would be too obvious and obvious is not Luthor's way. He'll be subtle."

"Oh, Jack! Jack told me that he recognized Luthor and I'm sure that Luthor recognized him as well. I sent Jack to Henderson. I told him to explain what was happening. Hopefully he will place Jack in protective custody. We may need to do something about Denny as well."

"We definitely need to take care of Denny. Luthor could use him as leverage against Jack."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The next day, as Perry walked into the bullpen it looked almost like business as usual. People were scurrying around working on stories. As he approached his office he did see one odd thing. On a previously blank wall, a workman was hanging a large picture of Lex Luthor.

Perry shrugged it off and headed for his office. As he entered, he saw that Lex Luthor had taken over his desk and the annoyance and unease he had been feeling since yesterday started coming to the fore. Luthor was speaking to an individual wearing a Seville Row suit, standing in front of the desk.

Seeing Perry enter, Lex transferred his attention to him and said in a placating tone, "'Morning, Perry. I hope you'll forgive this intrusion, but my office won't be ready until tomorrow and I needed a quiet place to make some calls."

Hearing the tone and explanation, Perry was somewhat mollified and in a less gruff tone that he was about to use, said, "Uh, well, no problem. Now, if you'll excuse me ..." Perry started to turn to leave the office.

Before he had a chance to exit, Luthor stopped him by asking, "I don't believe you've met Chip Peterson, have you?"

The guy in the smartly tailored suit turned to greet Perry. When he turned and Perry saw him he took an instant dislike to him. He was young, apparently younger than Lois, perhaps Jimmy's age and Perry didn't like his expression. He gauged his answer carefully, "No, I don't believe I have."

Chip turned on the charm as he said, ingratiatingly, "A pleasure to meet you, sir. I'm a great admirer of your work. You've had such an illustrious career."

Perry caught the tone, sickly sweet and condescending. It took a second for the words to actually penetrate as he automatically started to reply, "Thank you, I ... Wait a minute, 'had?'"

Luthor interrupted, "Chip is just out of Harvard Business School. Top of his class. He's very interested in journalism."

Perry warmed to the topic, "Well, son, it's a fine profession. 'Course it takes a lot of hard work and dedication. It's not what you'd call a fast track."

That was when Luthor chose to drop the bomb, "Chip is our new Supervising Editor-in-Chief."

It took Perry a few seconds to digest his statement. Finally, in a bewildered tone, he said, "Supervising … !?"

Chip interrupted, "Don't worry, Mr. White. We'll make the transition as smooth and painless as possible."

A look bordering on anger took over Perry's features and his face started to flush as his blood pressure started to climb. Chip was close enough that Perry was able to reach out and place his hands on his shoulders, which he did and looking him straight in the eyes said, "Son, will you excuse us?"

Chip protested, "That won't be necessary."

As Perry hauled Chip to the door and shoved him out he said, "I think it is," and slammed the door in his face as he tried to reenter. Turning on Luthor, Perry's anger was very evident.

Seeing that his plan was working, Luthor feigned innocence and surprise as he almost shouted, "Perry!"

Perry moved over and loomed over ‘his' desk which Luthor was occupying and challenged, "Did you or did you not just make that featherbrained, snot-nosed, pimply-faced, under-aged cow 'Chip' my boss?"

Smugly, Luthor replied, "That's one possible interpretation."

Perry bellowed, "Here's another. Get the hell out of my office, and stay out!"

Luthor smugly brought his hands up and steepled his fingers as he settled back more firmly in the chair. The look on his face was calculated to irritate Perry further as he said, "Perry, you're overreacting. My management style may not be exactly what you and the Daily Planet are used to, but give it time. We'll learn to adapt, compromise, work together. Maybe even to love each other. Think of this ... as our honeymoon period." His tone was conciliatory, but his words were not and achieved the object that he was striving for.

Straightening slowly Perry appeared to be making up his mind. Finally he said the words that Luthor wanted to hear, "Think of this as our divorce. Period." Turning he strode out the door, slamming it closed behind him. Before he had taken two steps though, he turned and reopened the door. Reaching up and to the side of the door, he picked a picture of Elvis from its hanger and tucked it under his arm. Giving Luthor a dirty look and leaving once again slammed the door, this time so hard that the glass rattled in the frame.

Watching Perry's retreating back; Luthor started to smile and then sighed with satisfaction. That had actually gone better than he had planned. Chip stepping back into the office distracted Lex so he did not see what followed.

Lois was arriving and as she was stepping out of the elevator, she found Perry waiting to take it down. Seeing him with an Elvis picture under his arm and his flushed face, Lois knew that something was up and rather than step out of the elevator, stepped back allowing Perry to enter.

Hardly acknowledging Lois, Perry pressed the down button.

Lois allowed the car to descend until it was between floors and then she hit the ‘stop' button. Turning to face Perry, she challenged, "Okay, Perry. What happened?"

Looking at her with more than a little disgust, Perry said, "That new boyfriend of yours just hired a snot-nosed kid to be my BOSS!"

"What'd you do?"

"I quit! I'm not going to report to someone younger than my sons!"

Lois looked around and then decided that discretion was the better part of valor. She said, "I'm sorry you saw it that way," then she reached over and pulled the ‘stop' button back out. She pushed the down button and rode down with him. As the car was about to stop in the lobby, Lois leaned in, making it look like she was kissing Perry on the cheek, but in reality she was whispering to him. "Things aren't always what they appear to be. Take a few days and go to your fishing cabin. You will be contacted."

As she was whispering to him, his facial features started to change, then realizing that she was being covert, he quickly schooled his features back to angry so that when he exited the lobby cameras would show what he wanted them to show.

When Lois finally stepped out of the elevator and into the newsroom, she was almost bumped into by Jimmy. He was carrying a box full of personal items and it was piled so high that he couldn't see over it.

Stepping aside, Lois stopped him and asked, "What are you doing?"

Jimmy's answer was succinct, "Cleaning out my desk."

Lois was surprised. She blurted out, "But I thought you got your job back."

"Right. I got a job, but not the job I used to have. I report to the printing plant tomorrow." He was shaking his head as he sadly said, "I'm having a hard time seeing this as a lateral career move."

Lois was becoming more and more irritated. All of the things that she and Clark had discussed last night were happening. Making her way to her desk she brought up her computer and her word processor to work on her current article while she waited for the next shoe to drop.

A few minutes later, Luthor exited the office and approached Eduardo's desk. He had a printout in his hand and he didn't look happy. Eduardo was an old hand. He had already been there as a reporter when Lois started as a probationary. As Luthor approached, Eduardo looked up.

Seeing Luthor in the bullpen, Lois stood and moved closer so that she could overhear the exchange. She was behind Luthor, so he didn't know she was there.

Luthor leaned over Eduardo's desk. His manner was friendly, but confrontational, "Excellent piece of writing, Eduardo, but I think we'll hold off on running it."

Eduardo challenged, "Why? It's a hot topic."

Luthor countered, "'Controversial' would be a better word."

Eduardo reposted, "Allegations of excessive rate hikes at Metropolis Electric is 'controversial'?"

Luthor replied, "That necessary rate hikes are 'excessive' is your opinion, not the opinion of this paper."

Eduardo challenged, "This wouldn't have anything to do with your being on the Board of Metropolis Electric, would it?"

Apparently, Eduardo had struck a nerve because Luthor jerked upright and said in an insulting tone, "That inference is insulting and unprofessional. I expected more from you, Fraise."

Eduardo challenged, "Is this how it's going to be, Luthor? The 'free press' is free only to do your bidding? You are starting to sound like Preston Carpenter."

Luthor was turning away as he said, angrily, "If you don't feel 'free' enough around here, Fraise, you're 'free' to leave." The way he turned, he didn't see Lois or realize that she had overheard.

As she approached Eduardo's desk she heard him mutter, "Why tamper with greatness?"

Rather than speaking with Eduardo, Lois turned on her heel and followed Luthor. He was just settling into Perry's chair when she entered.

Looking up he saw her and his entire demeanor changed. He smiled and said, "Lois, just the woman I wanted to see."

Lois had to pretend that she didn't know what was going on so she asked, in a heated tone, "Lex, what's going on? Did you fire Perry?"

Always the consummate actor, Lex put on a hurt expression as if he were being accused unjustly. "What? No, of course not. I just hired another fellow to work with him. Take some of the load off."

Knowing that she needed to behave in character, Lois defended Perry, "But Perry wants the load. He won't accept this. He'll quit."

Feigning shock, Lex said, "I sincerely hope not. It would be a great loss to the paper. If he only weren't so resistant to progress." He rose from the chair and paced for a few seconds, finally stopping, he leaned on a file cabinet and looked sincerely at Lois before continuing, "If I've made a mistake ... I'd better talk to him. I'll apologize."

Not letting up, Lois challenged, "And Jimmy?" And what about Eduardo? What were you arguing about?"

Luthor put on an act of magnanimity as he replied, "I gave Jimmy a job, the only one available. I'll have him back up here as soon as humanly possible. I promise. By the way, wasn't there another young man? A copy boy? I think his name was, Jack." Lois did not react to the name so he paused a second before addressing the rest, "As for Eduardo, he seems to have this unreasonable hostility toward me. I don't know why. I have nothing but respect for him. His work has always been top tier." He paused as if considering his words carefully, "Lois, I'm working to save the Planet. Give me a chance. Trust me. Everything will turn out fine."

Lois felt that she needed to cover for Jack. She said, dismissively, "I haven't see Jack since yesterday. He might have decided to find himself another job." She pasted a fake smile on her face and then added to the lie, "He really didn't fit in around here anyhow." She turned and left the office. She didn't see the predatory smile that crossed Lex's lips as she did.

She made her way to Eduardo's desk and tried to encourage him, "It's going to work out fine, Eduardo. Trust me. Just give it time. Things will turn around."

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