Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: KathyM FDK: When You Say You Love Me, Part 2 - 04/02/05 10:16 AM
Very lovely indeed, Wendy! Lois's reasoning was very logical as she put together what she'd seen with what "could" possibly be - living up to her reputation. And I liked Clark's misdirection of Jack - I agree, there was definitely no way that he should know before Lois.

I admit that I was surprised to see Clark getting *angry* at Lois for figuring it out, but since he was physically and emotionally exhausted, I'm willing to cut him some slack. wink

The rest of their conversation was wonderful, and of course it ended very happily for all (except Lex, who'll find out shortly that the woman he loves has dumped him for that giblet Clark Kent... goofy )

Many thanks, Wendy.

Posted By: Julie S Re: FDK: When You Say You Love Me, Part 2 - 04/02/05 11:02 AM
Oh god oh God oh God oh God!!!!

I had to pause and squeal in several places, Wendy, this is awesome!!

I love it that he had to wrestle it out of her. <g>

I also love it that you took Fly Hard and wrote such a nice aftermath. I see that episode as pretty useless... and I've never seen another fic about it before.

And that image of them standing together, him holding her, it's just lovely and just.. wow!

Julie smile
Posted By: KSaraSara Re: FDK: When You Say You Love Me, Part 2 - 04/02/05 11:27 AM
Yeah, I know, I already gave you comments, but you *did* revise. wink

He’d always thought he was so discreet about that... Nervous, feeling as if he was under a microscope, he couldn’t stop one hand lifting to the rim of his spectacles. Seeing her eyes widen at the gesture, he snatched his hand away, but not before he saw her nod in something like confirmation.
Very nice!!!

Your faith in me, Lois... it awes me, but it’s also a huge responsibility.
Still love this line! Adore it! goofy
Posted By: Vicki K Re: FDK: When You Say You Love Me, Part 2 - 04/02/05 11:36 AM
Loved it, loved it, loved it. The dialogue was perfection - this was a fabulous vignette, Wendy, and a wonderful and very much more satisfying conclusion to Fly Hard.

Next? wink

Posted By: Karla Kent Re: FDK: When You Say You Love Me, Part 2 - 04/02/05 12:08 PM
Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, hail

Posted By: daneel Re: FDK: When You Say You Love Me, Part 2 - 04/02/05 12:25 PM
Good development of the conversation, Wendy smile1
Posted By: Sira Re: FDK: When You Say You Love Me, Part 2 - 04/02/05 12:32 PM
Oh my gosh! I'm grinning like an idiot. A happy, sappy idiot! Why can't real men be that sweet and romantic and.... (or at least not those i know...*G*)

What a wonderful conclusion, Wendy! I just simply loved it. Adored it. Devoured it. Sucked it up. And grinned through all of it like a LnC depraved FoLC.

Sira - smile1 thumbsup thumbsup clap
Posted By: Krissie Re: FDK: When You Say You Love Me, Part 2 - 04/02/05 01:11 PM
Very nice, Wendy. I've just read both parts. I'm quite surprised, though, at the lack of angst. That really was delightfully sappy! smile

I liked the idea that Clark was angry that Lois had figured out the secret. I also liked the fact that Lois didn't want to say that she loved him, fearful as she was that he might think she only loved him because of Superman. That shows a decent amount of sensitivity on her part, I think.

Posted By: Supes1fan Re: FDK: When You Say You Love Me, Part 2 - 04/02/05 01:17 PM
Wonderful finale..

Loved the levelheadedness Lois showed as she laid out her case and the ending?? I'm a puddle! blush blush

Posted By: Cristina Re: FDK: When You Say You Love Me, Part 2 - 04/02/05 01:18 PM
Wow, lovely story, Wendy! everybody has already said pretty much what the best parts are, but I have to add that I really like the way Lois doesn't want to confess 'the other thing', how somehow, you can feell her insecurities...

“All right. Since you’re insisting - but if I’m gonna be embarrassed then so are you. So answer me something. I know you said that you think Lex is a criminal and that’s why you hate seeing me with him. But - honestly - is that the only reason?”
This is sooo Lois, I can totally picture her behaving that way.

Like I said, amazing story (I was missing more WAFF on the MBs lately and this was perfect! cool )

Cris (off to read the story again laugh )
Posted By: Karen Re: FDK: When You Say You Love Me, Part 2 - 04/02/05 02:19 PM
LOL. I love it. I especially love Clark's initial reaction at the very beginning of this part. Only Lois can make him a true klutz. heh

Wonderful story, Wendy!
Posted By: jackiek Re: FDK: When You Say You Love Me, Part 2 - 04/02/05 03:07 PM
I loved it. Such a sweet story.
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: When You Say You Love Me, Part 2 - 04/02/05 04:40 PM
Wow I loved that wendy! what a wonderful little revelation story. I am doing cartwheels in my livingroom as we speak! goofy That was very waffy. I loved his reaction to her discovery. What a wonderful birthday fic. Nice job! Laura
Posted By: gerry Re: FDK: When You Say You Love Me, Part 2 - 04/02/05 04:50 PM
That was nicelove.

Glad that Lois figured everything out.

Posted By: ethnica Re: FDK: When You Say You Love Me, Part 2 - 04/02/05 07:35 PM
He took both her hands in his and held them tightly. “I feel... alive, Lois. I want to fly as high as I can go and do cartwheels in the clouds. I want to write ‘I love Lois Lane’ in letters thirty feet high in the sky. I feel as if there’s no-one else alive in the world but you and me. I’m the strongest man in the world, yet you can bring me to my knees with just a smile. And you think I don’t want to hear you tell me you love me?”

He was shocked when her only response was a tiny choke.


“Clark, I’ve never heard anything so romantic in my life before!”

He grinned. Suddenly, he just couldn’t stop grinning. “And I’ve never heard anything more beautiful than you saying those three words, Lois.”
oh, gee, golly - wow! clap clap I'm just stunned. notworthy
Posted By: RL Re: FDK: When You Say You Love Me, Part 2 - 04/02/05 09:41 PM
Nice story, Wendy!

I liked the part where Clark is willing to keep an open mind about Lois's feelings towards him because of his promise and winds up believing her in the end! Whoohoo!

Now all we need is a sequel where Lex figures out the giblet is Superman and spends 422 parts torturing Lois and Clark until we get our happily ever after. wink
Posted By: TriciaW Re: FDK: When You Say You Love Me, Part 2 - 04/03/05 12:20 AM

This is excellent. smile1 I love it.

Tricia cool
Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: FDK: When You Say You Love Me, Part 2 - 04/03/05 08:51 PM
Superb! I always like Lois realizing on her own. Also, the retrospections on the characters' behavior during the hostage situation was fantastically done.
Posted By: Gabriele Re: FDK: When You Say You Love Me, Part 2 - 04/04/05 12:03 AM
Beaytiful story.

I was wondering if it is intentional that Clark says " I love LL", not "LL loves me". I can understand the latter (he wants Lois know his feelings), but I believe that what gives him "high" is Lois's declaration.

I feel... alive, Lois. I want to fly as high as I can go and do cartwheels in the clouds. I want to write ‘I love Lois Lane’ in letters thirty feet high in the sky. I feel as if there’s no-one else alive in the world but you and me. I’m the strongest man in the world, yet you can bring me to my knees with just a smile. And you think I don’t want to hear you tell me you love me?”
Posted By: Kaethel Re: FDK: When You Say You Love Me, Part 2 - 04/04/05 09:43 AM
That was so fabulous, Wendy! notworthy I totally loved part 2 - the part Gabriele quoted is actually my favourite line. blush

I adored the revelation and Lois's explanation of how she'd come to figure it out, and I'm glad Clark realised that Lois was truthful about her feelings for him. Also, how can he not trust her when the first thing she did was to come to him and not to publish the story?

Thanks again, so very much, for the lovely birthday present. I'm very, very touched that you wrote this for me. It made my birthday all the more special. sloppy


Kaethel smile
Posted By: sunrei Re: FDK: When You Say You Love Me, Part 2 - 04/04/05 10:55 AM
Wow Wendy,
I loved this fic. You certainly are multi-talented! Serving up this birthday fic for Kae and killing us softly on another channel with A Twist of Fates... can I borrow your muse?

I liked that Lois figured it out, too. Having Clark promise to believe her and then struggling to keep it was a nice touch.

Thanks for sharing!
Posted By: Wendymr Re: FDK: When You Say You Love Me, Part 2 - 04/04/05 11:07 AM
Wow! Well, thank you again, everyone! I'm delighted this second section seemed to live up to expectations. smile1

You see so many of you guessed correctly about the coffee. goofy But then, the poor boy had received one heck of a shock... wink

Kathy said:

I admit that I was surprised to see Clark getting *angry* at Lois for figuring it out, but since he was physically and emotionally exhausted, I'm willing to cut him some slack.
Well, it was in part a product of his exhaustion/stress, but it was more than that. He'd spent the evening watching Lois with Lex; seeing her flirt with him, sit with him, be all over him (remember her running her hands over Lex's shoulders as she spoke), having her criticise him and generally not be very nice to him. And then she went off in the ambulance with Luthor. So she wasn't really his favourite person. She'd worked out his secret and come over to tell him so, and he hadn't a clue what she intended to do with the information.

So he was worried and anxious, to start with. Some of that came out as anger, but the anger was also at what he perceived as Lois's arrogant smugness, what he saw as her 'aren't I so clever for working it out' air. Of course, he misunderstood, but then in the circumstances it wasn't that surprising.

I'm glad so many of you liked Clark's speech about how he felt to hear Lois say he loved him! laugh Thank you!! Gabrielle, interesting idea about whether he'd say he loves her or she loves him; I don't know, but when I wrote it that was what he seemed to be telling me he'd say.

Kaethel, I'm delighted most of all that you liked this! I'm so pleased that you're happy with your additional birthday present. smile

And finally:
Now that this universe's Lois and Clark have united so wonderfully, could you please go back to "un-ghost" Lois or "ghost" Clark
ROFL!! goofy

Wendy smile
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