Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Simona FDK - The Long Road Home 11/? - 11/05/04 04:32 PM
notworthy notworthy notworthy notworthy notworthy
WOW Erin!

The Revelation: Well, not exactly like I have imagined, but it's pretty close, isn't it? wink

Erin, about the kiss - thing: this is twice in the same day!!! When we'll see some action? laugh Perfectly written!! Ahhh, it's always beautiful to see Lois and Clark falling in love...

Now, Lois, you CANNOT delude us, you do know it would be wrong to write about Clark's secret! I trust you, you are a too good person to do something so mean!

(And, even if Jim's going to fire you, you could come to work with Clark! You know, the man you are falling in love, do you remember?)

Simona smile
(who is really loving this story!)
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK - The Long Road Home 11/? - 11/05/04 07:05 PM
Yeah screw Jim go work with Clark. That is a good alternative. laura
Posted By: Sira Re: FDK - The Long Road Home 11/? - 11/06/04 07:02 AM
YES! Lois has found out! I loved the revelation scene! It was so in the spirit of the story, so ... Lois! It was nothing like I'd imagined it to be, and so much better than anything I could have come up with.

I also like the way Lois comes to realize she can't run off and publish the story and how, later on, she doesn't know if she can write about it at all!

Personally, I'd tell her to write an 'interview' that has most of the facts, but leaves out the 'big' secret... But on the other hand that would be really close to what Clark's interview was like, wouldn't it?

I just hope she doesn't do it hyper

Sira - making herself comfortable and preparing her nerve wracking wait for Monday (when hopefully part 12 will be posted...) blush
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK - The Long Road Home 11/? - 11/06/04 11:42 AM
GREAT revelation. Finally caught up in the rest of the story today, and omigod Lois is going to be the death of me if she writes the expose of a lifetime here.

Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK - The Long Road Home 11/? - 11/06/04 12:58 PM

Wow! Great piece. thumbsup Well, is time ask Perry if they are looking for a new reporter in Metropolis.

confused Lets hope her heart wins and she can write story with out giving out important information.

More ASAP, please.

MAF hyper
Posted By: HatMan Re: FDK - The Long Road Home 11/? - 11/06/04 04:13 PM
Sorry I haven't been commenting, Erin. I've been a bad, bad reader. <hangs head in shame>

I'm still not feeling very well, so I don't have much to add. I just wanted to let you know that I've been reading as soon as the parts come up, and I've been enjoying it quite a bit. I really like your alternate take here, and your development of L&C's relationship. I'm not quite sure what to make of this less cynical Lois sometimes (she accepted without question that this mystery guy really was out to do good?), but, on the whole, I like her.

Too bad she has to leave, but something tells me she'll be back. wink Or maybe he'll take a little side trip out to California. It's a short flight, right? wink

Looking forward to seeing how this all plays out. Sorry again for my silence.

Posted By: daneel Re: FDK - The Long Road Home 11/? - 11/07/04 11:38 PM
Hmm... something could make her to miss the plane.... Trask? smile1
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: FDK - The Long Road Home 11/? - 11/08/04 03:45 AM
OMG! Lois knows Clark's secret! [Linked Image] Good she didn't run to press. What love does... [Linked Image]

Oh, she can't go back to San Francisco so soon! [Linked Image] Maybe a kiss (a real kiss, no-Jimmy) can change everything. [Linked Image] It's time!

I'm loving this story! Part 12 today? Please! grovel

~ Andreia
Posted By: Anonymous Re: FDK - The Long Road Home 11/? - 11/08/04 01:59 PM
WOW! I am loving this story, this premise, maybe, maybe Lois will lose her job in San Fran, then maybe she can come work in Metropolis.

This is a fantastic story! clap

Posted By: Julia Re: FDK - The Long Road Home 11/? - 11/08/04 03:23 PM
Sorry, I'm late again. :rolleyes: This was an excellent part help (actually, I planned on being done by now, but I got distracted by a new part of a wonderful story... laugh )

~Julia wave
Posted By: Tank Re: FDK - The Long Road Home 11/? - 11/08/04 04:28 PM
Good instalment.

The revelation is quite logical given the Lois you've created. It will be interesting to see how Lois handles the knowledge.

I can see where she wouldn't want any harm to come to Clark or his parents, but still, she really only has known him for a couple of days... AND... it is a big story.

I think Lois would need to actually see some proof that Clark's life would be adversely affected by exposure. After all, movie stars, and big time athletes may have some trouble with their privacy but they still are able to deal with it and do still reap the benefits of their fame. Also, law enforcement officials have to deal with the possibility that criminals will wish to strike back at them by using their loved ones. They don't have the protection of a 'secret identity'.

Granted, Superman is a bit more high profile, but these are some of the rationales that might go through Lois' head as she trys to justify writing her BIG story.

Tank (who figures that Lois will have regrets either way she decides to go.)
Posted By: gerry Re: FDK - The Long Road Home 11/? - 11/08/04 05:48 PM
It's Monday, Erin. Where's part 12?

Is it my fault because I was too lazy to give feedback? O please, no! Forgive me. If I give feedback now will you promise to post immediately?

Okay. I loved it. The revelation was wonderful, even though I wondered how Lois could be fast enough to keep up with Clark when he was dashing off to a rescue.

Has he learned the spin thing or was he actually changing quickly like the rest of us mortals?

And then their talk. That made my day. Love it when they can talk things out rationally.

I have confidence in Lois that she'll do the right thing. She's seeing him as a human being with feelings and a life. She couldn't hurt him by printing the whole truth.

I agree with Sira
Personally, I'd tell her to write an 'interview' that has most of the facts, but leaves out the 'big' secret... But on the other hand that would be really close to what Clark's interview was like, wouldn't it?
I'm sure she can find out things that weren't in Clark's article since we haven't really seen it.

So, now Erin, you can post part 12.

gerry dizzy
Posted By: Simona Re: FDK - The Long Road Home 11/? - 11/09/04 10:08 AM
It's Tuesday, Erin, where is part 12? wink

Simona smile
Posted By: IsisLnC Re: FDK - The Long Road Home 11/? - 11/09/04 10:11 AM
It will be Wednesday in 11 hours (EST). Where is part 12?!

Does this mean we get a double post tomorrow?!

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