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Posted By: chickberry FDK: Beneath the Surface (9/14) - 12/30/13 02:18 PM
I'm not a micro-biologist but I do find genetics fascinating. Science people out there let me know if I made any big mistakes. wallbash
Posted By: Annalina19 Re: FDK: Beneath the Surface (9/14) - 12/31/13 02:29 PM
Hi, thank you it is nice to have a new part to read, shame it was so short.
I wonder if some DNA are not from Superman. I hope we'll see more of Lois & Clark relationship - Lois questions on Clark's life.
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK: Beneath the Surface (9/14) - 12/31/13 03:30 PM
Welcome back!

“None of them expected to die,” Dr. Goldberg protested.
Apparently Dr. Goldberg is will aware of the damage his 'procedure' is having on these young men. He is not an evil man, I suspect that if he could get out of this mess, he would.

We’ve just started phase three. My employer would appreciate it if we didn’t have to interrupt it .”
Interesting. Who is their employer? Could his initials be L.L.?

Lois looked at Clark. She knew this news would eat him alive. Clark had such compassion for life and hearing about what could be happening with these kids was obviously tearing him apart inside. “If you were to see this patient, do you think you could help him?” Lois asked optimistically.

“I’m not sure. I need more time to try to figure out what exactly the CX is. It could be possible that something like dialysis or a transfusion would work. I can’t really say at this point.”
Let's hope there is help for these poor kids!

I look forward to the next installment!
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK: Beneath the Surface (9/14) - 01/08/14 01:18 AM
This was an interesting story. Good to be rid of Linda finally. I am hoping Clark gives in and tells Lois The Secret soon.
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK: Beneath the Surface (9/14) - 02/09/14 08:53 AM
Will we be getting a new part soon? confused
Posted By: chickberry Re: FDK: Beneath the Surface (9/14) - 02/09/14 12:58 PM
wave Thanks all for reading and being patient with the slowness of these last few chapters. I've had the next one sitting in my inbox ready to post for almost a month dizzy It will be up today.

I'm still trying to finish up the last chapter, but haven't found any time or energy(at over 6 months pregnant) to work on it frown I've been trying to spend extra time with my 3 year old since his only child world is about to change.

I'm determined to get it done soon though before other plot bunnies can sneak in there and take over. I love the idea of coming up with an evil alt Clark devil It's been trying to push it's way in there and demand to be written.
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