Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Felar FDK - Here Comes the Sun - 09/24/12 01:42 PM
The feedback thread - which is only different from a feed back loop in the sense that the first is compulsory while the latter is recursive. smile

In case you didn't quite understand the logistics. Here's a quick doodle about Lois's (north-)western gaze and Kent's (south-)eastern gaze.

Graphic depicting the Suns rays
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Here Comes the Sun - 09/24/12 04:31 PM
hyper This finally posted. You have some great images in both POVs.

Finally finding out where Alt-Lois has been all these years, and discovering deep inside she's still the same Mad Dog that we know in love. I love how one day, on her darkest day, Lois felt Clark searching for her and it gave her the will to go on. Awwwwwwwww. (Even though she didn't know it was Clark soul searching for her that she felt.)

But my favorite has to be all the great little details you put in Alt-Clark's new life. I like that he's an (unpaid - 'pay for the things he breaks') policeman, yet still has time to report the news for the DP. I like how he has special drop-off spot for criminals he catches (why hasn't DC comics incorporated this into his canon??) and that all undercover cops carry a lead star so he can recognize friend from foe. This all makes so much sense. Even that one sentance about Lana describes their relationship in a nutshell.

While these vignettes are short, they pack an emotional wallop! Great job on your first story! Can't wait to read more.
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK - Here Comes the Sun - 09/24/12 09:57 PM
Welcome to the boards. The quality of this fic tells me that you need to write many more.
Posted By: Mouserocks Re: FDK - Here Comes the Sun - 09/25/12 12:10 AM
Great fic! You've got some very strong imagery and descriptions in here-- really well done. And I concur with Iolanthe, we must see more from you soon!!

wave Mouserocks
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK - Here Comes the Sun - 09/25/12 04:34 AM

The cold, despair and anguish of being locked away in a slave labor came through the myriad of images.

No matter she was locked behind a fence, Lois Lane's sense that she is a reporter whose looking for the story of the century came shining through.

Welcome to the boards! thumbsup
Posted By: Felar Re: FDK - Here Comes the Sun - 09/25/12 05:32 PM
Thanks! I've been sitting on this one a while mostly because I wanted to go a little further into story. But the plot bunnies where being a little vicious and just not not wanting to hop in line.

I have a few other ideas in the works, so you haven't heard the last from me. (I do have to write around RL, but I promise more if you like these.)

**Wrapping myself up in writing an L&C fic is my Calgon.**

(Wow... That kinda dates me doesn't it... )
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK - Here Comes the Sun - 09/25/12 07:15 PM
Don't worry! Writing about Lois and Clark is my Calgon escape as well!
Posted By: AntiKryptonite Re: FDK - Here Comes the Sun - 11/08/12 01:29 AM
Very nice -- so beautiful for all that they express the hopeful hopelessness of each of them! Love how you can fit so much of their characters and their settings in so few paragraphs!

Love how Lois thinks that if she can't write the story of the century, she'll settle for being part of it.

And how thought-provoking when Clark thinks that he couldn't believe Lana's 'I love you' when it came attached to 'now change.'

Very good vignettes!
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