Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: VirginiaR Superman What? (1/1) - 02/18/12 03:07 PM
Superman What?

By VirginiaR.

Rating: G (I know, a stunner! My first G story. Pigs do fly!)

Set: Four years after the end of Missing Lois . Canon dimension. Summer 2001.

A/N: You do not have read the above-referenced Epic to understand this story.


Lois and Clark walked into his folks’ farmhouse with a dreamy expression on their faces that could only have come from given the day off from the kids to be reminded why they had fallen in love in the first place. “Date night” at the Kent household, usually meant spending the day on the other side of the world when it was night, getting back to Kansas before suppertime.

This time, it had been Bangkok, dinner and show – and a slow afternoon relaxing in a hotel room for two instead of four. Nice, very nice. They had landed on the other side of the barn, practically scaring Jack out of the hayloft.

‘But, hey, that was a bonus,’ Lois thought with a grin.

They walked in through the kitchen door to find Jonathan pouring himself a cup of hot tea.

“’Morning,” Lois said, kissing the man’s cheek.

“’Evening,” Jonathan replied with the twinkle in his eye.

“Hi, Dad. How’s Jonathan?” Clark asked, his arm reluctantly letting go of Lois’s waist.

“I’m fine, thanks. How are you?” he answered, bringing his tea to his lips. Then he smiled wickedly. “Oh, you mean Jon-Jon. He’s taking a nap.”

Lois groaned looking at the clock on the wall. “Ah, Dad. He’s going to up all night now.” She turned to Clark. “We should really go wake him up.”

He turned to go through the swinging kitchen door into the living room when his mom pushed through the door, tears running down her face as she gasped for air.

“Mom?” he asked. Lois could hear the panic in his voice.

Then the roar of laughter escaped from Martha so strong, she bent over unable to keep upright.

“What?” Lois and Clark asked at the same time.

Martha still couldn’t answer verbally and pointed towards the other room.

Perplexed Lois followed her husband into the living room, where a blonde cherub launched herself into Clark’s arms.

“Hi, sweetie,” Clark said, brushing back a lock of gold curls and kissing his four year old daughter’s cheek.

“Hi, Daddy. I tried to explain to Peter that I’m not Superwoman, because there is no Superwoman, only Ultra Woman. But my outfit is red, blue, and gold like Uncle Super’s not purple and green like Auntie Ultra’s.”

“Teal,” Clark automatically corrected.

Lara had wanted to be Superman for Halloween this year. They decided that they hadn’t wanted the outfit to be too accurate by having Martha make it – nor did they want Clark’s mother’s heart broken when the day before the holiday their daughter changed her mind and decided to be a princess. So, the week before they had purchased a mass produced girl’s Supergirl outfit. They figured buying it early would give Lara all summer to play in it.

“I still think the skirt should be gold,” Lois murmured her oft repeated complaint about the outfit.

Clark shot his wife another one of his scolding looks.

Obviously this wasn’t the time for such commentary. “Sooor-ry.”

“That’s right, honey. You’re Supergirl,” Clark said with love.

Lois gazed at her husband and sighed, once again thinking she was lucky that at least one of them had innate parenting skills.

A blond tank of a little boy rushed into the room with a yelp. “I’m going to get you!” he snarled, his arms outstretched.

Lara squealed in delighted terror and jumped down from Clark’s arms, running away and screaming at a level that made even her daddy wince.

“How exactly has Jon-Jon slept through this?” Lois asked her husband in amazed disbelief at their son’s ability to sleep through anything, as they watched their daughter and her best friend tear through the house, knocking into walls and climbing over furniture.

Peter leapt off the sofa and dived towards Lara. Having three months on the boy, plus being longer and leaner, Lara was quicker and easily dodged the attack.

“Get back here, Superman Lady!” the little boy hollered, chasing after her.

Lois’s jaw dropped as her eyes caught the stunned expression on her husband’s face. She pressed her lips together, but could not keep the titters of laughter from escaping.

On the other hand, Clark looked as if the little boy had strangled him.

“Superman Lady?” Lois repeated, before the laughter exploded out from her. She turned and ran into the other room.

Clark joined her and his folks in the kitchen. “I don’t see what’s so funny.” He had his arms crossed, his face intense.

Lois wrapped her arms around his mother as they both tried to keep themselves from falling over from laughter. “Martha, I know what Clark should be for Halloween this year.”

“What?” Clark said tersely.

“Exactly!” Martha roared. “Lara can be Supergirl and, Clark, you can be Superman Lady!”

*** The End ***


Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me; they belong to themselves (although Warner Bros, DC Comics, and the heirs to Siegel and Shuster might disagree). They were created by Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster as they were portrayed on the Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman television series, developed by Deborah Joy LeVine. The catch-phrase from this story was inspired by my four-year-old son. (“Superman Lady” is his older sister).
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