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Well, here's the beginning of my new story. Hope you enjoy it. I am thinking about posting daily - not entirely certain about that, though.

ML wave
Love the premise to this and how you just dived right into the story, using judicious flashbacks to tell us what happened in between. I also liked Martha's POV at the beginning. I'm really not a huge fan of using his parents to bludgeon him with the mistakes they think he's making, so I love how you showed that she disagreed with him but still loved him and trusted him to do at least what he thought was right.

I feel bad for Lois now. It's always such a double-edged sword that she never applies her reporter skills to Clark. I was with Martha all the way through the opening scene, begging her to notice that he was blind, that he was trying not to fall.

Never liked Mayson and you definitely illustrated a couple of the reasons why here. Love how Lois inwardly complained about being the comforter (and that she recognized that she had used/needed Clark's skills for that in their partnership) even as she did do what she could. She's always been kinder than she gives herself credit for.

Your last paragraph gives me hope that maybe her 'leaking' knowledge will help us find a cure for Clark's blindness. And in doing so, maybe cure hers too. smile

Daily updates sounds great to me!
Yay, a new ML story!!! And BTW, daily updates sounds awesome to me!!!! hyper
A new MLT fic....all is right with the world wink
I'm so glad to see that you are still writing LnC stories, ML. I love the premise, that the infrared light didn't cure Superman's blindness, and cannot wait to see how Lois is going to fix this. Because seeing how stubborn Clark is being, it will be Lois who figures out how to fix it.

As always, I'm as annoyed as Lois at Clark's thick-headedness. And Martha Kent is always right. Share your secret and be stronger together.

Daily postings sound wonderful! Yes, please!

Intriguing start. It will be exciting to see how you develop this.

I love your theme. I'm also surprised that Lois doesn't notice that everytime Superman 'leaves' Metropolis, Clark hightails it for the Smallville Post(i.e. Man of Steel Bars). I hope she puts one & one together soon.
“You don’t run away,” Lois continued “...or well, not always... or not when it really matters, anyway.”
Um... Lois, yeah, he does.

I'm surprised she hasn't been talking to her friends at S.T.A.R. Labs, but then again, she doesn't want anyone to know Superman's blind.

“Watch how you speak to your mother, son,” Jonathan said immediately in a tone of voice that sounded suspiciously like Superman’s.
Like father, like son. laugh

I love how after a month, that stupid 'pen' that didn't work, is still sitting by Clark's old desk. Come on, Rhalia wink does a better job than that.

Clark may be obstinate, but Lois can be quite pigheaded in her own regard. WHY does she always accept Clark's flimsy excuses at face value when she KNOWS he's lying to her? Such as:

“Okay, what’s really going on here, Clark?” Lois said. “No, no. I don’t buy it. This doesn’t make any sense.”
Yes, Lois, go with that feeling. Yet, she never does. Sigh. smile1
I love how you showed that she disagreed with him but still loved him and trusted him to do at least what he thought was right.
Uhh... okay. Uhh... right. Uhh... Just remember that thought when you read the next part laugh

I'm so glad to see that you are still writing LnC stories, ML.
I've actually been working on this one on and off all year. I was beginning to wonder if it would ever get written.

I love how after a month, that stupid 'pen' that didn't work, is still sitting by Clark's old desk. Come on, Rhalia does a better job than that.
Actually, that isn't the same 'pen.' In this section, Dr. Leit takes the Faraday device - which they had originally mistaken for a pen - when he left the newsroom.

But after reading your comment, I went back and looked at the story and realized that I hadn't made that clear, so I went back and reworked it a bit to clarify that. So thanks for pointing this out.

And thanks, all of you, for your comments.

As for posting... I'll post daily, at least for the time being. As usual, the posts will generally happen at midnight eastern standard time.

ML wave
As for posting... I'll post daily
So happy to see a new story from you. You've got my attention! Can't wait for more and happy to know you'll be posting frequently.

This is fun so far. It'll be interesting to see what you have next for us.
Glad you're enjoying it so far. Hope this next part doesn't disappoint - although I do expect it will surprise. At least, I was surprised by what happened next. laugh

Anyway, it will be up in fifteen minutes.

ML wave

MLT, one of my favorite LnC writers! Started reading this fic tonight. Loving every passage.

Welcome back!
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