Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: BJ FDK: What the...? - 08/08/11 12:48 PM

I know how much you love to see Lois with child (or children) and a happy and successful Jimmy Olsen, and it made reading this story so much more enjoyable. wink

Happy birthday, Tank!

Enjoy your Lois.


ETA: Here's the link to Tank's story on the archive, for those that missed it.
Posted By: Mouserocks Re: FDK: What the...? - 08/08/11 11:54 PM
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: What the...? - 08/08/11 11:58 PM
rotflol This was pretty awesome. Nice twist!
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: What the...? - 08/12/11 06:07 AM
Submitted: May, 2011
/shakes head/
Tank, Tank, Tank
/shakes head some more/
You can't just go and post stories only to the Archive and cause us to wonder how we missed it during next year's Kerth re-reading session.

I’ve written this little piece of fluff for the denizens of the message boards, in honor of the birthday of a certain FoLC. So gentle readers this is for you.

Lois Lane stood in front of the mirror in the master bathroom, brushing out her silky, long, dark hair. It hung to the middle of her back and in order to keep it shiny and smooth she gave it a hundred brush strokes every day. It still amazed her that she wore her hair this long.
Okay, Princess Lois crossover?

She hadn’t done so since high school, and she had thought she didn’t care for it this long, but things change.
This is really weird...

She knew Clark liked it long. It was just something else for him to play with. So, she felt it wasn’t that great a sacrifice to indulge him.
That's an ... explanation.

After all, when it came to play, those washboard abs were all hers.
Sounds reasonable.

“Mommy, mommy.”

The mother and daughter made their way down the stairs and into the living room. She spied her son playing with some large plastic blocks in the middle of the floor.
This is getting weirder and weirder and weirder.

The poor dears were probably cursed with Lois’ competitive gene
Add to that superpowers and you got a quite interesting outlook into Metropolis's future.

Lois patted her daughter on the back. “Sweetie, could you go and see who that is?”
Isn't that dangerous?

“Unca Jimmy, Unca Jimmy.” He jumped up and down, his arms extended.
Okay. Labby, I think someone faked Tank's eddress.

She was now happily wetting herself, soaking not only her diapers, but Lois’ arms and the front of her robe as well.”

huh wink

And given Lynn's lates ficlet This could have also been the result of Lois and Clark returning the bundle of joy to her original parents in Season 5. Then Clark get's really insistent on trying for a child of their own. Until Lois snaps and runs off with an author.

Happy (belated) birthday, Tank!
Posted By: LabRat Re: FDK: What the...? - 08/12/11 08:56 PM
You can't just go and post stories only to the Archive
He didn't. This one was orginally posted here on the mbs on 15th December, 2003. laugh

It was one of a batch of stories never submitted to the Archive which - just a month or so ago - Tank gave me permission to gather up and upload.

LabRat smile
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: What the...? - 08/13/11 01:10 AM
blush blush I did search the TOCs because I wanted to know when exactly Tank posted it. Only, I never even considered looking down at the bottom of the result list blush blush blush


PS: Link to TOC
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