Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Lynn S. M. FDK - The Butterfly Effect (1/1) - 07/04/11 04:44 PM
As always, all comments welcomed.

Posted By: Meadowrose Re: FDK - The Butterfly Effect (1/1) - 07/04/11 05:21 PM
lol! Great Story.
Posted By: EvelynC Re: FDK - The Butterfly Effect (1/1) - 07/04/11 05:53 PM
Liked it very much. So fun how those "Thelsicans" high-tailed it out of there after seeing Clark break up the asteroid! jump
Posted By: HappyGirl Re: FDK - The Butterfly Effect (1/1) - 07/04/11 09:01 PM
smile1 Fun with assumptions! smile1

Well done!

BTW, by sheer coincidence, there's a (very different) story called The Butterfly Legacy on the archive by Lynn M.

Posted By: Framework4 Re: FDK - The Butterfly Effect (1/1) - 07/04/11 09:13 PM
Delightful, great fun
I think this story just made my day. Thanks for the giggles, and chuckles, and a few head shakes.

(Btw, I agree that SETI is the stupidest thing ever. Either, extraterrestial life does not exist, and we'll not find anything, or it does exist. If it does exist, it's either unable to answer due to lack of technology, and we'll never know, or it will be far advanced - and, most likely, trying to conquer us.)
Posted By: DW Re: FDK - The Butterfly Effect (1/1) - 07/05/11 07:38 AM
This was simply brilliant (and made my day so much better)!

Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: FDK - The Butterfly Effect (1/1) - 07/05/11 12:27 PM

Incidentally, there's a very nice Sherlock Holmes based explanation for our lack of alien contact in this free book:

Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK - The Butterfly Effect (1/1) - 07/05/11 01:26 PM
Hilarious. clap

Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: FDK - The Butterfly Effect (1/1) - 07/05/11 04:32 PM
Wow! What a wonderful response to my story. Thank you for all the feedback! smile smile smile

Before I respond to individual posts, I should mention that this story is a variation of one written by Fredric Brown. I read it decades ago and cannot recall the name; but in it, humans narrowly avoided being conquered and enslaved. The alien race deemed the indigenous life too stupid to be trainable; the punch line was that they had picked up and tested a pair of chimpanzees instead of humans. I've wanted to do a Superman variant on that theme for months, so when I realized that I wanted to find out just what happened to that rock Clark kicked, the two story ideas coalesced into the plot of this bit of fanfic.

Meadowrose, I'm honoured that you liked the story enough to leave feedback.

Evelyn, I see the Thelsicans as galactic bullies: They're brave only when they pick on someone much weaker than themselves.

HappyGirl, I found that coincidence amusing. I had actually known of the story, but have not read it. I always check to make sure that a title I want to use hasn't already been used by someone else, and so I stumbled upon her story. Incidentally, I had originally planned to go by "Lynn M." on the MB, and was surprised to see that moniker already taken. (In my neck of the woods, at least, 'Lynn' is a fairly common middle name, but an uncommon first name. I think I may have met five other people named 'Lynn' in my entire life.)

Patrick and Mary, glad you both liked it. Lara and DW, you've made my day by your feedback. I deem my story a success if it has made you smile.

Marcus, I heard that story on an audiobook. A unique take on the why-haven't-we-heard-from-aliens question.

Michael, you leaving feedback without quoting? I think this is a first. I'm not sure whether to be pleased or disappointed. But either way, I'm glad you liked the story. smile

Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK - The Butterfly Effect (1/1) - 07/05/11 04:54 PM
I love this! I wonder what other "butterfly effects" Clark caused without knowing. smile

Hilarious! I love how they fled when Clark broke up the asteroid. laugh
Posted By: AntiKryptonite Re: FDK - The Butterfly Effect (1/1) - 07/05/11 08:05 PM
I love this story--very well done and deftly woven into the fabric of what we know of our L&C universe!

My favorite part is how you leave it ambiguous about Clark's knowledge of what he did--but hint that he definitely knew what he was doing!

Great job!
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: FDK - The Butterfly Effect (1/1) - 07/07/11 05:15 AM
DC, so you thought Clark didn't know what he was doing? And AntiK, you thought he probably did know? Good! That means that I found the right balance for the story. I struggled to write it in such a way as to leave it open to reader interpretation whether or not Clark's kick deliberately took out the weapons system. Between the two of you, I now have feedback on both side of the questions. Thank you both for leaving feedback. smile

Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK - The Butterfly Effect (1/1) - 07/08/11 07:56 PM
That was great!

And thank you for making a logical explanation of why the asteroid suddenly just "showed up" at the beginning of ASU. That episode was full of scientific laughers, and the asteroid just "showing up" was a big one.
Posted By: ShayneT Re: FDK - The Butterfly Effect (1/1) - 07/09/11 03:01 PM
This was really fun!
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: FDK - The Butterfly Effect (1/1) - 07/10/11 04:47 PM
Iolanthe, I'm happy to help make an episode make a little more sense. I hadn't thought about it before, but that does seem to be a theme common to a lot of my fiction.

Shayne, glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for leaving feedback! smile

Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK - The Butterfly Effect (1/1) - 07/12/11 04:14 PM
wave Michael
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: FDK - The Butterfly Effect (1/1) - 07/12/11 05:39 PM
Thank you, Michael, for the laughs. The 'hurling a lunkhead into orbit' comment had me quite literally laughing aloud.

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