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Nan, you're back! clap I missed you... and this story, too. There's something inherently amusing in watching him watching her watching him, each keeping their different yet similar secrets...

Glad to see Clark thinking about 'fessing up. It really will make his life easier, plus being the right thing to do.

Looking forward to the next two (or three) parts...

I always wondered what would have happened if he'd gotten Space Station Luthor into orbit and operational. What if he'd managed to get some kind of weapons delivery system on board?
I never thought of that idea. That would make for the basis of an interesting fic on its own.

and this exchange is great!
"At least he didn't manage to drive Superman away."

Clark smiled faintly. "Because of you," he said. "Both times. I think that Lois Lane is more than a match for Lex Luthor."
And what a message he’s delivering since she knows the secret.

This turned into quite the adventure. I can’t wait to see where this journey leads.

And I don’t mind at all if it continues to grow. smile
I'm excited to see what ahppens next. smile1

I agree with Bob - the more chapters, the better!

You know, I'm wondering how and why Luthor built this amazing complex. It can't have been easy. And surely the fact of its construction couldn't have been covered up. Look at the Pyramids - the Pharaohs put in secret funerary chambers, but all their graves were robbed anyway (usually by the workers whose families had built the pyramid.)

So, did Luthor really build all these underground passageways? Or did he connect to an existing tunnel system under Metropolis (like Chicago has tunnels underground?)

Or am I thinking too much about this and not enough about the story?

It just creeps me out that Luthor could build tunnels that go *several miles* under the city. Wow - his tentacles are everywhere!
OP EMP? Operations? Electromagnetic pulse? Emplacement?

Keeping it distant can't be good news - some sort of weapon sounds plausible.
Nan, I so know this common fic-disease.

I wonder if Superman would be able to take out the nuclear weapons platform before Luthor could implement his dream of becoming Alexander the Greatest.

A round chamber, titled OP EMP. Sounds like an EMP-weapon. But to be really efficient, it should be deployed several miles up the atmosphere. Wonder what you have cooked up spider

Psst, Michael... that's what the rocket propellant is for.

You know, or not.

Yeah, I know. But the way I read it, the chamber was far larger than a rocket silo, so I figure it actually houses the EMP-generator. Unless, of course, Nan is going with the classic EMP produced by a high-altitude fission event.

Way to ruin it for me, y'all. I hadn't figured out what the EMP stood for yet.

I had just been popping in to say how much I'm enjoying reading this, but I think I'll go to my corner now and sulk.

Don't get disheartened, Elizabeth. Nan hasn't said it is an Electro Magnetic Pulse generator yet. It could stand for Operation headquarters for employees.
I'm up for as many parts as you can write!

I love this "she knows" but "he doesn't know she knows" plot line. And I am very curious to see what they're going to find in this room!

Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: Games People Play, pt 4 of (probably) 6 - 12/23/09 11:01 PM
I'm a little behind on the next part, but I promise, now that a minor family crisis is out of the way, to get working on it as fast as I can!

Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: Games People Play, pt 4 of (probably) 6 - 01/01/10 09:35 PM
I wanted to apologize for taking so long to post the next part. I haven't stopped writing, but my son Mark is home for the holidays and the family has been doing things together. I would have written more today, but yesterday we went to Disneyland and I ate something that (to put it mildly) did not agree with me. I was sick all night and most of today, although things are improving.

Mark is headed back to Pearl Harbor tomorrow, and life will hopefully get back to normal after that, so expect the next part in a few days.

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