Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: lynnm FDK - Date By Arrangement Part 2 - 11/06/03 03:21 PM
Well, I have to say that I'm just loving Saucy Clark! I like how he teases Lois
Clark grinned, unable to resist such an obvious straight line. “Why, Lois, I never knew you cared! Should I strip first, or would you prefer to undress me yourself?”
Way to go, Big Guy!

Also loved Lois's observation that you pretty much can't go anywhere in Clark's apartment without going through the bedroom. When is she going to realize that it's simply unavoidable <g>!

Great stuff, Wendy. Loved the banter and Lois's appraisal of Clark's wardrobe. Can't wait to see what she picks out for him. Although, I'm thinking her idea of him in an apron might be just the ticket.
Looking forward to Part 3.
Posted By: Jocelyn Brant Re: FDK - Date By Arrangement Part 2 - 11/06/03 03:38 PM
Oooohhhh, this is gettin' good! Wendy you have such a way with situations that no matter how cliche, overused, or otherwise a situation may be you can always find an angle that hasn't been explored yet. Not that this is like any of the above, because this is definitely a new premise.


I loved Clark teasing her throughout this story; comic relief ensued, much hilarity.

Waiting about five minutes for the next part; none of this "three-days" crap!

-Jo huh
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK - Date By Arrangement Part 2 - 11/06/03 04:31 PM
Cute Wendy. So how come she didn't comment on what he was wearing at the moment? Poor Clark is in for it with Lois power shopping for him<g> Hope he can afford it. Looking forward to more. Laura
Posted By: merry Re: FDK - Date By Arrangement Part 2 - 11/06/03 05:24 PM
This is great Wendy
can't wait for more
Posted By: Supes1fan Re: FDK - Date By Arrangement Part 2 - 11/06/03 07:10 PM
Lois is just too much. smile I love the way she barges in in non-stop talk mode.

Can't wait for the shopping trip!

Posted By: TriciaW Re: FDK - Date By Arrangement Part 2 - 11/07/03 02:58 AM

A fantastic part! smile1

Tricia cool
Posted By: Gabriele Re: FDK - Date By Arrangement Part 2 - 11/07/03 06:03 AM
Clark leaned back in his chair, thinking over Lois’s offer. Now, that could definitely be interesting, he thought. For a start, it would require her to spend quite a bit of time alone with him, probably over a period of a couple of weeks. And second, it would give him an opportunity to find out what she liked in a man’s appearance - which could be a very useful piece of information.
You are quite right, Clark: take the opportunity when it comes!

Now, I hope there is a sale in Metropolis...And maybe you could offer Lois a dinner in order to show how grateful you are.
Posted By: daneel Re: FDK - Date By Arrangement Part 2 - 11/07/03 06:25 AM
yay!! smile1

JOse hyper
Posted By: Gabriele Re: FDK - Date By Arrangement Part 2 - 11/07/03 12:54 PM
A secretary? Maybe... that way, Clark would be almost certain to have a girlfriend who would look up to him and admire him. He'd be the more intelligent and higher-earning partner in the relationship. He’d like that, she thought. Men preferred women who weren’t a threat to them in any way, in her experience. Someone who’d look up to them and think that they were wonderful...

Although it wasn’t really fair to suggest that Clark liked anything approaching hero-worship, Lois conceded. He did seem to be a pretty down-to-earth, friendly guy. And, apart from that one time when they were undercover, when he really had acted like a macho sexist, she hadn’t seen any signs that Clark Kent regarded women as in any way inferior. He treated everyone he encountered, male or female, with respect.
This is very insightful: Lois always begins to think what "men" do. After that, she usually admits that Clark isn't like "men".

Thinking about what kind of woman Clark is attracted to, Lois is near solving what kind of man Clark is: strong enough not to experience a strong woman like Lois as a threat.
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK - Date By Arrangement Part 2 - 11/07/03 01:51 PM

Great part. smile1
Posted By: Saskia Re: FDK - Date By Arrangement Part 2 - 11/07/03 02:51 PM
Very fun and interesting story so far, Wendy. I'm already smiling when I picture them going shopping together. So I'm looking forward to more. Maybe Lois can learn some things in shopping from Clark as well. wink

Posted By: IreneD Re: FDK - Date By Arrangement Part 2 - 11/07/03 04:36 PM
ARGH! I tried to post a reply a while ago, but my computer froze and ate it. frown

To get back to feedback, if I'm going to lay blame on Annie for preventing me from getting my paperwork squared away, then I guess you should share the blame, Wendy. (As if it's a hardship not to work on my dreaded paperwork!)

This is excellent. Lots of fun, well-written, (of course) and with lots of potential for interesting twists and turns.

I'm looking forward to a lot more.

who knows she owes you an email, and will write soon, but to make a long story short, has had no major changes in her life....
Posted By: Tank Re: FDK - Date By Arrangement Part 2 - 11/07/03 04:41 PM
Okay, things are beginning to progress, but I don't see a lot of potential for serious whams yet.

I think your Clark is a little too in control of the situation. We all know what a clueless dolt Clark really is... don't we?

Well, maybe the next instalment will give us all what we want... a haircut for Lois wink

Tank (who is trying to find the wham potential in this story and is having trouble)
Posted By: KathyB Re: FDK - Date By Arrangement Part 2 - 11/07/03 08:28 PM
Well, Wendy, you worked a miracle. <g> When I first saw Lois's "bedside manner" when approaching Clark, I had some concerns ... in short, I thought that, if I were Clark, I'd have told Lois to take a flying leap after she was so rude about his wardrobe. <g>

However, you actually managed to convince me -- little ole' TDASC me <g> -- that Clark was holding his own. It was this paragraph that did it:

On the other hand, she did have a point. He did sometimes feel out of place in his shabby old suits and mismatched jackets and trousers. And, while being at the cutting-edge of fashion didn’t interest him in the least, he’d occasionally thought that he really should smarten up his act. Some time soon. Once he had time to do some decent shopping - once he figured out what sort of thing he should be buying and how not to bankrupt himself in doing so.
Nicely done. smile All in a few lines, you told me that even though Lois was incredibly rude, Clark gets something out of the deal besides being her doormat. wink The fact that he sees the same problems that she does and has been self-conscious about it and wishing he knew someone who could help him definitely satisfied me. (And when he asked her opinion on his casual stuff in the next scene, that sold me even more. smile )

“I’ve seen what you have,” she’d said dismissively. “We need to go shopping, Clark. And you might want to consider getting your credit limit raised.”
Ouch on the credit limit! LOL. Poor Clark's wallet will never be the same.

The T-shirt he’d chosen was pretty clingy in all the right places, and he’d selected that while remembering the way Lois had looked at his chest that day he’d opened the door to her while only wearing a towel.
Now this is my kind of Clark. <g> I don't necessarily agree with his comment in the earlier section about him not caring about how he looks, but this line definitely fits how I see him. Oh yeah, he knows *exactly* how good looking he is, and just like Lois with Winninger, he's not above playing that card ... at least, as long as it's with one person in particular. wink

Clark grinned, unable to resist such an obvious straight line. “Why, Lois, I never knew you cared! Should I strip first, or would you prefer to undress me yourself?”
LOL, now there's an early S1 Clark! Mr. "You like to be on top" himself. wink

Looking forward to part 3,

Posted By: RetroRose Re: FDK - Date By Arrangement Part 2 - 11/07/03 10:08 PM
Wendy.... another terrific part to another terrific story!! smile1 )
Posted By: CC Aiken Re: FDK - Date By Arrangement Part 2 - 11/08/03 03:54 AM

I really like your Clark here. Not clueless and not mowed over by Lois.

Also, enjoy how Lois is forever trying to pigeon-hole him, get him to fit into her ideas of what men are, and how she struggles to do this.

Can't wait to see where you take us,


Oh, and really like the little changes you made to Jonathan Kent in part 1. Very nice.
Posted By: Hazel Re: FDK - Date By Arrangement Part 2 - 11/09/03 02:30 AM
“I’ve never been one for image, Lois. What you see is what you get.”
Clark Jerome Kent, that has got to be one of the most blatant, hypocritical lies you have ever told in your life! Where's Martha with a thumb and forefinger when you need her? goofy
Posted By: Kaethel Re: FDK - Date By Arrangement Part 2 - 11/09/03 03:06 AM
Another great section, Wendy. Witty and fast-paced, and with a Clark who promises to be fun to dress (and undress wink ). So he likes to try and impress Lois, hmm? That tight t-shirt was a great choice; now we'll see if Lois can survive the sight of him in all sorts of smart clothes that she picks for him. goofy

Kaethel smile
Posted By: Xanabee Re: FDK - Date By Arrangement Part 2 - 11/09/03 09:23 AM
LOL! I'm looking forward to the shopping spree. laugh
Posted By: Wendymr Re: FDK - Date By Arrangement Part 2 - 11/10/03 09:15 AM
I'm really pleased that you all seem to be enjoying the banter so much. That's made my day! laugh

I see several of you have questions, but I'm going to stick to my resolve and not answer any of them, on the grounds that it might incriminate me. wink So, as usual, you'll have to read on in order to find out.

Hazel, re. Clark's 'never been one for image' line, I suspect that he may believe it to be true, even if we think he's wrong. Sure, he wants Lois to notice him, but (at least at this point in the series) he hasn't been prepared to play games or compete with the likes of Lex Luthor when it comes to appearance. On the other hand, he's not stupid, so if wearing a particular T-shirt could have a certain impact, he'll happily do it. wink

Oh, just one other thing - Tank, I think that for once you might actually get a haircut in this story! smile1
Posted By: Meerkat Re: FDK - Date By Arrangement Part 2 - 11/10/03 04:51 PM
<quote>“You don’t need to wear Armani suits to look good, Clark,” she said. “Look, I have an idea - don’t you have a birthday coming up in a couple of weeks?”

He frowned. “Yeah, but how did you know that?”

Lois shrugged. “It’s in your personnel file.”

He stared at her. “You’ve seen my personnel file?”

Her expression clearly told him that she thought he was making a fuss about nothing. Well, he supposed, the word ‘private’ didn’t mean much where Lois Lane was concerned.</quote>

*grin* Lots of my other favorite quotes have already been mentioned, so I'll just say... loving it! And keep up the good work!
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