Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Alisha Knight FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 03/20/09 01:49 PM
Any final thoughts?
Posted By: robinson Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 03/20/09 02:27 PM
sweet, waffy and wonderful.

I loved the ending but it is also a beginning. I see sequel.

you made the process they went through believable
Posted By: fuzzy Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 03/20/09 02:30 PM
Wonderful story, wonderful character development and something very different!

I see a sequel too, because I am really curious how they are going to manage a relationship with everyone knowing.

Posted By: sjp Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 03/20/09 03:07 PM
Sequel!! Sequel!!

Aww I loved the 'ending'. So glad that they ended up together, but you really do need to get cracking on that follow up laugh
Posted By: Dandello Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 03/20/09 04:55 PM
Of course we do have the issue of people recognizing Clark as Superman and thinking he's deranged for masquerading as a mere human. eek
Posted By: CJ Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 03/20/09 05:25 PM
Well, he should probably lose the glasses... but why is it 'masquerading' if he just wears normal clothes instead of The Suit?

No problem, though, because we'll all find out in the sequel! smile1 (We will, right? Pretty please?)
Posted By: bobbart Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 03/20/09 05:28 PM

This was truly a fresh idea and I can’t congratulate you enough for your willingness to take on such an fascinating and challenging idea.

As I said in FDK to earlier parts, at times I struggled with Clark’s behavior and motivation. However, on the whole I’ve been really impressed at your vision for that paths that both Lois and Clark might have taken if Lois would have revealed Superman’s identity. I was quite pleased with how you brought them together and this final chapter provides an excellent restart on their relationship.

There is probably much more to say, but it really comes down to a simple, “Well done!” This was really a pleasure to read. clap

Posted By: Dandello Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 03/20/09 06:15 PM
Well, he should probably lose the glasses... but why is it 'masquerading' if he just wears normal clothes instead of The Suit?
Actually, it was a rather obscure reference to Miracle Monday by Eliot Maggin.
In that novel, Clark is publicly revealed as Superman. In a conversation between Perry and Jimmy, Perry makes a comment to the effect that Clark is dead and gone and for Superman to try to go back to being Clark would be a sign of serious mental issues.

Of course, the L&C verse, the chances are probably better for Clark to be accepted
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 03/20/09 10:13 PM
Very cute ending to an interesting story. I can also imagine a sequel, though it doesn't really need it. Laura
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 03/20/09 11:33 PM
I was a bit sad to see unmarried sex portrayed as the opposite of love. If you have unmarried sex you can't have love, and if you have love you can't have unmarried sex. I realize that many people agree with this concept, but personally I was a bit sad to see it here.

I guess my real problem is that I think that the ending seems to change the overall meaning of the fic. I thought I was reading an absolutely gripping tale about two soulmates who are inexorably drawn together, yet can't be together as a normal couple because of the horrible if somewhat unintentional betrayal of one party of the soulmate couple by the other party of the soulmate couple. Now, however, I feel that this is more a cautionary tale about the dangers of having unmarried sex. It is not the same thing, and I miss the fic I thought I was reading.

Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 03/21/09 06:00 AM
Alisha, this was a good ending to this story. I was glad to see both Clark and Lois realize that their relationship has to be more than just sex, that if it were based on mere physical attraction it would wither and die. There is so much more than sex in a love relationship, even between soulmates, and I'm glad to see that they're going to try to work it out.

By giving us a story where we only see the action from Lois' point of view, the reader can only know what she knows, see and hear what she sees and hears, and it can be a problem when the writer needs to show how another character feels. You did an excellent job showing us Clark through Lois' perceptions, and the letter when she was in the hospital (along with the "dream" where she felt safe and protected in his arms) was an outstanding way to show us Clark's mind through Lois. The way you worked in Clark's point of view without actually looking into his head was very smoothly done, and I never felt as if any of it was forced or shoved down my throat. I also never felt shut out of Clark's head, nor did I ever feel like I was short-changed in any way by the way the story was put together. In fact, I think this is one of the best alternate beginnings on the boards, and there have been a bunch of great ones, especially lately.

Thanks for sharing this, Alicia. Keep up the great work! And don't forget to send to the archive. You definitely want to make this eligible for next year's Kerth awards. I'll be very surprised if it doesn't pick up a couple of nominations.
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 03/21/09 07:09 AM
What a wonderfully sweet ending smile Or should I say, opening for a sequel wink And poor Lois and her problems with working with this particular partner :p

Posted By: CJ Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 03/21/09 03:16 PM
Actually, it was a rather obscure reference to Miracle Monday by Eliot Maggin. In that novel, Clark is publicly revealed as Superman. In a conversation between Perry and Jimmy, Perry makes a comment to the effect that Clark is dead and gone and for Superman to try to go back to being Clark would be a sign of serious mental issues.

I read that when it came out -- what was that, like 20 years ago? I don't think the novel is particularly obscure; I think it was actually a bestseller in its day. But yes, the reference escaped me. Too many Superman 'verses... wait, is that possible? smile
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 03/22/09 03:16 AM
My acute sense of disappointment at the ending of this fic made me say things about it that were unfair. It's not true that this fic can be reduced to a simplistic warning against the emotional dangers of having unmarried sex.

IolantheAlias said in a previous FDK thread:

In my selfish dreams I'd like to see H.G. Wells come and miraculously give Lois a chance to *not* write that story. But that would cheapen the emotional travails that both Clark and Lois have been through in this story.
I can see, now, that Clark's insistence on him and Lois not having sex for a while is his way of playing H.G. Wells, as it were, and turning back time for them. It is his way to give the two of them the kind of dating that they would have had if Lois had never written that article.

This is still not the ending that I would have liked best, but I can certainly see that it makes sense.

Posted By: grinch525 Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 03/22/09 07:46 AM
I really enjoyed this tale. But, as others have said, this story is begging for a sequel. I know things are fresh between Lois and Clark right now, but it would be interesting to see how these two handle a public relationship, when both are very private by nature.

As TOC said:

I can see, now, that Clark's insistence on him and Lois not having sex for a while is his way of playing H.G. Wells, as it were, and turning back time for them. It is his way to give the two of them the kind of dating that they would have had if Lois had never written that article.
I agree with this sentiment. It's nice that Clark wants to start fresh, but given the history between these two, and the number of times they've been together, is this something reasonable to expect? Yes, things would likely have been better if they started off dating, but they didn't, so the no-sex rule now is nice in theory, but I would think difficult to implement (given Lois' desires and reaction in this chapter).

Can't wait for the sequel.

Posted By: sarahg Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 03/22/09 12:26 PM
I loved it. At first, I was skeptical with your premise, but you mastered it - the story grabbed you and kept you on the edge of your seat, salivating for the next installment. Amazing. Will there be more?
Posted By: Alisha Knight Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 03/22/09 01:54 PM
First things first, there is no sequel!! Yes, I know the end is more like a beginning, but that was the point. I wanted it to end at the point where they’d essentially got out of the mess created by Lois’ thoughtlessness in writing the article, at least where their relationship was concerned. I agree with the sentiment that seeing how they deal with a relationship in this situation would be interesting, I have thought about writing a sequel, and come up with nothing.

I suppose I had Clark wearing glasses because he wore them in the pilot before he became Superman anyway, but they can easily be got rid of if they’re causing a problem. If people do think he’s ‘deranged for masquerading as a mere human’, as Dandello said, I consider that their problem. The reason I prefer L&C to other versions of Superman is that Superman is Clark’s disguise, rather than the other way around. I plead ignorance to the novel, but if I am right in assuming that Clark Kent is Superman’s disguise, then yes, it would be unhealthy for him to continue pretending to be Clark in that situation.

Ann, I never wrote this to preach against unmarried sex, or whatever it is you had read into my words, it’s not a subject that I have strong feelings on either way. When I started writing it, they *were* going to make love in that last scene, but I thought it might be better and healthier for their relationship if they spent time trying to get to know each other, rather than continuing to base their relationship on nothing more than sex. This isn’t a Lois and Clark who have had the chance to get to know each other beyond the bedroom and their soulmate connection, and Clark wants to give them that chance, that’s all. I had no doubt when I wrote it that they wouldn’t last more than a couple of weeks without sleeping together, if that. I certainly never intended for anyone to read into it that they were going to abstain until marriage, that would be very unrealistic.

Anyway, I want to say a really big thank you to everyone who’s left comments on any part of this story. You guys are fantastic! thumbsup clap

- Alisha
Posted By: ethnica Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 03/22/09 02:56 PM
It was great! I understood why they decided to abstain from sex until they have a real relationship. thumbsup Feel free to do an nfic sequel when they do. We're gonna cry whinging until you do. <vbg>

I really enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing your muse. clap :
Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 03/24/09 12:14 PM
Superb story!! Loved it!! thumbsup thumbsup thumbsup dance
Posted By: Female Hawk Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 03/24/09 04:33 PM
At the beginning of this story, I thought there was very little chance of you managing to make a happy ending sound realistic.

However, you did!

By moving both characters slowly and somewhat logically through their pain (and bringing in Martha was a master-stroke), you brought peace and hope to an almost impossible situation.

Well done!
Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 03/24/09 09:21 PM
In the press of Kerth voting, I forgot I hadn't given feedback on the last part. I really enjoyed the whole story and particularly the happy ending. I was leery of starting it, but grew to really enjoy their tumultuous interaction. What I was hoping for in a sequel, or even an epilogue, was exactly how life would work out for Mr. & Mrs. Superman. I don't know any fanfic where that particular issue has been dealt with. If any readers know of any, I'd be interested in reading it. Anyway, keep writing stories! They are very good.
Posted By: Sheila Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 03/25/09 08:19 PM
Alisha, I just wanted to say that this was a great story. I have to admit...I didn't see how Lois would be able to redeem herself and I didn't see Clark forgiving her. But you didi it! And I have to say that that letter was just phenomenal. It pretty much summed up the whole relationship with it's peaks and valleys.

You've don't an absolutely wonderful job and thank you so much for sharing your gift of writing. Sorry it took so long to reply. I actually read it when you posted--early party --but got distracted, but don't think for a minute that I let it slip by. Well done!

Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 03/25/09 09:44 PM
I'm glad to see that you didn't take the easy way out (per my previous post) and let H.G. Wells take them back in time where Lois's action was undone.

No, you dealt with things honestly and straightforwardly, and wrote a wonderful fic.

Lois did a bad thing when she published the secret. But actions have consequences, and now she'll be faced with the paparazzi for being Superman's girlfriend. She made her own punishment.

Your telling of how they both worked through their issues was marvelous. Well done.
Posted By: lizardeb72 Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 05/03/09 10:32 PM
I realize this is rather late feedback. blush This was an excellent story Alisha. smile1 I enjoyed very much. I know you said there wasn't going to be a sequel whinging but, if you ever change your mind (pretty please grovel ) I would definitely look forward to it.

Posted By: Alisha Knight Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 05/08/09 01:02 PM
Thanks Liz, feedback's still feedback however late it is, and still very gratefully recieved! laugh
Posted By: HappyGirl Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 08/11/09 08:45 PM
I'm coming very late to the feedback party as I just read the whole story on the archive.

Alisha, this is the gutsiest premise I have seen in a very long time. You tackled the 'what if?' that was always Clark's nightmare with thoughtfulness and skill. And doing it from Lois's pov was brilliant. That feeling of having done an irredeemable wrong has got to be one of the worst there is. Actions have consequences, and you showed that without flinching. And yet you left Lois enough self-esteem to at least stand up to Clark when he started blaming her for what she hadn't done as well as what she had. (And used Dan Scardino, of all people, to bring her to her senses.) And to call him on the carpet for using her, which is exactly what he was doing. Sex as revenge is an ugly thing. Understandable in this case, but still ugly. Which is why Clark tried to stop and had to work through to true forgiveness. Still, Lois is left with the poetic justice of being the girlfriend of the man she outed. Well done all around.
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 08/11/09 08:51 PM
Just wanted to say that "From the Ruins" has made it to the archive and I hope that it gains a wide audience! Excellent fic, well worth a Kerth nomination or two.
Posted By: GamesAway Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 08/12/09 02:39 AM
Alisha, I just read your story on the Archives. What a fantastic story.
You did an excellent job showing us Clark through Lois' perceptions, and the letter when she was in the hospital (along with the "dream" where she felt safe and protected in his arms) was an outstanding way to show us Clark's mind through Lois. The way you worked in Clark's point of view without actually looking into his head was very smoothly done...
I totally agree.
I also like how you have taken away any negative after feelings they could have from the sex they couldn't resist, and turned it to making love when they are ready - I have written this clumsily, I mean to say I love the way in the future sex is now about their love, tenderness, and caring. Not just the lust.
Both Lucy and Martha were great.
Lastly I have to confess at one stage to wishing for Wells to come along, or to bring Future Lois back to tell herself not to publish that article!
And while I would love to see a sequel (even a teeny tiny one?) it has a perfect ending, or rather it is their perfect beginning. sloppy
Posted By: Alisha Knight Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 08/15/09 06:58 AM
Hi guys, thanks for the new feedback (which I really wasn't expecting!). I don't have time to say much more, but thank you.
Posted By: Christina Re: FDK: From the Ruins (11/11) - 09/12/10 11:05 PM
Alisha, What an amazing concept! This worked extremely well. I suspect that not long after he was revealed to the public he might have sat down for an interview somewhere and explained the reason for the glasses (which he explained in an ep once that they were leaded so that it would mute his heat/x-ray powers when not needed) and I suspect they most likely would understand the reasoning.

I never saw the "pre-marital sex" as what one of the previous commenters. To me is was always obvious that it was more about releasing tension initially. I do have to love that they would try to hold back so they could honestly get to know one another again but I can't imagine that state lasting TOO long (at least a little bit more than kissing).
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