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#93253 02/10/13 08:50 AM
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Hack from Nowheresville
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Hack from Nowheresville
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Again, sorry for the late chapter. Work is really busy. Feel free to fuel the muse by posting here. smile

"Women frustrate men because they're too complicated. Men frustrate women because they're not complicated enough."
#93254 02/10/13 02:15 PM
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I must say that you are building an excellent story here. The interaction with Mayson, Perry's solid presence and Jimmy's computer knowledge contributing.

And finally, Lois acknowledges her true feelings!

Wonderfully done.

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

My stories can be found here

#93255 02/10/13 05:41 PM
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Lois made sure she was at Clark’s apartment well ahead of Mayson’s arrival.
Wise move, since he might just show up any moment now. OK, we suspect this more than Lois, but even she has to think it might be possible, since she has not clue what will happen. The last think she wants is to have Clark alone with Mayson.

Lois: I would never torture my partner through making him be alone with that women.

Reader: Oh, I thought it was Lois did not want to undermine her chances with Clark that way.

Lois:I have no fear about Clark's loyalty to me. None at all. The idea hewould like another women has never crossed my mind. My only intention was to protect Clark from having to deal with such an annoying women.

Reader:Methinks she doth protest too much.

Though she was anxious to hear what Mayson had to say, she was feeling territorial.
Lois: I musth show Mayson that this is my space, not her's.

Just a few days before, she witnessed Clark kissing Mayson in this very room, and she hadn’t liked it one bit.
Lois:We will not let that happen, ever again. Only I am supposed to kiss Clark here. Or anywhere for that matter.

Clark was her best friend, and he deserved so much better than that obnoxious Assistant DA. The woman didn’t even like Superman!
Lois:How can Clark contemplate anything with a women who hates his best friend.

Reader:Actually, this always baffled me. I am not sure why he ever had any sort of dilemma between Lois and Mayson.

Right now, though Clark’s safety was Lois’ top priority, and she would work with the devil himself if it meant that he would return home.
But what if Mayson really is in on his kidnapping. Maybe she staged the turning states evidence on Snell in an elaborate plot to make Lois and Clark think that she is not part of intergang so that she can work to prevent them from undermining it in the future.

In fact, given a choice, she would personally hand him over to Mayson rather than see him hurt. She…cared for him that much.
Which is why she deserves Clark and Mayson does not. OK, I have joined the "we really dislike Mayson, more so than Scardino" club.

“Just that Clark was a dead man,” Mayson related sadly.
This will just feed Lois' fear. Of course, considering that they have ticked off intergang, fear is probably logical. Even if she did know CK=SM she would be right to have some fear, althogh she would also not be worried right now for his safety. But that is only because she would know more or less where he was.

“There was no mention of ‘Caesar’ anywhere else in the transcripts. I looked through the police database and there are no gang bangers using that nickname.”
Which will just lead Lois to think it is someone further up the Intergang system. My guess is Mr. Church himself, but I could be wrong.

Thinking aloud, Lois replied, “It seems that Clark didn’t end up on their radar until he planned to testify against Baby Rage. If ‘Caesar’ is after me, it must be for a story I covered alone.”
Or Baby Rage may just have less than full information on who is on "Caesar"'s hit list.

“I have an idea, yes, but I have absolutely no evidence. I just can’t figure out how Clark plays into this. My sources tell me that all the players are lying low in the wake of the bombing. Supposedly, they’ve even abandoned the plot against me. Why is Clark missing without a trace?”
Well, the most obvious answer is because his being missing is not realted. However that is also the answer that complicates things the most more, and also leaves them with absolutely nothing to do about the situation. So, even though it is the most obvious, since it leads to doing nothing, it is not a workable answer.

She opened the door to reveal her furious editor. “Great shades of Elvis, woman, why won’t you do as you’re told?”
Is Perry trying to get Lois mad? That is the only outcome I can see from that line.

“Oh, no! You aren’t cutting me out of this investigation, Lois. I want to find him just as much as you do.”
Lois:You may think that, but how can you feel for someone you have known less than a month like I do for a man I have known for over a week, and interacted with a lot more even since you met him than you have.

Lois’ first instinct was to cite her superior investigative skills and hustle that blonde interloper out of Clark’s apartment, hopefully for good.
Sadly Mayson probably would not accept that Lois has the authority to banish her.

Besides, what right did she have to keep her away? Mayson was the woman Clark had kissed only a few short days ago and the one he had danced with at the ball.
Only after she cut into his dance with her. Also, she was the only one he did real dancing with that night. Of course if Lois realized that she would not really be worried right now.

Hmm, on the other hand, Lois is the last person to have seen Clark. That has to count for something.

She had no grounds to trample on his choices for the sake of her own desires.
But Mayson would make him miserable with her dislike for his best friend. Actually knowing the truth makes this an even bigger problem than just guessing it.

You know that could simply be coincidence. Besides, Bill told me to my face that he had nothing to do with Intergang.”
And if he did, would he have done anything but lie? If he runs and international crime syndicate, lieing about it would be the least of his crimes.

Perry was shocked that Lois had allowed Mayson to join the investigation in any capacity.
I am somewhat to. However I think it just shows the amount Lois really cares about Clark. She will look bast jealousy and rivalry if it is neccessary to help him.

Her willingness to work with a rival spoke volumes about the depth of her feelings for Clark,
Of course, if Perry understood why him and Henderson barging in did not stop the wedding, this might not be so surprising to him.

“I can see that,” Mayson replied, wondering, not for the first time, just how close Lois and Clark were.
Lois:Not as close as I want us to be.

Picking up the phone, she dialed a familiar number. “Jimmy, it’s Lois. Can you find all of the articles I’ve worked on alone in the last year?”
hyper she is going to find the Super Suits. OK, I just always hope that will happen. I mean if Stride could, why not Lois?

“You gotta admit that was a sweet technology. It reminds me of some of the work that ‘Rubicon’ used to do in getting computers to interact with the human body. I’m sure glad that Superman got that tag out of me….”
Sounds like a lead to me.

“Wait,” Lois interrupted. “Did you say his name was ‘Rubicon’?”
Actually, considering it is another Roman reference, and one related to Caesar as well, it seems like a direct connection.

I have to say I love their naming practices.

To her great disappointment, nothing seemed to indicate that Clark had ever been present at this location.
Well actually she knows Clark was here. It is just if she realized she knew that she would not be worried anymore.

Lois sat in her Jeep and waited for Jimmy to safely make it back to his car. Once he started his engine, she pulled out of her parking space and headed for home. She usually worked well in the sanctuary of her private space, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that she needed to be at Clark’s place tonight. Trusting her gut, she circled the block, parked, and headed inside.
At least this way she will know when he shows up. Well, if he shows up this evening.

Armed with the new reading material that Jimmy brought her, she was determined to find the lead that would bring Clark safely back to her. As she strode through the living room, however, she noticed the picture of the two of them at the recent Kerth awards dinner. The framed photo occupied a prominent place in the room, and she felt tears well up in her eyes as she allowed herself to recognize what she had denied all of these months—they were a breathtaking couple.
At least she is recognizing the truth.

She clutched the picture with trembling hands and sank down on her partner’s couch. She could feel his spirit so tangibly in this space, but his physical absence threatened to overwhelm her. With tears coursing down her cheeks, she whispered, “Come home to me, Clark. I need you. I love you.”
I just hope he tells her the truth after putting her through this anguish.

John Pack Lambert
#93256 02/10/13 05:59 PM
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Momentum is building to a big blow up, when Lois discovers that Clark wasn't kidnapped. He better have a good excuse handy.

I expected Lois and Mayson to search Clark's apartment more thoroughly. I'm kind of surprised that Clark just left his files sitting around. Was Clark referring to the bullet that Intergang shot at Perry or the one which killed Snell? I'm thinking since he found the one which was aimed at Perry, he must have meant Snell.

Interesting new facet of the case with the computer hacker Rubicon. Although I had always thought that the trackers were just implants, that had nothing to do with the human body, or DNA, except where they got implanted. Unless what he meant was that Rubicon is the one who made up the flying "bugs". I got a little confused what he has to do with Caesar... I don't really see the connection they do. And even more surprised that Lois knows Latin, when it's Jimmy who likes Roman history.

Funny that Lois would assume that Mayson has the right to investigate Clark's disappearance just because Mayson kissed Clark and they danced together (at Lois's suggestion). I could see her using Mayson as a source, and let Mayson think she was participating, but not really consider as more. I could see Lois considering Clark's interest in Mayson as clearly wrong, even if he thought it was right.

She clutched the picture with trembling hands and sank down on her partner’s couch. She could feel his spirit so tangibly in this space, but his physical absence threatened to overwhelm her. With tears coursing down her cheeks, she whispered, “Come home to me, Clark. I need you. I love you.”
So moving, I almost wish Superman was standing on the patio and overheard her. Will Lois see Superman arrive back in Metropolis first and elicit his assistance to find Clark, allowing Clark to realize he'll have to come up with a good excuse for her? Clark better not be gone for too much longer.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
#93257 02/10/13 11:45 PM
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This part was very enjoyable! It shows Lois' depth of feeling when she would rather see Clark alive and with another woman than dead.

Each character helped propel the story at an excellent pace.

Bring on the rest! smile1


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.
#93258 02/24/13 07:26 AM
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Hack from Nowheresville
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Hack from Nowheresville
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Sorry for the long response time. Thanks to all of you who took the time to comment:

KenJ: Thanks for your comments. Lois has had feelings for Clark for quite awhile, but she refused to acknowledge them after Clark's "confession" that he didn't really love her. Clark's absence, however, has forced her to recognize how much he means to her. Thanks again for reading.

John Lambert: I loved your commentary. If Lois has her way, I assure you that Mayson will never again have the opportunity to kiss Clark. She is willing to work with her, however, because she needs Clark to come home. Lois did think of the possibility that Mayson was in on it, but she also has respect for Clark's instincts (especially as he was proven right about Mayson earlier when they worked together). Of course, he may still be wrong. smile Thanks again.

VirginiaR: Thanks for your feedback. Clark will not be gone for too much longer, I promise. A few things, though: Clark didn't leave his files lying around. Jimmy broke into Clark's computer, accessed his laptop remotely and was able to download his files for Lois (those were the printouts he gave her earlier--he will later print out Lois' stories for her). Also, Lois already searched Clark's apartment very thoroughly in the first chapter (including interviewing the neighbors). She was already planning to go back to Clark's place to feel closer to him, but she invited Mayson there partly as a means to emphasize her place in Clark's life--she has a key (she lied) and Mayson does not. As for the trackers, the original script calls them genetic tags. I decided to keep the name, working from the premise that the bugs inject a liquid tag that interacts with the DNA of the cells to help guide bullets to unique targets. It stretches credulity a bit, but so does heat vision and flying. smile As for Caesar and Rubicon, the Rubicon is the river that Caesar crossed after he was ordered not to return to Rome. Lois and Jimmy are under the assumption that these names were chosen for a particular purpose and, as such, these people would be working together. Finally, about Mayson, the evidence that Lois has is that Clark has gone to lunch with Mayson, he kissed her, and defended her vehemently. Even in the show, Lois was terribly worried that she had lost Clark to Mayson. Mayson and Clark danced and Lois did allow Mayson to cut in, but Clark did nothing to stop it, thus giving Lois the impression that he wanted Mayson. Thanks for reading.

Morgana: Thanks for the feedback. Everything is in place now, and Clark is about to return. I'm so glad to hear that you are enjoying the story. Thanks for reading.

"Women frustrate men because they're too complicated. Men frustrate women because they're not complicated enough."

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