from part 1

She ran as fast as she could, trying to get as far from Lex and her trampled roses as she could. How far she had come from that happy, excited mood this morning when she went to get a copy of her new book. Why did Lex have to ruin everything?

As Lois ran, she wasn't paying any attention to what was going on around her. She didn't even realize that she was coming up to the cliff not far from her house. Suddenly she was at the brink, and she couldn't stop herself. She plummeted over the edge.

As she fell, Lois screamed.

and now part 2

Clark was out flying, enjoying the rush of wind as he raced through the air. He had only been flying for the past four years, but he had grown to love it. It almost made up for his hideous form. The loneliness of his isolation wasn't so bad when he was flying. He felt so free and alive that he wished he could spend all his time up here, but he felt an obligation to his people and tried to do the best he could to protect and guide them while remaining hidden.

At first he had thought it was his being different that caused his transformation. His parents had told him how he fell from the sky in answer to their prayers for a child. As he had grown, he had noticed things about himself that weren't normal, well except maybe to practiced wizards, but then he wasn't a practiced wizard. So when he had begun changing into some sort of monster, it had been perfectly reasonable to assume it was from the same source as his other differences. It hadn't been until about two years ago when he had rescued this strange woman that he had known it was a curse and not inherent in his being.
He remembered that day clearly, as if it were yesterday...

/* He was flying around as normal, when suddenly he saw a woman falling from a nearby cliff. He caught her, but before he could return her to solid ground she looked at him very closely, kind of like she was looking through him, and it scared him. Few people looked at him like that when he was in disguise.

She began to speak, in a sure and confident voice, nothing like one would expect from someone who had just been plummeting to her sure death. "Hello, Clark. I've been meaning to talk to you."

He nearly dropped her when she used his real name. How could she know? Everyone thought that Clark was dead, and no one knew that the Beast and the Angel were the same. Clark just stared at her as she continued.

"I know all about you, Clark. I know how you think that this transformation is due to the differences in you that give you the powers that make you the Angel. But I want to tell you it's not, Clark," she explained.

"An evil wizard, named Tempus, put a curse on you, causing you to take on this form. He wanted you out of the picture so he could take over and reform the kingdom in his own image. But his plan backfired and he was blamed for your death. His curse lingers on though. But as with every curse there is a counter," she paused.

When she paused, Clark was tempted to shake her and demand she finish, but before his patience wore out she started again. "To break the curse, you must find your one true love. When she confesses her love for you of her own free will, the curse shall be broken and you will return to your natural form."

After that she was silent, and since Clark didn't know what to say he set her down and flew away. Clark didn't know whether or not he should believe her, but she seemed to know so much about him he couldn't help but believe. After all, she had known his name. He was under the distinct impression she had gotten into trouble just to get him to rescue her so she could tell him about the curse as well. He didn't know how he felt. He had been elated to know that it wasn't part of what he was, but at the same time he was depressed. For who could learn to love a beast? */

After the encounter, Clark had wondered who the woman was and why she had gone to so much trouble to tell him about the curse. At the time, he had been too stunned by what she was telling him to think straight, but now that he had time to think about it all these questions he wished he had asked her were popping into his mind. So in order to satisfy his curiosity, Clark had set out trying to learn about her. It turned out she was a local fortuneteller named Star, who made a living telling people's futures. Well that helped explain how she knew, but he still hadn't figured out *why* she had done it. That answer had come later, when he recognized a family he had saved from a burning house visiting her. It turned out he had saved her sister and her family. She must have felt she was repaying him a debt. Now that he knew, he felt much better.

Eventually though he had come to terms with it. He no longer had the fear that a rampage would overtake him and he'd hurt people without intending to. The realization that he wasn't going to change even further, or lose his capability for rational thought was a great relief, but in the end nothing really changed. It couldn't as long as he remained a Beast.

His people avoided the castle. They were afraid of the dangerous Beast that lurked there, the one they blamed for killing their prince. Clark was glad the people had cared so much about him, but their hatred for his new form prevented him from revealing the truth. He doubted he could convince them, and while he was pretty sure they couldn't physically harm him, he didn't think his heart would survive anything they did to him. So he just let things stay the way they were. Every once in a while some moron got it in his head to try and sneak into the castle and steal some of the priceless treasure they were sure the Beast kept hidden there. Clark was sick of people invading his home and trying to take what little he had left of his parents.

It had been almost seven years since his parents had mysteriously died in their bedchambers. No one had been able to figure out how they died. They had been perfectly healthy and then the next day they were found dead in their bed. It had caused quite an uproar, but when even the best physicians had been unable to come up with a solution, the furor had died down. And so the kingdom had mourned their deaths.

He remembered that at the time, one of his parents' former advisors, a shady man named Tempus had tried to become regent. But since Clark had never trusted him, he managed to convince the council that he could rule without a regent, even though his coming of age birthday would be some time later. He hadn't really thought anything at the time, but after his transformation, and learning the true cause of it, he realized that this Tempus had probably also killed his parents. Clark felt a bit of guilt that he enjoyed the fact Tempus was now dead, at least he wouldn't have to worry about Tempus interfering in his life again.

Suddenly Clark's thoughts were pierced by a loud scream. Pushing his thoughts to the side, Clark raced towards the sound of the scream. He saw someone plummeting off a cliff. 'Oh no, not again,' he groaned inwardly as he swooped down and caught her. 'Why do I always seem to have to rescue women falling off cliffs?' Clark wondered. It seemed to be becoming a habit. Women were always falling for him, just not the right one. Quickly he returned her to the safety of solid ground, but before he could dart off again as he normally would, he saw her face.

She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her shoulder-length, chestnut hair was in a windswept disarray that made her look all the more alluring. Her eyes were pools of deep brown Clark could see himself drowning in if he looked into them long enough. Her lovely mouth was still parted in surprise at her sudden rescue, and Clark had to resist the urge to kiss her. That certainly would not go over well, he knew. Besides, with his fangs he doubted he could kiss her safely.

Suddenly, her voice snapped him out of his reverie, "You’re the angel they talk about, aren't you?" she asked, breathlessly.

Clark was tempted to laugh. Him an angel? More like she was the angel that had fallen into his arms. Unable to ignore her question completely, as he normally did on rescues, he gave a barely perceptible nod and flew off.

As he flew away, he recalled how he had thought jokingly about women falling into his arms, but never the right one. Well, cruel fate had finally sent the right one. He knew it was crazy, but ever since he had gotten a good look at her, he just knew she was the one. He had already fallen for her at just a glance. He didn't even know anything about her. She was probably married already; beautiful women like that didn't stay single long. She could also be a horrible person, or a complete dunce. It was ridiculous, utterly ridiculous to believe he was in love with her. Somehow, though, he couldn't convince himself of that.

As he flew home, Clark didn't know whether it was better to have met her and know what he was missing, or to have never seen her. He entered the castle and removed his cowl, looking in the one mirror left in the entire castle. The first thing he noticed was his long, cruel looking fangs, designed for ripping and rending flesh. His brow was low and heavy, covered completely with fur, as was the rest of his body, making him look stupid as well as ugly. His eyes were almost completely hidden beneath bushy eyelashes, creating an almost sinister look. In anger and frustration he crushed the mirror. He could never let anyone see him like this, let alone the angel he had just rescued. He couldn't take seeing the fear and horror in her eyes. It'd break his heart.


Lois was still reeling from her brush with death when the angel flew away. One minute she had been running away from Lex, trying to let go of her anger without making him angry, then the next she had been plummeting to her certain death. By some miracle though she had been saved. She had always been somewhat skeptical of the angel people reported saving them, but now that she had seen him with her own eyes she believed.

He had been clad all in black, and his face was covered so she couldn't see it, but instinctively she just knew he had to be male. Something about the way he felt and moved told her that. Somehow, she had managed to ask him who he was, and she could have sworn he nodded in response. In all the sightings she had heard about, he never gave the slightest hint of a response to anyone. So why had he responded to her? Why did he fly around helping people? What was he like under that disguise? Having now met the angel, Lois was filled with questions about him. Why couldn't he stay to talk to her? Was he afraid of something or just unable to converse? She wished she could see him again to ask, but short of falling off another cliff, which she *did not* want to try again, she had no idea how to contact him.

Frustrated, Lois began the long walk home. She hadn't realized how far she had run earlier; she had been so intent on just getting away from Lex and her trampled roses. Now she had to get back to see her father off before he had to leave for the fair. She only hoped her detour hadn't made her too late. She was also bursting to tell him about the angel, though she was afraid he'd yell at her for getting in trouble in the first place.

The sun was beginning to set and Lois shivered, not wanting to be out alone at night. Hoping she could make it home before it got too dark, Lois picked up her pace. Her dad would have left by now, he would have needed to leave at least an hour ago unless he wanted to ride all night to make the fair. She hated when he did stuff like that, hated the thought of him being out late at night. He often stayed late tinkering with his inventions, trying to get them just right before leaving, but this year he had promised not to do that. Who knew what might happen on some dark road?

She managed to make it home just before full dark set in, and was very relieved. Not that she was scared of the dark, she quickly reminded herself, she'd just rather not be out in it. She was surprised to see a light on in the cabin; her dad must have left it on for her. She entered the house to see him sitting there waiting. "Daddy!" she protested. "You promised you'd leave before dark so you wouldn't have to ride all night. You know I hate the thought of you riding alone in the dark all night."

Sam sighed, he had known Lois would be upset when he didn't leave like he promised, but he had seen the altercation with Lex outside and knew she'd be upset. He had to stay and make sure she was okay, and was even considering canceling the trip to stay with her. Knowing Lois, she wouldn't accept it but he was concerned about her. "Princess..." he began uncertainly. "I saw what happened outside... I had to make sure you were okay. I know how Lex upsets you. I couldn't just leave you alone. Are you sure I shouldn't stay?"

Sam waited for the expected outburst. He knew Lois wouldn't like the suggestion, but he had to ask anyway. Sure enough, Lois responded, "I'm *fine*, Daddy. I know how important the annual fair is to you, and I don't want you to miss it on my account."

"Lois, I saw you run away, and you were gone a long time. I know this affected you more than you're letting on. What happened?" Sam asked.

Lois sighed, she wanted to tell him, really she did, but she didn't know how to start. Also, she was afraid of worrying him further. Slowly, she began to explain, "Well, you know how Lex and his attitude towards women always infuriates me, so I was already upset when he started talking to me. Then when he trampled over mom's roses, it was all I could do not to lash out at him then and there. When he left, I just needed some release so I just started running. I guess I wasn't paying much attention to where I was going..." Lois trailed off, trying to judge her dad's mood before continuing.
Sam didn't like where this was going. Obviously something had happened to Lois, and she was afraid to tell him. If someone had hurt his little girl why he'd... well he didn't know what he'd do, but it wouldn't be pleasant. Trying not to let too much concern show on his face, he waited for Lois to continue her story.

"I didn't notice the cliff I was headed for and I ran right off the edge," Lois continued. 'What?!,' Sam thought. His little girl had fallen off a cliff? What had happened? How had she survived? He was glad she had, but it just didn't seem possible.

"But then the most amazing thing happened. The Angel that people talk about came swooping down out of the sky and caught me. At first I was so shocked I didn't even realize what was going on, but when he set me back on the ground I was able to gather my thoughts. He didn't fly off immediately like everyone else says he does, and when I asked a question he answered me, I think. It looked like he nodded at least. It was amazing." Lois still couldn't really believe what happened, but it was the most amazing experience of her life. She'd definitely have to try and work it into her next novel.

Sam tried to digest what Lois had just told him. She had almost died! He didn't know who or what this angel was, but he sent it a silent thanks, he didn't think he could go on living if he lost Lois too... but he didn't want to think about that right now. Besides, Lois was safe now and that's what was important. And it was just like her to be so unfazed by nearly dying. "I'm glad you're ok Lois, but really you should have been more careful. You and I both know you didn't even really believe this angel character existed before this, what would have happened if he hadn't existed or hadn't been nearby? You can't count on it happening again either."

"I know, Daddy. I'm really sorry. I was just so mad I wasn't thinking straight. I promise I'll be more careful in the future." Lois said apologetically. She was surprised he was taking this as well as he was, she had expected a big blow up at least. He had to be upset, but for some reason he wasn't letting it show. She almost wished he'd get angry and go into one of his lectures, at least then she'd know what he was thinking.

"Good, now I think it's time you got to bed. You were through quite an ordeal today," Sam said. "I'll be in the next room if you need me."

Lois shook her head. He was *still* insisting on staying? She'd have to change his mind on that quickly; she didn't want to be babied. She was twenty years old and capable of taking care of herself, even if it sometimes seemed the whole world refused to accept it. "No, you have to leave now to make it to the fair. You've worked very hard on your invention this year, and I'm sure it will be well received. I will not be responsible for you missing out. Go, now!" Lois exploded at her father. Then, in a small, concerned voice. "And be careful."

Sam still wasn't quite convinced, but before he had a chance to respond, Lois said "I'll be fine, *really* I will."
Sam sighed, he hadn't realized his reluctance was so obvious. "Okay, princess," Sam conceded, knowing his daughter wouldn't budge. "I'll leave now, and I promise I'll be careful. I'll be back in a few days. You take care of yourself while I'm gone. If you need anything, I'm sure Perry will help."

"Goodbye, Daddy," Lois said. "Good luck."

"Goodbye, Princess," Sam said, leaving the house. Then, quietly, mostly to himself, continued, "Be safe."


I've never felt so accepted in all my life. These people look deep within my soul and assign me a number based on the order in which I joined.