Author's note: This story actually came from a kernel of an idea one time I was watching Strange Visitor, back when it was airing on TBS, if that tells you how old it is. I recently rewatched the ep, and I decided to get it down, and it grew a little beyond what I'd expected. So before you complain it's too short, I'm posting part 2 on Wednesday, and part 3 on Saturday, as long as plans don't get in the way.

Thanks to Carol and Jenn for beta'ing this for me!

Nothing but Air

I peer through the blinds of Perry's office at the government agents, incensed beyond belief. Okay, maybe not beyond belief, at least for anyone who knows me, but still pretty mad. Or annoyed. Annoyed sounds better. First they demand Superman, then they start going through my stuff. MY stuff! I feel a light breeze ruffle my skirt, and smooth it back down. "Do they honestly think if we knew where Superman was, we'd hang around this place?"

I turn to look at Clark, but get distracted by a paper ball hovering over the trash can. Wait, hovering? Hovering! In mid-air! I turn the rest of the way, and a big *ka-THUNK* sounds in my head, followed by the loud (to my mental ears) sounds of bells and whistles, making what's left of my stunned brain think of a slot machine. Suddenly, a big piece of the puzzle has slammed into place, and I'm left reeling. It all makes sense. Every little bit of it, or at least almost all of it. The coloring is right, especially that little upturn at the edges of the eyes. I've already found out that Clark has a great, heck, phenomenal body. And our escape from the shuttle hangar no longer seems like the Lane luck saving me again. Clark! Is!

Perry enters the room and derails my train of thought, especially when he mentions the polygraph tests, and the stupid agents taking my computer. The tests themselves don't bother so much, after watching that special on how fallible they can be, but taking my computer! My novel! Oh, if they found that and read it, I'd die of embarrassment and humiliation. Bad enough that I let it slip to Perry and Clark. I storm out of the office, and my mind slides back to my revelation, and I try to put it out of my mind. I don't need to be dwelling on it during the stupid polygraph. There'll be more than enough time tonight.

"You need me. You wouldn't be much of a hero without a villain. And you do love being the hero, don't you. The cheering children, the swooning women, you love it so much, it's made you my most reliable accomplice." -- Lex Luthor to Superman, Question Authority, Justice League Unlimited