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FDK goes here smile .

Next scheduled post:
Wednesday, Chapters 90 and 91, 10am-noon wink


Chapter 90

I left my English class and headed towards the parking lot.

I ran a hand through my hair and wasn't watching where I was going as I rounded the corner. I screeched to a halt to avoid someone heading the other direction. "I'm sor..."

Chapter 91

"Morning," Sam and Lois replied. Christopher was too busy smashing pancakes into his mouth to make any response as I kissed him on the head.

"Pancakes?" I asked. Usually only I made that kind of breakfast.

Lois shrugged. "I was hungry and they were frozen."
Thanks smile .

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Hack from Nowheresville
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You do realize that story is diminishing my productivity at work right? laugh

Grinch - /whistles/ Complicated? I've struggled with PPD myself and I know what things set it off too. As for the 'permission' thing... that will be discussed later. Toys back together? You do mean Clark and Lana back together right?
At this point, I don't care who gets together, but this angst has got to stop. I only have one heart, and it may be suffering from heart failure in the very near future. dizzy Nah, scratch that. Lois and Clark do have to live happily ever after. So Lana has got to die somehow.

In this chapter, I'm glad that Lois and Clark talked about what happened. I know it didn't go well, but it shows that these two have matured. Clark could have avoided Lois, but he didn't, which I think is a good sign.

Can you imagine on the day your son was conceived, his father actually believed that he was sleeping with someone else? At the thought, Lois was nearly bursting in the tears. I can't imagine how she can look at Clark/Chris and not think that.

I think the biological connection to Chris is important to Clark. I think he would be a father regardless, but having that connection would help him come to terms with his uniqueness. Clark's always going to question whether Chris is really his, so a paternity test may help with closure.

Oh, couldn't Lois take a 24-hour pill to take away the pregnancy scare? Lois is hungry in the previews...this can't be good.

I think I've got it all figured out. UP is going to be about Chris' sessions with Dr. Friskin. In these sessions, he'll explain his confusing childhood and how his Mum and Dad emotionally scarred him for life. Am I close?

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CLARK NEEDS TO TELL HER HE LOVES HER!!!!! btw that is your child. thank you peep thud laugh

I will and always be a big fan of Lois and Clark forever and forever.
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Even though Lois is in her tailspin... Clark was waking up!

Originally posted by carolm:
<But why should it matter?> one part of me asked. <She's your *wife*. You're *supposed* to make love to her – even if it is fast and furious sometimes. What do you think Mom and Dad have been hounding you about for two years now?>

<That's not the point,> my inner teenager – the part of me that had been in love with Lana for as long as I could remember – snapped back. <Do you really think she'll be able to accept this?>

I stifled a scream.

Why was this so hard? Why was it *my* life that ended up like this?

I *wanted* to be married to the woman I loved. To make love to her regularly – something I had discovered over the last twenty-four hours could be pretty amazing. To be free from evil dictators. To know my son was *my* son.

To have a *normal* life.

Or as normal as alien living as a human being could have.

I stifled another scream and was out the door to the veranda in a flash, taking off for parts unknown.
I think that is huge on several levels...
1) Clark refers to his *teenage* self clinging to Lana... that there is any distinction at all is big
2) His focus on normalcy drives home a huge point. Clark's relationship with Lana was normal... his relationship with Lois has been anything but... and it wasn't even his origins that caused the abnormalities. We all know how much Clark Kent *wants* to be normal... I think this may be a huge part of his clinging to Lana...

And hmmmm hungry Lois... and Clark obviously picking up on it...

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I'm so glad I'm teleworking today. Might be sitting in front of my PC longer tonight because of this interruption but who cares. That was awesome.

T..t.t.t.t.t.t.hey talked drool

And Lois c.c..c.c.c..can rea....rea.really be....preg....pr...pregnant hyper

And now blow bow blow up. hyper

And now I'm so scared for the other shoe to drop... This can't be the turning point. Sex never is the cure all in any LnC story I know of. It's always been irrelevant, the root of all evil or the gravy. But never the turning point. So things will blow up again. How? When? Why? Is today Wednesday? Because then it will only be another hour till you post... dizzy

Michael thud

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Something I thought of as I walked out of class...

Clark Jerome Davis Kent has had more upheaval in his life that Clark Jerome Kent did... The circumstances of Martha's first marriage and then her meeting Jonathan and marrying him... and the Kent/Clark/Davis clan... Clark must have felt different *before* he ever started developing his powers... so his drive to be "normal" would be even greater than canon Clark...

I also think Lois jumped to quickly when Clark made a hash of trying to explain why having a biological connection to someone else was important to him... but then she expects him to disappoint her by now... with just cause...

I also think the time away from Lana helped Clark a lot... he hadn't seen her for almost a year... then she starts showing up whenever something went wrong... she bumped in to Clark when they got the big threat... she was at Pop Pop's funeral when the press leak happened... the timing is interesting even if Lana is just the messenger of doom... and I wonder what ever happened to Mindy...

I can't wait to see if Clark can dig himself out of the hole he dug to China... and maybe bring Lois back some peace offering take-out while he's at it...

Sara "Lieta"
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hyper hyper hyper hyper
I'll be back! Gotta go take a test but I did read! Awesome!


I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.
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Holy cow.

I think the way that Clark is handling the latest events shows that he is maturing and beginning to view this whole situation differently. (Notice I didn't say that he has matured.) Of course, that means you're going to throw Lana into the mix again, but at least it's Lois who meets up with her this time.

I have to admit, the angst was getting to me there for a while, before their first anniversary when they weren't talking and again when they weren't talking after Pop Pop. But I think that just means you've done an excellent job of putting the reader in the shoes of the characters!

It feels like the story has hit a tipping point, at least in terms of their relationship, and is like a snowball heading downhill and gaining momentum (good or bad). This is a good thing because maybe there won't be any more standoffs, which are the worst in my opinion.

By the way, I love that you are posting daily. Thanks!


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I have no idea how I feel about the latest development.. but I'm so glad that they're accepting the possibility that little Chrissie could be theirs laugh

and in the next part, are we going to see evil Lana since Clark is not around. I wonder...


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I glared at him. "I told you before – you have some kind of itch that needs scratching, go find an iceberg to melt. You decide you want to make some kind of long term, *real* commitment to me – and I want to do the same - *then* maybe it'll happen again."


I didn't know what else to do.

So I crossed the room in a couple of giant steps.

And then I kissed her.


But only for a second as her arms wound around my neck and she pulled me closer to her. My arms pulled her as close to me as I could, picking her up by the waist as the kiss softened just enough not to bruise her lips. Her legs wrapped around me and a second later, she was under me on our bed.

Clothes disappeared more quickly than I would have thought humanly possible, but it was because I wasn't using any of my powers.

The need to be together – to be the 'one flesh' mentioned at weddings – consumed me and Lois both.

It wasn't long before we were lying next to each other and even I was breathing heavily.

"Where did that come from?" she asked me, her head resting against my arm, her feet crossed at the ankle and propped up against the headboard.

"I don't know," I told her honestly, with a grin that I was sure looked like every stereotypical guy's first time grin ever seen on TV – even though it wasn't my first time. I thought about saying something like 'but I hope it happens again' but I decided it probably wasn't the smartest thing to do.
So, did Clark just imply something? evil


I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.
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You know, this thing about "having sex to make me forget some other trouble" intrigues me. Shoot! I've been reading fanfic to take my mind off my troubles! I'm such a dummy!

Fantastic story, Carol. It's amazing to see these two young people fumble their way towards real love for each other. I'm glad my life hasn't been as eventful as theirs has.

I don't think Lana should die. I think Clark should tell Lois (and Lana, eventually) that he's made a deliberate choice to stay married to Lois and remain faithful to her for the rest of their lives together because he loves Lois more than anyone else in the entire world. I think that would mean more to Lois than them attending Lana's funeral. In fact, I think he's close to that realization himself. Can't wait to watch him try to convince Lois of his love!

Waiting breathlessly for tomorrow!

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This was... [Linked Image] They made love. Again. And again. And again. [Linked Image]

Visions of the night at the cabin were coming back to haunt me. That vivid dream of making love to Lana was all I had of her. I hadn't let myself think about it much since I married Lois because it felt like cheating on her to think about another woman that way.

It had come flooding back to me as I held Lois after she fell asleep.

But this time, Lana was nowhere to be seen. It was Lois with me on the floor, under the blankets, in front of the fireplace.

Making love.
"But it was weird. The longer it's been, the more it's you there with me. Even the next day, it was me and someone who kept morphing between you and Lana, but the longer we've been married, the more you're there and she's not."
I think for a long time he fantasied it was Lana because he didn't want to face the facts, but slowly the fantasy is fading and what remains is the reality.

It had been... amazing. Incredible.


It had been perfect. Better than perfect.
So why doesn't he stop being so stubborn and admits there's more than attraction between them? goofy

For all I know, your little guys are faster and a fertilized egg would already be *flying* down the fallopian tube.
laugh laugh rotflol

He stood and started pacing. "And I don't know if I'm going crazy or what. He *looks* like me. He has the same mole on his lip that I do. I get comments *all* the *time* about how much he looks like me." He looked distraught. "Is it *possible* that he's my son?"
For somebody super fast he was terribly slow to come to this conclusion but, hey, better late than never. wink

"It's not like it's going to happen again, is it? But she'll never believe that."

His next question surprised me. "Why wouldn't it happen again?"
If - and that is a big IF - Lois isn't pregnant by now, they should decide about what protection they are going to use. It looks like they won't be able to keep their hands off of each other. laugh

The need to be together – to be the 'one flesh' mentioned at weddings – consumed me and Lois both.
Yeah, they're goners. blush

<That's not the point,> my inner teenager – the part of me that had been in love with Lana for as long as I could remember – snapped back.
Tell the inner teenager to shut up. He knows nothing about life. [Linked Image]

I ran a hand through my hair and wasn't watching where I was going as I rounded the corner. I screeched to a halt to avoid someone heading the other direction. "I'm sor..."

Well... if she dares to repeat the there-is-no-way-you-will-ever-know-what-Clark-is-like-in-bed line, she is in for a big surprise. devil

"Pancakes?" I asked. Usually only I made that kind of breakfast.

Lois shrugged. "I was hungry and they were frozen."
Uh-oh. Guess the only question is... is Christopher going to have a brother or a sister? [Linked Image]

/me looks at the calendar and wills it to be Wednesday...


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15
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Hack from Nowheresville
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Wow! I am pleased. laugh I don't care how many steps they go back, this was so worth it! blush Well, okay I do care because this whole not talking to each other business isn't easy on me. In fact it drives me nuts! wave

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Originally posted by Ultra Woman:
Well... if she dares to repeat the there-is-no-way-you-will-ever-know-what-Clark-is-like-in-bed line, she is in for a big surprise. devil
Hmm... With a little different setup by Carol, Lois could have also answered, "You're probably right. Although the floor tends to get a bit hard after a while so I might suggest it to him sometime..."

And I just thought of the perfect line for Sam: "Are you saying that it needs a heart-attack for you to give me another grandchild?"

Michael devil

PS: Is it just me or this getting progressively more addictive with each part?

PPS: LnC have another problem now: Won't everyone notice that they have gone from "bunnies" to "bunnies on Revenge"?

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Initial reaction: They did it *again*! eek

Forget Frogger, now we're playing Pitfall! They completely jumped over the alligator but there are still more to come!

Lois's head is just where I feared it would be. This made me sad:
This was where I wanted to spend the rest of my life. In the arms of the man I loved. If only he'd love me too...
She's in *deep* but doesn't believe that Clark is anywhere close to the neighborhood. IMHO, I think Clark is circling, but we're going to need some more 'close encounters' to cure him of his Lana obsession (and to excise the teenage self that keeps bringing her up).

I don't think that Lois is pregnant because Carol told us awhile back that there were no siblings on order for Christopher--unless Carol was taking the role of unreliable narrator. /wags finger/ You wouldn't do that, would you, Carol? Would you? I mean, sometimes pancakes are just pancakes... right? On the other hand(!), wouldn't it be something if that meeting between Lois and Lana just so happened to take place at a clinic. That's a hoot, that's what that is.

So, I wonder... even if Lois decided to create a trade embargo (thereby denying Kryptonian's from exporting goods), there would still be the occasional steamy looks. The kind of glances that Ma and Pa Kent would interpret right away.

/Sends postcard to Lois and Clark Kent of Pittsdale that reads: Some things you just shouldn't fight./


October Sands, An Urban Fairy Tale featuring Lois and Clark
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Amazing, Carol. What a story this is!

As you can imagine, I was particularly happy to see Clark come to a few conclusions:

I didn't love her like that &#8211; not usually &#8211; but in that moment &#8211; in those moments &#8211; there was no one else in my world.
Wonder why? wink

Visions of the night at the cabin were coming back to haunt me. That vivid dream of making love to Lana was all I had of her. I hadn't let myself think about it much since I married Lois because it felt like cheating on her to think about another woman that way.

It had come flooding back to me as I held Lois after she fell asleep.

But this time, Lana was nowhere to be seen. It was Lois with me on the floor, under the blankets, in front of the fireplace.
Don't look now, but Lois is becoming the woman that Clark can't live without.

Was it possible it wasn't a dream after all? Could we have really been together that night?

Could Christopher really be my son?
Ummmmmm.... lesseee....

He *looks* like me. He has the same mole on his lip that I do. I get comments *all* the *time* about how much he looks like me.
Hmmmmmmm.... laugh

It had been... amazing. Incredible.


It had been perfect. Better than perfect.

Jor-El had said that Kryptonians mate for life. Was this what he was talking about? Would this preclude me from another relationship after the divorce? From ever being with Lana &#8211; or anyone else &#8211; someday? How did he define 'mate'? Make lo... Do things for purposes of procreation with? Or bind their lives together with some sort of formal ritual &#8211; like a wedding?
Wow, that's a thought! laugh

Was there some sort of bond formed when the physical relationship was consummated? Had I sealed my... fate, for lack of a better term, by being with Lois like that? If Lana and I hadn't been waiting to get married, would things have been different?
Interesting. Could Clark have 'bonded' with Lana in the same way that he has now, possibly, bonded with Lois? In other words, is Clark's relationship with Lois all about his own Kryptonian genes and their dictate that Clark must latch onto one woman and bond with her? Is it all the same if the woman in question is Lois or Lana?

I'd *wanted* to with Lana. Desire hadn't been a problem &#8211; not even after I was married. It wasn't like I hadn't had physical desire for her. I'd had that in spades.

But while it hadn't always been easy controlling the urges with Lana, I had been completely defenseless against Lois' advances. Was it because we were married and I knew that it was... expected of us? Was it something to do with my Kryptonian physiology that was attracted to her?

Was Lois my soul mate instead of Lana?
Yes, Clark! hyper Yes! Yes! Yes! hyper

(Please say it is so, Carol! No? You are going to make Clark work hard for this love, so that both he and Lois are going to have to earn it?)

Yay to Lois for saying this to Clark:

"I told you before &#8211; you have some kind of itch that needs scratching, go find an iceberg to melt. You decide you want to make some kind of long term, *real* commitment to me &#8211; and I want to do the same - *then* maybe it'll happen again."
Hooray!!! She asked him for a long-term commitment! Get the wax out of your ears, Clark. Listen to what your wife said. She wants you to make a real commitment to her! She wants you to choose her instead of Lana! Try to get it into your thick head that she isn't uninterested in you, the way you've told yourself that she is!

Of course, it took about ten seconds for Lois to make love to him again after she had made that brave statement about not letting him in, but who am I to complain? clap

I hadn't used my powers, but it was the most incredible experience of my life. Even more than the night before had been.
And it was so good! <happy sigh>

Of course, there is the little complication that Lois might be pregnant. Well, I'm almost always enthusiastic when Lois gets pregnant with Clark's child, so if she is expecting again you won't get any complaints from me! (Besides, Christopher is two, so he will be almost three years old when his baby brother or sister is born, which is a pretty normal 'spacing' between siblings...) laugh

And since I've been going on about how Clark is at war with himself, and how it is the more immature aspect of himself that clings to Lana, I just loved this:

<But why should it matter?> one part of me asked. <She's your *wife*. You're *supposed* to make love to her &#8211; even if it is fast and furious sometimes. What do you think Mom and Dad have been hounding you about for two years now?>

<That's not the point,> my inner teenager &#8211; the part of me that had been in love with Lana for as long as I could remember &#8211; snapped back. <Do you really think she'll be able to accept this?>
Clark's inner teenager! Hah! I love it! clap

Finally, I think it would be beyond wonderful for Clark to have a biological son. Remember that Clark is not only technically a stranger on the Earth, he is also an orphan of an entire planet. Clark seems to be doomed to a sort of existential loneliness. Having a child of his own by an Earth woman, his soulmate to boot, would be a better way to connect him to this Earth than anything else I can think of.


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Hack from Nowheresville
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Well, I didn't post yesterday because I thought Clark was going to go running back to Lana right after this.

Like Michael said, it sounded like "friends with benefits" to me. And that's something I have A LOT OF PROBLEMS with, marriage or no marriage.

But after reading today's posts, I'm not so sure anymore. Clark acknowledges his brain, and his heart, was only on Lois at the time.

And like other people said, it was his "inner teanager" that protested to loving Lana. So what does that mean...?

Well I admit, it is good that Clark acknowledges that Christopher could be his, I agree with Lois on this,
"So he could be my son?"

"Does it really matter?" I asked, unable to keep the trace of bitterness out of my voice.

"Of course it matters," he snapped.

"Why?" I snapped back. "I thought you already loved him like he was your own. What difference would it make if he was? Besides the whole half-alien thing?"
Well I do agree she was kind of harsh with the whole half-alien comment, that is the way I always saw Christopher.
Why is it so important whose baby it is, biologically? (Besides the Kryptonite, of course)
Clark acts like Christopher is his son. Christopher believs Clark is his father. He loves him like his son. So why should that play a role in what happens in five years? How could that make a difference to Clark?
I will say it again. Clark had to men who adopted him as a son (Chris and Jonathan) who he had no biological connection to. That didn't make a difference to him or them.

On the other hand, smile , I think Lois is being way to harsh with Clark here.
"Don’t worry. When the divorce happens, I still won't ask you for anything."

He stood up and turned to look at me then. "You think I won't be part of my baby's life? You *really* think I could just leave Christopher now? Much less a baby I *know* is mine? That I know is my biological child?"

I shrugged. "Like Lana's gonna want to play step mommy to a child that's mine but not yours or to a child that constantly reminds her that you cheated on her with your wife. You'll have your own kids with her. I'd never stop you from seeing them or anything like that, but I won't let them be constantly put in a situation where all they hear is about how your 'real family' comes first or some such nonsense."

"I wouldn't let her do that," he told me.
She knows how he responds to Christopher now, and how Christopher responds to him. Why does she think Lana will be able to control him on whether he can see his son (or children)?

I admit, she's hurting right now, so she's lashing out in anger. That's what all Loises do.
But it still bothers me.

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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Why is it so important whose baby it is, biologically? (Besides the Kryptonite, of course)
Clark acts like Christopher is his son. Christopher believs Clark is his father. He loves him like his son. So why should that play a role in what happens in five years? How could that make a difference to Clark?
I agree that Clark's feelings for Chris shouldn't be contingent on whether or not Clark is the biological father. Being adopted himself, twice over, I think Clark realizes there is more to blood than being a father.

However, I do see two reasons why the paternity of Chris should be resolved:
1. First, because Chris being biologically Clark's answers two of his main questions: (1) can I have children with Earth women; and (2) I'm no longer alone on this planet.

2. I think the more important reason is that Chris deserves a right to know. It will be hard, when Chris grows up and begins to ask questions, for Lois to tell him she has no idea as to who his father is.

The important distinction between Clark and Chris is that Clark couldn't search for his birth-father. This option is available to Chris, however.

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Okay, so pretty much all of my first FDK on your the two parts before these is in the story. (The thoughts about Lois possibly being pregnant) *g* Good to know it was written a long time ago.

Anyway, I think, in a way, this whole making-love-just-this-once *cough* thing is not all that bad because it has several good effects (even if there are some drawbacks):
1) Clark starts thinking, realizing there just might be more to his relationship with Lois than he had thought possible
2) He doesn't think of Lana while being with Lois clap
3) They both want more. [Linked Image]

I guess that, eventually, it will lead to them taking their marriage more seriously. And, no, for some reason I don't really think Lois will have another baby. Carol only wants to tease us with the pancakes. Yes, that's it. (Or, maybe, she has a miscarriage planned? mecry )

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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by Lara Joelle Kent:
<strong> (Or, maybe, she has a miscarriage planned? dizzy

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