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I just *loved* Lois and Clark's interaction in the kitchen. Their conversation ran me through a gamut of emotions, starting with WaFFy happiness.
A gentle kiss was pressed on her neck from behind and Clark's voice whispered in her ear.

“What are you smiling at?” he asked gently.

“Oh, nothing really. Just life in general.” Lois turned into his arms, wrapping her arms around him, careful to keep her dirty hands off his clean blue shirt.
The discussion about various New Year's traditions was fun and I think their discussion about Clark's tall, dark and handsome looks made Lois forgot about keeping her dirty hands away from him ...
One of Lois' hands trailed playfully through his hair.
I think it speaks well for their relationship that Clark can bring up the question of companionship for Lois while he was away and I love that she could respond without offense.

“Oh boy! Can't you two be trusted to do a job right?” Another teasing voice asked from the doorway as a young man in a black suit and mask entered the room.
Poor couple - still can't smooch without getting interrupted. sloppy

The bit about Vicky was cute, but the coincidence with the bomb at the school is curious. Maybe the bomber is choosing sites that have nothing to do with the Kents, but it sure is suspicious that Clark has been around both times.

More soon,

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I keep looking for happy Clark and I need to remember he might not be happy for a long time.

It must be so hard to see Matt doing what he thought was his job.

Poor Lois she just can't let Clark go on his own.

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Like BJ pointed out, the interaction between Lois and Clark in the kitchen was lovely.

A gentle kiss was pressed on her neck from behind and Clark's voice whispered in her ear.

“What are you smiling at?” he asked gently.

“Oh, nothing really. Just life in general.” Lois turned into his arms, wrapping her arms around him, careful to keep her dirty hands off his clean blue shirt. She loved him in blue, and not necessarily Superman's blue. Now that she thought of it, she loved him in any color, especially skin tones. She giggled again.
You write Lois's happiness so beautifully, and you show us so well how much that happiness has to do with Clark.

“No, first footing is a custom where all the neighbors visit each other's houses on New Year's Eve. The first person to come across your doorstep is supposed to be a tall, dark and handsome male, so I was always pushed in first.” Clark blushed in embarrassment. “I guess because I was the tallest and my hair is still semi-dark ... if you ignore the gray streaks.”

One of Lois' hands trailed playfully through his hair. “Oh, I don't know. I think the gray is distinguished and you still fit the third part of that description.”

“You're in love with me, honey.”
Yep, her dirty hand played with his hair, while she told him that he was handsome! laugh And Clark made the astute observation that Lois is in love with him, perhaps to imply that she isn't absolutely unbiased when it comes to assessing his physical beauty... but hey, Clark, having a wife who is in love with you and sees you as more handsome than you really are is not bad! laugh

Clark smiled down on her, then his eyes gleamed teasingly again. “But don't interrupt. I'm not finished with my story. You bring a piece of coal with you and say 'lang may yer lum reek.”

Lois lifted a dish-cloth from the counter and swiped Clark. “Now you really are joking!”

Pretending to be hurt, Clark flinched, only he didn't have to pretend all that much these days, but he threw his head back and laughed. “No, Sweetheart. I swear this is true. That saying signifies that you want the householder to always have enough coal to keep their fire burning, so wishing them prosperity, I guess.
It's funny that she sweeps him with that dish-cloth. And Clark has to pretend that it hurts, but these days it's not necessary to pretend as much as he used to. frown

Oh, and that Scottish expression...occasionally Scottish sounds very Scandinavian to me. In Swedish, Danish and Norwegian, the word for "child" is "barn". In Sottish I think it is "bairn". Now that word "reek"... in American English and most forms of British English that means "smell bad", but in Swedish "ryka" means "make smoke". So I guess that Scottish expression has to mean, "long may your 'lum' - coal? fireplace? - make smoke'. Ah, interesting! smile

But when Lois tells him that she had to get better at cooking herself because she lost her personal chef a few years back, their mood turns sombre and Clark feels guilty. He has no reason to blame himself, yet he does.

“Didn't you ever look for someone to console you?” When he spoke his voice was stilted. They'd never talked about this, but perhaps the very domesticity of this scene gave him the courage to broach the subject. He lifted his head to study Lois' troubled eyes. “I'm not objecting, you know. In fact, I would understand completely. You thought I was gone forever.”

“No. Clark, I never ... but I'll have you know it wasn't through lack of offers, either.”

A tiny smile curled Clark's lips. “I don't doubt that,” he said, a touch wistfully. “Any man would be lucky to be with you.”

“I didn't want anyone else. You're kind of a hard act to follow.”
I love this, that they can talk about it so openly, and that they can trust each other so.

Lois's last line reminds me of what Margot Kidder's Lois told Christopher Reeve's Clark Kent right before he gave her that amnesia kiss to make her forget about their love story and his double identity. (When he did so, he also rejected their love story himself, and he broke my heart.)

Clark's shoulders lifted disparagingly. “But having a partner might have made your life easier ...”

“But I didn't want another partner.” Lois leaned closer to his body, if that was physically possible. “You're the only man I've ever wanted ... the only man I'll ever want!” She brushed her lips against his throat and felt his pulse quicken. “But what about you?” Her voice trembled. “Didn't you ever look?”

“I was looking ...”

Lois pushed out of Clark's embrace, taking a step backward, only to smack into the kitchen counter. “What?”

“I was looking for my dream woman.” Clark closed the gap and placed his fingers on Lois' cheek, stroking gently. “I just didn't know she was you, honey. Not until you walked into Marge's spare bedroom. My heart recognized you long before my head.”

“Oh ... you,” Lois gasped, then said nothing more as her lips were involved in a much nicer occupation than talking.
All of this is just lovely, and so intensely emotional.

“Oh boy! Can't you two be trusted to do a job right?” Another teasing voice asked from the doorway as a young man in a black suit and mask entered the room. “I've been out on a busy holiday patrol and I come back, looking forward to a good meal, and I find my parents making out in the kitchen.” Matt winked, before spinning back into his casual clothes.

“Hi, Son,” Clark replied. “You'll have to blame your mother for looking so cute with that stuffing smeared on her face. I couldn't resist ...”

“What?” Lois repeated, but she squirmed away from Clark and ran over to a small mirror on the back wall. She swiped at her face with the dish towel which was clutched forgotten in her hand. “Why didn't you tell me?” she demanded, giving Clark a reproving glance.

“I was getting around to removing it myself.”
I'm sorry I'm quoting almost all of this, but I loved the fact that Clark thought Lois looked cute with stuffing on her face! And he would tell his son that he couldn't stop himself from kissing her because of that! And Lois is not amused, except she is.

“You know, shouldn't that turkey be in the oven by now, if you want it to be ready for the gang coming for dinner. Unless you want me to ...” Matt waved in the general direction of his eyes.

“No way,” Lois assured him with much feeling. “Last time you tried that we ended up eating beef briquette.”
Ha ha!! Lang may yer beef reek!

“You did?” Clark asked in amusement, though he was also interested in the answer. “I thought you had control of your heat vision, Matt.”

“I have. Funny thing is though, Dad, I've inherited your superpowers, but I'm afraid I got Mom's cooking skills ... or lack of them.”

“Don't push your luck, Matt,” Lois said, throwing the towel at him. “I might send you to your room without dinner.”

“Nah, you wouldn't.” Matt's impish grin sparkled, lighting up his face. “Your bark is worse than your bite.”
Again, this is lovely. Reading it makes me feel all warm inside.

But Lois soon gets worried, when she is reminded of all the criminals who are out of prison and who might be looking for a way to get back at the man who brought them to justice in the first place - Superman. That is, Clark. Who isn't Superman any more, or at least, who isn't invulnerable any more.

I liked your portrait of Vicky very much.

But, oh no, there's another bomb!

I'm with Lois here. The bombs are somehow directed at Clark. He doesn't want to see it, or he doesn't want to believe it. He doesn't really believe in her intuition here, and she doesn't really believe in him, in his instincts, and in his ability to defend himself against criminals with bombs, now that he isn't "super" any more. And her fears for him - which are equivalent to her doubts in him - annoys him, even though he also acknowledges that she has such faith in him.

Oh, it is so hard to love a person and to have to deal with the loss of much of his - or your own - physical ability at the same time.

This is very moving, Jennie.


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Jenni - simply wonderful as always. I'm not convinced that it's not a coincidence - in fact, I think it is. Weird, random coincidence, but this is Lois and Clark we're talking about here...

More soon!

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BJ, cp33, TOC and Carolm, I'd like to thank you all for leaving fdk.

I'm thinking that not many people are reading my story on these MBs, but I will keep posting for you all.

Your wonderful comments keep my spirits up. smile

Yours Jenni

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I'm reading it, but I read on whichever MB that I find it on. I left my comments for Part 4 on the other board!


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I'm reading on these boards too! I'm just really bad at leaving fdk. blush

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Thanks Nan and Beth. I didn't mean to complain. It's just nice to know people are reading. smile

But ignore me. I was just having a bad day! wink

Yours Jenni

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Hi Jenni,

After Jenn already recommended your story to me a while back, I finally came around to reading it and I have to say I'm glad I did smile

I don't know the fic continued in this, but you managed to slip the back story in so naturally that it didn't distract me from reading - it did, however, make me want to read that story, too.

In the first part, you conveyed very ambiguous feelings: on the one hand there is this sense that the Kents are a truly happy family, but there is also a sense of something like gloom or unease. They are together and they are a family, but there are still some levels on which they might not fully have reconnected. Without having read The Forgotten (and without you spoon-feeding your audience), I still very much sensed that there were painful memories to be dealt with on all sides. I really felt with Clark and his fears of not fitting in anymore, of being a burden or a disappointment.

I especially love the interaction between your Lois and Clark. They both want to be strong for each other and deeply care for one another - and I love that they are still very much a couple, that they share an emotional bond as well as a physical attraction.

It was also great how you introduced the kids. I like how you do it gradually, without overdoing it. And it's nice that you portray something resembling a regular family life, where the children do care for their parents, but where other things (like who gets to be in the bathroom for how long) can be equally important wink

I especially like the little things like Jimmy being 'Jim' now and really having grown as a person - and as a reporter smile (And I like that your characters are sometimes still slipping back into the habit of calling him "Jimmy" - it just happens.)

The parts at the Planet seem very realistic to me (not that I have any idea about the workings of a newspaper): all the new technology, databases and info screens Clark has to get used to - and you really got me interested in your A plot. Also (with Jenn being your beta and all), I feel like I'm actually learning something about the current newspaper business wink

So now that I'm reading part four, I love the interaction in the kitchen: a little sweetness, tenderness, sadness - and those little tidbits about Mac and Marge got me even more interested in reading The Forgotten smile

Thinking she looked adorable with that smear of stuffing on her cheek, Clark quickly kissed her lips. Since his return, he couldn't get enough of kissing Lois.

“Wow!” Lois' eyes were wide open. “And I thought Kansas crop worshiping was bad ... It just goes to show you don't know how other people live.”

“If you'd been an ordinary man, you could have gotten sick, or been killed crossing the road ... and our jobs are dangerous. Any number of criminals could have tried to take revenge ...” Her voice failed for a second; that scenario still applied, and she didn't want to go down that road today. Her chin firmed as she locked glances with Clark. “I never had any regrets. OK, that's not true. I regretted your absence every single day of those years, but I wouldn't have changed one moment of the time we shared together. It just hurt so much when I thought it was over.”
The whole scene around this paragraph (but this especially) almost made me cry: it's sweet and sad and heartbreaking in a way, but I'm so glad they are able to talk about all this and share their feelings smile

“Hi, Son,” Clark replied. “You'll have to blame your mother for looking so cute with that stuffing smeared on her face. I couldn't resist ...”

“What?” Lois repeated, but she squirmed away from Clark and ran over to a small mirror on the back wall. She swiped at her face with the dish towel which was clutched forgotten in her hand. “Why didn't you tell me?” she demanded, giving Clark a reproving glance.

“I was getting around to removing it myself.”

“Oh, gross!” Matt harrumphed and went to raid the fridge for a snack.
Love Matt's reaction - very realistic wink

The sounds from the outside office faded into the background as Clark resumed his pacing back to the book-lined wall. Lois couldn't help but notice that while he walked, his right hand tugged subconsciously at the stump of his missing finger. Over the years, Lois had become accustomed to all Clark's mannerisms, but this was a new sign of tension, and one which tore her heart in two. It reminded her of the terrible things he'd gone through while they were apart.
As I said, I like how you add little details such as this "new sign of tension", it *is* heartbreaking, but it really adds depth to the story.

This is such a great tale, I look forward to seeing how you will develop the plot as well as your characters further.

Thanks a lot for sharing smile


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Sorry, will leave FDK in part 5

“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!
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This story of yours is starting to be a major pain. I read part 4 and intended to leave FDK in the evening after I finished my own WIP-part. And now it's late afternoon, I've read on to part 5 and did I already tell you that stories with a reading-buffer are very bad for weak-minded FoLCs?

Did I ever mention that I love waffy LnC? That kitchen scene was so sweet smile

And you (ok, Thomas) bombed Vicky's school eek I never saw that coming, I think.

Okay, see you over in Part 5 smile


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