I don’t know if something like this has been done before, I feel like I’ve read something similar, but I can’t place it. No copy write infringement nor plagiarism is intended.

‘Twas the night before Christmas
(adapted from Clement Moores original)

‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the Planet,
not a reporter was stirring, not even ‘chiefs favourite.
The stories were sitting on clear desks with care,
In hopes that Perry would soon say it’s fair.

The best team was waiting to say their goodbyes,
While sweet dreams of vacation, glowed in their eyes.
While Lois in her Jacket and Clark in his coat,
Had just sat down tired, after all they had wrote.

When outside the building, was a sudden loud crash,
Jimmy opened the windows, to see a bright flash.
Away to the stairwell, Clark dashed out of sight,
A tug to his tie and into the starlight.

The glow on the scene of the peril below,
Caused Lois to see a man in the shadows.
When who should appear as she saw him slide by,
But Superman to rescue folks forced to lie.

With strength from the sun, he pulled cars to the side,
Lois knew in a moment, he’d save this yuletide.
More quickly than humans he saved mom and child,
And with each one he helped, he spoke as he smiled.

“Now you there remember to not drink and drive,
The people around you are luckily alive.
Now all else remember to drive home with care,
There’s no way for me to help all in despair.”

As finally everyone hurt in the crash,
Had been checked out for dangers such as whiplash,
So up to the skyline our Superman flew,
His ears checking for sirens, and his eyes too.

And then in a flash, Lois felt in the room,
The silent return of her future bridegroom.
As he twisted his tie, and was turning around,
The man from the shadows appeared without sound.

He was dressed all in black, from his head to his feet,
The bowler hat on top made the outfit complete.
A pile of gifts he laid on the table,
And Jimmy eyed it with eyes that were hopeful.

“Mr. Wells why are you here on Christmas eve?
Don’t tell me Tempus found a new way to deceive?”
“Oh no my dear Lois, I just wanted to know,
How you two spent Christmas, in this time long ago.”

“Well to tell you the truth, we don’t really have plans,
Just to spend it together, without a madman.”
“Records show that you started traditions this year,
Traditions that for all time the Kent clan adheres.”

They both looked about thinking what will we do?
What will be this year that is entirely new?
They saw Perry in his office, done for the night,
Meeting Alice for their rendevous at midnight.

They saw Jimmy calling girls to check for their plans,
Being asked to go shopping to pick up pecans.
And there in the corner was Ralph sneaking out,
Rushing home to get supper- some pizza takeout.

Observing their colleagues, they knew what they’d do,
They’d have friends for pizza and pie and who knew?
They’d fill their house with friends with no definite plan,
This would build a bright future for all in their clan.

After dinner with friends they’d plan for time alone,
Meeting somewhere special that was all their own.
No matter what happens in each year that passes,
They’d find time together, alone without glitches.

They told their new plans to the man from the past,
Who smiled because he knew that these plans would last.
He opened his notebook, and wrote all was well,
Traditions were starting for all their Noels.

He passed out his presents to Lois and Clark,
Knowing their future was soon to embark.
He spoke very softly before turning from sight,
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight!


Don't think about the pink elephant... I dare you!

Thanks to Tineke for the avatar