Okay, here we go everyone!!! Since I got the part back early and got all my corrections made - I thought I would post early... since you all asked so nicely. <g> I hope you enjoy it! I'll save all other comments for the end.

Table of Contents

From part 21:

<...For as long as we both shall live...>

No. It was too soon. Their life together had barely begun. It wasn’t enough.

But would it ever be enough? He would never want to leave her, or her to leave him... even when they were old and gray. But if he had to leave this world, at least he would die knowing that he had found happiness. Not everyone could say that.

A calm slowly overcame him - his brain’s reaction to the intensity of the pain taking over and blocking his cognizant reception of it. He was losing consciousness.

Fight, he told himself. Fight for Lois.

But he couldn’t. The room was fading in and out. He could hear Lois’s voice coming from far off and he wanted to call out to her, but he couldn’t. It was just too hard – it hurt too much. His eyes rolled back into the darkness and try as he might, he couldn’t open them again.

If he’d had just one wish, it would have been to see Lois one last time...




Lois snatched up the phone from the wall in the kitchen. Please be there, she begged Dr. Klein as she dialed his home number.

One ring...

Clark’s moaning abruptly stopped. There were no sounds coming from the bathroom.

Another ring...

“Clark?” Lois yelled, covering the mouthpiece on the phone.

She listened for a response, but there was nothing. Silence.

Another ring...

“Clark! Say something!” she pleaded. Why hadn’t she gone for the cordless extension? She stepped away from the wall as far as the coiled phone cord would allow and glanced around for the other phone, but she couldn’t find it.

Another ring...

Dr. Klein wasn’t there.

She wanted to hang up. She wanted to run back into the bathroom, just to make sure Clark was still breathing...

She wanted Dr. Klein to answer his freaking phone! Was that too much to ask? Answer the dam...


Thank god. “Dr. Klein? It’s Lois. I...”

“Lois? Congratulations!” he said, interrupting her. “I read about your wedding to Clark Kent in the paper. That was today, right?”

“Yes, thanks,” she said absently. “But I need...”

“Shouldn’t you be on your honeymoon right now?” he rambled on.

Lois closed her eyes and took a deep breath. There was no way to hide what was going on from Dr. Klein. She was going to have to tell him. “I *am* on my honeymoon. I’ll explain everything later, I promise, but there’s no time right now. It’s Superman, he’s...” She paused, not wanting to reveal too much over the phone. “I need you to come to Clark Kent’s apartment now! Please hurry!” she urged him.

“I’ll be right there.” There was a click and then silence on the other end of the phone.

Lois dropped the receiver, not bothering to hang it up properly, and ran to the bathroom.

He wasn’t moving.

“Clark? Honey?” She ran to him, dropping to her knees on the floor next to him. “Please... no...”

He was on his side, facing away from her. She rolled him over and lifted him into her arms where she could cradle his head and check his breathing. He was so limp. So pale.

So lifeless...

But then his chest moved – his lungs were still taking in air.

He was just unconscious.

She let out a relieved breath and rocked him in her arms. “It’ll be okay, Clark. Dr. Klein will know what to do.”

Leaning down, she placed a soft kiss to his cheek. “Fight, Clark. Fight,” she whispered to him, blinking away tears so she could see him. “You’re not a quitter. You never gave up on me. Now you have to fight...” Her voice was beginning to tremble and she swallowed. “You have to come back to me.”


Lois jolted at the sharp knocking sound coming from the front door. In reality, it hadn’t taken Dr. Klein long to get there, but it felt like hours.

She carefully released Clark, laying him down on the floor gently, placing a tender kiss on his cheek. “Dr. Klein is here, honey. Everything’s going to be all right.” At least she hoped it would be.

Lois gave him one last hug before getting up. Please don’t be mad, Clark, she prayed silently. There was just no way to hide *this*, she reasoned with herself as she grabbed her robe and ran to the front door. Oh, she could have tried to get Clark out of the pajama pants he was wearing and into his Suit, like she had before, but she wasn’t sure she would’ve had time - Klein had gotten here pretty fast. Plus, she didn’t know what was wrong with Clark – could jostling him around have injured him further? And what if Klein asked questions about Clark, their honeymoon? How would she answer? No. She had to tell Dr. Klein. They could trust him.

She hoped.

Taking a deep breath, she jerked the door open.

Dr. Klein’s concerned face greeted her. “What happened? Is he okay?”

“He’s unconscious right now. I was afraid to move him. He was in so much pain...”

“Where?” he asked, stepping inside the apartment.

“In the bathroom.”

Klein shook his head. “No. Where was he in pain? Did he tell you? Did he give you any symptoms before he passed out?”

“He kept grasping at his lower back... like this,” she explained, demonstrating for Dr. Klein. “And he started throwing up.” Then she remembered something Clark had told her. “He said there was blood in his urine.” Her voice broke and she cleared her throat. “I was so scared. He was rolling around on the floor, clutching at himself.” Her voice began to waver. “Is he... is he going to...?”

“I think he’s going to be okay.” He patted her arm. “Based on everything that he’s been through, and what you’ve told me... I just might know what’s wrong with him.” Some of the worry had left his face and it made Lois feel a little better. “Let’s go take a look at him.”

Lois followed Dr. Klein back towards the bathroom, fidgeting nervously the whole way. Her voice stopped him, just short of the bathroom door, “Wait...” She bit her lip. “There’s something you should know about him.”

Dr. Klein turned and looked back at her expectantly, an unreadable expression on his face.

“Superman is...” Lois began. “He’s...” She sighed softly. “He’s my husband, Dr. Klein. Superman is Clark Kent.”

Dr. Klein nodded, smiling softly. “I know, Lois.”

Her eyes shot open in disbelief. “You know? How long have you known?”

“I’ve had my suspicions for a few days. It wasn’t hard to see how much Superman cared for you and you for him. Mr. Kent never accompanied you and Superman when you would come to my lab, and then, when I read of your upcoming marriage to Mr. Kent, well...” He shrugged. “Plus, I had heard about what Lex Luthor had done to Mr. Kent...”

“Please, call him Clark.”

Klein smiled and nodded. “Clark had been wounded in the same place and in the same manner as Superman. I just put two and two together.”

It was a good thing Dr. Klein was the only one who knew about Superman’s injuries. Lois frowned. She and ‘Superman’ were going to have to do a better job of hiding their feelings for one another. “Why hadn’t you said something?”

“It was your secret to keep, not mine to reveal.” He patted her arm. “Don’t worry. His secret... your secret... this secret is safe with me. I’ll never tell.”

She smiled warmly at him. “Thank you, Dr. Klein.”

“Now, let’s go have a look at our boy, shall we? I think things may not be as serious as you first thought.” He made his way into the bathroom and she followed behind him as he continued talking, “I’m sure you’ve probably heard of kidney stones. I had a bout with them myself back a couple of years ago. Painfully mean little things...”


Clark awoke to find himself in his bed.

He was alive.

And, once again, he had an IV in his arm.

He closed his eyes wishing that the rest of it had been the same as the time before, that Lois’s arm was draped over his body.

But he was alone in bed this time.

It was real... wasn’t it? He and Lois really had gotten married... made love to each other... hadn’t they?

The sound of running water caught his attention. It was coming from the bathroom.

“Lois?” he croaked. He felt like he had cotton in his mouth and he swallowed and worked it for a couple of seconds before trying again. “Lois?” he called out, much louder this time.

The sound of water stopped abruptly and he could hear feet running across the floor. A second later, a dripping wet, towel-clad Lois came running out of the bathroom. “Clark?” A wide grin spread across her face and she rushed over to his bed. She sat down on the edge of the mattress and leaned down to give him a hug. “You’re awake!”

“Am I?” he said, eyeing her fervently. “I could swear that I’m dreaming.”

She laughed. “And you must be feeling better.” She hugged him again. “You scared me.”

“I scared myself,” he admitted, hugging her. “Has Dr. Klein already been here and left?” Obviously he had since there was an IV in Clark’s arm and no sign of the good doctor...

...and his wife was sitting in their bedroom, half-naked.

“Yes,” she confirmed, sitting up. “He told me to call him if you weren’t awake in a few hours or if there was any change.” She took his arm in her hands and examined the IV. “We weren’t sure Dr. Klein would be able to get this thing in. But I guess the attack weakened you enough that your skin was vulnerable.” She let out a sigh before giving him a reassuring smile. “He left me instructions for you.”

Clark raised an eyebrow at her. “Instructions? Does he already know what was wrong with me?” he asked, sitting up slowly and then scooting back to rest against the headboard.

She nodded. “He’s ninety-nine percent sure that you are suffering from an attack of kidney stones.”

“Kidney stones?” Clark rolled his eyes. “Great. Some super man I am. I can’t even handle a few little...”

“No, Clark! They’re awful!” Lois assured him. “Dr. Klein had them a couple of years ago and he said it’s some of the worst pain he’s ever felt. A female colleague of his had them and she told him that kidney stones are the closest pain to childbirth that you can have – maybe worse even, because labor pains come and go but the pain from kidney stones is constant. She’s had three kids, one of them without an epidural, and she says her kidney stones were worse.”

That made Clark feel a little better. He gave her a sheepish grin. “I thought I was dying.”

Lois felt a sting in her eyes. “Me too,” she said softly, giving his leg an affectionate squeeze. “Dr. Klein thinks your kidney stones may have even been more painful than normal ones because they may have had traces of Kryptonite in them.”


She nodded. “Yeah. His theory is that the Kryptonite caused the stones. Your kidneys were trying to filter the Kryptonite from your blood, and he thinks that the Kryptonite particles might have crystallized in your kidneys and bonded with other minerals, forming stones.” She got up from the bed. “Which reminds me...”

Clark watched her hurry into the bathroom and he hollered after her, “Hey, while you’re in there, can you get me a glass of water?”

“Yeah,” she called back. “Dr. Klein said you should continue to drink plenty of water to help flush the stones out.” A few seconds later she came back out, carrying a glass and what looked like a strainer. She held out both items to him.

“What’s this?” he asked, taking the strainer from her. He took the glass and downed the water before setting it on his nightstand.

“Um... well... when you use the bathroom, uh, Dr. Klein wants you to use that. He hopes that the stones are small. If they are you’ll pass them and he wants to collect them for examination.”

“And if they’re not small?”

She grimaced. “Well, he said we can try lithotripsy – where they break up the stones with sound waves. But if the stones are very big, you’ll probably have to have surgery. Dr. Klein needs you to go to STAR Labs later, when you’re feeling better, so he can do an ultrasound.”

Clark made a face, but he nodded at her, handing the strainer back to her. She set it down on the nightstand and then sat down again on the bed next to him, tucking the bottom of her towel underneath her.

“He also wants to talk to you about the Kryptonite vaccine. He thinks that if you continue to take a booster shot of it every so often, it will help you build up at least a small immunity to the radiation that Kryptonite emits.” She reached out and took his hand in hers, letting out a soft breath. “Clark, I have to tell you something,” she said, looking down at their joined hands. “I did something...” she broke off, unable to meet his eyes.

Clark reached out and lifted her chin up, forcing her to look at him. She looked uneasy and it made him feel a little nervous, but he didn’t want her to see that. He wanted to reassure her. “Whatever it is, you can tell me.”

The look on his face was so earnest, so loving... so trusting. Lois prayed that he would understand. “I had to tell Dr. Klein... about you.” She winced. “I had to tell him that you were Superman. I’m sorry, Clark,” she continued, forging ahead quickly. “I didn’t know what else to do. I was so scared... I’m sorry for betraying your secret and your trust. I know I didn’t have the right...”

“No,” Clark said calmly, interrupting her.

Lois’s heart fell. He wasn’t going to be okay with what she had done.

“You had every right,” he continued, watching her eyes widen in surprise. “You’re my wife, Lois. That secret is no longer mine, it’s *ours*. I know you wouldn’t have revealed it unless you had no other choice. You didn’t betray anything, honey,” he assured her, giving her hand a gentle squeeze before rubbing his thumb across the back of it.

Her lips spread into a small, relieved smile. “It did at least make me feel better to know that Dr. Klein already knew.”

Clark raised his eyebrows. “He already knew?”

“He said he did. I asked him why he hadn’t said anything and he said that it was our secret to keep, not his to reveal. I really do think we can trust him.”

He nodded. “I think you’re right. I think you were right all along about him.” He smiled lopsidedly at her. “Just don’t let it go to your head.”

She smacked him lightly, giving him a challenging glare but unable to hide her smile. “Good. The sooner you learn that I’m always right, the better off you’ll be.” He grinned widely, his eyes flashing briefly away from her face. Realizing what he was looking at, Lois glanced down at the knot in the towel that she was still wearing like some sort of sleeveless toga. She bit at her lip. “So do you feel better?” she asked, rubbing her hand down his arm affectionately.

“Yeah. I do.”

“Just a little better? Or a lot better? How do you feel?” she persisted.

Clark slipped his fingers under the knot that was holding her towel in place. He gave it a tug and the towel fell off her body, landing in a heap on the bed. “I don’t know. Why don’t *you* tell *me* how I feel?”


Lois was so ready to get home. This had been her first day back to work after their short honeymoon. She had insisted that Clark stay home today to rest just one more day before going back to the grind. When Perry had heard about their honeymoon fiasco, he had agreed that one more day of rest for Clark was a good idea.

It wasn’t that Clark wasn’t doing better. He was. He had ended up passing his stones, like Dr. Klein had thought, and no bigger stones had shown up on the ultrasound. But she had argued that a little more rest wasn’t going to hurt anything.

Strangely enough, Clark hadn’t protested. Maybe that was because he knew she would be coming home to him later. She smiled and glanced down at her ring as she neared the front door, thinking about opening the door and yelling ‘Honey, I’m home!’

She giggled. Maybe not.

When she reached for the door handle, she was surprised to find it locked. She took out her key, unlocked it, and went inside. The apartment was deathly quiet and she became instantly concerned. “Clark?”

Hurrying down the stairs, she headed for the bedroom. He wasn’t there. She was on her way to check the bathroom, but a piece of paper on the bed caught her eye – a note with a red rose lying on it. She picked up the rose and smelled it, feeling a warm delight surge through her. Then she picked up the note.

‘Dear Lois,

Had to run an errand. Don’t worry. I’m fine and I’ll be back in a little while.


Your husband’

Husband. Lois couldn’t stop smiling and felt ridiculously in love. She went into the kitchen and found a vase to put the rose in and then she pinned the note to the fridge.

She hoped he wouldn’t be gone too long because she was dying to see him. How in the world she had made it through the day was beyond her. Her lips turned up into a smirk. Although, if he had been at work it might have been even harder to make it through the day. How had she sat next to him, worked so closely with him this whole past year, and gotten any work done at all?

She rolled her eyes and her smirk turned into a scowl. Because she had been stupid, that’s why.

Oh, truth be told, she had fantasized about him plenty. Certainly after seeing him in that towel, but especially after the pheromone incident. But she had been woefully blind.

It was a little ironic that she used to try to force herself *not* to think about him and all she wanted to do now *was* think about him.


That wasn’t completely the truth.

She smirked again.

Thinking about him wasn’t all she wanted to do...

She glanced at her watch. Clark, where are you?


Clark found Lois asleep on the couch when he got home. He hadn’t meant to be gone that long...

It wasn’t *that* late, though. It was dark outside, but it certainly wasn’t time to go to bed yet. Lois had just dozed off.

Clark knelt down next to the couch and brushed a light kiss across her cheek. “Hi, honey,” he murmured and then kissed her lips.

Her eyes blinked open, sleepily. “You’re home,” she said with a smile. Then she frowned. “What took you so long?”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t think I’d be gone that long,” he apologized, slipping his arms under her and picking her up. She slid her arms around his neck and he carried her to their balcony door. “Could you get that for me?”

Lois reached down and opened the door. “Why are we going out here?”

“You’ll see,” he said with a smile as he carried her out onto the balcony.

Lois looked up into the dark sky above them, trying to make out the stars. “You know, I bet you’re right. I bet the stars are much prettier in Kansas.” She frowned. “It’s a shame we didn’t get to see them when we were there. We’ve really got to go back there sometime so you can show me.”

“I’m glad you feel that way,” he said, hardly able to contain himself any longer. “Because that’s where we’re going. I’m sorry that I got home so late, but the night sky is going to make this even easier. I won’t even have to change into my Suit because no one will see us.”

Understanding lit up Lois’s face but before she could say anything, they were floating, rising higher and higher into the darkening sky above them.

“Clark!” Lois breathed, clutching him tighter as she was caught by surprise. “You’re flying! You’re back!”

He flashed her a smile that would have made her weak in the knees if she had been standing. “I’m back.”

“Oh, Clark,” she said, nuzzling against his neck and kissing him. “You’re back,” she murmured against him.

“When I flew to Kansas earlier today, I went as Superman, just in case. But I’ve always wanted to fly with you like this – no suit, no pretending, just me and you.”

“It’s wonderful,” she breathed, and then a thought came to her. “No, it’s perfect.”

Clark gave her a squeeze. “Almost. Just wait.”

Wait? She was perfectly happy to wait as she flew through the night sky in Clark’s arms. Hell, she could spend all night like this, completely content.

But wait for what?

She looked up into the moonlit heavens above them, able to see the stars perfectly now. “It’s beautiful.”

“Yes, it is,” he agreed, though he wasn’t looking at the sky.

Her cheeks flushed when her eyes met his - then she narrowed them. “You don’t need to take me all the way to Kansas for stars... What have you got up your sleeve? Why did you go there earlier today?”

“I went there earlier to tell my parents the good news...”

“You told them before you told me?” she exclaimed, pouting.

“Only because I didn’t want to spoil your surprise,” he told her, giving her another squeeze. “And they helped me set up for the surprise. That’s the reason why I got back so late. Well, that and partly because my mom just couldn’t quit hugging me.” He smiled at her. “But, mainly, I was trying to make sure that it was perfect.”

“Oh,” she whispered softly, having been rendered speechless by the depth of what he had done for her. She didn’t actually know what he had done and yet it thrilled her nonetheless. Luthor could have given her any material possession that she had asked for... but he could have never given her something like this. The thought wouldn’t have even occurred to him, nor would he have understood it.

They flew for a while without saying anything, just enjoying being together, and then Clark picked up speed, clutching Lois closely to him to keep her warm. He flew as fast as he dared fly with her in his arms and then slowed their approach when he could almost see their destination. “Are you okay? You aren’t too cold, are you?”

“No, I’m fine. I’m just...” Lois had been lost in her thoughts about him and everything they had gone through and now she couldn’t come up with the right word, so she settled on the closest one she could think of, “...amazed. I don’t think you’ll ever cease to amaze me, Clark.”

Clark chuckled self-consciously. “That’s good to know. After our honeymoon I was afraid I might have left you a little... un-amazed.”

Lois’s body jerked and Clark had to tighten his hold on her so she didn’t slip from his arms. “No!” she protested. “Honey, how could you think that?”

He smiled sheepishly. “Well, you have to admit, it wasn’t the honeymoon every girl dreams of.”

“What wasn’t?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. “Getting to see your incredible body naked? Or the mind-blowing sex?” She thought she could see Clark’s cheeks flushing and she smiled in triumph.

“Lois, I’m serious,” he said, sincerely. “I feel awful about ruining our honeymoon.”

“But it wasn’t your fault!” she exclaimed.

“No, but it certainly wasn’t yours. And I’m positive it’s not how you envisioned your honeymoon.” He let out a soft sigh. “I hope you enjoy your surprise tonight. I know Kansas isn’t nearly as exciting as Hawaii or Paris or somewhere like that, but I promise that if Perry ever actually consents to give us some time off again, I’ll fly you wherever you want to go. Just name it.”



“Yes, just here in your arms,” she told him, snuggling more tightly against him. “That’s where I want to be. I don’t care about the location if the scenery is this good.”

“What about this scenery?” he asked, nodding to the area below them.

Lois’s breath caught in her chest. It was the pond.

Clark set them down on the grassy bank of the pond. A couple of tiki torches were sticking out of the ground next to them and he shot a beam of heat vision at them to light them up.

Lois gasped when the light from the torches revealed a quilt spread out on the soft grass a few feet away. There was a picnic basket and a bottle of wine sitting on one corner of it. A bouquet of red roses matching the one he had left on their bed were tied together with a ribbon and sat alongside a box of chocolates on another corner.

“Clark! It’s beautiful!” she exclaimed, running over to make a closer inspection. She turned back to look at him and raised an eyebrow. “I hope you don’t think that you’re gonna get lucky on this quilt,” she teased.

“Maybe,” he responded, smiling broadly at her. “But I was actually hoping I’d get lucky and you’d go skinny dipping with me.”

“Skinny dipping?” She glanced over at the pond and closed her eyes, feeling the cool breeze dance across her skin. When she opened her eyes she let out a wistful sigh. “I think it’s still too cold,” she complained.

“It doesn’t have to be.”

Lois watched as he lifted himself into the air and looked down at the pond, sending a steady stream of heat vision into it.

Clark concentrated carefully. This was going to take a little finesse and precision. He didn’t want to kill any plant or animal life in the water, just get it warm enough to accommodate Lois. He moved the flow of heat coming from his eyes over the entire surface of the pond as Lois looked on, completely overwhelmed.

“Okay, try that,” he said, continuing to hover above her.

She kicked her shoes off and hurried over to the water’s edge, tentatively dipping one foot in and breaking the calm surface.

It was warm. Not bathwater temperature, but warm enough. She stripped out of her clothes and waded in, letting out small gasps as she went. “It’s a little cool, but it’s okay.”

Clark lowered himself back down to the bank. He started spinning until he became a blur – a flesh colored blur – and then suddenly he was in the water and coming towards her.

Lois closed her mouth, realizing that she had been gaping. “Neat trick, but I didn’t get a peep show,” she complained.

“I’ll give you one later, I promise,” he said with a playful grin. “The one you’re giving me right now is pretty spectacular.”

“Huh?” Lois said bemused, looking down at herself. She couldn’t see anything - the water was completely covering her...

She gasped, looking back up at Clark and realizing that he wasn’t wearing his glasses. “Clark! You’re bad!”

“Am I?” He gave her a lopsided grin. “What’s my punishment?”

She splashed a little water at him playfully and considered his penance. A few fun things came to mind but her curiosity won out. “You have to tell me what’s in the picnic basket.”

“Italian,” he said, without hesitation. “Spaghetti, freshly baked garlic bread...”


He nodded at her.

“From Italy?”

He nodded again, smiling at her. “Yeah. I love pasta,” he said, giving her an enticing look.

“You do, huh? Why?”

“You’ll see.” He reached out and pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her.

“So you flew all the way to Italy to get me pasta, huh? A girl could get used to that,” she teased. Then another thought hit her. “Wait a minute, Clark! You said you flew to Kansas as Superman. Did you fly to Italy as Superman? What if people saw you? I mean Superman’s been missing for weeks. He... you... probably need to have some sort of press conference or at least an interview. We’re going to have to come up with some kind of explanation for where he’s been and...”

Clark interrupted her, placing a soft kiss to her lips. He took a few delicious draws before releasing them.

“Thanks,” she murmured dazedly.

“You’re welcome.”

Lois looked around and realized that they had floated out into the middle of the pond. She couldn’t feel the bottom any longer and wondered how far over her head she was.

It didn’t matter.

Clark had her and he wasn’t letting go of her.

Wrapping her legs around him, she relaxed against him. Their bodies bobbed softly together in the deep water and she smiled contentedly. The shaky house of cards that had once been her life was finally coming together. A new foundation had been put in place. Self-reliance was no longer her anchor – Clark was.

When Clark felt Lois sigh softly against him, he pulled back to look at her. “I’m sorry, honey, I shouldn’t have interrupted you like that. You’re right, those are important questions and we really should talk...”

Lois kissed him, relishing taking her turn interrupting him. “No,” she murmured, releasing his lips and shaking her head. “No more talking. We can discuss all of that later. Not right now. Right now it’s just you and me and the stars.” She smiled at him. “Right now it’s perfect.”


The End


What can I say? I was both excited and sad to post this last part. <sniffle> I hope you enjoyed it.

A huge, huge, HUGE thank you goes out to both Sue and Laramoon for their wonderful beta work on this story. You ladies are awesome! And your comments never cease to crack me up and have me laughing through tears. Thank you so much.

For any of you who've never known someone who's had kidney stones, I'm pasting the links I used to research them at the bottom of my post. My dad had them when I was younger and I remember it distinctly - no fun. I also pasted the link to the article on the heat exhaustion. I hope my theories and postulations in this story were believable.

Thank you all so much for going on this long ride with me. I hope you thoroughly enjoyed it and were not disappointed in the least. You were all wonderful to give me fdk and I enjoyed every single comment - thank you.

-- DJ




Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.