
By: Blueowl
Summary: Superman & Lois fix-it, 3x12. What if Clark went about things at the fire-station with Kyle a little bit differently?

A/N: While I love the show a lot, a few things have bugged me, specifically how they've written Clark's parenting. No parent is perfect, but some of the things they have happen goes a bit beyond belief, especially when one considers that Clark very likely would have read hundreds of books on parenting and child psychology the moment he learned Lois was expecting (super speed reading!), not to mention the fact he had really good (human) parents himself. So, I decided to write this fix-it. Hope you enjoy.
A/N 2: A thanks to Scratch who sanity checked the fic for me.

Chapter 1: Ownership

Clark arrived at the fire-station, intent on having a conversation with Kyle and gently asking him to treat Jonathan as he normally would any other trainee or newbie. Just like he had before he learned the truth about who Superman was.

He was not looking forward to the conversation, but was hopeful that he'd be able to at least do something right with one of his sons since things with Jordan just kept going from bad to worse.

"Thanks," Clark said as one of the firemen held open the door into the break area.

He waved at the relaxed team within and spotted Kyle at the head of the table.

Kyle stood up, his excitement at seeing him poorly contained.

“Well, hey man! I wasn’t expecting to see you here,” Kyle said as he shook his hand. “Uh, do you want a quick tour? See what Jon’s been up to these past few months?”

Clark paused, the question jarring him.

Had it already been a few months? Well, of course it had, but how could he not already have gotten a tour?

He stilled.

Why hadn't Jon asked if he wanted one?

Why hadn't he asked to get one?

But he already knew the answer.

Jon wanted space.

He wanted to have his own thing.

He wanted ownership.

"Kent?" Kyle asked, barely hiding his nervousness.

This could have been a disaster.

Clark took a deep breath.

This was recoverable.

“Sorry, I would love a tour. Please, lead on," Clark said, beaming in his usual way.

And he really was excited. Maybe this was a way to help bridge the stubborn gap between him and Jon!

Kyle gave him a confused look but pushed past it. “Great, great! Follow me."

Clark waved at the team again, knowing it was dorky, but he couldn't help it. They smiled and waved back, albeit confused by his presence and likely the behavior of their boss.

Was Kyle behaving like this around Jon? If so, no wonder Jon was upset!

"So back there was the common area, of course. We usually have Jon keep it up and handle food orders at meal times," Kyle said, before quickly adding, "It's uh, a good way for him to build rapport with the team."

Clark frowned inwardly. He didn't even need to use his super senses to know how nervous Kyle had suddenly become. Was he afraid Clark wouldn't like that Jon was doing 'menial' tasks?

"That's good, he prefers to pull his own weight and really understands the importance of team building and earning his place," Clark said cheerfully. "It's one of the many things that makes him Jon and why I'm proud to be his dad. He appreciates hard work."

Kyle's shoulders relaxed. "Yeah, he's been very proactive and willing to do everything we've asked and then some."

They continued on, Kyle showing him the trucks and other areas, telling him stories of things Jon had done or said that had made the crew laugh and how he was making himself part of the team. Clark found himself grinning more than usual, pleased his son had found a place for himself while he also began to really understand the importance of "Lil' Kent".

Clark’s heart both swelled and clenched for his son. There were definitely some things he needed to address. And quickly.

Kyle slowed as they entered a quieter area near the trucks. Kyle looked around uncertainly.

"We're alone," Clark assured.

"Oh good. Okay, well, I hope it goes without saying, but uh, whatever Superman needs, all you need to do is ask," he said, talking low, his expression eager.

"Oh, I appreciate that," Clark said as he did his best to hide his unease at the hero worship. "And I really appreciate you showing me around and telling me those stories. I've, uh. . . ."

He paused, trying to find the right words. Kyle waited, his eyes wide with wonder. Clark deflated.

The current mess with Jordan had been (rightfully) weighing heavily on his mind, but now something else had struck him, amazingly, more deeply.

Jonathan was growing up.

Really and truly, growing up.

Maturing. He had grown so much in the past year. He had learned from his mistakes and had grown beyond them. He was ready to be treated like a young man instead of a teenager unable to comprehend long term consequences or an adolescent with delusions of grandeur.

The training wheels were not only ready to come off, they needed to come off.

Unlike his brother.

Jon had already proven himself with how he handled himself after the party that had ended with Sarah receiving a DUI.

Putting aside the fact he (and Jordan) had hid where they were going, Jonathan had conducted himself as a responsible adult at the party, hadn't consumed alcohol because he knew it was a bad idea, and had been remarkably grounded when Clark had presumed differently after learning about Jordan's dismal decisions.

It was time for him to acknowledge that and provide Jon with the trust and respect he had earned.

He refocused, finding Kyle still staring anxiously at him. Clark took a deep breath.

"Can I be upfront?" Clark asked.

"Uh, yeah! Of course!" Kyle said.

"Father to father?" Clark asked.

Kyle blinked, taken aback. He straightened and swallowed. "Of course."

"I've made mistakes, some pretty big. Super, really, and, especially being who I am, I've struggled with knowing when to step back and when to step in, you know? But with you showing me what Jon’s been doing . . . thanks. I now know what to do. I had my concerns. Uncertainties on what I should be doing as his dad after everything. The past few years have been especially hard on us all, but I'm proud to see the kind of man Jon’s becoming, despite my mistakes with him. Lois and I are really happy he's working here. I can see it's been very good for him. He has a place to be himself, separate from me and away from all the baggage that comes with it, and with you now knowing. . . . I hope he's gained a wider base of support."

Kyle blinked, touched and astonished. "Um. Wow. I, uh, I don't really know what to say. I’ll uh, I’ll always help Jon however I can."

Clark rubbed the back of his neck. "Thanks. I know it's gotta be weird knowing my secret. It's really weird for me to have another person know. Before we moved here, it was just Lois, her dad, and my mom who knew. Now it's, well, a lot more."

Kyle stilled, taking it in. "The boys hadn't known before moving here?"

Clark winced. "One of my mistakes. I was too afraid of what them knowing would do to them, I didn't properly consider the opposite issue. I certainly paid for that. And so did they. In some ways, we still are."

“If I may . . . I think you’re being too hard on yourself,” Kyle put in.

“Maybe.” Clark cleared his throat. “Anyway, I should probably get going. Thanks, Kyle.”

“No problem, Kent.”

Clark smiled and made his way out. Kyle watched him leave, thoughtful and moved.

O o O


Last edited by Blueowl; 07/02/23 03:45 PM.