Hate Myself For Loving You
Chapter 8: Home Is Where the Hurt Is


The crunch below Clark’s boots made a gut-wrenching echo as Clark moved into the room. The sound of tires squealing from a block away echoed in his eardrums, but his attention was focused on the small pool of blood coming from behind the make-shift barrier that had at one time been a sofa. Cotton stuffing was strung on the floor from where the bullets had struck the cushions.

He reached the side of the sofa and knelt down, finding Mayson on the ground with an unfamiliar man hovering over her, wrapping her knee where she had been struck.

“Mayson?” Clark did his best to hide the wavering emotion as he spoke.

“Nice timing there, Superman,” Mayson quipped with a shaky breath. “I don’t suppose there were any witnesses?”

“I wasn’t really paying attention, Ms. Drake,” Clark apologized, kneeling down to look her in the eye. “Are you going to be all right?”

“She’ll need to have that leg looked at, but she’s better off than what it could have been.” The man tending to her wounds answered, turning to introduce himself. “Thanks for trying to help, Superman.”

Clark blinked, unsure how to respond to the half compliment he’d just been given. “Uh, are you sure you’ll be all right, Ms. Drake?”

“Fine,” Mayson said between gritted teeth as she stood to her feet with the help of the mysterious man. “Just find who did this, Superman. That is what you do, right?”

“Right,” Clark responded, not wasting another second. He quickly disappeared, checking the ground for any sign of the gunmen that had most likely disappeared by now. He mentally kicked himself for not going after him when he had the chance before heading back to S.T.A.R. Labs to hopefully explain away his departure without drawing too much attention to himself.


The alarms continued to blare as Lois paced in the small dark room she had been scurried into by one of S.T.A.R. Labs’ lab technicians. No matter how many times she tried to argue with the tech that her partner was still out there, her pleas fell on deaf ears. What had caused the lockdown, to begin with, was anyone’s guess.

“How much longer do we have to stay in here?” Lois demanded, looking over her shoulder at the lab tech.

“Until the alarm stops,” He answered with a shrug of his shoulders. “I’m sorry, Ms. Lane.”

Just as those words were spoken, the lights flickered on, and the blaring alarm came to a stop. Lois let out a sigh of relief and jerked the doorknob open in hopes of finding where Clark had been rushed to during the confusion.

“Clark?” Lois poked her head out into the hallway, searching for her missing partner.

“Right here,” Clark’s voice came from the corner by where the elevator was.

“Hey,” Lois sighed in relief when she saw him. “Never a dull moment.” She shrugged her shoulders, looking around the newly lit hallway leading to the elevator doors that had closed during the chaos. She motioned toward the stairwell a few feet away. “I don’t know about you, but I’m going to take the stairs.”

“After you,” Clark motioned to the door leading to the stairwell.

“Any idea what caused the lockdown?” Lois asked as Clark opened the door for her.

“Someone said there was gunfire coming from around the block,” Clark said, following her down the stairs.

“Gunfire?” Lois scrunched her nose as she reached the last step leading to the parking garage. “The only thing nearby is City Hall.”

“You want to go check it out?” Clark asked, following her to where she had parked earlier.

Lois contemplated it for a moment. It could be a big story, or it could be just another gang driveby, or it could be something bigger. Given what she and Clark had just learned from Dr. Klyburn she didn’t want to risk slowing down their investigation by something that could end up being a non-story.

She turned to face him, holding both hands up, seeming to weigh her options. “Continue with an investigation that could lead to a huge scandal being exposed or check on a possible gang-related shooting?” She propped her hands up and down again. “Guaranteed lead or possible dud?”

“So, I take it we’re headed back to the Planet?” Clark guessed, taking the hand she had been using to illustrate ‘guaranteed lead’ in his.

She grinned back at him, “See, I knew there was a reason I kept you around.”


McCarthy fiddled with the volume button on the car radio as he turned the corner leading to the Gables estate. The newscaster on the radio continued to narrate breaking news he hoped would lead to confirmation that his target had been hit.

“Police are now investigating a drive-by shooting that took place outside City Hall this morning. No fatalities have been reported, but injuries were sustained by an unnamed official. We’re unclear how severe those injuries were or who was injured.”

Fury fueled through McCarthy as realization dawned on him that he had missed taking out Mayson Drake not once but twice now. He tightened his hand on the steering wheel and jabbed his other fist against the steering wheel in a fit of rage.


Clark watched Jimmy’s expression go from amusement to disbelief as he finished sharing what he and Lois had discovered at S.T.A.R. Labs. If he hadn’t heard it from the doctor’s mouth himself, he probably wouldn’t have believed it. He leaned back in his chair, looking around the conference room table that was littered with stacks of files Jimmy had been pouring through over the last few hours.

“So, you think…whoever created this pill is using it to fake the death of prisoners to …what?” Jimmy’s face scrunched up, staring back at Clark in surprise.

“We don’t know,” Lois answered, leaning back in her chair. “And we’re not entirely certain it’s just criminals.”

“You think that officer’s death is linked to this?” Jimmy guessed, following the underlying meaning behind Lois’ words.

“So far, we have nothing but questions leading to more questions,” Clark explained, gesturing toward the littered conference room table.

“So mystery chemist of sorts creates a pill and uses it to free criminals.” Lois summarized with a frown. “Yet said criminals have yet to do anything.”

“Yet,” Jimmy added.

“And we’re not entirely sure it’s just criminals,” Clark added. “The circumstances around Christopher Gomez’s death are questionable at best.”

“So, what do a bunch of low-key criminals and a security officer have in common?” Lois wondered aloud.

Jimmy reached for his laptop and let out a sigh, “I guess that’s my cue to keep digging.”

“Sounds like we might have something in common,” a male voice came from the doorway, and they all turned to see Mayson Drake, nursing an injured leg with the dark-haired man that Clark had seen with her from earlier.

Jimmy was the first one to speak up, “Uh, how did you two get in here?”

Mayson shrugged her shoulders, “My name is still on the authorized visitors' list.” A cold stare was aimed in Lois’ direction as Mayson limped into the room with the dark-haired stranger.

The man pointed to Mayson, “I’m with her.”

Lois frowned, looking at Mayson’s bandaged leg, “Mayson, shouldn’t you be at a hospital?”

“See?” the stranger raised an eyebrow and puffed his chest out as if to claim an invisible victory at a point he appeared to be making with Mayson.

“What is with you people and hospitals?” Mayson growled irritably, ripping the gauze from her leg and throwing it to the ground in a childish temper tantrum. “There! See? I’m fine!” She stomped her leg to emphasize the point and growled back at the room with a high-pitched shriek that made Clark wince.

Clark felt his super-powered senses go on high alert as he stared back at the very unstable Mayson Drake, who had what appeared to be staples from a staple gun poking out of her skin as she insisted she was fine. Though he knew he could physically force her out of the building and into a hospital to seek medical attention he also knew without her willingness to be treated or an imminent threat there was nothing that could be done to force her to get the care she obviously needed. He inched his chair closer to Lois, straightening himself up in the chair as he eyed Mayson cautiously. It appeared as if she hadn’t slept in days. Her eyes were bloodshot, and the bags under her eyes made the number of bags his mom typically packed for a weekend visit to Metropolis look tame.

Clark turned his head to catch Lois’ wide-eyed gaze before turning back to where Mayson stood. Lois broke the eerie silence with the clearing of her throat. “Mayson, you’re bleeding, and you have staples sticking out of your leg.”

“She took a staple gun to herself to avoid me hauling her off to the hospital earlier.” The man that had escorted Mayson inside the Planet interrupted.

“And you are?” Clark finally asked, realizing he still hadn’t gotten a name from the man.

The man pulled out a badge and tossed it on the table for them to inspect. “You can call me Daniel.”

“Daniel Scardino?” Jimmy looked at the badge and then back to Scardino in surprise. “DEA?”

Lois raised an eyebrow, seeing the connection.

Mayson paced in front of them, “Thorn in the side is more like it. Impeding an investigation.”

Before the agent could respond, Lois turned her attention back to Mayson, “If he’s hindering your investigation then why are you working with him?”

“Her boss didn’t give her a choice,” Scardino grinned ear-to-ear before scowling at Mayson, “As of right now, I’m not sure who is being punished.”

“So…” Jimmy looked between Scardino and Mayson, “what are you two expecting us to do?”

“Someone insisted that you two might be behind some missing evidence, so I figured I’d humor her,” Scardino sauntered into the room, making himself comfortable in the end chair of the table.

“Missing evidence?” Lois practically choked out.

“Well, it wouldn’t be the first time you helped yourself to evidence in a federal investigation,” Mayson smirked, hobbling toward the table and slamming her palms down on the wood table.

“I’m gonna go…copy something.” Jimmy grumbled, grabbing a random file from the stack on the table and bolting for the exit before anyone could stop him.

“I seem to recall a witness’ life being put in danger the last time I helped the two of you.” Mayson continued her monologue as she stared Lois down.

“I seem to recall us getting Superman involved to help protect your witness…and helping save your life.” Lois spat back at her.

“Am I missing something here?” Scardino looked between the two of them and leaned toward Clark, hoping to get an answer.

Clark remained quiet, unwilling to divulge the complicated history between the three of them. “Mayson, I’m sorry you’ve misplaced something in your investigation, but Lois and I had nothing to do with it.”

“We’ve been too busy conducting our own investigation,” Lois grumbled smugly.

“Really, about what?” Mayson inquired with a sharp glare.

“Carbombing. Mysterious death at the hospital …” Lois ticked each item off on her hand.

“No drug smuggling?” Mayson challenged, moving her gaze between Lois and Clark.

Clark felt his grip on the table tighten as he prepared himself to leap into action if needed. Something felt off with Mayson. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but her tone, her mannerism, the erratic way she kept pouncing on Lois unnerved him.

“No,” Clark replied coolly. “Maybe if you start by telling us exactly what it is you’re looking for?”

Mayson let out a disbelieving huff, not willing to dignify his plea with a response as she stood up, crossing her arms over her chest in defiance. Scardino thankfully felt more forthcoming and offered them an explanation. “Small blue capsule was the last description we had on the missing evidence.” He held his index finger and thumb up to illustrate the size.

Clark watched Lois cautiously, uncertain if he should respond. The evidence Mayson was looking for could be the pill they had found outside her car, or it could be something entirely different. Though he knew the chances of finding a pill that resembled the drug she was investigating and it not be involved was anything but coincidental.

“You know something, don’t you?” Mayson growled accusingly, jabbing her finger in the air toward Lois.

“I found a small capsule a few feet away from your car.” Clark interrupted before Lois could.

The animosity in Mayson’s stature seemed to disappear as she turned to him. “And?”

“And what?” Clark asked.

“What did you do with it?” Mayson demanded.

“We submitted it to S.T.A.R. Labs for testing,” Lois answered curtly.

“I’m assuming one of these is the report?” Scardino pointed to the array of folders spread across the table.

Clark reached over to grab a copy of the report they had been given, knowing he had another copy if needed and handed it to Dan Scardino. “Initial testing was completed today.”

“This can’t be right,” Scardino scowled as he skimmed the report in his hands.

“So, what?” Mayson glared back at Lois. “You two just helped yourself to evidence sitting by my crime scene!”

“It’s not like you were the one investigating it.” Lois spat back. “You were the victim. We were trying to help figure out who tried to kill you, Mayson.”

“And in the process compromised a federal investigation.” Mayson huffed.

“We didn’t know that at the time,” Clark responded sharply, standing to his feet. “Look, I’m sorry if this put you in a hard spot, Mayson, really I am. But I’m not going to sit here and listen to you try and give Lois and me the riot act over something that was an honest mistake.”

“Look, what’s done is done,” Scardino shrugged his shoulders. “In all honesty, they’ve actually helped.”

“You cannot be serious,” Mayson scowled at him, shooting daggers at him as he stood to his feet.

“We’ve got a psychopath out there with access to a drug that could smuggle out the world’s worst criminals from the most secure prison,” Scardino responded, shaking his head. “Who’s leading what investigation is secondary. Let’s put our heads together and try and stop these lunatics before someone gets hurt.”

“I’m game,” Lois replied, crossing her arms over her chest and eying Mayson with a critical eye, “I mean unless you don’t want to work together.” She reached for the report a few inches away from where Mayson was standing. “In that case, Clark and I’ll just finish this up ourselves.”

“I’m fine,” Mayson said between gritted teeth.

“Great,” Lois said smugly, pushing the report back to her.

“I’ll go tell Jimmy it’s safe to come back in here,” Clark said, eying the bewildered Jimmy Olsen standing by the coffee maker a few feet away, trying to pretend like he wasn’t spying.


McCarthy made his way through the Gables mansion, silently fuming at his missed target once more. A hand slapped across his back, and he turned to see Albie Swanson standing behind him. “Nice of you to join us. Mr. McCarthy.” He raised an eyebrow as he stared back at McCarthy with an unamused expression. “Professional my foot! I thought you knew what the hell you were doing!”

“You miserable little weasel!” McCarthy snapped back, reaching out to grab Albie by the throat. “You think you can do much better? Take away that magic drug of yours, and you’re nothing but a worthless waste of air.”

“If it weren’t for me and my supposed worthless drug, you’d still be eating chow from a four-by-four cell.” Albie spat back viciously, jabbing his index finger into Sean McCarthy’s chest.


The echo of Stanley Gables’ bellow reached McCarthy’s ears, and he snickered, “Your master’s calling, weasel.”


Dan Scardino watched Clark Kent leave the Daily Planet newsroom, turning his careful attention to the research assistant, Jimmy Olsen, who had been mostly quiet during the afternoon of theatrics. Mayson Drake hadn’t lasted even an hour before she had stormed out and chastised them all for wasting her time with a fruitless endeavor of looking into the history of the mysterious drug she had claimed mere hours ago had been the key to her investigation into McCarthy’s prison break.

Nevermind the fact that Mayson had been screaming to anyone who would listen that the pill was the key, but the second they started looking into it, she lost interest and threw another tantrum.

Nevermind the fact that her direction had led them absolutely nowhere.

Dan cleared his throat to draw attention to himself and get Olsen to look up from the screen he was engrossed in. “So, you know what the deal is with the ADA and those two?” He gestured to the seats that Lois Lane and Clark Kent had vacated earlier.

Jimmy smirked, shaking his head. “Let’s just say rejection doesn’t look good on Mayson.” He let out a snort and added. “And neither does the green-eyed monster.”

“Rejection.” Dan Scardino repeated, hearing the venom dripping from his tone. “As in…?”

“I would have thought she’d have taken it a lot better than she has been,” Jimmy mentioned causally. “I mean, it’s not like they were ever anything serious – from what I can tell anyway. But you think you know someone, right?”

“Right,” Scardino practically growled as he stood up from his seat, finally making sense out of the erratic behavior from today.


Lois nodded to the patrol officer as she watched him turn to leave the hallway where she had been escorted to her apartment. As unnerving as it was to need the protection, she felt the warm blanket of reassurance wash over her as she watched the officer leave. Just knowing someone was keeping a watchful eye out for her made her feel somewhat at ease.

She closed the door, blindly turning each of her seven locks and checking the door to ensure it was indeed locked. She let out a deep sigh and turned toward her apartment, preparing to spend the next two hours she had before her date with Clark thinking of anything but the threatening letters she had been receiving.

Clark had still been at the Planet with Jimmy and Dan Scardino when she had left. Mayson had disappeared on them a few hours ago, insisting they were following a dead end. Try as she might, she could not figure out what had triggered Mayson to have what felt like a complete personality change. Mayson had been obnoxious at times but never openly hostile.

She made her way toward the bathroom, pulling out a towel from the linen closet. There still remained a million questions it felt like, but continuing to think about it would only pull her deeper into the dark corners of her mind where the questions of who was behind the anonymous threats lingered.

She opened the shower door and reached her arm in to turn the water on, hanging her towel over the door as she began to undress. She still had a few hours before Clark was supposed to pick her up for their date. Hopefully, after a relaxing shower she could forget about Mayson and this pill for the rest of the evening and focus on not having a repeat of the events that had occurred a few nights ago.

<<“Everything seemed to just... 'work.' I really liked it. That's why I can never see you again.”


Her mind drifted back to the night of their date when she had taken a beautiful evening and ruined it by giving into her fears and doing what she did best. Despite every instinct inside her that was pleading for her to take a chance and open the door after she had so painfully slammed the door on Clark and in her mind any chance of salvaging their budding relationship, she continued to hide. Hide from herself – how she really felt. Hide behind the façade of not needing anyone in her life. Hide the fact that despite the history of telling him just a year ago she loved him like a brother she knew her feelings for Clark ran deep – even back then. She had made the irreversible mistake of committing a cardinal sin. She had let herself succumb to a workplace relationship again.

<<“So, I guess we’re both in uncharted territory here?”>>

<<“No flirting in the newsroom.”


“No flirting.”

“Um, no.”>>

She had let herself open up to Clark and eventually even allowed herself to depend on him. Her mind drifted back to the evening before. She had turned to Clark for help like she had time and time again it seemed. She wasn’t prepared for this. She wasn’t ready to face the gravity of how much Clark meant to her. She still wasn’t entirely sure she was ready for this, but facing the possibility of losing Clark wasn’t something she was ready for either.

<<“Friendship first,”



Thankfully it was a quiet in the city as Clark finished up his patrol. He was cutting it close with time, but having the reassurance that he wouldn’t be called away in the middle of dinner with Lois was a necessary step he needed to take tonight. After the incident at the Planet this afternoon he had offered to reschedule their date, seeing the frightened expression on Lois’ face after Mayson had stormed out in a fit. He wouldn’t have blamed her. Between the threatening letters she continued to receive and the intense confrontation between herself and Mayson canceling probably was the better option. But Lois had insisted she was fine, and he wasn’t about to be the reason things didn’t go as planned.

A lot was riding on tonight. He wanted more than anything to put a stop to the lies and just tell her the truth, but at the same time he dreaded how she would react when she discovered how long he had been masquerading as two different people to her. Trust was something Lois rarely gave to anyone. Dashing that would have to be done with the utmost care.

Tonight was supposed to be a re-do of their date after their last one had ended so abruptly. Turning it into a revelation and possibly tainting it with a pinhole in everything they had shared up until now would only further isolate Lois. As quickly as the thought of putting an end to the secrets between him and Lois came he dismissed it just as easily with the intent of making tonight about anything but the chaos that continued to loom around them.

<<“Everything seemed to just... 'work.' I really liked it. That's why I can never see you again.”


Clark felt a pang in his chest as he landed on the balcony of his apartment and quickly sped inside before he could be seen by the naked eye. A quick shower and change into a charcoal suit later, he was ready to leave again.

Dan Scardino tossed his keys on the dresser of his hotel room, letting out a muffled curse as he paced around the room. He had wasted nearly an entire day getting sucked into the ramblings of a bitter, vindictive, jilted ADA, hell-bent on casting blame at her ex – Correction. Wannabe ex. From the way, Olsen had told it anyway.

He slammed his fist on the wooden dresser and let out a muttered growl. A whole day wasted. He couldn’t get the time back, but he could ensure he wouldn’t get pulled into the ravings of an ADA caught up in her unrequited love fantasy. McCarthy, out on the streets was dangerous but combined with his old gang, he would become even more deadly.

He knew he had to stop him, but as of right now the attempts on Mayson Drake’s life were all he had to go on. If he knew anything for sure, it was how McCarthy loathed unfinished business.

Lois stepped out of the shower, wrapping the oversized terrycloth towel around her as her feet hit the plush bath rug sitting outside the shower stall. She hummed a soft tune to herself as she made her way to her closet, fishing for the black dress she’d worn a few nights before. Her hand reached for the back of the closet to pull the dress out. Her heart lurched in her chest when she saw the shredded black material that had once been a tasteful black dress. She let out a sharp yelp and dropped the hanger of shredded material.

She reached in the back of her closet, pulling dress after dress out. Each one had been slashed or torn in some manner or another. Panic began to rise within her as she stared at the hundreds of dollars worth of clothing sitting in fabric scraps at her feet. She could feel her legs begin to shake, and her arms begin to tremble as she fell to the ground in tears.




The questions raced through her mind as she fisted the mixture of reds, violets, and elegant black fabric that had been reduced to nothing more than fabric scraps. Her eyes burned with rage as the tears fell at their own accord. She stole a glance at the clock, reminding herself that despite her newly discovered adjustments to her wardrobe she still had to get ready for her date with Clark, who would be here any minute to pick her up.

She reached her hands up, rubbing her palms against her face as she racked her brain to think of something to do. She stood up and began sifting through her closet until she had found a blouse and skirt she could make work for the evening. Whoever was behind the vandalism of her closet had targeted her evening wear attire. As much as she would love to dive into why someone would only target her evening dresses and leave everything else in her closet intact she knew time was not on her side. She quickly slipped into the sleeveless, violet blouse and long, black skirt. It wasn’t exactly what she’d imagined for tonight, but it would do the job until she had time to drop in at Niemen’s to replace her evening wear.

She dabbed her favorite perfume on her wrist and placed a drop on her neck and then leaned toward the mirror to finish applying her eyeshadow. A light knock came from the front door, and she let out a nervous sigh, running a hand through her freshly dried hair then made her way to the door to answer it.

She stole a glance in the mirror between the door and her bedroom, checking once more that her breakdown from earlier wasn’t noticeable. The rollercoaster of emotions that had gone through her over the last few hours. From anxiety over her newly realized feelings toward Clark to her anguish over being victimized by way of her wardrobe. Her heart felt like it was panging against a steel drum as she reached the front door.

She managed to flash a half-smile at Clark, who stood at the door in a charcoal suit. “Eight o’clock on the dot.”

Her mind flashed back to the evening of their first date when she had rambled about finding something else to change into. How quickly things had changed.

<<"Eight o'clock. On the dot."

" Would you like more time?"

"Do I need it?!"

"No, you look great."

"I know you said burgundy, but I thought, 'why be a slave to expectations?' That's a charcoal suit, isn't it? You know, I can change. It'll only take a minute and I have some really cute things in burgundy and —"

"Lois. It's fine. I like what you're wearing. Let's just ... go.">>

She watched as the corners of his lips turned into a broad smile. She couldn't help but smile back at him. His smile was always contagious. It was a small gesture, but it still managed to melt her heart.

“You ready?” Clark asked, holding his arm out for her to take.

She could feel her hand tremble as she reached out to take his arm. She nodded, gripping his arm with all her might, hoping to bury the anxious turmoil that was swirling within her. She caught a glimpse of Clark’s concerned expression as he placed a hand over hers. The silent question on his face.

It should have been that easy. Throw on some makeup and a nice outfit and hide how scared she really was for a few hours then possibly check into a hotel until the vandal was caught. She had been kidding herself, and she knew it the second Clark reached his hand over to look her in the eye.

“Lois, what’s wrong?”

Her front teeth bit into her lower lip as she did her best to hide the thunderstorm of emotions that were raging within her. Tonight was not supposed to be like this. It was supposed to be a chance to take a step forward and allow herself to not give in to the fears that continued to torture her.

She felt his hand slip to her shoulder, cupping the curve of her shoulder blade with his palm as her eyes clamped shut, willing the fear within her to leave from where it had come. “I, uh, got another…present.” She heard the venom in her tone as she let out a sigh of defeat.

Clark’s jaw tightened, and he gestured to the phone sitting on the side table by her loveseat. “Lois, you need to call Henderson.”

“It’s fine.” Lois insisted. “I can call him later. He’s probably trying to have dinner with his family right now. I can wait.”

Clark shook his head in dismay, “Lois, you’re trembling.” He reached his hand up to cup her cheek, swiping at the stray tear that had trickled down her cheek, “Come on, what is it?”

One by one, the tears made their way down her cheeks as she let out a hoarse whisper, “They’re ruined. Completely and utterly destroyed.”

“What?” he asked, tracing the frame of her face with his palm.

Unable to find the words to articulate what she was trying to say properly, she pulled away from him, opting to show him what had been done. After all, a picture was worth a thousand words. She mumbled a quick, “Just a minute” and disappeared into the bedroom and quickly grabbed a handful of the cotton, satin, and tulle material sitting on the floor of her closet then brought it back to Clark to show him.

She tossed the fabric on the coffee table where Clark was standing. “This!” She let out a bitter snort, “This was my latest gift from whoever is behind these threats.” Her arms crossed over her chest. Clark ran a hand across his face, shaking his head in dismay. She let out a long sigh and stared back at him.

Something seemed to click within Clark, and he straightened up, “You can’t stay here, Lois. It’s not safe.” He gestured to the bedroom door. “I’ll call Henderson. Why don’t you pack a bag and…”

“I’m sorry. I’m batting zero out of two as far as dates go.” Lois let out a defeated sigh.

Clark reached out to cup her cheek, “First we’ll get you somewhere safe and then we’ll have our date. This doesn’t have to ruin anything.”

“The giant pile of shredded fabric in my closet says differently,” Lois raised an eyebrow at him, and he reached for the phone.

“Trust me,” he smiled back at her.

“We’ll see,” Lois said, unconvinced, but she still did as he requested and made her way into the bedroom to pack a bag that would get her through at least a few nights at a hotel until they had caught whoever was behind the threats. ‘If they catch them,’ she reminded herself. ‘When.’ She corrected herself. She wouldn’t rest until she had put a stop to whoever was behind this and make them pay for robbing her of the simple comfort of being able to live her life. That day was coming, but for now she was content to follow Clark’s request and see exactly how he planned to turn the evening around.


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~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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