Chapter 4:

Kim squealed with excitement and jumps up from her seat and rushes to the door. Jimmy and the reporters got up from their seats and followed Kimberly. They are just in time to see Kim jumping in the arms of a slightly older version of the man in the picture.

Jimmy quickly snaps a photo of Kim and her man. She had her arms and legs around him, he was holding her and wasn’t going to let go anytime soon, locked up in a passionate kiss. Jimmy startled when he felt a clap on his arm.

“Jimmy, we can’t use this picture. What about her privacy we aren’t like all those other tabloid’s.” Lois said a little angry.

Clark cleared his throat as it seems that the two forgot that there were still other people in the room but the two reunited lover doesn’t seem to hear so he tries again to the same result. Lois rolled her eyes and she lets out a loud whistle, the same whistle she would use to hail a cab.

That did the trick because the two lovers broke apart. Tommy startled that there were other people in the room. Tommy slowly let Kim slip from his body until she is down on her feet again but held her close. He wasn’t ready to let go yet.

“Sorry I didn’t know there were other people here,” Tommy said blushing slightly.

Kim blushed too but found her voice again quickly, “They’re here to interview me.”

“We are Lois Lane and Clark Kent from the Daily Planet and this is our photographer Jimmy Olsen,” Lois said in her reporter's voice.

“Can I take a picture of you two, one that we can use for the article?” Jimmy asked.

“What do you think, beautiful?” Tommy asked.

“It’s fine by me, handsome.” She smiled at her fiance.

Tommy took his place behind Kimberly, his arms around her waist and his chin on her shoulder. They both smiled showing a kind of love that was rare.

Jimmy takes the picture and thanks to them.

“Wait a minute. Lois Lane and Clark Kent? You are her favorite reporters. It’s so nice to meet you. I am Tommy Oliver.” Tommy said suddenly.

“Nice to meet you too, Mr. Oliver,” Clark said shaking the man’s hand.

“Please call me Tommy.” Tommy smiled, “She shows me your articles all the time and I need to say they are good. If there are two reporters that I trust to give an honest image of Kimberly, It is you two.”

“We try our best,” Clark responded.

“Let’s go and have a seat handsome. We weren’t finished yet.” Kim smiled lovingly

Tommy looked confused, “Oh the interview, right got it. Sure beautiful.” Tommy smiled. He knew that his fiance would only do this for these reporters. She wasn’t a big fan of interviews.

They all took place in the living area again to continue the interview.

“So Tommy, Kimberly already told us that you are a seventh-degree black belt. Can you tell us something more about yourself?” Lois asked

Tommy smiled at Kim who was sitting in his lap, “I see my beautiful girl has mentioned me already.” He kisses her cheek lovingly.

“More like gushed about you.” Jimmy smiled brightly.

Tommy chuckled before answering the question, “Well, I spent a few years driving race cars for my uncle’s team. I paid for my school with it.”

“Oh, beautiful before I forget. My brother David is coming to the wedding but my grandfather is too sick to travel but he will perform a traditional ceremony at the res when we are back in Angel Grove.” Tommy smiled.

“I hope Sam will be okay.” Kimberly sighed. She loved Tommy’s biological grandfather.

“David told me that it’s just a cold for now but they didn’t want to take a risk so he needs to stay home and rest,” Tommy responded.

“You have native blood?” Clark asked curiously.

“Yeah, through my biological family. I was adopted. Their name is Trueheart. It’s my father’s side of the family. The Oliver’s are my adoptive family.” Tommy smiled

“I am glad you found your biological family. I know what it’s like to know that you are adopted. I am adopted myself.” Clark said

“Oh really? Did you find your birth family? Do you have contact with them? I found mine halfway through senior year of high school.” Tommy smiled glad he found someone that knew what it was like.

“No, I don’t have any contact with them. The only thing I have are some images. They died not long after my birth. I was not so fortunate as you. I never had the chance to meet them or other family members.” Clark said thinking how to say something that he wasn’t lying but so that he didn’t give himself away either.

“I am sorry to hear that. I hope at least that you have great adoptive parents?” Tommy asked.

“The Kent’s are great. They found me and raised me as their own.” Clark smiled.

“It’s great you had such a great home to have grown up in.” Tommy smiled thinking about his own adoptive family.

There was something he didn’t understand though, “You were found you say? So you didn’t go through an adoptive agency?” Tommy asked.

Clark sighed and shook his head, “No, I was found on their doorstep and they took me in without hesitation.”

“Left on a doorstep? Who does such a thing? It’s good they took you in.” Tommy said with respect in his voice for Clark’s adoptive parents, Jonathan and Martha Kent.

Clark sighed, “I don’t know. Someone very desperate I suppose but I got a good place to grow upon, a great family who loved me, a good education, an amazing job and a lovely woman to love.”

Tommy nods, “Yeah, but still.”

“Don’t feel sorry for me, Tommy. They are my real parents for me.” Clark smiled but grew more serious, “It’s good that you are here, though. You can help keep an eye out for her.”

“Why? What’s wrong?” Tommy asked and looked at Kim who looked away from him, she was afraid to tell him.

Lois slapped Clark on the arm. She looked at him sternly.

“Beautiful, what are they talking about? What aren’t you telling me?” Tommy asked scared to death now.

Kimberly sighed deeply before turning towards Tommy, “I didn’t want to worry you, handsome but there was this guy at the press conference. He has the same name as this building. If I didn’t know any better, I would say that the man was eyeballing me in a creepy, sleazy kind of way. He jumped up in the middle of it and made a big show about how he is giving a ball in honor of the team but I think it was more for his.”

“Who is Lex Luthor?” Tommy asked a little agitated.

“I thought that when you arrived here and the interview would appear in the Daily Planet it would be fine. It’s not that I haven’t been looked at before but with this guy it’s different. This guy creeped me out but I didn’t want to worry you if it was nothing.” Kim sighed

“So sometime today we will need to go shopping for an evening dress,” Kim said trying to change the subject but Tommy wouldn’t have it.

“Who is Lex Luthor?” he asks again with a little more venom in his voice.

“Lex Luthor is a powerful man here in Metropolis. We know through Superman that he can be dangerous. I am sure Superman will keep an eye out for you.” Lois said winking at Clark hoping that nobody had noticed it.

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Last edited by LadyTpower; 10/28/19 12:08 PM.

* once a Lois and Clark fan, always a Lois and Clark fan *