I made a Note program listing them since I was always getting lost. Let's see... (a little moving around later)...
Okay, I've moved it to a Google Sheets document. Here's the link:
LnC Episode Guide w/ Abv. Also included on this episode list are some A-Plot & B-Plot, and a list of Important Guest Characters who were in that episode. As you can see from what's there, I didn't finish inputting the data.
At least the Episode Abv. are listed (which was why I had made the list in the first place.) I've made it an editable sheet; therefore, if you want to add data you should be able to do so. Hope that helps.
If you've never worked with Google Docs / Sheets before, please be aware that ANY changes you make will be saved and permanent (until someone else changes it). Therefore, be wary of any changes you do make. Thanks!