Well here's part 4. LMK what you think! Thanks to Labrat again for beta reading. Enjoy.

Part 4:

The rest of the weekend was a flurry of room service, chocolate espressos, and double fudge crunch bars, as Lois turned what should have been a weekend of R & R into a spy operation. Of course, she was pretty sure the crooks wouldn't show until Monday night. They had made that pretty clear from the calendar date she'd seen them circle. However, it never paid to assume too much in the case of thugs and madmen, as Lois was well versed.

By Sunday afternoon, at checkout time, Lois was as antsy as she had ever been. The scent of a big story was in the air, and Mad Dog was hot on the trail.

After arriving home, she called Jimmy, interrupting what he claimed was a “hot internet cafe date” with one of the planet interns, to put him to work developing her film from Friday night. She wanted to be armed and dangerous on Monday morning when she sprung her sting operation idea on Perry. She knew the Planet budget had been a little strapped lately, but she also knew this could be big. The Senate defense committee chairman would never sell out for anything less.

After checking email, doing some online research on the dirty congressman, cleaning her entire apartment twice, and exercising to her Tae Bo workout, she decided a little rest might be in order. Especially if she was still planning to debut the new, improved, trustworthy Lois Lane tomorrow.

Then she it hit her how handy it would be to have Clark in on the sting, considering he had all those useful superpowers. <And honeymooners in the honeymoon suite? Could there be a better cover?> The trick would be creating opportunities for him to use the powers without him figuring out she knew the truth.

With more time to consider the situation, she was thankful she had kept her mouth shut for once instead of becoming Mt. St. Lois. It was kind of nice to know about him, without him knowing she knew. It made her feel powerful, in charge, so to speak. Instead of feeling rushed to have all the answers, she could take her time. And considering her past federal disasters, that was a welcome change for Lois Lane.

As her mind began to weave past memories together, melding the two men into one, she could see Clark in a whole new light. And he was looking better by the minute. She could guess that he might very well have feelings for her, and why her feelings for his alter ego would have frustrated the situation for him. And she was really concerned that telling him she knew at this point would make him think she was still just mooning over Superman. She desperately wanted him to see that her feelings –whatever he could accept of them after her atrocious behavior- were ones of genuine affection for a real person, not idol worship at the feet of a god.

Because first and foremost, she had come to realize that Superman was not a god-- he was a mortal like everyone else. And that was such a relief. Because that meant she could relate. So for now, she was holding her cards and watching to see what hand would come to her in the future.

It was with a peaceful conscience that Lois's head hit the pillow Sunday night. Monday would be a new day.


It had been a long weekend for Clark Kent. After a week filled with Superman rescues, the weekend had been unusually quiet. As a rule, Clark would have welcomed the peace and solitude. But this respite only served to agitate him. Idle hands were the devil's workshop, and the little devil on his shoulder was certainly taking advantage of his free time this weekend. He knew, of course, that it would have been one huge mess if he had accepted Lois' offer of a night of lovemaking while she was drugged, but his libido refused to let up with the torment. His id was happy to make use of the free time, with visions of a naked Lois in the honeymoon suite just waiting for Superman to “drop in.”

He had actually performed several more patrols of the city than usual, hoping that the criminal element would give him a brief respite from this torture.

The only half-way reprieve he experienced was on Saturday night, when he had eaten supper with his parents in Smallville. Of course, Martha noticed his irritability, but Clark's lips were sealed. There were some things even he couldn't share with his parents, and the details of that harem costume were one of them.

And on top of that was the confusion he felt, trying to understand what seemed like a shift in her behavior since the elevator stalled Thursday afternoon. Really, no one else would have noticed. But Clark had grown accustomed to all the idiosyncrasies that were Lois Lane, and something just seemed “off”. He had sensed it during Friday afternoon, even though they had barely spoken. It was in the way he felt, rather than saw, her watching him. And at one opportune moment when he had flinched, expecting Lois' temper to let loose a little, it hadn't. Just nothing. And then she had given him a weak smile, like she didn't know the script to their relationship. And try as he might, he couldn't make it all add up.

So it was a tired Clark Kent who strode off the elevator and into the bullpen Monday morning. Scanning the room, his eyes fell on his partner, standing with Perry in front of a board while Jimmy hung up enlarged snapshots. His heartbeat accelerated as he drew closer in, and the soft floral notes of Lois' perfume permeated his nasal cavity. His mind clouded only momentarily as she smiled a hundred watt smile up at him, then he refocused on the pictures before them all.

A surprised Cat Grant sauntered up as well, asking, “Hey, isn't that...”

Lois answered before Cat could even finish, "Congressman Ian Harrington.”

Clark, as he studied the pictures, recalled the one pertinent fact that rose to the top of his brain. “Chairman of the House Defense Committee, right?”

Cat licked her lips. “And the most notoriously sexy man in Washington.”

Lois rolled her eyes. “Unsubstantiated rumors.”

Cat wasn't put off. “Mmmm...the best kind.”

Perry scrutinized the photos, zeroing in on the two men with Harrington. “But who are these two jokers?”

Jimmy piped up, “We don't know. But I'm running our Identafile program to see if we can find a match.”

Lois said, “We do know those offices are leased to a company called 'Apocalypse Consulting.' Chief, I was thinking....”

Perry read her mind, it seemed. “Let me take a wild guess: you want the Daily Planet to put you up in the honeymoon suite until we figure out exactly what is going on in Apocalypse Consulting.”

Lois smiled a victorious smile. “Thanks, Chief.”

“Now hold on just a cotton-pickin' minute. We're talkin' a major surveillance operation here.”

"Perry, it doesn't get more major than this!” Lois protested. “A Washington VIP selling highly classified information!”

Perry seemed to consider. “Maybe I should contact my source, THE source, just to make sure there's somethin' to this before we get in too deep.”

Jimmy stared in awe. “You don't mean....”

Perry cut him off. “Don't even say that name out loud!”

Lois and Clark shared a look. Then they looked back at Perry who seemed to have made a decision.

“All right, you two have got three nights.”

Clark beamed.

Lois blanched only momentarily, before adding, “I suppose having Clark along will be okay. Besides, what better cover than honeymooners in the honeymoon suite, right, Chief?”

Clark, Jimmy, and Cat stared dumbstruck, as if Lois had grown two heads.

Perry seemed momentarily stunned as well, as he had been prepared for Lois to protest, not jump on board so quickly. Warily, he added, “Lois, I'm glad you've thought this through. You know no hotel's gonna sit still while we use them as a base for spy operations. It's a good way to keep a low profile.”

Lois nodded abstractly. “Besides, there's no way I could keep round the clock surveillance all by myself. Clark, are you in?”

Clark still stood speechless, before he realized Lois was looking for a response. All he could manage was to nod his assent.

Cat's eyes narrowed jealously. Then she sashayed off.

Perry smiled approvingly, “Well, you two, skedaddle. You've got packing to do. And I have a newspaper to run. Jimmy, follow me. I have some errands for you.” And with that, he was headed to his office. Jimmy followed closely behind.

Clark was still trying to figure out exactly what he had missed when Lois lightly touched his arm. “I hope you're okay with this. I really need you in on this, partner.”

Clark smiled, and then to lighten the mood he added, “Just don't try anything funny.”

They both shared a laugh as they turned to their separate desks. He wasn't sure exactly what was causing the change in Lois Lane, but he had to say he liked it.


"Hoist her up, big fella! Smile! Come on, she can't be that heavy.” The bellboy grinned at both Lois and Clark as he filmed their “first moments of wedded bliss” for posterity. Lois ground her teeth into a pasted-on smile as Clark pretended to struggle <It had to be pretending. Good Lord, I am not that heavy!> to carry his “blushing bride” over the threshold into the honeymoon suite. From the minute they had entered the hotel, it had been one newlywed joke after another. And the bellboy was unaware his life was dangling over the precipice of Lois Lane's sanity. There was only so much a woman could take.

“How 'bout a kiss for the camera, you two?” The bellboy seemed to be taking his film making debut a little too seriously for Lois' taste. She could almost imagine he was a cockroach she could squash with the toe of her pearly white high heels. Ah! Now that thought put a genuine smile on her face.

As she turned her face toward Clark, however, all thoughts of the bellboy disappeared as he placed her feet gently on the ground, and she found herself enveloped in his strong arms. Her heart beat a staccato rhythm, as their eyes met and her mouth went dry.

“How bout it, partner?” Clark asked her so softly she knew he meant it for only her ears.

Always careful to respect her boundaries, she knew he was just playing the part of a blissful newlywed. He smiled at her with all the radiance of a beaming sun, and she could see he was searching her face for permission of some sort. For a second, his eyes focused in on hers as they came to some sort of agreement. Then, his face drew closer and closer until she could feel his breath grazing her lips. A wonderful aroma of mint toothpaste and Clark's cologne filled her senses, and she closed her eyes involuntarily.

<He's going to kiss me!> was her last coherent thought as he bent down and touched his lips to hers. Gentle and tentative, it wasn't a kiss of longtime lovers, but of two friends sealing their commitment to one another. Still, it was the most beautiful kiss she had ever experienced, because even though a ruse, it was the first time she had ever kissed Clark knowing him as he really was. His lips seemed to linger, before Lois lunged slightly forward and pulled him back to her again. Of its own volition, her tongue darted in his mouth, urgent in her need for him. He groaned as his lips came down wholeheartedly, fully engaged in this show for the bellboy, who was beginning to get a little uncomfortable by this public display.

Anxiously, the bellboy spoke up. “Uh...I'm going to shut off the camera now. That was great. I'll go get your things.” The breeze he created as he slipped past them pulled Lois from the cloudy haze within her brain, as, gently, their lips parted. Clark stepped back, touching his hand to his lips in an awkward gesture. An uncomfortable silence settled over them like a thick blanket, as Lois searched for something to say. She smiled shyly at Clark, reminding herself to play it cool.

“May I kiss the bride?” As if on cue, Jimmy stepped into the room, beaming from ear to ear.

Lois rolled her eyes at the inane joke, happy for the diversion. “The next person who cracks a newlywed joke gets fitted for a body cast.”

The obnoxious bellboy stepped back through, quite pleased with himself. Addressing Lois, he said, “Hanging garments are in the closet, toiletries are in the bathroom, the rest of your clothes are in the drawers to the left.”

Lois was livid. “You unpacked my things?!”

The bellboy just smiled. “This is a full service hotel, madam.” And then he did something Lois found unbelievable. He held out his hand for a tip.

Thankfully, for the bellboy that is, Clark came to his rescue by handing him some money and gently escorting him to the door. Lois turned back to Jimmy. “What are you doing here? We're supposed to be undercover.”

With a smile he answered, “Surveillance equipment.” Laying the bag down beside the red plush sofa, he gave a nod to Clark before turning and heading back out the way he had come.

Finally beginning to relax, Lois situated herself on the sofa. Clark grinned at her as he walked back from the door to sit in the chair beside the sofa. She eased out of her high heels, stretched her arms, and said, “Well, Clark, how 'bout room service?”


Several hours had passed, during which Lois and Clark had changed out of their work clothes and in to more comfortable attire. Lois had put on a purple baggy shirt and sleep shorts, while Clark was wearing a muscle tee and sweatpants. The remains of room service-- a pasta dinner and some sort of death-by-chocolate cake Lois couldn't resist ordering-- were cast aside by the door. Now they both sat on the couch as Lois examined the surveillance equipment while Clark shuffled a deck of cards.

Clark casually glanced at his partner out of the corner of his eye. His head was still spinning from that kiss earlier. <It was just a ruse. Lois was just playing a part.> He had chided himself for wanting to think any more than that. Still, it was a nice kiss. When it came to undercover work, he figured Lois Lane to be a darn fine actress.

And try as he might to convince himself it was a meaningless moment, he still couldn't seem to stamp out the urge to go and do aerial cartwheels in the sky. <Focus, Kent. You've made so much progress with Lois lately. The last thing you need to do is get too close and scare the daylights out of her. Just let her take the lead.>

Searching for some mundane statement to break the ice once more, he asked “Want to play cards? How about Old Maid?” He smiled at her as he waggled his eyebrows for comic effect.

“Clark, we're here to work, not play.”

“What if no one shows?”

“Then the honeymoon's over. Don't worry, they'll show. They made it real clear when they circled this date on their calendar.” Lois fiddled with the directional control of the microphone, listening with morbid curiosity to a fight going on in a nearby room.

Clark nodded his disapproval before he reached over and turned the mike back down. Fielding her irritated glance at his interference, he said, frustrated, “People are entitled to their private thoughts and lives, Lois. Who are we to judge?”

Lois contemplated his statement thoughtfully before speaking. Then she studied him intensely as she spoke. “You're right, Clark. There are some things that are too personal for public consumption. I guess I just hate being on the outside of any secret. Don't you?”

Clark sat stunned. <How was it possible to be this awestruck by one person in only two or three days?>he wondered. Somehow, Lois had turned his comments against her current behavior around until it felt like she was indicting him for his behavior. <But she doesn't know that.> How did Lois know how to up the stakes like that?

He answered back, weighing each word slowly and carefully. “I guess that all depends.”

Lois fired back instantly, “Depends on what? I mean, at least from the perspective of being a journalist, it seems like you would hate being on the outside of knowing something just for the sake of knowing it. I mean, there is so much freedom in knowing, isn't there?”

“Not always. Sometimes with knowledge comes responsibility, Lois. Sometimes when we know things, there is accountability. And what we know might change our perspective about what we thought we knew before. Theoretically speaking, of course.”

“Okay, fine, but you're telling me if I had a really big secret, as my partner you wouldn't want me to tell you?”

“I might not, if it was something that could ruin our friendship. Everyone has secrets, Lois. Some are just bigger than others.” <And mine just happens to be the King Kong of them all. Oh Lois, if only you knew> This had to be the weirdest conversation he'd had with Lois to date, bar none. Well, maybe not, if you considered that he talked to her all the time, only she had no clue due to glasses, tights, and hair gel.

Lois' anger seemed to subside a little. She seemed to plead with him as she spoke. “Oh, Clark, you can be such a lunkhead sometimes. What kind of friendship would we have if we can't really trust each other with the important stuff? I'm not saying sharing personal things is easy. I mean, look at me. I kind of pride myself on keeping most people at arms' length. But when it comes to us, Clark, you're my best friend. And I know I'm high maintenance sometimes, but the fact of the matter is, I trust you.”

Clark's anger flared up as he said, “Oh yeah? Well then, why don't you trust me about Luthor?”

Lois fumbled for a moment. “Because...well, I don't know why I haven't trusted you about Luthor before. I guess because every time his name comes up, you act like some overgrown jealous baboon! It's hard to take those kind of comments really seriously.”

Pausing to regain control of her own slowly rising temper, she continued, “Is there more to it than that, Clark? I'm listening now. So if there's more to it than that, I'd like to know. But don't you dare treat me like a child!”

He paused, trying to calm his own emotions. “Lois, I don't have any proof to give you. But this has nothing—well, very little-- to do with jealousy. You just have to take my word that the guy is bad news. And if you can't trust me on that, why would you think that me—I mean, you-- telling me a big secret of yours would do wonders for our relationship?” <Score one for Kent.> His emotions might have got the better of him, but she deserved that and more. Love or no love, Clark Kent was no one's fool, he thought.

Silence loomed for several seconds before Lois spoke. Her countenance seemed to change from anger to deep sadness in a matter of moments. She said, “I guess you're right. So if you say he's bad, I trust you. You know, I'm supposed to be this great investigative reporter. And yet I seem to have a knack for total blindness when it comes to the men in my life. No one ever seems to turn out to be what they present themselves to be. And I am always the last one to know.” All the wind knocked out of her sails, Lois sank back into the couch.

Clark's heart softened. “Lois, you are the best investigative reporter I know. I think, when it comes to people close to us, maybe everyone is a little blind. You have to take people you care about at face value. Otherwise, you're not trusting them enough to have that relationship.”

“I suppose. Still, it'd be nice to think some of the people you care about would care enough back to be honest with you when they had the chance, so you wouldn't have to see through them to know them.” Lois turned her gaze to him in earnest, and he began to wonder if Lois knew more than she was letting on. <You're just being paranoid, Kent!>

He measured his words carefully, knowing someday they could very well come back to haunt him. He looked at her hopefully. “Maybe sometimes people don't tell all their secrets because they need you to see through them to know them. Maybe they need to know you see them and not their secret.”

Somehow, Lois's hand had found its way on top of his own. “And maybe, Clark, sometimes the ones we care about need to hear us say those secrets. Maybe they need to know that they've earned that trust. That there really are no more walls there between them.” She looked at him in a peculiar way, one he had never seen before.

Clark tried to read her face, searching for a deeper meaning there. But he really couldn't be sure. He was strongly tempted to bare his soul to her that instant. But his insecurities held him back. If he was reading her wrongly, it could be the most devastating thing he had ever done in their relationship. And she was the most important thing in the world to him. He just didn't feel brave enough yet. He felt shame wash over him as he thought, <Clark Kent, you may think you're no one's fool. But you are definitely Lois Lane's coward.> He sighed.

“Maybe when they're big secrets, the people who care about us most have the most to lose by sharing them. And maybe they even want to. It's just a matter of wanting the perfect time to do it.”

Lois smiled. “Clark, I don't know if there is ever a perfect time. I think sometimes you just have to take a chance.” She stopped, and when he didn't speak she rose from the couch and started toward the bedroom. “In any case, I'm going to bed. You've got first shift. Wake me when our friends across the way show up.”

Clark was caught off guard by her abrupt change in topic. Then he grinned. “Hold on a minute. Aren't you forgetting something?”


“It's our first night alone together.”

Lois replied impatiently, “So?”

“So...we flip for the bed?”

“How about...I get the bed, I lend you a pillow?”

“How about we alternate nights?”

“How 'bout we don't?”

Clark looked smug. “Well, it's a really big bed. How about we share?”

Self assured in his question, Clark's mouth dropped open at Lois' response.

“All right, Clark. I trust you to be a gentleman. We'll share.” Her grin dared him to back off. He should have known a game of chicken with Lois never went in anyone's favor.

Clark swallowed the lump in his throat. What could he do? He'd look silly if he backed off now, but what kind of sick torture would it be to lie in bed with Lois in the honeymoon suite? His libido attempted to remind him of those fantasies he had indulged in only this weekend, but he quickly squashed it back down. Nope, not going there. Not with Lois standing less than six feet away, staring at him and grinning. Nope, he'd endure the torture before his male pride would take a beating. And a gentleman he would be.

He had to focus to get his voice back on an even pitch when he spoke. <Come on, Kent. It's not like you're a fifteen-year-old out behind the Dairy Freeze with your best girl. This is your partner. *Work* partner.> “Great. I'll, um, set the mike up in the bedroom where I can hear it. Then we'll, um, I'll be along in a minute.”

“Fine. I'll take first dibs in the bathroom.” And with that she turned and walked away.

<What have you done? Idiot, Kent! What kind of idiot are you?> As succinctly as possible, he set up the surveillance equipment. He and Lois took turns getting ready for bed, with Lois leaving on the clothes she was wearing and Clark exchanging his sweat pants for a pair of athletic shorts.

Before he walked out of the bathroom, he steeled himself. <We are just friends. We are just friends,> he chastised himself vigorously as he walked out to meet his doom.

wave wave

(Elrond's blessing at the departure of the company from Rivendell)

"Farewell, and may the blessing of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you.
May the stars shine upon your faces!"
-Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien